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1455 Treffer
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Galignani's messenger04.12.1822
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 04. Dezember 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] ri w . - 26 - --- (witho'ſ ſhºp Ally Mrssºnern.) º!" - - - - - - - . 48. to the Messenger will only pay Afr. Per month, 11 fr. per quarter, 30 ſº. for six months or 36 fr. one Mouth ** |Six Months an f. Oue Year . . . . . . . . . . 92 'ſor Sne W. al.' (postage free) in France, and 12, 22 or $o fr. out of France. Three months 13f. l. One Year Ao fr. [...]
[...] country, and there will be an end of all discussions about an armed interference with its affairs.-(Cou Ried.) [...]
[...] more becoming of an old English Whig, than of a dical Anarchist ol modern times. But the writer whom we now allude to seems to he as short-sighted a [...]
[...] ineganck A. and J. Osſade, P. Pºtter, Rembrandt, P. P. Rubens, Ruysdael. J. Steel, P.Teniers, P. Wouvermanns, Winant, Poussin * M.M. Le Counte, Defºrbin, Houton, Droline, Duplessis, Granet, Ri. sºard, Taunay, and Patin; likewise a variety of Bronzes, Marbles, Purcelain, Gill Orname ts, Buhl Furniture, Curiositiºs, &c.—to be [...]
[...] Pan is and London. – Letters containing terms, particulars, &c. are requested to be addressed (pos' paid) to L. R. aux soins de MM. Galignani. No. 18, rue Vivienne, PA Ris. [...]
Galignani's messenger21.01.1825
  • Datum
    Freitag, 21. Januar 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] - --, ºr - -- - w RIS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 91, 1825. --- +i_º_r -it-i- -- - **-* * - - * fiable. In the meantime, our power and welfare as a [...]
[...] to be observed, that they had previously endeavoured to purchase the Star, and present her to Captain Har ris; but the company owning her was desirous of the honour, and offered her to the gallant Captain them selves. We understand, he poſitely declined accept [...]
[...] !!ºman Proceeded.to give a minute detail of the circumstances (for which see Police †. in Messenger of the 24th December)— which he said he should call witnesses to substantiate ris case, however, presented,a feature which seldom occurred in such cases namely, that a third person was present, for it generally happened [...]
[...] smock-froºk with holes, who left it upon the bridge with his pa ºrs, and after having sprinkled a considerable quantity of }. d at the same spot, made traces with it from thence to the ri ver's edge. It is certain that he was seen at a pot-house the next iniotinirº. [...]
[...] Pepol, Nº. 14, rue de Richelicº, ºnloys a well-merited prºfºrº. Sinºe the for nation of the establishment the prices hºw "hº". ried; Elbeuf Cloths of ºths, wide, , from iu to 2.fr. º. Lºw viers' ditto, frn 24 to 4% fr. the yard. > - [...]
Galignani's messenger04.04.1826
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 04. April 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] is irequently app > or rather assumed.hy, Governors of Colonies in their own trio. ries, bººmeyer, to Military Officers, as in India, subordinate to the authority ºf the Goºnºr-General in council. In no case, how. ever, morby any possible interprºtation, can it be applied to a Naval [...]
[...] -Our commercial prospects at length begin to brighten: orders for the regular consumption of the country are nore gene tal, and the exp ris are increasing. There is, however, an evident wish on the paſt of buyers not to increase their stocks beyond their acuil wants, excepting invases where temptatiºn is held out fºr [...]
[...] with excellent orangery, containing 30 large orange, lemon, & other trees, in boxes.—For information, º, to M. Qutrebon, Notary, No. 354, rue St. Honoré, corner of the Place Vendôme, PA Ris. [...]
[...] every hour in the day.—For further particulars, and for tickets to view, the Property, º to Messrs. Mills and Ganning, English Solicitors, No. 12, rue du Faubourg St. Honoré, PA Ris. [...]
[...] short distance, would be ceded to the tenant. The Chateau, near a ublic road, is only 7 post leagues from Paris.-Apply to M. Dubois, Jotary, No. 14, rue St. Marc Feydeau, PA Ris. [...]
[...] For Further particulars apply to M. Chano; gen - or to Messrs. Galignani, PA Ris. Chanoine, A t, at HAv Re: [...]
Galignani's messenger09.10.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. Oktober 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] sent for one man who was with him. Mr. Cox examined the body on the day it was bu ried—the 9th of September. No other sur geon had examined it previously. The last time l saw the wound before his death, it [...]
[...] There was neither pure faction nor uno, tiſcation, but = E_* proseling to mortification after his death. On the ri = * ~ * side of the back there was a bruise, but not so viole -- 5 - The discolour otion was a ſage as my extended hand _i = [...]
[...] Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur.—vin a ri r - [...]
[...] modern taste, The Farm of Crogny, Court-yards gº. inst Park, Qrchards, Plonghed Lands, Meadows and dºeni. ens, c º 127 acres, 35 poles. ries; .2d. Woods. containing 3,816 acres, 73 pºles Birch and other Trees; divided into ao ..". *:::::: Elm, [...]
Galignani's messenger04.10.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 04. Oktober 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] -RIS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1892. [...]
[...] Sir T. B. Martin, Sir R. Seppings, and Commissioner Fraser, concluded their visit of inspection and inqui. ries on Wednesday aſternoon, when they dined with Admiral Sir J. H. Whitshed, K.C.B., and next morn ing i. off to make a similar visit to the Eastern Dock [...]
[...] “A letter from Seres, dated Sept. 2, states, that the expedition of Churschid Pacha has altogether miscar ried; that he himself is sick at Larissa, and endeavours in vain to form a new army. All the Turkish troops that entered into the Morea live been annihilated.” [...]
[...] Tºi, pay is Published, in one thick vol. 8vo. price tºr. ºr 12fr. fºr of carriage through France, by Fanº's, hookseller, No. 12, 'ried. Seine, and V. S. W G \ºs Axi, Yo 18, rue livienue. ANNUAIRE HISTORIQUE UNIVERSEL º pour L’AN 1821. (4.1e annee de la Collection), - [...]
[...] The Testaurant of M. LaMBERT, No. 21, rue de Ri chelieu, is one of the best conduct cq establishments in the capital.-- The portions are anºle in quantity, good in quality, and well cooked, [...]
Galignani's messenger09.08.1819
  • Datum
    Montag, 09. August 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] was attended by the Students of the Natural *** --- ri-r-ţ---, ----- which he so long and co [...]
[...] Posite Bulkeley Arms Inn, Stockport, for voluntarily stºpping forward to give bail for Sir C. Wolseley, Bart "..."ried by universal acclamation of Jſolseley and Liberty! - ... A vote of thanks was then passed to those seven par [...]
[...] To be Sold by Definitive Adjudication, on Tuesday, 17th inst. at 13 o'clock, at the Chamber of Notaries of Pa ris, Place et Ba'imens de l'ancien Chatelet, by the agency of M. Agasse, Notary; the PATRixtoni Al Dow Aix E o CERN A Y-Lº-vii.L.; and of the FAAM of St. Robºt, situated in the Canton of Chev [...]
[...] and of the FAAM of St. Robºt, situated in the Canton of Chev reuse, District of Rambouillet (Seine et Oise) 8 leagues from Pa ris, at the estimated value of 33,000 frº The Domaine of Cernay la-ville consists of a Chateau. 5 stories high yard, poultry-yard large farm-yard, stable, coach-house, vi ºc-press, ſine orc º [...]
Galignani's messenger16.03.1826
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 16. März 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] * * ****s is is tº is list a man, of whom the nation has sº sº case to be proxi, should lower himself so far as to enºs tº a rº-ri-l orºosition to Ministers, Join unproper [...]
[...] consider Governor Macquarrie's orders are laws in these colonies." The whale fishery appears to he car ried on with great success; one º vessel killed 16 in one expedi.ion up the river Derwent. The revenue of the island for 1825 was 22,578l. 8s. 11d. chiefly [...]
[...] for 650fr.; new Matresses, ºf r.; and a gilt Clock and two Vases, 240fr —Apply No. 20, ri e St. Lazare. [...]
[...] miles from Paris, on the road to Calais, 65 miles from Boulogne, and 84 from Calais; producing 1000fr. ºr-ºwly to M. Gendouin, Notary, No. 97, rue Neuve des Petits Champs, PA Ris. [...]
[...] tion Asia, boulevard Rondi-Vue d'un effºt de Brouillard et e Neige, par Daguerre; Vue des Envirous de Paris, prise du ris-Meudou.-Admittance, 3ſr., or 2ſr. 30c. [...]
Galignani's messenger26.10.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 26. Oktober 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] PA RIS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1821. [...]
[...] | Six Months . . . . . . . . . . 46 | - w is ºn ---T-1 --------- ete, whose receipt must be sent to the : Oue Year . . . . . . . . . . , 88 GALIGNANI'S LITERARY GAZETTE on SUNDAY MESSENGER: Ollice of this P. per. #. butto out of FRAN ce. P blished ev, ry Sunday morning) - --→ ri Three in the . . . . . . . . 26 Forms a choice selection from the most esteemed English Reviews and Magazines. Subscribers rºof º Fºrre Sº Months . . . . . . . . . . 48 || to the Messenger will only pay 4 fr. per mouth, 11 fr. per quarter, 20 fr. for six months or 56 ſr. || One Month 5 ſr. Six Mon-hs on f. [...]
[...] We *Y. rºceived a s ries on New York Papers, from the ''}} [...]
[...] } V . at the Louvre; as his Majesty will be present at the opening of the Chambers. - The following is ſrººm the Hanoverische Yoc 'ri H ton of the 17th inst.—“Or, the 19th inst tº e King of England: seated upon his thro c, and surroun'ei by the [...]
Galignani's messenger19.09.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 19. September 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] so many yards of ribbon 7" It has been well observed by one of our contempora ries, that “ those who could rouze the hundreds of thou sands of Addresses to the Queen, and the whole of the population, to the very children, must have had a great [...]
[...] having been done, I presented to them the dispatch, and they all declared in favour of its being immediately car ried into execution. From thence we passed through all the public streets of the city, to tranquillize the minds of the people. On the morning of the 26th, at 12 o'clock, I [...]
[...] ports without opposition, and spreading over astonishe And envying Europe the precious commodities of the East, and the ri hes of both worlds. “The source of national property being thus dried up, the necessary consequence was, the loss of our dearest [...]
[...] being now witnesses of a whole people unanimously aud ze lously stepping forward to asseit those ghts which a like briong to all men. The whole county from the ri yer Minho down to Leiria (wit in 22 leagues of Lisbon) has drclared for the Provisional Government, who has [...]
Galignani's messenger08.06.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 08. Juni 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] *The Chancellor of the Exchequer makes the amount of the debt reduced last year 950,000l., while Mr. Ri: cardo malºs it 655.oool.; but, taking the statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, we see from it how [...]
[...] by Callao, learnt that the squadron had captured four valuable merchantmen from Cadiz, one of which was very ri'ily laden. (FRoM our coaresponde NT.) “Office of the Federal Gazette, Baltimore, April 25. [...]
[...] going to do. They looked very sheepish.-(Courier.) MARRIAGE IN HIGH Life.—On Saturday were mar ried, by special licence, by the Rev. Wm. Jolliffe, at Coventry #. Picoadilly, Sir Roger Gresley, Bart. to Lady Sophia Coventry, youngest daughter of the [...]
[...] ment of the Commission, tending to retrench 16,000 ſr. in the office of the Minister of Justice, which was car ried, and the House Adjourned. [...]
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