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Suchbegriff: Maria-Rain

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  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. August 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] What are his opinions on the Corn Laws? Has the sliding scale been blown down by the high winds, or swamped by the rains? In what com motion must the breast of the great statesman be, his principles changing with the vicissitudes of the [...]
[...] shine. The peculiarity of the Conservative policy is that it is not weather-proof. Wind and rain are the destruction of it. Sir Robert Peel may wear a waterproof hat, and waterproof cloak, and water [...]
[...] proof boots; but he cannot wear a waterproof corn law. His most obstimate convictions are enetrated by rain and wind, but there come a ttle calm and a blink of sun, and, as the bent wheat-stalk recovers itself, the sliding scale retakes [...]
[...] saved.—Waterford Chronicle. The harvest has partially commenced round this neighbourhood, but we regret to state, that owing to the late rains and wind, the corn has been much laid, and consequently, in many places, is still quite green.—Cambridge Advertiser. The wheat, barley, and [...]
[...] much laid, and consequently, in many places, is still quite green.—Cambridge Advertiser. The wheat, barley, and oats, have been very much injured by the high wind and rain this last week.-Maidstone Journal. The wheat harvest in this neighbourhood is now become pretty general, and [...]
[...] fearful results have followed as in our own locality.— Waterford Chronicle. If the prospect last week was gloomy, it is much more so now, “rain, rain, rain,” being still the order of the day.—Worcester Chronicle.—Since our last no progress has been made in the harvest in this [...]
[...] stage of the season, are far from being as favourable as could be desired.—Cork Reporter.—The corn, which had been greatly prostrated about a fortnight ago by heavy rain, had generally recovered its erect position; but has again been humbled by the heavy rains which took place since [...]
[...] Conn Exchange, Friday, August 13.-We had a storm of wind and rain on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, which caused great alarm for the Wheat harvest, which has colomenced all through the south-eastern counties, but yester [...]
[...] The MINERAL SPRINGS of ENGLAND, and their CURATIVE EFFICACY. With Remarks on Bathing and on Artificial Mineral Waters. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] Commons, together with full particulars of the recent elections, the polls, the registered voterºin each place, and all the other usual information. Whittaker and Co., Ave Maria lane. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. August 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] was highest on Tuesday, 68, and lowest on Saturday, 48 degrees. The barometer had ranged low during the whole, the average being about 29'5, and the rain in inches 0-44. DRUNKENNess.—Returns moved for by Mr Hume [...]
[...] Poland give most deplorable descriptions of the damage done by the inundations of the Vistula a do her rivers. There had been incessant rain for more than six weeks, and the damage already done was immense. From Schwetz, it is said, the 30th of July–We have never [...]
[...] France are in general favourable. Some damage has, however, been caused in the northern parts by the late rains. — There are 80,000 labourers engaged in the mines of Prussia. The annual revenue arising from them [...]
[...] ration for the son was manifested even in the dust of th sire. At intervals throughout the day the rain poured steadily down—and then the sun flickered out, and veiled himself again, as though refusing to shine upon the tardy [...]
[...] most ...}} The yield is spoken of in high terms. Hampshire Telegraph. —An immense breadth must have been got together in good condition. The rains have been most beneficial to the turnips and the lattermath ; but the winds have bruised the hops, and, we hear, have done then [...]
[...] althºugh, so far, it is believed little daun — Whitehaven. Herald. age has been done Pºulis, August 12–Although the rain continues the reports from the country are still favourable. It appears that the wheat crop was too far advanced to be seriºus [...]
[...] blew from the eastward, veering round from that quarter to the south and south-west, and raging with tremendous violence, accompanied with frequent torrents of rain. About day-break the pilots observed a large brig apparently in great peril, and endeavouring to gain the ... of Caldy [...]
[...] and H. Marshall, Godalming, Surrey, attorneys-c. Green and E. J. A. Dimsdale, Coleman street, city, merchants—i. shuttleworth and R. W. Godwin, Lincoln, boatwrights—Maria Davis and H. Aaron, Bristol, dentists—R. W. Cronk and w: Tapley, seaſ, Kent, grocers—W. Beeby and T. Brown, Maryport, cumberland, slate [...]
[...] -MARRIED. On the 14th instant, at St Pancras Church, Mr Dugald E. Came rom, of Buckingham chambers, Adelphi, to Maria Rosetta, second daughter of Abraham Cooper, Esq., R.A., of New Millman street. On the 13th, at West Derby Chapel, Richard Potter, Esq., of [...]
[...] FRocks, shooting J Ackets, GARMENTs fºr these A SIDE, &c.—An extensive variety of the above in N Ew and greatly improved materials, always ready, guaranteed to exclude any rain what ever, and confidently recommended to those who regard a respectable appearance, or wish to av id the disappointment and vexation consequent [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Oktober 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] to see it, that the wetness of the morning could not deter her, and that, without the excitement of the pursuit, she went through the rain to behold the chase, only turning away her head at the con cluding barbarities. [...]
[...] possible. At a few minutes atter nine, however, a heavy rain began to fall, and it was feared that her Majesty would [...]
[...] of Aberdeen, Lady Canning, and Lady Caroline Cocks alsº proceeded tº the waterside in another carriage; Arrived at the spot, her Majesty mounted her pony, although rain was poºring heasily at the time, and prepared tº, witness the sport along the banks of the stream. Lord Glenlyon [...]
[...] consequence of the mails from London having arrived there in 28 days and 16 hours. The fall of rain during the monsoon was slight in that part of India, but hopes were still entertained of a heavy [...]
[...] The Queen at length obtained a view of an otter hunt last week, an animal having been brought over from Kelso. A heavy rain began to fall, but her Majesty has learned to disregard all such inconveniences, and accordingly the party drove out to the spot from which [...]
[...] Tweeds), now 1 {: also, of BER DOE’s well-known and much *::::. VENTILAting FROCK for all seasons, guaranteed to ex. clude any rain whatever. As winter approaches, attention is again invited to the advertiser's VENTILA ting WATER PROOF, which renders any garment thoroughly impervious to rain. This factisestablished beyond [...]
[...] * A more useful, PRActically useful work than this, it would be impossible to place in the hands of a farmer.”-John Bull, Sept. 21, 1844. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] Engravings. Formerly published as a Supplementary Volume to Grif fiths's translation of “Cuvier's Animal Kingdom.” Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] istorical interest, at the same time answering the purposes of a biogra phical dictionary, a family record, and an ºfficial register.”—The Times. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. - In 1 vol. post 8vº, price 10s, ºloth lettered, EGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY and BOTANY; [...]
[...] what may justly be esteemed a classic edition of tºº...?" Morning Herald. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. Oktober 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] In India the rain has been abundant during the mon soon. Tranquillity prevails. Nusseer Khan, the young chieftain of Khelat, has at [...]
[...] circumstances:–The complainant on , Sunday night last was returning to his residence, and on his arrival near Turn stile it rained very fast, when he saw the prisoner speaking to a man who was standing at a doorway to shelter himself from the rain. Witness proceeded to the doorway, and [...]
[...] but you misconducted yourself in other respects towards these respectable persons, who had a right to shelter them selves from the rain. You say that knockers had been taken from doors, but you had no reasonable or probable grounds to suspect them. Under these circumstances, I [...]
[...] On Thursday morning a portion of earth fell at the southern entrance to the Patcham tunneſ, on the railway, in consequence, probably, of the heavy rains which have fallen during the last few days. The passage of the trains was in consequence impeded; and the passengers by the [...]
[...] These are the only editions sanctioned by Mr Ollendorff, and he deems *Wº: utterly useless for the elucidation of his system. hittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane; and Dulau and Co. Soho square. THE NEW MINISTRY-The NEW PARLIAMENT—AND THE NEW PEkers. [...]
[...] Recent Elections, the Polis, the Registered Voters in each Place, and all the other usual information. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. U W I E R 'S A N I M A. L. K I N G D O M. In Sixteen Volumes, with 814 Engravings. Translated by E. [...]
[...] has undergone most satisfactorily a very severe of criticism. It will never be reprinted nor offered on lower terms.” Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane, London. To be had of any book seller, by order. Just published, foolscap 8vo, uniform with Wordsworth's Poems, price [...]
[...] “Too much applause cannot be bestowed upon the projection and the execution of this design."—Atlas. ittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. LAWRENCE ON THE EYE. Just published, in one thick volume, 8vo. Second Edition, revised, [...]
[...] Hospital; Surgeon to Bethlehem and Bridewell Hospitals; and late Sur geon to the London §§. Infirmary. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. Second Edition, considerably augmented: 1 vol. 8vo. Illustrated by various Woodcuts, price 14s. cloth, [...]
[...] been given in a judicious and well selec publication, entitled “The History and Decº of Fossil Fuel, &c.’”-Dr Buckland. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. In post 8vo. with Plates and Woodcuts, price 6s. REAT I SES on PR INTING and TY PE [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. August 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] was to have been among the nominations.” - Advices from St Petersburg state that there has not been a single day of rain there for the last two months. The drought has been so great, that in two-thirds of Russia the corn will be parched up and unproductive. [...]
[...] a young wife too.—On the second examination, Thomas Wiggins, sexton of St Mark's church, Kennington, deposed, that he witnessed the marriage of the prisoner to Maria Fraser, on the 12th of October, 1840.-The Prisoner: But she must prove that she was married to me herself. Where [...]
[...] TEnrific THUNDERstoRM.–On Wednesday morning a terrific storm of thunder, lightning, and rain burst over Liverpool. Sheet lightning covered the face of the heavens, illumining the town with a brilliancy scarcely inferior to that [...]
[...] awaking thousands, and causing them to spring to their ſect, from an apprehension that their houses would fall about their heads. The rain fell in torrents, and continued to descend long after the thunder, and lightning had passed over the town. At daylight the damage done by the electric fluid was [...]
[...] D1st REss ING CAS E.-Mr Wakley, the coroner, held an inquest at the Exmouth Arms, Euston square, on the body of Maria Curtain, aged 40, whose death took place under the following circumstances. Thomas Curtain, an intelligent child, seven years of age, said that about six weeks, since [...]
[...] night the weather wore a rather unsettled appearance, and slight showers were occasionally falling. "We regret to learn, too, that the rains were heavy yesterday upon the west coast.— Glasgow Herald. arvesting has be come very general in this neighbourhood, notwithstanding the [...]
[...] tº state those of a favourable nature preponderate.—Oxford Herald. The corn crops, it is said, have received no in jury, from the late continuous rains, and that, should fine weather hold ont, they will be secured not only in excellent condition, but that we shall also be blessed with a full average [...]
[...] abundance for all.—Ballyshannon Herald—We echo the farmers' belief in stating the grain to be much damaged b the frequent rains and want of sunshine. In many fields the ear of wheat is nearly blasted, and will not average more than half a crop. On inquiry, we learn the breadth of [...]
[...] *ince yesterday week, was as fine as possible for the harvest **l last night; we have since then had eight or nine hours of heavy rain. At Glasgow there was rain on the 19th; but on the east of Scotland the weather does not appear to have broken till the 21st, when heavy rain commenced there in [...]
[...] A letter from Florence, 14th instant, states that the Grand Duke and Duchess of Tuscany have just had the misfortune to lose the youngest of their daughters, the Prince's Maria Anna. On the 23d inst. at his residence, No. 46 Clarendon square, after a long and Fº illness, Edward Scriven, Esq., histo [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Juni 1844
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[...] Lord Aberdeen has been adopted in the Town Council, over which the Lord Provost presided, in favour of a Portuguese woman named Maria Joa |. who in the island of Madeira has been con emned to suffer death, solely for embracing the [...]
[...] the doctrine of transubstantiation. The Edinburgh Witness says— - “The poor victim in this case, Maria Joaquina, wife of Manuel Alves, is the mother of seven children, of which the youngest was an infant at the breast when she was cast into [...]
[...] A black frost she considered wholesome and bracing; a cutting east wind she described as a fresh breeze; snow, rain, and hail, had each particular merits, in her eyes. When the sun shone, it was fortunate; when it rained, it was a piece of luck, for she had ever so many letters to [...]
[...] part it. Overture; Scherzo: Two-part Song, with Chorus, “Ye spotted ... Miss Rain forth and Miss A. Williams; Not turno, March, and Finale (A Midsummer Night's [...]
[...] On the 6th another meeting was held, at which strong speeches were made denouncing this outrage, and ad journed, in consequence of the rain, to meet immediately in Washington market, on the ground where it was dis turbed. And here, it will be right to remark that no [...]
[...] tion after forgotten umbrellas, testified the widely extended fear that the day would be one of cold and rain dismal to think upon. However, better luck was in store. And although the sun did not peep forth, people managed to do tolerably well without him. [...]
[...] From Messrs Gillies an Horne's Circular.) Cory Exchange, Mox DAY, May 27.-On Tuesday morning we had a little rain, Wednesday was cloudy early in the day, but the weather afterwards proved dry, and has remained so up to this mºrning; when we had a few showers, but the wind being north [...]
[...] Corn Exch. ANGE, FR1DAY, MAY 31.—Since Monday we have had some warm showers of rain, which will of course be beneficial for the pastures and growing crops, as far as it goes ; but we fear the land still wants much more; to-day is fine, with wind at E.N.E. [...]
[...] sive variety of the above, in NEw and greatly improved materials (in lieu of the unsightly rubbish made by slopsellers), now ready, guaranteed tº exclude any rain, whatever, and confidently recommended to those whº regard a respectable appearance, or wish to avoid disappointment and vexa tiºn. First-rate Clothing of every description upon the lowest terms pos. [...]
[...] Engravings. Formerly published as a supplementary volume to Griffiths' translation of “Cuvier's Animal Kingdom.” Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. Oktober 1844
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] day, it found no anxious i. footsteps in the streets— no clustering crowds upon the Fº batteries—no sounds of trumpet cleft the thick air. The wind and rain swept the deserted streets of the towns, as did the blustering waves usurp the strand. [...]
[...] “The rain continued to fall heavily at intervals, and the tide, which had been flowing for some time, became more bold and boisterous, as it ran into the harbour at the rate of [...]
[...] ing, with the sea rolling as it then did, would be attended with the highest degree of difficulty and danger. The rain, which had all along fallen heavily, now increased to a perfect torrent. The wind blew a hur ricane, and the rumbling of thunder in the distance [...]
[...] determined to spend the interval in the residence of Mr Grant, the storekeeper, who occupies a house on the left of the entrance yard. The rain still pouring down in torrents, the royal party entered their carriages and proceeded across the yard to Mr Grant's residence, where [...]
[...] became boisterous. At eight o'clock the wind, which had been blowing rather stiffly from the westward, in creased into an unruly gale, laden with rain and sleet. At this moment the weather looked very threatening, and Louis Philippe in crossing the Channel had gained [...]
[...] different groups stationed at the most prominent points along the road, his Majesty receiving their repeated salutations with uncovered head, although the rain was still rapidly falling. About half way to the pier, a guard of honour from the 52nd regiment was drawn up, pre [...]
[...] steamer. His Majesty passed to the quarter-deck amid the thunders of a royal salute, where he once more un covered (the rain falling as before), in acknowledg ing the greetings of the crowd. M. Guizot, the Duke de Montpensier, Colonel Dumas, and the Count Jarnac [...]
[...] ing in solicitors, pursuant to the 6th and 7th Victoria cap. 73, sec. 45. — Owing to the heavy rain that has fallen within i. e last few days, the tides have been extraordinarily high. [...]
[...] d. -execu tran- - ::::::::::::::...ºn......º.º. translation, in a verychº Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane, London. [...]
[...] *** A detailed list of the works already published in this series can be had gratis of any bookseller. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. Juli 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] sober senses, returned home, where he remained quietly, and was appointed an overseer in the salt-mines, where his father had served before him. He soon after this married Maria Schneider, a young woman with a little property, who, find ing her husband had wholly neglected his education, induced [...]
[...] The WEATH eit AND The Harvest. — A letter from Warsaw says:—“For some weeks we have had the finest weather, seldom interrupted by rain, so that we read with surprise the complaints of the weather which come to us from France and Germany, and farmers flatter themselves [...]
[...] the continuance of bad weather, has rendered an augmen. tation of the price of bread necessary. Up to this day, which is the 207th of the year, we have had rain one hun dred days, not reckoning that on which snow fell.” . . . The weather here, on the whole, during the week has not [...]
[...] The weather here, on the whole, during the week has not been favourable for haymaking; and we regret to learn that the recent heavy rain has done considerable injury to the grass which is down. In England, we believe all the hay is made, and in rick, while in the neigh [...]
[...] sion of our harvest, which the late rains have considerably retarded. Added to which, we have a fair prospect of a continuance of fine weather—a circumstance which has [...]
[...] commercial news worth communicating, we have a statement from Bordeaux of the 24th, which says that during the whole of last week the rain came down in torrents, and buyers of corn were running everywhere to make purchases, by which, of course, prices got up considerably. During the 24th there [...]
[...] reigned a complete, panic, the crops being considered as en tirely lost, which, however, at all events, was exaggerated, as the rain has done more harm to the quality than lessened the quantity. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the weather was fine, which greatly calmed people's minds. To [...]
[...] CORN MARKEts. (From Messrs Gillies and Horne's Circular.) Corn Exchaxg E. Mos DAY, JULY 26.—We have had no rain worth mentioning since Thursday, but gloomy cold weather until to-day at noon, when it turned fine and warm. The [...]
[...] ORNS, BUNIONS, &c –The difficulty of pro curing a remnedy that is really beneficial in eradicatin; those rain fºly hard and callous substances called Colt NS, has been long felt by the tºº. The Proprietor ºf the ANTI-CALLOSITY, or it USSIAN [...]
[...] The abºve may also be had in twelve volumes, price 3. 1 4. 10s. half-bound, morocco, and lettered. p 2s. in cloth, or Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane, London. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Mai 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] The abundant and most seasonable rains of the last and present week have clothed the whole country with beauty and richness, and give reason to hope that the present year [...]
[...] the seasonable supply of moisture, they have germinated immediately, and are now springing up with the greatest luxuriance.—Liverpool Times.—Thursday the rain came down in good earnest, giving to the pastures, gardens, and arable land, the refreshment which the Fº drought had [...]
[...] gardens, woods, or fields, is about three weeks in advance of last year.—Dumfries Courier—Vegetation is progress ing rapidly under genial sunshine , and rain alternately. The corn fields present a beautiful and truly cheering aspect to the farmer, and we are happy to announce that for [...]
[...] ORT WINE, vintage 1840.-The Proprietors of the Gray's Inn wine º: are now landing in the London ks, ex Louisa Maria, their first shipment of this celebrated vintage, pipes, º and quarter-casks. These wines are of the highest [...]
[...] showing the English Derivations, and, thereby greatly assisting the memory of the student: 18tno. pricels. 6d. cloth. Wh er and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] To be completed in Eight Volumes. The ºr. is the largest and hand somest used for twenty years for any Edition of the Works. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. SPILLAN'S MANUAL FOR STUDENTS, &c. Now ready, 18mo: price 3s.6d. cloth, [...]
[...] *::: By D. SPILLAN, M.D. ellow of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria †. [...]
[...] *ś 0s. 6d. volume. MIDWIFERY. By Dr Rigby. Post 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] Hospital : Surgeon, to Bethlehem and Bridewell Hospitals; and late Surgeon to the London Ophthalmic Infirmary. - - Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] y, Whittakeſ, and Co. Ave Maria lane, London; A, and C, Wurgh; R. Folthorp, Brighton, n n and C [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 25. Februar 1843
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[...] occasioned by a recent visitation of severe weather ex perienced on the north side of the island, where the heavy rains had so swollen the rivers as in many places to cut up and carry away portions of land and live stock, [...]
[...] two-thirds of the winter have passed away, and the at mosphere has been constantly mild. We have, however, heavy rains. — Sir Francis Bond Head, it is said, is to be ap pointed Governor of the Cape of Good Hope. [...]
[...] gentlemanly and established garment, adapted for general use at all seasons, and warranted (without confining º ration) to exclude any descrip. tion or quantity of rain whatever.—Made only by W. BER DOE, Tailor, Waterpreofer, &c. 69 CORN HILL (eight doors from Bishopsgate street). [...]
[...] Observer.—“ Apparently Sir R. Peel has not expressed an opinion on the minutest point which may not be found here."—John Bull. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] the story more particularly relates, as the Publishers cannot forward retail copies. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane, London; and can be had of all booksellers. [...]
[...] Five Hundred Questions. 18mo. 6s. bound. A KEY to the QUESTIONS. 18mo price 9d. sewed. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] betically arranged, and containing all the usual information given in Peerages, with a variety of lists and other information. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] THIERRY'S HISTORY of the Noh MAN cox QUEST - Elegantly bound in cloth and lettered, one shilling extra each. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane, London. [...]
[...] Parts, 4s. each; or the complete work lºs. sewed; in cloth, ls. extra. “An admirable translation.”—Sunday Times. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. NC Y C L O PAE DIA BRIT A N N IC A. Seventh Edition. Edited by Professor NAPIER. [...]
[...] THE SCOTSMAN'S LIBRARY, illustrating the Genius of Scotland. 12mo, 10s. 6d. bound. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. In rºyal 18:no. with Three Maps, 4s. half-bound, HE NEW FR EN CH MANUAL and TRAVEL [...]
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