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Saturday review[Beilage] 15.05.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Mai 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] WITHOUT both LABEL and BRAND NONE is [...]
[...] EVERY CORK is BRANDED with the words APOLLI [...]
[...] W ITHOUT this LABEL and BRAND NONE is GENUINE. [...]
[...] THE BRAND of an ANCHOR, SURRoUNDED by the WORDS [...]
[...] - - - I OUIS SILDERBERG will undertake to º Noblemen, —l Gentlemen, Clubs. and Hotels with any CIGARS of the same brands and qualities as they are in the habit of smoking at 5s. to 20s. per Box less than they can obtain them for else where. A Sample Box of every description of Cigars sent on receipt of Post Office Order for [...]
[...] This celebrated and most delicious old mellow Spirit is the very CREAM of IRISH WHISKIES, is unrivalled. perfectly pure, and more wholesome than the finest Cognac Brandy. Note the Red Seal. Pink Label, and Cork branded “Kinahan's. LL. Whisky.” Wholesale Depot, 20 GREAT TITCili IELD STREET. OXFORD STREET, W. E LAZENBY & SON'S PICKLES, SAUCES, and CON [...]
[...] brand in the Family. By FLORA. F. WYLDE. 3 vols. 31.s. 6d. [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 14.08.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. August 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Thi ebrated and most delicious old mellow Spirit is the very CREAM of IRISH whisk IF * unrivated, perfectiy pure, and more wholesome than the finest Cognac Brandy. Note the Red Seal. Pink Label, and Cork branded “Kinahan's. LL. Whisky.” Wholesale Depot, 20 GREAT TITCHFIELD STREET, Oxfor D STREET, W. [...]
[...] PURE AERATED WATERS. — ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS.–CrystAL Springs.--Soda. Potass, Seltzer, i.emonade, T,ithia ; and, for Corks branded “R. ELLIS & SON, RUth IN.” and every Label bears their Trade Mark. Sold everywhere. and Wholesale of R. ELLIS & SON, fruthin, North Wales. London Agents: W. BEST & Soxs. Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. [...]
[...] NEW AND REVISED EDITION OF BRANDE'S DICTIONARY. On Friday next, in 3 vols. medium 8vo. price 63s. [...]
[...] the Scientific terms in #. use, together with the History and Descrip tions of the Scientifis Principles of º every Branch of Human Know ledge. Edited by W. T. BRANDE, F.R.S. &c., late of H.M. Mint, and §. the Rev. G. W. Cox, M.A. Author of “Mythology of the Aryan a. [...]
Saturday review05.01.1867
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Januar 1867
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] French sources of inspiration, yet the crib, if crib it be, is not very manifest, and the result is in a manner satisfactory. The story opens with the arrival at Sumpton Lumley of Brand Lumley, the new squire. His cousin Stephen, the last owner, has been dead these four years; but Brand has only just come [...]
[...] of action, she was as good as she was fair, as generous in soul as she was liberal in hand. Consequently, Brand Lumley loved her. True, she had rejected him in days gone by, because he was poor, and Stephen, his cousin, was the squire; [...]
[...] but to honest-hearted men º: are bygones, and who would spoil the present for the sake of the defaced past? Besides, every one loved Margaret. Victory loved her; and Brand loved her; the only person who did not love her—and she, indeed, * to have an almost insane hatred for her—was Esther [...]
[...] reference to a prior marriage, and that poor, tattered, starved, and poverty-stricken Victory is iawfully the heir to the great Lumley estates. Brand, chafing at the summons which takes him from his beautiful Margaret, and from all the warmth and colour and delicious home luxury of his house, into the bleak desolation [...]
[...] his daughter breathed her last when he returns home, and, after conducting himself at the bedside in the brutal manner habitual to him, has an altercation with Brand Lumley, of which Victory, who is listening, can only catch a word or two from among the angry storm of sounds. resently she hears Brand say, “They [...]
[...] is subdued to fashionable bondage, and the bondage becomes her. On the whole, Victory is fast growing into a strangel beautiful creature, and Brand is losing his disgust for her, thoug still always in love with Margaret. So much in love with Margaret indeed is he that one evening, when a little unduly [...]
[...] course there is great disquiet, some disappointment, and more annoyance; but Margaret consoles herself with Archie Carmichael, an old lover of hers held long in the balance with Brand Lumley, and Brand takes Victory home as his acknowledged, if as yet .# nominal, wife. [...]
[...] nominal, wife. After a great deal of delicate byplay, during which Victory, who has been from the first passionately in love with Brand, is tortured with jealousy and despair, and driven to the wildest and maddest exhibitions of the same, the climax is reached. The [...]
[...] been, but is no longer, the great obstacle to Brand's happiness and love. Seized with what the French would call the sublime desire of self-effacement, she makes off to an old haunt of hers, Far [...]
[...] and the two go out into the wide world together. n the deathbed of the old sinner, which follows soon after, he confesses that he had shot Brand Lumley just before her arrival. On this Victory hurries back to Sumpton, Lumley again, when she sees her beloved Brand through the window, safe and sound as ever, [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 22.05.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. Mai 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] This celebrated and most delicious old mellow Spirit is the very CREAM of IRISH WHISKIES, is unrivalled, perfectly pure, and more wholesome than the finest Cognac Brandy. Note the Red Seal, Pink Label, and Cork branded “Kinahan's. LL. Whisky.” Wholesale Depot, 20 GREAT TITCHFIELD STREET, OXFORD STREET, W. [...]
[...] PURE AERATED WATERS. — ELLISS RUTHIN WATERS.–CRYSTAL SPRINGS.–Soda. Potass, Seltzer. Lemonade, I.ithia ; and, for Gout, Lithin and Potass. Corks branded “R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN,” and every Label bears their Trade Mark. Sold everywhere, and Wholesale of R. ELLIS & SON, Ruthin, North Wales. London Agents: W. BEST & Soxs, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. [...]
[...] rates. With respect to sparkling wines, and more especially Champagnes, it is very much the fashion in England to judge them by the labels on the bottles and the brands on the corks, rather than the actual flavour of the wine itself. Champagne drinkers are not generally aware that their favourite wine is never the produce of a single [...]
[...] thousand gallons each, in which they mix the raw wine, and make what they term their cuvée. When their stocks run low, they even buy this win brut from each other, so that in reality such difference as exists between the various brands arises far more from the character of the liqueur added to the wine than any actual variation in the wine itself. Owing to this circumstance, some of the finest Cham [...]
[...] distance, in order to meet the demands of too numerous customers. The APOLLI NARIs CoMPANY, therefore, instead of following the ordinary rule, and offering Champagnes of well-known brands at exorbitant prices, have determined to intro duce to the public certain pure wholesome wines (which they can guarantee as genuine growths of the Champagne district), requiring only to be known to be [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 28.08.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. August 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] This celebrated and most delicious old mellow Spirit is the very CREAM of IRISH WHISKINS, is unrivalled; perfectly pure, and more wholesome than the finest Cognac Brandy. Note the Red Seal. Pink Label, and Cork branded “Kinahan's. LL. whisky.” Wholesale Depot, 20 GREAT TITCHFIELD STREET, OxfortD STREET, w. [...]
[...] WATERSi-rºy STAL SPRINGS: Soda,Potass, Seltºer: Heinºnade; Lithia ; anºl, for Gout, Lithin and Potass. Corks branded “R. ELLIS & SON, RUTH IN.” and every Label bears their Trade Mark. uthin, [...]
[...] New AND REVISED EDITION of BRANDE's DICTIONARY. Now ready, in 3 vols. medium 8vo. price 63s. [...]
[...] comprising the Definitions and Derivations of the Scientific terms in general use, together with the History and Descriptions of the Scientific Principles of nearly every Branch of Human Knowledge. Edited by W. T. BRANDE, F.R.S. &c. late of H.M. Mint, and by the Rev. G. W. Cox, M.A. Author of “Mythology of the Aryan Nations,” &c. New Edition, revised. [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 22.03.1873
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. März 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] In addition to a very extensive and profitable home trade, the firm has a large connexion on the continent of Europe, particularly in Germany, and also in the United States. Indeed its brand may be said to have attained a world-wide cele brity, and everywhere commands the highest price in the market. The various mineral and manufacturing properties have been acquired from time [...]
[...] It need hardly be observed that the goodwill of a business of such high reputa tion and standing, established for so long a period as nearly three-quarters of a century, and whose brand is so well known throughout the world, must of itself be of great value; but, owing to the circumstances before referred to of the death of the late Proprietor, the Company now established will enter upon the business with [...]
[...] out making any payment whatever to the Executors on this account. The Company acquires the whole of the Properties and Stocks (together with the Brand, Trading Name, and Goodwill), and takes over the business as a going concern, as from December 31 last, at the price of £290,370. Of this sum the Executors are willing that £140,000 should be a deferred payment for five years, bearing interest [...]
[...] This celebrated and most delicious old mellow Spirit is the very CREAM of IRISH WHISKIES, is unrivalled; perfectly, pure, and more wholesome, than the finest. Cognac Brandy. Note the Red Seal, Pink Label, and Cork branded “Kinahan's. LL. Whisky.” Wbolesale Depot, 20 GREAT TITCHFIELD STREET, OXFORD STREET, W. [...]
[...] PURE AERATED WATERS. — ELLIS’S RUTHIN WATERS, Soda. Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade. Lithia ; and for Gout, Lithia and Potass. Corks branded “R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN,” and every Label bears their Trade Mark. Sold everywhere and Wholesale of R. ELLIS & SON, Ruthin, North Wales. London Agents: W. BEST & Soxs, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 19.06.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. Juni 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] EN 1 N the paper. LOUI. SILBERBERG will undertake to supply Noblemen, Gentlemen, Clubs. and Hotels with any CIGARS of the same brands and qualities as they are in the habit of smoking at ºs. to 20s. per Box less than they can ºbtain them for else where. A Sample Box of every description of Cigars sent on receipt of Post Office Order for [...]
[...] K This celebrated and most delicious old mellow Spirit is the very CREAM of IRISH WHISKIES, is unrivalled; perfectly pure, and more wholesome , than the finest, Cognac Brandy. Note the Red Seal, Pink Label, and Cork branded “Kinahan's. LI, . Whisky.” Wholesale Depôt, 20 GREAT TITCHFIELD STREET, OXFORD STREET, W. [...]
[...] WATERS.–CF YSTAL SPRINGS.–Soda. Potass. Seltzer, Lemonnale, Lithia ; and, for Gout, Lithia and Potass. Corks branded “R. ELLIS & SON, RUTIII and every Label bears their Trade Mark. Sold every where. and Wholesale of R. El & SON, Kºi. North Wales. London Agents: W. BEST & SONs. Henrietta Street. Cavendish Square. [...]
[...] brand in the Family. By FLOHA. F. WYLDE. 3 vols. 31.s. 6d. [...]
Saturday review12.12.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Dezember 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] were angry at having lost a seat, and petitioned against Mr. DoRRINGTON's return. The petition was successful, and Mr. DoRRINGTON was replaced by Mr. BRAND. This was the fourth election in one year, and it might havebeen thought that the teachings of experience would not have [...]
[...] way. On the contrary, scarcely anything was omitted to make the conduct of the election as discreditable as possible. Mr. BRAND was returned, and we now know how Mr. BRAND's seat was won for him. Every artifice that ingenuity could devise was employed to win the seat by [...]
[...] illegal means, and yet keep the sitting member free from responsibility. A secret fund was raised and spent, but it was not intended to pass through the hands of Mr. BRAND's agents. The management of affairs was not entrusted to any one responsible person on Mr. BRAND's behalf. There [...]
[...] summer it seemed as if the whole population of the moon, if there is any, had taken it into their heads to come to the earth and to stroll about trying to get Mr. BRAND in for Stroud. [...]
[...] pulous men who determined to get him in by illegal means What they wanted was not the personal friendship of Mr. BRAND, but that their man should win, and their local enemies be defeated ; that they should be able to pace about Stroud with the air of conquering heroes. [...]
[...] They had money, and party spirit made them glad to part with their money to gain ends of their own. Of course Baron PIGOTT pronounced Mr. BRAND perfectly clear of any suspicion of having himself authorized what had been done. It is indispensable for those who want to win an [...]
[...] that has just closed, “What have we to do with all this P” Fortunately it happened that in one clear case a very humble agent of Mr. BRAND was shown to have given half a-guinea in bribery, and so Mr. BRAND was unseated. But case after case of bribery was proved, and the counsel for [...]
[...] and defeated with impunity. The spiriting away of WoRKMAN was brought home to a person who had acted as agent of Mr. BRAND at the last election; but this could not void the election, for the question was whether the seat had been obtained by illegal means. That WoRKMAN had [...]
[...] on Work MAN and bribed him. But most conveniently the agent did not open his own letters, and how was Mr. BRAND to be responsible for some wicked person opening his agent's letters, and then, without saying a word to the agent, rushing off and bribing one of the [...]
[...] for the bribery nor for the abduction of the witness; and if all the cases of illegal practices had but been managed as cleverly as this one was managed, Mr. BRAND would have retained his seat, and the joy of the Liberals of Stroud would have been complete. [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 29.05.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. Mai 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] OUIS SILBERBERG will undertake to supply Noblemen, - Gentlemen, Clubs. and Hotels with any CIG ARS of the same brands and qualities as they aº the habit of smºking at ºs. to zes, per Box ſess than they can obtain them for else here. A Sample, Box of every description of Cºurs sent on receipt of Post Office Order for [...]
[...] whisk IES, is unrivalled; perfectly pure, and more wholesome , than the finest Brandy. Note the Red Seal. Pink Label, and Cork branded “Kinahan's. LI, . Whisky. Wholesale Depot, 20 GREAT TITCLIFIELD STREET, OXFORD STREET, W. [...]
[...] brand in the Family. By FLORA. F. WYLDE. 3 vols. 31.s. 6d. [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 03.01.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. Januar 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Henry R. Brand, Esq., M.P. 9ctavius E. Coope, Esq. John Coope Davis, Esq. [...]
[...] Nathaniel Alexander, Esq. Louis Huth, Esq. J. A. Arbuthnot. Esq. Henry J. B. Kendall, Esq. Harvey Brand. Esq: Charles Lyall. º or-Gen. Hy. Pelham Burn. Captain R. W. Pelly, R.N. Al D. * Esq. David Powell, Esq. [...]
[...] This celebrated and most delicious old mellow Spirit is the very CREAM of IRISH Whiskies, is unrivalled, perfectly pure, and more wholesome than the finest Cognac Brandy. Note the Red Seal, Pink Label, and Cork branded “Kinahan's. LL. Whisky.” Wholesale Depot, 20 GREAT TITCHFIELD STREET, OXFORD STREET, W. prising Eighty-two Selected Illustrations on Steel, Stone, and Wood. With Letter [...]
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