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The general evening post13.03.1760/14.03.1760/15.03.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. März 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] cořtinued in the mutiny-biil, and the faid marine and mariners aĉts were continued for another year. Befide iheſe, they pafed an ast for the ſpeedy and effet: recruiting of his Majesty’s land forces and matin:3 by which they emasted, that the Commiſſioners therein a?: [...]
[...] commiſſioners ſhould find any perſoh ſo brought befºre EITI, |- | :: the exceptions afterwards mentioned in the ast ; and if the recruiting officer attending: fhould judge him to be a man fit fór his Majesty's ſervice, they ſhould [...]
[...] Parliament for a vigorous profecution of the ""; and air, the confidence they repoſed in the jastice and mode ration of our miniſters, than their agreeing tº th:: ast, which in die hands of a wicked and enterprif;"g : äration might have been made ſu: of as wou [...]
[...] Engineers; þpt as this could not by the aå offettlement , be done without the authority of parliament, therefore in this festion að ást was paſſed, for enabling his Majesty · ::::::en:iſſions to agenain number offoreign Pro teſtats who have ferved abroad as officers, or engineers, ... ... [...]
[...] day, under certain restriếtions and qualifications, viz. that they ſhould in ſome of our colonies in Ämerica hualify i emſelves as dirested by the ast i Geo. 1. chap. 23. and that they ſhould at the fame time produce cerfi ficates as difested by the ast 13 Geo. 2. chap. 7. of their. [...]
[...] Portion to the original purchafe money, and the remain 1ng : : : 10 : All thefe asts had been brought in, and all but t last had paſſed both houſes b: 17th of May :: when war was in form declared againſt France; and the ' [...]
[...] fation between two Nightingales at Ratifbore, Rei Defert Iſland; a Dramatic Poem, Remaks on The Him ; a Comedy in three Asts. An interetting Est of the Principles of the preſent Times. Memors Rutland. Extraćł from a new Work, called the [...]
The general evening post28.06.1760/29.06.1760/30.06.1760/01.07.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Juni 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] laden with bale gods, and was ordered to perform quarantine in Stangate-Creek, but the Captain and 22 men went en fhore, contrarv to the ast cf parliament. The jury gave a verdist for the King. The Penally is 5col. for the Captain o Master who ſhall go [...]
[...] ty; to be produced ani determined as above, Ten Guinea, To be made with Cravons of Water Colosti, | For the beſt Drawings or Compoſitions of Beasts or i:i:ast: or deal Game ; or still Life from Nature, by Girls under u:4 Twenty; to be produced and determined as above, Ten Guinea. *** [...]
[...] 0:n, hall receive frºm William Adair, Eſq; A se t to the , :::iment, Twenty Sh Hings Rewar“, over and above the tysilings allowed by Ast of t’ai i13 m et: [...]
[...] Fate, that olympus was the Council feat of the Gods. Further ilgiliacions of fone Pastages in Shakeſpear. Operings to bº made in London, puruant to the lite ast. Various Thoughts ºn various . subjects, Diſpoſition of ali his Mºjzíty s Land Forçºs, a ne of the ships of the Line. Contest relativē to the Title and Estate of the [...]
[...] Estimat, of te pºt of the Navy. The abſurd Prºtº* of the Meth aists d ſplayed. Candid Criticistris on the Dialovues of the Dead. Áſtrat of the rost important Asts of latt Sºtºº: Extra ordir y ríſ éts of Electricity in the l'a (y. Full Accourt of our Last in iar succeſſes. Anſwer to a Bibical Queſtion: A curious [...]
[...] of Pit céal. Premiums propoſed by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. Liſt of Openings to be made in the City of London, parfuant to Ast of Parliament, Journal of the War in Germany. News foreign and domeſtic. Meteorological fournal of the Weather. [...]
The general evening post09.10.1760/10.10.1760/11.10.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 09. Oktober 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] [Continued from Saturday la, N Penfilvania, the Quakers had, at ast to país, for arraying and arming that province; which ast was paíſed in N and was intitled, An Ast for the better or. [...]
[...] had been of great fervice to the French in this war: Theſe were all the warlike occurrences worth our notice, that happened in ast: part of America, duriºg the year 1756 : for notwithstarding ""; fu eriority at fea, we attempted nething against any of the French [...]
[...] HE RAKE of T ASTE; or, The Ei. EGANT DEBAUcHEE, A True STORY. Printed for I. Pottinger, in Paternoſter-Row [...]
The general evening post27.11.1760/28.11.1760/29.11.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. November 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] with him was, in many refpests, directly contrary to ourº | own particular interefts. By beginaing the attack, and committing the firſt ast of hostility, he had reaſona therefore, to conclude, that he would unite Austria, France, Ruffia, and Saxony, againſt him ; and that En [...]
[...] would overlook every aggrefion he complained of (nonº. of which could be fáid to be manifest) and would, from his committing the first ast of hºftility, confider itſelf as free from any obligation to affilt him; and, confequently, that he could expect no affistance from any aly, but [...]
[...] -:Całcraft, Efq; at his Office in Channel-Row, Weitminster, ſhall receive. Qne Guinea Reward for tach, over and above what is allowed by Ast of Parliament for apprehending of Deferters, [...]
[...] How far the other courts, and Suits and Actions commenced therein: How fºr the feveral Officers ºf Justice, and whether they may ast, or ate fufpended therefrom till qualified, and how and when to qualify thenafelves, and his Majeſty's Royal Proclamation · cencerning the fºme : . And particularly, whether a Criminal at [...]
[...] which of their offices are determined i, of their Salaries, and how , raiſed. A ſhort Review of the feveral Asts of Grace, and the Crimes and perſons excepted thereộut: Confederatiºns : le lnfo); vency Act (which is expeaed will be foon paffed) what Perfon will : [...]
The general evening post09.12.1760/10.12.1760/11.12.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 09. Dezember 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Thurist's **. :- !’a, ers, 7 w o'. | 13eg a':': "arsi se, 2 vo). * * , - Nerv asting 4, T ; I U. - * • • - - alued at - o !, and upwards, which will be included in the Purchaſe. - ara [...]
[...] - s- Ant unium árawala * * r^ELESTIAL Moſeſ whoſe charming foºt - \ , Can fix the asts that gide alon [...]
[...] excellent Remedy in the World for al! 1 of this Effence convert a Glafs of tai Property sf Astes Milk, blended and balmy ethereal Particles of the Balfan, vwhich exceed the moſt fanguine Expº [...]
[...] an Account not fu ported with an A grounded upon the Authority of the being an infallible Curc in ail Ast'm*' or Hoa: feneſs, and in Confund Fºº entirely deſtroyed, the balſamic teſtºr [...]
The general evening post14.10.1760/15.10.1760/16.10.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 14. Oktober 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] , ! A ing tº remark, the univerfal complacency and de light, which all men fhew, either in the fight or in the feation of asts of mercy. Nothing gives fuch general fatisfastion in the chatasters of great men ; and nothin is fo frequently ſpoken of, as thoſe asts of clemency, by [...]
[...] In a Neat P O C K E T V O L U M E, (Price 2 s. fewed) H E RAKE of T ASTE ; or, The E LE GANT DE B AUCH EE. A True S T O RY. Printed for I. Pottinger, in Paternoster-Row. [...]
[...] Light upon this intricate Subject: An Authors who have treated on Minera of waters, difperfed in the Asts of th Europe, are collected and properly dige [...]
The general evening post29.01.1760/30.01.1760/31.01.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 29. Januar 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] keep his apartment. The laſt letters from Cádiz adviſe, that Adm. Broderick failed again from that Pº" the 24th :ast:onth:iih four men of war and five frig"::: having been obliged to leave behind him three of the largeň ſhips of his fleet, which were fo much damaged [...]
[...] quarters, but that the rigour of the weather totally prevented both from asting: Ratisten, 7an 17. Nothing pafes either in Saxony, or Bohemia. - [...]
[...] - , * i re : „" ;: i ** : " . “ The report of the fine: #š:#; being to i: th: :::: ofa new ármy, dețined'? ast in ::::: is confirmed. „İt was determined in Council on Sunda; : ht:This army will confit ºf: [...]
[...] Printed for 3, and R. Tonſon, in the Strand. of whom alſo may he had, As rosv. aud cuxor at » : : historical Play, alter'd from ŠHAKESPEARE, and now asted a the Theatre-Royal in Drwy Lant. [...]
The general evening post13.11.1760/14.11.1760/15.11.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. November 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] |ran, Rºyal Navy, Shipping, Seamen, Interior Policy, &c. of ċ: Britin aan ikland i ameng which there are º cºnti":" :ast: relating tº the Manufacturies, Sommerce, Colonies, Public iraus, &c. ºf France, Srain, Holland, and other Trading Tariki. [...]
[...] hen : :::::: lis prefsnt Meisty þega: his Reign; ! The commerce and Navigation of all the American Colonies. N.B. The Proprietors think it needlefs to paſs any Encomium: :::: * 1. io :::: e with Right af Sovereignty: , of tle Pregla- The Standard of Gold and Suver Coins of the World. on this Performance ; nor, indeed, can they give a fitonger Proof -ạn: ::::: li oronation : : fºr the Den: ast: the High | The Foreign Exchanges and their Arbitration, throughout Europe. of the uncommon Approbation it has met with from the Public - ái iC : arliament, and whether the fan eis dur ved or continues; į Inſurances in ajł Lights. Foreign Weights and Meatures. than by mentioning the Sale, which already amounts to up": #:: ow-far the other Courts, and Suits and Actions coramenced Generai Laws, Cuſtoms, and Ufages of Merchants. of Thirteen 1 houſand, º , *** -- [...]
[...] ow-far the other Courts, and Suits and Actions coramenced Generai Laws, Cuſtoms, and Ufages of Merchants. of Thirteen 1 houſand, º , *** -- erein : How far the feveral Officers o fustice, and whether they Tables of the custom-Houſe Duties, with Explanations of that ---- - * } ast, : : : "till ovalificº, and how and Part of the Revenue. , |- • * This Day ruras publiſhed, * - 4 -ħin to qualify themſelves, and his Majeſty's Royal Proslanition Marine Laws. Treates of commerce. Fiſheries. - * « in teaſ* i - ºrº * :::: ncerning the feme: And particularly, whether a Criminal at- Britiſh Funds and l’ultic Credit, * * - . "::: : : on a uns Paper, * : [...]
[...] and feveral N. bi men : the heleli strik, &c. . and latent Fevers, włnch are generally miastken for Vapour : ' •„º i his Me ſicíne, which has ever finCC :: 5:: ter, .“ * - see the Narrative of is: Me eine; pinted for Mrs. and Hysterics. It is extremely effectual in the SM a 1 : Pax Eaton, been prepared only ty myſelf and "y }a :M « Cooper, at the Gio: in Paterno, : kow , alſo the știi: Review M z ast Es, and St. An 't Hors y's F 1 R r ; -and a fingłe ööſer: cording to his original Receipt, is nº : made and fe :::: . . for the Monst o: May, and de Monty Review, fer de Month markably tłops the Progreſs of a Cold, and certainly revents Newbery, at the ñible and Sun in St. pººl s Church r: X. of August fast, en tº 3 *: : yf: has cured a great Nura; the 1łl ::::::::: arafing from that very common Diſorder, who alone is ppf sted of the faid original Rºº": paſ [...]
The general evening post18.03.1760/19.03.1760/20.03.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 18. März 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] points of confideration. : : : ... --. " " :: *: Ali aas of Parliamentare executed by the Sovereign, and they are the asts of the Crown, as appears"by the ? enasting claufe, which always runs thus: Beiteratistſ : by the King's mõft excelleist Maj:ty, by and with t [...]
[...] the advice and confent of Parliament: " " :"... :,: :::::::::::::::: are aas of pierogative, yet the authority fºr executi | fuch asts has been, and we trust will be again, the advic and conſent of Parliament. Execution is the proper" · : of the head of the ::::::ältli; ddi [...]
[...] : why hea ſhould peace be concluded without fuch: authority ? the making peace as well as declaring war; are both sppoſed to bě asts for the good of the prope; and it is ſtränge to imagine tha either ſhould be crited into execution without their advice and conferit, * [...]
[...] Siettin, March 2. General Manteuffel will be imme diately exchanged, and retake the command of the corps defined to ast against the Swedes. |- · · Another corps of nearly the fame force is forming, to oppoſe the enterprizes of the Ruffians in the Lower [...]
The general evening post02.11.1756/03.11.1756/04.11.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. November 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Asting of thirty Perſons, ºu" of and frºm: the Members ºf the faid Society. S. BETHELL. [...]
[...] neated. Price I s. - 3. The History of Sin and Herefy attempted. Pric*** 3. seandret on the sacrament..., Ptice.** ást,- Dial P $. Denderius ; or, The original págin. A príhº P of" TlC¢ $ 6, [...]
[...] |cine for ther Heirs. It reċtific: ali Ditor ters of the St;ma.h |- structi ns, hºgł - n* - ***** - - ------- - - - - . :--:-, -, ---- ghly neceſſary to be read by al Perſons w - creates an Apiente, yr cyre, a gºdd Ugedion, and in a ::::: : . were: Aste: si: any o: cf : s: V::::::: neis o Body, or Desny-of Conſtitution-off any kind, is a moffifi. }d : 'neighbouring Ports: bi-' + ...“, i tº -- , 4 91 [...]
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