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Galignani's messenger01.07.1826
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Juli 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] of Santa Maria to the Church of St. Domingo, were lined by the troops of the garrison, and crowded with spectators. The pro cession was composed of all the fraternities of the Most Holy Sacrament, of all the Religious Orders, the Knights and Com manders of the Military Orders, the Tribunals, etc. Our most [...]
[...] excite in the faithful, and revived the feelings of grief produced by the fatal effects of inpiety in these better times, manifested by so many acts of sacrilege, which call for all the activity of justice against those who can conceal these execrable offenders against all law, both human and divine.” [...]
[...] ing business. Section II.-Qf the Provincial Chambers. 107. In all the cities and towns at present existing, and in all those which may exist hereafler, there shall be Chambers, to which shall appertain the economical and municipal Govern [...]
[...] soon as it meets, a general balance of the receipts and expendi ture of the National Treasury for the preceding year, as well as a general estimate of all the public expenses for the ensuing year, and that of all the taxes and public revenues. - - CHAPTER VIII.-Of General Provisions and Guarantees of [...]
[...] secrecy of letters is inviolable; the Administration of the Post Office is rigorously responsible for every infraction of this ar ticle.-28. All the rewards bestowed for services rendered to the State, in the civil and military professions, are guaranteed, as [...]
[...] St. Martin. He has constantly on sale a variety of Necklaces, Chains, Seals, Trinkets, &c. all in the newest. fashion and at fixed prices. [...]
[...] At Meunice's Hotel, No. 523, St. Honoré, is always to be four act a rre choice of all kinds of Post-Carriages to is for Calais, Boulogne, dieppe, Havre, Genevº and Italy, and often Return ones for tº [...]
[...] for Calais, Boulogne, dieppe, Havre, Genevº and Italy, and often Return ones for tº above places ºrrºes of all descriptions to be sold and exchange: Repairs done at his Repository on very moderate terms and in the best manner. English Carriages, bºſſ. by some of the best Coach [...]
[...] 'ad Av morning, accordina to the Tºtº, ºf which nºtice tºll be giren monthlº. FAREs, inelºding per dues, and all charges on lugg and every expense of landins and enbarking at Brighton : yº. t2.—Fore {. £1 10s.-Children under 10 years of age, half-price.—Servants : [...]
[...] passage to Southampton. the excellence perfect security of the harbot rs of Portsmouth and Southampton, which vessels can enter in safety at all times and in any weather, make this the most eligible rout, to the South : Fºngland. The passage from Cape le Hére to Bembr ige Point, Isle o [...]
Galignani's messenger18.12.1820
  • Datum
    Montag, 18. Dezember 1820
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[...] there were more examples of the grossest tyranny aud ill-government in Naples than in any other country in the world. Almost all the Barous, and who are nearly as numerous as our forty-shilling freeholders in England, had a signorial jurisdiction on their lands,--all their [...]
[...] had a signorial jurisdiction on their lands,--all their baronies were franchises, or rather County Palatines; they had the power of imprisonment, aud of all corporeal punishment, short of death; they tried all offences in their courts, and imposed penalties at their pleasure. [...]
[...] Every man within their district was totally within their power and at their mercy. They abused this power to ille monopoly of all the necessaries of life, and all the produce of the land, No one could gather their own vin tage, nor reap the harvest on their own lands, until the [...]
[...] much worse than a despotic one, as a hundred ruffians are worse than one. It is the vice of a weak government, that all its servants, from the highest to the lowest, and all mem. bers and parts of it, nobility, clergy, and town magistrates or judgºs, together with all those to whom landed popetry [...]
[...] The Journal which has tried so many monstrous argu ments to prove the Queen as pure as “unsunned snow,” returned yesterday to the most monsuous of all–namely, that her Alajesty had voluntarily assumed all the appear ances of guilt, in order to persuade her Royal Husband [...]
[...] equally plain the peril to which the Ministers find themselves, exposed, being the sole novelty in our pol litical cond tin, has been the true cause of all this out rageºus lang age, and of all these frightful demonstrations, by their partisºns. This, then, is the manner in which [...]
[...] the present moment. The Press, therefore, is not free; it is under constraint. To this they must come at last in spite of all their Corporation Addresses, all their shuffling and equivecation. The secret cannot be concealed. Their falseloods cut the throats of each other. The influence [...]
[...] of which they complain is the influence of the property, the intelligence, and the industry of England, which laugh all their hypocrisy, all their hollow subterfuges to scorn. The people of England have, from the beginning, set themselves against the base artifices resorted to by [...]
[...] in England,” if her Majesty's defence to , the charge: brought against her did not prove to be one which a would convulse all Europe with laughter.” It so happened in deed, that the defence which her Counsel deemed it prudent to offer, excited no merriment at all; but the joke was in [...]
[...] now asserted, by one of her Majesty's most zealous friends, that she aff, cred to play the –——, but all the time a tak ing right good care that the e should not be the least reality in all this.” . Oh, no! uot a jot of reality; no [...]
Galignani's messenger26.02.1821
  • Datum
    Montag, 26. Februar 1821
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[...] ſor assault P Mr. S. WORTLEY explained. Mr. BROUGHAM was sure that they were all anx ious to have the petiton printed, unless such a course was inconsistent with the forms of the House. He un [...]
[...] thanks to those of whom all they knew at the time was, that they had spilt the blood of the people.—[Hear). He was glad, however, that they were to have the su [...]
[...] tion before a committee; but at all events he was anxious that the House should come to a resolution that the amendment ought tº have been put, and that a division [...]
[...] and the model of liberty to all mankind. They had stripped England of that which gave her a nobler dis tinction than all the glory of victory, or the strength of [...]
[...] interests of England were directly affected—though a great power was seen over-running the neighbour ing nations and assailing all the bulwºrks of the inde pendence of Europe, systematically labouring to sub vert the governments of all other countries, even [...]
[...] and, finally, succeeded in corrupting a portion of the military. - - “ Strengthened by the latter, the most criminal of all their measures, this faction brought forth a revolution in the early part of July.—[The manifest then alludes [...]
[...] under the title of a National Parliament, a tool, which in the space of a few months, effected their purposes by overthrowing all cxisting rights, and all the basis of public order, by leaving no other power than that of their ar hitrary will, by replacing the ancient, civil, and political [...]
[...] caused their opinions to be circulated throughout Italy —the daily accounts of their proceedings, and the grow ing confidence of their foreign º: all increased the power of these apprehensions. or could any Ita [...]
[...] “This is all the secret their politics contains; no other idea, interest, or question has found its way into their councils. The inviolability of established rights, [...]
[...] other idea, interest, or question has found its way into their councils. The inviolability of established rights, the independence of all legitimate governments, the in tegrity of all their dominions; such are the bases of the declarations which they will never swerve from ; and [...]
Galignani's messenger19.08.1820
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. August 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ing, the unoment the rattle went for the con– inencement of business, Principals, Brokers, and Jobbers, all rushed into the Mlarket, and the sale of Stock was beyond all precedent— immense quantities were offered at 67 78 for [...]
[...] her Alajesty's Letter, that no arrangement can. possibly take place, and therefore, dreading the consequences of the approaching trial, are all anxious to get out of Stock, as well as to turn all Securities into cash-Star. --- [...]
[...] ..We know not whether the blindness and violence of her advocates were capable of receiving auy addition even from this libel; but we are satisfied that the alarm of all the prudent, the disgust of all the virtuous, the indignation of all the loyal, have been excited in a powerful degree [...]
[...] reviving all those discussions;–they drag the guardians [...]
[...] so loudly. ...We beg pardon for attempting to call to Dr. Parr's recollection his forgotten logic; but he, surely, as well as all mankind, must be aware, that if the witnesses were perjured, and the evidence all garbled, and the tribunal all corrupt and illegal, the acquittal pronounced, [...]
[...] Iºs" (whom we first trample on and reduce to the ne cessity of lying, and then complan of) we here, in this exquisitely moral, religious, and all-exemplary country, [...]
[...] invocations of the Holy Ghost, the result of which is pre viously settled by recommendations from Court.—The people indeed write books objecting to all this ; but the court and its critics are very angry with them, and say it is all quite proper.-ExAMINER, [...]
[...] ceedings against the §. Three gun boats will, it is reported, be placed near her, as a guard to keep off all boats from approach ing Cotton-garden without special permission. -Star. [...]
[...] sided ? Was it any condition of the grant that was then made to her by Parliament? Did not the late M. Whit bread do all in his power to prevent her leaving England at that time * We wish to be understood. We do not, under all the circumstances, blame the Princess for leaving [...]
[...] A Paris, dr. I'Imprimerie de A Boucher, For M. Galignani, to whom (only) all Letters and Com munications must be addressed. FRAN co, and wherc [...]
Galignani's messenger30.06.1821
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. Juni 1821
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[...] our fears, when information of the rebel fleet having approached the coast and intercepted several vessels, *-awakened all apprehensions. Business became at ice suspended, aud all was dismay and ſearful fore boding; day after day increased our anxiety for the [...]
[...] and ferocious strangers, to whom every thing was new ;-hungry savages, who, knowing no distinction but Mussuinº, an Infidel, confound all Christians with the Greek: ; and, on ſauatical grounds alone, would involve all in a common ruin. Their insolence, [...]
[...] j and several to the Isle of Man and other places. Not less than five or six steam packets are frequently moor: cd in the river at the same time. Being all beautiful [...]
[...] preach." “Madame,” replied the Count, “I beg your fº. a thousand times—if you had shown ". ittle sooner, the coachman, the horses, myselſ, all the equipage, would have fallen back.” - [...]
[...] The day of his Majesty's Coronation will be a day of geueral festivity ; and it is expected that all the shops will be closed, and all business suspended. [...]
[...] ſeared that it would be evaded in many cases.—Their Lordships would easily understand why he did not ſol low the Noble Lord through all points of his speech. The conduct of other countries on the subject was a matter of great delicacy. All he hoped or required was, [...]
[...] it had attained an extraordinary pitch of commercial greatness under that system of laws. He should just propose to repeal all the Navigation Laws passed be fore the Navigation Act of Charles the Second, in order to strip those laws of all the contradictions and contra [...]
[...] gaining ground. His object in all these regulations was to secure to this country the benefit of those com mercial advantages to which she owed her superiority [...]
[...] of, the subject would be as open as before for discus sion. The additional measure would embrace the fol lowing regulation:--that all goods, when imported into this cºuntry, should be divided into two'classes—the first class would include all goods bearing the highest [...]
[...] vailing notion in that House, that with a free trade this country could still keep up its commercial advantages over the rest of the Wºl. He (Mr. S.) from all theiu formation at which he could arrive, was inclined to think that all who believed in that consequence would [...]
Galignani's messenger07.11.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 07. November 1820
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[...] royalty, or even of angelić natures, to make that falsº Jºichi, tºne, or the truth false. The evidence is belº" the nation, and before all Europe; and the only *P* is with such means as her Maj sty's enemie” possessed, jº, all the diabolical arts and industry exertel by fºr [...]
[...] Queen. The parties were a Princess, who takes a ser vant, purchases titles, and an estate for him, and takes the whole of his family into her service, and all this in the course of eighteen months. In the examinatiou of the evidence, the Noble Lord would leave out all that which [...]
[...] of Settlement, observed, that this Act, excluding ſtoman Catholics from the Throne, was in fact, a Bill of Pains and penalties to all the heirs of the Crown professing that re ligion. The second Act of Seulement went farther, for it not only excluded Roma" Catholics, but also all others [...]
[...] and contradiction in the evidence given on this Bill, that it was difficult to come to the truth. As to Bergami, if their Lordships abstracted all notions of criminality, and all thoughts of the intercourse with which the parties had been charged; if they divested themselves of every in [...]
[...] Atter all those efforts, cousiderable prejudice [...]
[...] to the bar determined to do all in her power to ruin her [...]
[...] inees? Because, beyond them all was now freedom and [...]
[...] Germany, which would rejoice in the triumph of this prosecution; they aloue would lament, and h ºng down their heads in surrow at its failure; while all free-horu Englishmen—while the free of all nations, would hail the acquittal of the Queen, as th y would the liberation of [...]
[...] he appeared to be struggling very much with some per sons before he was completely out of the window—that all the cries of “murder!” and “watch " were uttered in a man's voice; and that, as he fell, two women looked out after him, without uttering any alarm at all. The evidence [...]
[...] The women instantly followed, and endeavoured to drag him away from the window, but he clung to the sash, and they pulled at him with such violence, that all the lower part of it gave way; and they all fell backwards into the room. He now struggled with them several minutes in [...]
Galignani's messenger13.04.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 13. April 1821
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[...] - - ---------- --. ers in France. Consequently the armies of all nations are º of different beings, to what they were before the French Revolution. [...]
[...] own Catholic Church on the ruins of the Protestant Es tablishment. They were well answered by the excel lent H. G. Bennet, that “all sects are intolerant.” We may add, that all established sects are especially so; and it is not a little edifying, that these Protestant exclu [...]
[...] roneous and in some cases monstrous. This is adding insult to injustice; and for what? To rear a crerical body which is excelled after all by the Dissenting Clergy in morality, piety, and zeal. We know the ready answer to all this: “the few [...]
[...] too hastily a 'opted in the beginning. We all remember the able (and, so ſar as there can be any thing glorious in an unjust warſare), the glorious valour of the Italian [...]
[...] ORIGINAL POETRY, for “The Newgate Mercury.” Tune—“Mail Coach.” Come all ye prigs and sons of rig, and listen to my “ bobbery,” Now’s the time in ev'ry clime for mobbery and robbery. [...]
[...] Making free with liberty, and still for freedom hun j - Hlegislatorslucubrate us, all so fine in f. Some hang, some harrangue, prate and rate like parrots, Prigs and Whigs, like bugs and rugs, are now in all [...]
[...] peared, if we except a melo-drame stolen from France -a tragedy hashed up from the stolen ingredients of half a dozen comedies—and an opera, all the inusic of which has been purloined. [...]
[...] Lost, during the Agricultural Question, his temper, by the Hon. Grey Bennet. Lost, during the Army Estimate, all h’s time, by Mr. Hume. - Wants a Place.—As First Lord of the Treasury, Earl [...]
[...] and insisted that, the deceased having ded worth Aol., he was entitled to a ſee of 13s." The trustees alledged, that when all debts were paid, very little would be left, and, after much altercation, he agreed to take ios., which were paid him. But this is not all.—The [...]
[...] be treated as a rebel. , As it was thought impossible to find room for our troops aſter the Austrians entered; they have all been sent out of the city with the exception of the Royal Guard. [...]
Galignani's messenger19.04.1820
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 19. April 1820
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[...] to England. This subject is of so very delicate and painful a description that we are desirous of avoiding all discussion of it : but we cannot help expressing our deep regret that the coun try should at all be menaced with the agitation [...]
[...] in the first instance, will be to uphold the Sovereign Au thority and Majesty of the Thröne in its just rights and dignities, to prevent as much as possible all indecorous discussion, and render all painful evidence unnecessary to support the process which may be instituted, unless, in [...]
[...] them, while the subject ean be employed in .." to Government. On the other hand, after all the disgusting rumours of transactions [...]
[...] the ceremony of arraignment. . We are happy to state, that Sheriff Rothwell, in defi ance of all interference, has hindly undertaken to secure tº the Gentlemen of the public press, for whose conve nience he has on all occasious shewn the utmost solicitude, [...]
[...] field remained in a state of a'arun, which put a stop to bnsiness of every kind. The shops and warehouses were all closed, labour was suspended, and all waited with amiety the result of these threatening and alarming ocr currences. The military remained in the market-place [...]
[...] In the evening, three or four persons were taken into enstody, and examined by Mr. Scott and Dr. Corbett, and committed for further examination. All the respect able inhabitants were sworn in as special constables, and patrolled the streets all night. Yesterday, 9 others were [...]
[...] you all, and I Hope you, all will look on my last dy! [...]
[...] ºrds of advis. This is the last, yes, the last of all. ... My friends, you all know well that my Urinciplº's has *::: *: cause of my Death: you all now that l'Haye denie [...]
[...] warning to all those who have been tainted by similar [...]
[...] The President observed that the question was dis posed of. Here all those Members who spoke first returned to the charge, and a violent struggle to be beard ensued. [...]
Galignani's messenger21.08.1821
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 21. August 1821
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[...] entertained by men of all parties, with respect to the conduct of Ministers on Tuesday last. This much at [...]
[...] several supporters of Ministers, who all loudly lament the folly of their measures on that day. and the disgrace which they have entailed on them. They readily ac [...]
[...] barracks, the use of which has been kindly afforded him by Government. It has been arranged, we understand, that all the Circuits shall commence on the same day—the 6th of September. [...]
[...] carriage at the door of the Lodge ; several Gentlemen also i.º. His Majesty turned round before he en tered, and addressed all who were present in nearly the following words : — “My Lords and Gentlemen, [...]
[...] All the slips and vessels, as well as the martello towers, - [...]
[...] regain their proper place in the cortege. At Brooks: bridge and at Brentwood, as far as could be judged from appearances, the people had given up all expecta tions of seeing the funeral that night, and on its arrival were running about in all kinds of undresses to obtain [...]
[...] carried, as is the case at almost all respectable ſuiterals! [...]
[...] The royal arms were still left upon tie hearse, but all the escutcheons, if there ever had been any, were re moved from the horses? No attendance of heralds or [...]
[...] could come up except just in time to see theslings wound 1 ound the coſſin. It was at this moment that in the faces of all the ladies and gentlemen above mentioned, the Not a person refrained [...]
[...] which, sºftened as it was by being heard over the wa ter, inspired a general melancholy, not inappropriate to the solemnity of the scene. All the vessels in the roads had their colours hoisted half-mast high. [...]
Galignani's messenger09.07.1821
  • Datum
    Montag, 09. Juli 1821
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[...] nations as he chose—who gave the word and , was obeyed, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean : he to die such a death! How has he disppointed all the pre sages of the superstitious—all the hopes of the brave all the predictions of the moral He was to have died [...]
[...] finished his career on the field of battle—he was to have furnished, by some public punisment, a terrible exam ple to all succeeting tyrants. He disappoints all these prophecies—he survives his renown and his glory—he reiers a miserable exile to the death of a soldier on the [...]
[...] the opinion of the Historian, we should say: that whilst he concentered some of the brilliant qualities of the most celebrated men of antiquity, he combined all their vices. With all Alexander's eagerness for conquest, he had none of his magnanimity—with all Charles the [...]
[...] as well as the regular dispatches. After perusing them, Earl Bathurst sent an account of the important event to the King, and a circular box to all the Cabinet Minis tel'5. - [...]
[...] humble Address be presented to his Majesty, praying that he will direct the Attorney-General to enter a noli i.” ". to all indictments laid against any individuals y the Society - styling itself, “ The Constitutional As sociation.” - [...]
[...] secute where it was necessary. He would here ob serve that when the state of the Press was such that it endeavoured to destroy all reverence for the autho ties of the land, and to do away with all subordination ; he did not think that the Law Officers had exerted [...]
[...] his finding subjects for prosecution, would not take care to earn that reward in some shape or other. This was the nature of all spies and informers. The So ciety, however, under debate was distinguishable from all others that had been referred to for the pur [...]
[...] detecting them.—(Hear.) The ATTORNEY-GENERAL said the motion soug't to put an end to all the prosecutions complained of without inquiring whether they were properly insti tuted or not. His Hon. and Learned Friend had not [...]
[...] for Bramber (Mr. Wilberforce), about the propriety of putting down libels on both sides; but what was the ſact? Why that all on one side were mown down, and all on the other leſt untouched. Benbow, he be lieved, had been prosecuted for publishing a Caricature [...]
[...] The question was then put and negatived without a division. On the motion of Dr. PHILLIMORE, a return of all Slaves in the West Indies was ordered to be laid before the House. [...]
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