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Suchbegriff: Valley

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The nation02.08.1877
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. August 1877
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] tions. Mount Nonotuck (a part of Mount Tom), whose summit is one mile from Mount Tom Station, is especially frequented. From this the Connecticut valley is visible for sixty miles. Immediately beneath is the beautiful basin of the meadow towns. To one who rooms alone, the minimum expense (including every [...]
[...] late field of operations about the Cottonwood. To say the least, his movements towards the buffalo country are not precipitate. A small force of regulars from Montana, entrenched in the Bitter-Root valley on the Lolo trail, was unable to hinder Looking-Glass and his band from passing round them on the way to the Big-Hole valley, while a [...]
[...] lawful for the Indians to reside on any lands, either within or out side of that tract, not in the actual claim and Occupation of citizens. The whole of the Wallowa Valley, the contest for which was the [...]
[...] main point of the treaty proposed by the Commissioners was to re duce the reservation to about one-tenth of its actual limits, leaving out of the new boundaries the whole of the Wallowa Valley. To this Joseph and his party utterly and expressly refused agreement, denying any authority in any other part of the tribe to dispose of [...]
[...] of 1855, and never accepting any consideration. About the year 1871 Joseph died, bequeathing his beloved valley to his band and his son, Young Joseph, as his successor in the chieftaincy. The above facts are all admitted by the Commis sion of 1873. The legal position, then, was that the bands occu [...]
[...] land before owned by them and reserved in it. Also, having a per fect right to refuse agreement to the new treaty, they did so refuse. The title to the Wallowa Valley, therefore, remained vested in Joseph's band. The Commissioners, however, proceeded to conclude the [...]
[...] by treaties and their violation, two contradictory executive orders were issued. The first was dated June 16, 1873, setting aside a tract, including the disputed Wallowa Valley, exclusively for the “roaming” or “non-treaty” Nez-Percés, thereby acknowledging the justice of their claim to it, if not the validity of their title, and they were for [...]
[...] lowing conclusion: “If any respect is to be paid to the laws and customs of the Indians, then the treaty of 1863 is not binding upon this band. If so, then Wallowa Valley is still a part of the Nez Percé reservation. If this is the case, the Government is in equity bound to pay white settlers for their improvements and for the [...]
[...] This article was written before Gen. Gurko had descended into the valley of the Tundja, and while it was still timely to say: “If England thinks that the moment for speaking and acting energetically will come only [...]
[...] trowsers, made in sailor's fashion—and they are made of sail duck, and have not been washed,” etc., etc. Mr. Butterfield, from his full knowledge of Ohio Valley history, has annotated these letters to the great advantage of the reader, and has pointed out their value as supplying some missing links in that history. [...]
The nation10.06.1875
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. Juni 1875
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] she has already secured the German market for her cereals, and will probably not be dislodged from it except by the opening of the Valley of the Danube by additional railroads; and will probably stand ready to supply any other country of the European continent which, like Germany, ceases to produce food enough for its wants, [...]
[...] —Most people who have heard of the Yosemite Valley have also heard of Mr. J. M. Hutchings, whose house of entertainment has so long been one of the “institutions” of the place. He has been recently ejected from [...]
[...] of Mr. J. M. Hutchings, whose house of entertainment has so long been one of the “institutions” of the place. He has been recently ejected from the Valley by order of court, and so great were the rejoicings over this event that guns were fired by some of the citizens of California, and other demonstrations made, which, coming to the ears of Mr. Hutchings, caused [...]
[...] resolution, the construction and grammar of which are somewhat peculiar, declares that, “Whereas, The name of J. M. Hutchings is intimately con nected with Yosemite Valley and its history, and who, by his pen, his lee tures, and his enterprise, has unfolded the grandeur, the sublimity, as well as the beauty of this charming Valley, so that it has now more than a [...]
[...] —The Commissioners say that, in the first place, before May, 1874, the only actual settler in the Valley was a man named Lamon, so that Mr. Hutchings cannot possibly have “honored and made pleasant" his hotel and home to thousands “during the past twenty years,” and that, [...]
[...] that Mr. Hutchings cannot possibly have “honored and made pleasant" his hotel and home to thousands “during the past twenty years,” and that, as a matter of fact, Mr. Hutchings moved into the Valley and laid claim to 160 acres of land as a pre-emptor about six weeks before the passage of the Act of Congress of 1864, granting the Valley to the State of Cali [...]
[...] he had no title, and a claim against the State for the injustice done in giv ing him the money. Considering the relations of the United States to the Valley, it would be interesting to know what the grounds of sympathy for the old pioneer on the part of Mr. Garfield are, and how he can explain his ehavior in presiding at this ridiculous meeting. [...]
[...] siege of Vicksburg are well and clearly given in the narrative, and valuable light is thrown upon their relation to the general plan of campaign adopted by Grant, who was again in chief active command in the Mississippi Valley. The incident of the capture of Arkansas Post is given with spirit; but in the treatment of General McClernand the author is fairly chargeable with [...]
[...] menta. The first volume closes with the march to Meridian, which was a neces sary means of rendering it possible to leave the Mississippi Valley in charge of only a small force when the concentration should be made at Chatta nooga for a great campaign in Georgia. The Mississippi had now been [...]
The nationInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1875/02.1875/03.1875/04.1875/05.1875/06.1875
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1875
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] acquitted of embezzlement, º.º. wº. Grosvenor ºn snubbed by Mr. Disraeli, 571, explain; the preservation of Missouri politics, 285. … "… peace, ſº falls tº ºnly lººthºriſh ºnlºn, 119 Ice gorges in Delaware and Susquehanna valleys, 198–Illinois Case of Rev. Mr. Keet and his title to “Rev.,” 419. non-resident I.R. directors, 214–Indiana millionaire to FRANCE:-Right and Left unable to agrº; measures for found a new college, 268 – Indian frauds exposed by Prof. liberty of instruction and the press, 3—Message of Mac [...]
[...] on word rºins, 112-Workingmen's trains in Massachu setts, 151–Weather-change, semi-annual, 331. Yosemite Valley clear of squatters, 396, 397. Zürich, University of, new professors appointed, 377–Zeitge schichte, 377. [...]
[...] Hunt (W. M.), Talks on Art, 8wd ... . . . . . . . .......................... (Hurd & Houghton - Jacob! I Dr. A.), Acute Rheumatism in Infancy, swd............... (G. P. Putnam's Sons, Kinahan (G. H.), Valleys, and their ſtelation to Fissures, Fractures, and Fatults, sw (1... (John Wiley & Son) Knight (E. H.), American Mechanical Dictionary, Vols. I., II......... (J. B. Ford & Co.) [...]
The nation22.03.1877
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. März 1877
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] availed himself of such as he found or could make, especially in Sheridan's advance on Richmond. -He went with his brigade to the Shenandoah Valley, and was brilliantly successful in the battle of Winchester. On the 26th of September, 1864, Custer was assigned to the command of the Second Division West Virginia Cavalry. Before he could join it, however, he was [...]
[...] a distance of some twenty-six miles.” Custer had his full share in gaining this brilliant victory, and rendered important aid in the battle of Cedar Creek. The captures of his command during the campaign in the Valley were 29 guns, 30 caissons, 44 wagons, 23 ambulances, etc., 602 horses and mules, and six battle-flags. In the following winter he received for his [...]
[...] brilliant services in this campaign the brevet of major-general. The winter of 1864-5 gave Custer little to do until he joined the great raiding column which Sheridan led up the Valley at the end of February. A few days after, Custer, with his single division, attacked Early and Ros [...]
[...] with itself and with all known authorities. At about eight o'clock on the morning of the 25th the command was in the valley of one of the branches of the Little Big Horn. This stream is an eastern affluent of the Big Horn, and after their junction the river runs nearly northward to the Yellowstone, in Montana Territory. When the [...]
[...] Benteen moved further to the left, and told Reno, as he passed, that he had orders to move well to the left and sweep everything before him. The com mand moved down the creek towards the Little Big Horn Valley—Custer with five companies on the right bank, Reno and his three companies on the left bank, Benteen further to the left and out of sight. At about half [...]
[...] a written order from Custer's adjutant to this effect : “Benteen, come on ; big village ; be quick ; bring packs.” A mile and a half further on he first came in sight of the valley and Little Big Horn, and there saw a few dismounted men fighting a large body of Indians, and a mounted party retiring across the river. He joined this party, found that it was Reno's, [...]
[...] Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die, Into the valley of death Rode the six hundred.” [...]
[...] this way: “There is no loneliness with Nature, and you and she have seen the vaunted life of cities. Yonder among the oaks and the pines, looking down upon the Sacramento Valley, God, not the Devil, is master of the fashions. No club gossip, no drawing-room cynic, no envious, woman breathes the pure air of the mountain and the plain. Jealousy shall not [...]
The nation15.02.1872
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. Februar 1872
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] designation popularly applied to the vast interior plateau which lies between the Sierras and the Wahsatch, separated by moderate hills from the Snake River Valley on the north, and blending on the south with the desert of the lower Colorado. Its general elevation is from four to six thousand feet above the sea level, and although it contains vast tracts comparatively flat, there are [...]
[...] the sea level, and although it contains vast tracts comparatively flat, there are also numerous lofty parallel chains of mountains running nearly northwest and southeast, varying from 1,000 to 6,000 feet above the valleys, and occasionally rising to mine or ten thousand feet above the sea, or, in other words, as high above the plateau as the White Mountains above the ocean. [...]
[...] sward, the wide distribution of a few low shrubs, and the prevalent gray or dull olive color of the herbage. The mountains are in large measure as free from trees as the valleys, and are often more naked, because of the dwarfed character of the shrubs. There are some exceptions to the absence of trees, for example, the Truckee Valley, and in some of the mountain cañons. Those [...]
[...] are given by Mr. Watson. The flora, like the country, is naturally described in two groups—the valley flora and the mountain flora. In the former are included plants pe. culiar to alkaline regions, few in number; the fresh-water aquatic and meadow species; and plants peculiar to the drier valleys and foot-hills, by far [...]
[...] is great, but with a moderate supply for irrigation in the growing season, there is no difficulty in securing good crops of cereals and vegetables in any of the valleys and lower cañons of the territory. On the other hand, with the present supply of water, most economically employed, it is thought that [...]
The nationTitelblatt 07.1877/08.1877/09.1877/10.1877/11.1877/12.1877
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Juli 1877
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] by the second tower, similar to the first, and called Tour Heurtant. On the top of each tower is a stone platform, which could receive artillery. The valley of the Loire could thus be completely swept and overlooked. You imagine the guns mounted on their towers, and their bronze ends showing between the créneau.c. A small passage, which has been rebuilt [...]
[...] The Tour des Minimes was a complete ruin two years ago; it is now as perfect and as complete as it was in the Middle Ages. You can find many a ſine château in the valley of the Loire, but this military tower, used for cavalry, has no parallel, and is a great curiosity in every respect. The inclined plane does not fill the whole tower; it only fills the space [...]
[...] and on various windows; a huge porcupine is on the low door which caused the fall and afterwards the death of Charles VIII. When you look from the high walls of Amboise over the valley of the Loire, and see on the distant horizon the Cathedral of Tours, you understand at once how in the fifteenth century Touraine had become the heart of France. [...]
[...] capital of the Seine were terrible strongholds—Pierrefonds, Coucy, Crépy; and the prince or lord who had possession of the Duchy of Valois was vir tually master of Paris. Between the valley of the Seine and the valley of the Loire lay the great plain, half filled at the time by the forest of Or léans. Louis XI. well understood that the best strategic position in [...]
[...] the Loire lay the great plain, half filled at the time by the forest of Or léans. Louis XI. well understood that the best strategic position in France was this valley of the Loire: his dream had been to unite Brit tany to Touraine, and to fortify the monarchy in the east as well as in the centre of France. This dream became a reality in the reign of Charles [...]
[...] 4 raham (E.), The Cuckoo Cloc Keary (E.) The Magic Valley.................... ..... .( ) 1 Maclaren (Rev. A.), Week-I)ay Evening Addresses................... (Macmillan & Co.) 1 Koolman (J. ten ID.) W 3rterbuch der Ostfriesischen Sprache, Parts 1, 2, swd.......... [...]
[...] THE MAGIC VALLEY. By Miss [...]
The nation09.08.1877
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 09. August 1877
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] Everybody knows them, and it is not strange, therefore, that many communities are insisting that the characters in Habberton's story, “The Scripture Club of Valley-Rest,’ were drawn from their own fellow-citizens. In this story no dogma is defended or opposed by the author; he simply shows how, consciously and unconsciously, [...]
[...] ever, despatched at once to Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Plymouth, and other points at which violence was apprehended, and no further rioting has taken place. The Lehigh Valley road has discharged all strikers, and work has since been resumed on the road and in the mines connected with it. At present Writing, soldiers are still main [...]
[...] only the Shipka pass. Whether so directed or not, Gourko has been compelled by the advance of Suleiman Pasha, and a number of unsuccessful engagements in the valley of the Tunja, to fall back on Shipka, Suleiman occupying Yeni Saghra, Eski Saghra, and, finally, Kazanlik, less than ten miles from the pass. If Gourko is to hold the [...]
[...] either in consequence of a drain on his troops for the sake of rein forcing Krüdener and Shakhovski, or of the movements of Mehemet Ali in the valley of the Lom, where the Russians are now also said to be concentrating in great force. A speedy collision here would not be surprising, though if Mehemet Ali is strong enough to act at [...]
[...] sal suffrage are running, I think it may be safely asserted that in all the eastern part of France, in Lorraine, in Burgundy, and also, I believe, in the valley of the Rhone, the Government will be defeated in the general elections. On the other side, it is probable that the Government will find some support in the north of France, in Normandy, in Brittany, in the [...]
[...] of the numerous aboriginal languages. We earnestly commend to the student's careful attention Mr. Morgan's beautiful exposé of the manner in which, from a given centre of subsistence (the valley of the Columbia, for instance), the entire continent might have become peopled in course of time : “When increased numbers pressed upon the means of subsist [...]
[...] the Saskatchewan valley, to which he wants emigration directed ; and in addition : - “Let there be a line of communication from the Pacific to the St. [...]
The nation19.09.1872
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 19. September 1872
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] condescends to patronize. Baden-Baden used to be one; during the sum mer months this pretty watering-place, or rather gambling-place, buried in one of the valleys of the Black Forest, was for a while converted into a little Paris. Hardly any other language but French was heard on the terrace before the conversation; the German officers, with their long swords dragging [...]
[...] Alas! the times of this limited conquest of Baden are gone; no Frenchman would now willingly cross Lorraine and Alsace, conquered by the Germans, see the valleys of the Vosges, the spire of the Strasbourg Cathedral, and the Rhine. Baden is lost for the Parisian. If he goes to Switzerland he will seldom be found among those enterprising [...]
[...] Rhine. Baden is lost for the Parisian. If he goes to Switzerland he will seldom be found among those enterprising travellers who penetrate the remotest valleys, cross the glaciers and the highest passes. He is not muscular; he considers the ascent of the Righi as an effort, and will use the railway which now brings travellers to the top of this [...]
[...] alive by the ballet-girls—the nuns emerged from their tombs I remember the exclamation of a young painter who was travelling with me when we arrived in front of a mill on a torrent in a lonely valley, on a dark, rainy day. [...]
[...] that the graceful in Switzerland—especially in the German cantons—is a very rare commodity, and that everything that is not rigorously a mountain or a valley is distinctly tainted with ugliness. The Swiss have apparently an insensibility to comeliness or purity of form--a partiality to the clumsy, coarse, and prosaic which one might almost interpret as a calculated offset [...]
[...] have fresh in my memory a journey in which the fancy finds as good an ac count as in any you may treat it to in Switzerland: a long two-days’ drive through the western Grisons and the beautiful valley of the Worder-Rhein. The scenery is perhaps less characteristically Swiss than that of many other regions, but it can hardly fail to deepen your admiration for a country which [...]
[...] landscape rather of ruin-crowned cliff and crag than of more or less virginal snow peaks, but in its own gentler fashion it is as vast and bold and free as the Oberland. Coming down from the Oberalp which divides this valley from that of the St. Gothard, we entered a wondrous vista of graduated blue distances, along which the interlapping mountain spurs grew to seem [...]
The nation02.01.1873
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. Januar 1873
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] to travel, however, have not been in proportion to the magnitude and vast extent of the storm—embracing the eastern half of the Mississippi Valley, and the coast—except in the large cities, where a heavy snow-fall has always about the same effect as the horse-dis temper for corresponding periods; and except on our suburban lines [...]
[...] When he reads that “the mountainous Crete was occupied from a period when the Delta of the Nile was a wilderness,” he must remember that the civilization of the fertile valley of the Nile is among the most ancient of which we have knowledge, while the whole of Grecian history, and of course that of Crete, becomes mythical a very few centuries before the Christian [...]
[...] era. When he reads how India and Persia were settled, he must remember that the four great civilizations of the ancient world were those along the valleys of the Hoang-Ho, the Ganges, the Euphrates, and the Nile, and that it is to the ſertility of the valleys of these rivers that historians attribute their early occupation. If, in addition to this, he will remember that it [...]
[...] would require a vast amount of geographical research to judge exactly what spots were fertile and what were not in those times, that the “peaked isl ands” probably had fertile valleys in which population was thickest, and that Mr. Carey is quite unknown either in the literary world as a historian or in the scientific world as a geographer, he may well conclude that his [...]
[...] “Let the earth stop turning,” he writes, “let the stars fall, let cities crumble, let the mountains become valleys—it will matter little, so long as the Alhambra is saved and our friends can see it. . . . I am plunging for the Inoment into water-colors of the most fantastic difficulty. You must [...]
The nation14.03.1872
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. März 1872
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Over Florence there was an illuminated atmosphere, caused by the lights of the city gleaming upward into the mists which sleep and dream above that portion of the valley as well of the rest of it. I saw dimly, or fancied I saw, the Hill of Fiesole, on the other side of Florence, and remembered how ghostly lights were seen passing thence to the Duomo on the night when [...]
[...] The remarkably low altitude of the Northern line fully entitles it to the designation it has received of the Valley Route to the Pacific. From Lake Superior, for a distance of eight hundred miles, on this line, the country is a vast plain, partly tim [...]
[...] Red, the Upper Missouri, and the Yellowstone, and their many tributaries. Crossing at right angles the valleys of the Mis sissippi and the Red River of the North, the North ern route traverses the rolling prairies of Dakota [...]
[...] sissippi and the Red River of the North, the North ern route traverses the rolling prairies of Dakota to the broad and fertile valleys of the Missouri and Yellowstone. The latter it follows nearly the en [...]
[...] by a pass so remarkable that it almost constitutes a gateway through the mountains, the Northern line enters the valley of a branch of the Columbia, and follows that noble river to tide-water on the Pacific. The leading advantages resulting to the [...]
[...] Pacific. The leading advantages resulting to the Northern Pacific Railroad from the low altitude of the valley route along which it is building are : 1. A mild climate and a sheltered position. 2. Ex emption from deep and drifting snows, and hence, [...]
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