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Suchbegriff: Egg

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The general evening post07.06.1755/08.06.1755/09.06.1755/10.06.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] his Head well hi' Fiſt ,wel H::n's Egg i' well his Fill: - ' well his Fifl; l well . [...]
[...] lS. ' his Fiſt itxfdllilcc Hen's Egg Lwell ' .-returned Ha'n's Egg? I into the [...]
[...] t, ldi H riismicc 'hi 's ea well - Hi;ii's Egg well llen's Egg iwell hi' Fifi well [...]
[...] llen's Egg iwell hi' Fifi well l-lcn's Egg iwell -Heii's'h.gg iwcll this Fiſt 'well [...]
[...] his Fiſt we'l ,his Fiſt T well 'Hen's Egg i well his Fiſt well G0oſe'a Egg well [...]
[...] his Fiſt well G0oſe'a Egg well Hens Egg well Hcn'v Lgg will Hen's Egg 'well [...]
[...] X it: l we! his Fiit lwcii Gonſe's Egg well Ht n's Egg well two Fiſls 'well [...]
[...] two Fiſls 'well two Fill! eaſy Hcn's Egg w 'il two Filis will two Filts well [...]
[...] his Fiſt well his Fill: well Hen's Egg well returned B into the [...]
The general evening post12.05.1761/13.05.1761/14.05.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 12. Mai 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] to publiſh this account of them in your next paper, for the public good. , sº .. The chaffers lay their eggs in the ground, which ſoon hatch, and become what we here call grubs ºr grub worms, and increaſe every year in their ſize till they are [...]
[...] time for entirely deſtroying them, is as ſoon as they ecome chaffers, and begin to fly, and before they ay their eggs: for then, in the heat of the day, they cling to and eat up all the leaves of the oaks, elms, maples, walnuts, and other trees, and may be eaſily ſhook down [...]
[...] wooden mallets or the like, or be thrown to the bºgs and poultry, who will eat them. "But if theſe chaffeis are permitted to live till they have laid their eggs; the killing them then will be of no uſe, as they live .# few days afterwards, and their eggs being once laid id [...]
[...] expence will be but trifling, in compariſon of the damage which they will otherwiſe certainly receive from them, if they ſuffer them to ſay their eggs again. , Qne Mr. James Ebden, a Norfolk Farmer, has received great advantage from this method. In the year 1736 he pre [...]
The general evening post15.07.1755/16.07.1755/17.07.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 15. Juli 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Catzenellebogen, there was laſt We-tk a terrible Tempefl, accompanied with Lightening, Thunder, Rain, and Hailſlones as large as a Hen's Egg. Bourdeaux, june 30. V"-'e learn, by Advices from Ma-rtinico, that two Sloops laden with Amrnunition [...]
[...] OED;--7.' c2;)(d oh-Egg [...]
[...] 4 A Natural Hiflory of Engliſh SONG BIRDS, alſo a panicu. lar Account how to order the ilariary Birds in breeding; man l)iſuaſcs and Cure; with the Figures of the Cock llen, and Egg, of L-a-cli species, curiouſly cnfgiai-en. Price .-3 od. 5.- l he iiigantick Hillory ii the two famous Giaute, and orhec [...]
The general evening post14.10.1755/15.10.1755/16.10.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 14. Oktober 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] 4 A Natural Hifiory or Engliſh SONG BIRDS, alſo a. panicu. lar Account how to order the Canary Birds in breeding; their Diſeaſes and Cure; with the Figures of the Coclt, Hen, and Egg, of each Species, curiouily engraven. Price zs. 6d. 5. The Gigaiitick llillory or the two famous Gjamg, and other [...]
[...] Diſorder, by an eaſi gentle Operanon by Stool and Urine, which are ſo innocent aini ſate, that tliey-ziiiay be taken at any Egg, requii-inglno Coiinm.-.iient or Refiitunt in the Manner ol ivin . Thiy are faithfully prepared from a Pnzſcription which the [...]
The general evening post05.04.1755/06.04.1755/07.04.1755/08.04.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. April 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] T ' The lmpeiial Conſul is -r 3 come hither a Paſſenger in it5o-- me (Egg Stxpe anſdlit is ſaid the utc onu was to depart from Algier the Night [...]
[...] OPe-ra, called 'rhcFA1P-lES- To which is r-rc"?""- 'he O tuebM.S.'ch. - U . if -ſize' ;aI.,,,n7,c Eggs in tlie Operas of Ricimcro, Siroe, lper meſlra, Penelopc, pnd Bertoldo. Each zus. 6d.. printed ſor ), Walſlt, in Cathcrine-street in the Strand. [...]
The general evening post11.11.1755/12.11.1755/13.11.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. November 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] i have been a Schoolmaſter in the Northern Parts of England, but spear; by a Book ſound in his Pocket to' have been a ſlrolling egg;-ir for ſome time paſt, and in his laſt Expedition relieved by great many Clergyme' and Scoolmaſlers ſrom London throl yanha;-n-Abby, Ware, Hertſord, Puckeridge, Royſton, Hunting [...]
[...] 'Per Monſieur de VOLTAlRE. Printed for ]. Nourſe, at the Lamb againſt Ca.[,hcrine-Sti-egg in the Strand. ' Next Week will be publiſhed, - [...]
The general evening post14.02.1761/15.02.1761/16.02.1761/17.02.1761
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. Februar 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] º . A boy of nine years old had a ſtone extraćted from º him lately in Mercer's Hoſpital, the ſize of a large •ºf pullet's egg. - - Kinſak, jan. 27. Arrived the Volunteer of Whitby, }, wº burthen 400 tons, with tobacco from Maryland, bound [...]
[...] 2 A Natural Hiſtory ot Engliſh SONG B1RDS, alſo a particu lar Account how to order the Camary Birds in breeding; their Siſeaſes and Cure ; with the Figures of the Cock, Hen, and Egg, of each Species. Price 2 s. 6d. - 3. Emblems for the Improvement and Entertainent of Youth. [...]
The general evening post08.02.1755/09.02.1755/10.02.1755/11.02.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Plymouth, upwards of so Years of Age, Arthuij. - ſiun: Caimry, Egg; .Ge'prge Cbbflin, 7' Cbetrle in rb: ſhun: Str-rt, Eſq; who repreſented the ſaid Boroughg from " Jlycavzſy, Ejy; "arlzr Penmddocl. 0 CGMPTM Cbdwbfrſafl' the firſt Parliament of his preſent Majefly until the .l;- .-,in ib: Caunfy of-PViſI.r, Lſg; Ra-tg r:-aſ 'be ſe-veral Walk: [...]
[...] - Nk m Egg b Bim 9' Mr. Edward Parris, near liatfibld-Broa [...]
The general evening post20.02.1755/21.02.1755/22.02.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 20. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] tha'sGove'nn-ient, but be it-as alſo remittcd to the Procinees thePreſcnu which they were wont to make 'If egg Accgfion of z new Svltan, and given Otders to LR the great Oflicers of the Empire to eaſe the Pgoplg as much as pofible, by leſſening th: Taxes, [...]
[...] By the K1fN"G's' Auzyomy - 'ſlzi-D -w -urzrjzid r- - 7 Dedicqtcd) to Egg' Hair 'rid rſlftfn viii) ' - - D- . in - h!'iX-LPIKERM-lltrrz-,IJ;('d COJM-MON' Cocrucn, on [...]
The general evening post18.03.1755/19.03.1755/20.03.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 18. März 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Eſſex', two oſ them went into the Stab£f®jffz \_y tempted to bind the Co'acbman, but he ſi Fellow, got the better ol them, upon eggſ' th -_ them whiſtled, and the Others came up £ \t,'-'V*r5®*i him 3 they afterwards went into the Houlfiifi threatening Sir jwhn, got Caſh to the Va "77 £JWdifi and made off. Five of them were maſkedej; i - [...]
[...] ſame P/rmtus (Aſin. v. ii. 73. Pſeud. i. t. 94) the Wife upbraids her Huſband under that Title or going aſtray to other &Vomem for layin his Eggs, a' that Bird is ſaid to do, in a forcign Neſf. I was once for deviſing a Solution of this lnnovation from what is [...]
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