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The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer09.08.1755/10.08.1755/11.08.1755/12.08.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. August 1755
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] At Tbr" o'- loclt In t' e &fremd. "a T'eſl'y the ed aſ Septa' be' na' , at the Croſa Keya lnn I' Hull, Far.n Houſe, an 1. ſeveral Cloſcs and [...]
[...] NEW HlSTORY of the HL/LY PlBl-E, bo'h Otp 'ed Na' 'ran-a' "1'. 'y th' Rev. TllOMAS STACKHOUZE. A.h\. La' Van' 'ſ Bet'h'm in Bern. [...]
[...] the moſl appr- 'ed modern Author' correſponding 'i'h all Hediltſilml , [...]
[...] . Ditto ed Stib.-n0 Price [...]
[...] 'ſits Day um' peblubrd, f rue bound 35. (Beeuttſully printed in e neet Pocrt '1- VOLUM! ) The Seven-r H ED'TloN, a A RRl ERY lM PROV ED; or, A Com plete Treetiſe upon the Art oſ FARRlERY. Wherein i' [...]
[...] r. 'hich 'in he edded, &oroe Ot'c. StONAL DlSCOURSES. The Whole Retiſed end Comaed, By FERDINAN DO WAR N ER, LL.D. [...]
[...] Rtctor aſ Quernbitbt, London. This Work 'ill 'mount w One Hu. d'ed and Twenty Sh'et', t' be eompr-eeo' in Forty Number' ; Publ'ſhed_every Saturdey without Intermtfl'mn, ttll the Work i' compleated. [...]
[...] ſent Meirfly Let-t' XV end en Ares-nt o' -ht ne' rein-nt lie' who flu tlhrd 'n eerh leilo. Pr med 'or W O-en, in Fleet Street; 'ed fold hy ellether Boozſel en in To'n end Ce'nt'y. [...]
[...] or helf hound zl. p. 6d. or eny ſingle Numbe' from the Begin ning, nt 6d. e'eh. tv B. No. CXV. 'ill te you-'ed o' the 'a ol Septe-her. P- e- 6 l. [...]
[...] rcoer e "on Ce'mry bNuſi-Pn '7 hat' good AI-o'u-eo' ſed gea Lr'- entſ' hl'1u. 'ne-'ebb DJn'r Eh'r. dk'ed to h'th' he' -\ loth-A by 'eyen Phylnele 'at huge-one. end e'cry Body that tu- e ed 4. - [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer23.01.1755/24.01.1755/25.01.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. Januar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] -.- n 31.. 'god ed: za [...]
[...] of ren till T'n'r'ry l'ay, empt Su Axis. Porln ther P'r itulnt' enqrr're of Mr. will arrr (Leg-ry. Ca penter, neat the 'warden Nou, All t'etlonr 'nd'b'ed 'o 'he ſaid Dnhropt' Eft-'e are ro qui'od furth'ith to ply the D.h-r hy them on'rn; to M-. Fr'nerr L'nrſt-n Atturney (v lar i' duly'authOrr-'ed by the Aſſryun 'o 'e [...]
[...] GRAMMAR. 'bridled by Mr. RESTAUT, Ad'ocote in the Perlmnent oſ Per-e end Kiol'e' Council. To whichere edded, Exact-ire: edepted to the Rule' of French Conl'mfiion, 'Ilh Obſer 'n'ions un them y er elſo e Collection or French compliment', re [...]
[...] ' His Mejeſty's Ship George of 90 Guns, is brought down the Herbour, in order to be dockud and corn. * miſſion'ed for See Service. * The Cnpuin hes Order: to ſail to Spitheed this e, Da '_' [...]
[...] PRlCES of GOODS et Ben-Ker. Wheat <-- 25! to 275. od. per Ouerter Barley '55. to use. ed. per Quarta. [...]
[...] OISatt-r/Iay 'text will be publj/l ed, Belntlfnlly printed in large Oc-ravo, il ufltated w'th Copper-Plate', N'- l. ſ- t january t755, to be e 'tinued Monthly, Priee U. [...]
[...] Thuam Hiſtoria. aBnelrley, 7 vt Guarnace-iVi'a Pon'iflctm, 2.', flofl'ſſ. L'J'Il lericon, Ed opt. 4 vr Ariflcphania Co'nr'orliae, Kufl'rt Cttemnia Opera omnia, a Ma [...]
[...] 'Vitb bit MA] r s T Y'r Royal Priviltg' ard L irmce. Illu'r't'd 'tth On' Hundred and ſo" aſeſul and 'name-tal la] ' and Soulpt'rea, eaya'ed bv the be' Hand' fate-own' Rump. N a \ t .ſ [...]
[...] and inland. Where may ba had, 'ſhe T" Volu- e'nplaat, 'nd the abov' Cup-Fine' ':ady l-otand andlm'ed. Priee yl. a', Note, Be eareſul to a'k 'or StatkhouſeFa ldifloryoſ th' R ble. *.* Thoſe Puſona who choſe to talte in 'hia Work by si:_.a'ny [...]
[...] Tbir Da_,- was pubtubra Prtce 3.' ed. uoa'ra. fir SIVINTILNTH ED'TXON of [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer28.01.1755/29.01.1755/30.01.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 28. Januar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] .. PLANTATIXON NEWSM ,. Vtaetaia, Dec. tr. Our Retruiting f the EXpe ditlnn_is going on, though it is apprehen ed nothing will be done this Winter._ There are 'go new Re Cruits levied here. At preſent we havefago Men 't [...]
[...] haler. ba' flokn 'nt of tho Root' of a Gtaatley-a' Coma-our of Ne' Colleze, Otſord, Thirty-ſeven Guir'eaa and ſome fleeth', and is led 'irh the ſame; 'al it alſ' ſa,-po'ed -' h-'e takra'a'a 'it him 'eve-al other Thinge bringing to ed!" Butlemen-oſ 'e Canace: Thenſor' viy-ever Ball 'Plſ'* [...]
[...] By BLNJAr\llN MARTlN. J'ai/Mr aſ 'be PÞ/Iſpbtcnl Gumm', &t. Ire. Pth'ed ſo' W. O'en, at Henm'a Head in 'lus-Street. and m 5' all other lookſehera, 'ma-a, 'a be'n-Came" in Cro' B'ilailand Irelad. [...]
[...] in Pater . When 'nay ba bad. th' preceding Number-t. - _ This Day were publis l"ed, .= lHE JUSTICE of the SUPREME IEING- A POEM. [...]
[...] upxir-o lt hu m: 'lth bar 'accuſe ed him to dmble the Number i'fl pit-"ed off, ſo that no" any ma' ltqtin With N'- l- Rd be 'tzelerly But-A Waoklz, by f'ing Nutlee 'a 'but i [...]
[...] dclcrtcd the French, leſt they ſhould be forced on btmrd any nſ their Shi of Way, and be afumrds when by 'alms-ed co n'd. [...]
[...] (but 'my was' publill ed, 1', Two Voln'l'. Tolio, (printed on the fine' 'would Paper, 'Irn nt copper Plate' l-eautiIuIly colour'd, Price 'wrie-t [...]
[...] \tDR. JAMFA'F zl'o-uoee'ſnt FFVERS. ; Wild-mawry Duct-m. pb'i'ed'viTin'e ol hi- lzjrflz'r Ft oyd l.e::ln hung-fill i-m (an tue-ban 'py-t tie-ned [I mlny-thonfand Ctſal can-John' Ante- turn: e 'e' [...]
[...] i U' DM "e 'any-ly c'ed 'act er-Qu'r. Pne- bu num;- the r- ', or: - m aſ uncom- ntbfin. r. 'ul'b "the-r e" P'yeu- *.-, [...]
[...] io'veingC -n umykn', Ner'om sz'udcn. be. Þu' 'o 'utter-ty Alſo, heſt-end' I' tun'- 'ſit e'er. 'not ſuch hintmp. 'ſ r: 'hu'ly tinue', ' my In, from flmrlrl ther Spetc. u' ys 'end-'ed and' o' Homeg my r. r t) . but), tra ate-e, n'- h-rt-l 'ed I'l'ue. Tb'ſ' 'flung Gleet-a' (_((15='-'£ 1' 'eat-Pan mon. mit' V' [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer27.05.1755/28.05.1755/29.05.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 27. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Parliament in reſpect to Theſe: was injurious to the Faculty, that the Bull Unigenitusought tobe regard ed as a Law 'ofthe Church, and that thoſe who tranſ '-' ſiteſi'd therſ-'w incurr'd'the Eccl'ſi'ſtida] Cdſſ'lſu'res, c. The Parliamenſdemanded the Regiſter of th' Fa [...]
[...] Early Yeſterday Motni the Remaina of Sir Charles Chefler,'BIrt.--w're ca ' f'om-thvflouſe-ol Sir Na Lhanipl gurzlttsn,ti£hflc;ol;k*5t$euet, to' be igerg-ed in th' ai-ni an at i _ ſ ' ' hath ire.'He died in thedfzotb Year-oſ his Algaſi _ [...]
[...] ,'review'ed upon Town-hill, by ColI Kingfley,.and made a very fine Appearance. * [...]
[...] 'continued his , (without which, as ſeveral Letters of the - Gentleman's Hands t'eſiify, he muſt ha ve part-ed) and, [...]
[...] - By-thd RC'.ſiTHOMAS "STACKHOUSE,'A.M. - 'J- la'e Vena' of'Bm-harn 'm Boil. Prin'ed ſo' 1. "long, na Round-Street; and ſ'I-d by jacob ', Qob'nſon, at the Golden Lion in Ludpte-Streett and by the.Prinur' [...]
[...] _N'.B. The Second Volume may be had alone. Pri- 5'. Frmted 'or j. Whiflon and I. White, at B')le'a Head, and W. Oven, at Homer" Head, in ſleet-Street; and Ed. Baker, at T'abridge. _ When may be had, by the ſea' Author, thaSiath Edid", [...]
[...] Short Devotion-i Raerctſe' ſor ev'r' FUN'A), and al; o her ſolrno ſeeſt' and Faſt', through ut the Year, aa they are enjoin'd to be rbſcr'ed in the Rtlhrtck o' the Chtmlt oſ England. a. An accu tate. ther-e) ſnccir'ct, Account oſ all the ioſe luſ Feſhval' in each Monfh, ſur the Obſetvance whereof no Service la azporn ed. To [...]
[...] rrfb'ay oil, sir/tard; * PrrFTroundeL-Z" X In a Near POCKET VOLUME, A New ED'TlON, bring rbr Tmnn, of [...]
[...] Printed ſor 1. Hodge', at London-Biilge Where may be had, juſt pub'iſhtd, by the ſame Author, enabellilhed with Frontiſpiece' and Map', curi uſly cgra'ed, Prite 3'. each Volume bound in Cal", < t. The Hiſtory of the Life and R'ig" q bearia XlV. King oſ [...]
[...] deceaſed) at the Great Co'den Pair oſ Spectacle, ap'mfl th' [all End of the Ne' Church in the Strar'dJ-ondon. lah only ſor a .\ v Shillily Pot 'or the Icurvy. Io Lettan uſ'd-ed. unleſ- Po" r , , [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer06.02.1755/07.02.1755/08.02.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Counties of Denbigh, (The-ſter, Flint, and Montgomery. Yeſterda the Admiralt, Townſ-nd, Well, and Moſtyn, lriH'ed his Majeſtv's Hand at St. lames's, being to ſetþout in a few Days for Portſmouth and Plymonth, to forward the A'mnment in thoſe Parts. [...]
[...] Soldier, having Words with his Lanrllurrl, (lth his Ilanger, :..d wounded him in two Parts of the Body. He was ſcCui ed and carried hefOreJuſtiCe St. Lawrence', who committed lum to the Gatehoule. ' Yellerday John Flach was committed to New-Priſon i [...]
[...] *WO beautiful. ſtrong, high-b ed MARES: [...]
[...] LL Perions I 'lltb ed to the Mter: [are ()l Mr. Samuel Chaodler, of Ho horn, in t'e Par-ſh of Sz. the' in the Field', deceaa'd, 're required to pav their reſpective [...]
[...] Pna'ed ſo' Luther Da'i' neat Sal 'ban-C'u't. Flaet firſt' 'Tbu hat was pubn; ad, A DlKhC l URY 'or MIlP-YlVlZS; [...]
[...] l The Female Parſm; -.-r Be.u in 'he Sud'. an Opera. Pr. r'. 2.. The Unſirtunatr Mad ex-'trpliſiedg or the Strry If Eern 'ITN CANMNG, 'nd-ta'ed from e'ery mean Aſperſt-m thri-'n upon it; cnnlaiulngrrmt'nzzſt many other l'ar.icularl, a full Anſwer [...]
[...] Dry from altiſr, our Rents will ſoon riſe, and 'ou ſee. n Smile in almoſt every Face, from a Prrſpict of ſpeedy Cain. Too many having already exPcn.*.ed. in Luxury and Diverſions, what they got by the luſt Rupture. S-*-me dry olu' Chaps, indeed, pretend to l.:* [...]
[...] SET of the FIGURLS of PLANTS, 'day-'ed to the GARDENER's DICTXONARY. In which 'ill be included 'il the print-zpal Manna-ſed in Wide, 'r 'rr 'ther Purpoſe'. 7 [...]
[...] 'Hair De)- was [rub/ill ed, (Priee 3' eolour'd.and 3', 6d. colour'd on P-fleh'a'd) [...]
[...] Adqnih of th' ' t! 1' Turn Peru. 5. The Martyr-lorn 'ſ the Men-ben. 6. F 'IU'EcNfl'y (tum the je'a oſ A'zaandria, to Cain' C'llſdl'. All allufly revized, and camp: ed arth the ori [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer07.08.1755/08.08.1755/09.08.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] of-Berlia out Sovereign'ahaving tuſ'd to urge the Reſtimtion of Eaſt-Frieſlund, "ed his' well ' known-security in the Friend lhip of the Court of Ruſlia, have not a little co'itrt [...]
[...] (3 nia, is'arrit'ed at [...]
[...] We heer that two-Merohtntsin Li 'in the [lle oſ Men, are'fittirlg oiit two Privat'ee't, ed ct' h..ve Swivels and Sin-ill Arms, aſind luſty My' "ned" ' They are built in the Farm' of Wherries; enden' ba [...]
[...] being the ed, gd, and 4'h Day' of Sept'mbar next. 'i'l i" 'en for on St. Staphen'a Down, near Launceſton in Co'nv'all, the ſeveral Putl' ſollo'iny, vie. [...]
[...] In furniſh ng the Hook, det. 'or 'erther Particulaa enquireel the ſaid Mr. Piahevn, a' e' the in Tenent, Mr. Ham. o' th' ſet-e Place, Wine Idea-than' 'ed [...]
[...] *' lu'l nt to ſuyzott it, may juſtly be ſaid to have the bra-ded '* But otI.' Sir Will ana Temple. Du ln ſtinted' London 'r-zrin'ed ſr Stanley Crn'der 'ed [...]
[...] Speedzly wzll be ſubſtfl'ed, Prscc 6d. Falthlul Ndſſ iſlVC oſ the late pretended Ounpo'der Plot t To blu' up the Opere-Huuſe in the Hey [...]
[...] been ſ'uperannuatcd ; and that Mr. Bately, Deputy S_ur vryor, and Mr. Slade, Builder et Deptford, ereappomt ed joint Surveyors in hie ſtead, Mr. He s, Buiſder at fChatbarn, is appointed to ſucceed Mr. lade at Dept ord. [...]
[...] * When 'my 'llſ-ſſbe lad. jnfl' '41th d, - The Ne' Veal-ell Frl He, ſung there thi' Summer. Next Week up'iFl-z e publſh-ed, P'ir: bound 41. e In ONE VOLUME ſmell Ocutt'o, V . Flered fnr the Pocket, . [...]
[...] Iiſhed v-rh nny correct-un', Add'don', 'nd 'Her-'e lDFT'W' enl'. by different lind'- 'l'b- I: yn'mtsn r el: Ter-re meum-ned. " de r-'ed 10- the Greek, Hebrew, Autn'e, 'at o'Ie' Afiette union', being reviſed 'nd e rre-&ed. _ _, 3.- . By )OSEPH-NlCOL SCOTT- MD. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer13.02.1755/14.02.1755/15.02.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] couple cf Foorpads, who forced him out of the Chaiſe, and robbed him of four Guineas, and thirteen Shillings And Sixpence, but ſome Paſſcngers coming by he llu'ed his Watch. . COMMlTTED. On Thurſday laii was Committed [...]
[...] ' Opera 3 'here the Indian Prince, in hit Behind' to the tranſ " ported Thieves, among other Quefliona ask', What '*r Him-or? i who ral l-ed that lt ſerved to ſwear upon. Aa thi' Pnce, for " ſome Reaſon', ie prohibited from being acted upon lhe Engliſh " Stage, l cotahl 'iſh it 'ere tranſlr;ed l'Lo the French Language, [...]
[...] fills' or, Ha't'tLur" 'an (art-a. [or the Herpſrchord, Vi-II, he. an. Printed ſo' j. Wafflt, na Catherine-tlrttt, Str'ed U' 'horn may be had, Han'el'a Sang', ſrlrflad 'torn hie Dram-or, fo' the HrrsC [...]
[...] This Evening was pubn/l. ed, Pm'e 25. 6d. Of Uſe and proper to be read by every Surgeon in the Kingdom, [...]
[...] 'i &he'll/r will be yard/'ii ed, Prfrr &Palm-ſ, In TlVO VOLUMES, *Tt':r.t.*.'£t, ' HE RlVAL MOTPIER; or, The [...]
[...] may begin 'ith N'. l. 'nd proceed gradually to the End. N.B. At the Deſire oſ a great Number oſ Salt-ſcl'lbfl", 'e ba'e eempi'ed In lndu to the Figure' on the Ci-rrer Plate' in the Die [...]
[...] Neitlv printed in Pot to, on a new Letter and [and Pap", No. lV.To be eonllt'urd Weekiy 'nd theWhnl' 'taking r$6 direct' 'ill te ormpri ed in Party-fix Nun-et', [...]
[...] i 'creal Dileaſe ſrnrn the Fare oſ the Ear'h were it but univerſally t hav'n, 'nd properly taken. Freſh lrzſectlon', ral'ed Clap'. with al [...]
[...] oſ St. Nich In, Detſnrd, Ken'. ' Mr'. Martha Hdtd, at the Wheltſhelſ, sze-Pa'k Corn-r, vvi-h 'horn l l'ed Servant. Mrrchnu and Captain' of Ship' may be ſuppl ed vvith FI"dagtl a-id Medirine' to crry abroad; or any l'crſon afficthd wi li a Rup [...]
[...] U) ti-e Rib b'a Hares-r. l IlS l-'ltijzllv has but-ſ' g'rcriully pleaſ-ed [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer05.04.1755/06.04.1755/07.04.1755/08.04.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. April 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] n a jeanyr un" be [ublz,l'l*ed, Prive 35. bound, ln a POCKET VOLUME, ltdiſimird te his Royal Higbn'fl- the Prince aſ Wales, [...]
[...] Addr'fl'ed to 'the Right Hon- the Earl of HOLOIINI"X, By' Sir TANFXEL I) LEM AN. Bark. Printed for H. Whitridze. 't the Royal Exehtnze ; R. Grifitht, in [...]
[...] 'or other Purpoſee. To e th unzber 'ill be edded e printed sheet; in which the difference between the,ſe'eie_l hie-had' o! chfling the Plem' "ill he etpltined, the ſe'ml Synonyrm of the [...]
[...] me. ed. - * [...]
[...] la ed) o HE WORKS If VlRGlL; tranſlated [...]
[...] , 'ſiii' de 'that pill-'i ed, In ONE POCKET VOLUME, A tPriee :e. Gd. ſewed." 31. band) [...]
[...] Dun-runne' a! TRADE end CO'ZMERCB. Prln'ed ſ-rr jub: and Peul Kn'pttn, no Ludeete-Sereee. In 'hie Diſht nzrr wail he [teen gun', e madest Body of GQ' [re p-hy oſ 'he 'hole W-vrlJ, enzrn'ed on 'only-(one Shall. [...]
[...] r. Thin Work 'te 'fill'lly continue. et dull "eke Pin Volume' in (Lzar o; purse] on 'he time l'. 3- "A T," "e tle Spent-en, 'ed Hluflrn'ed "r th 'ſir-i 'He Loyte'- .I{'I' 'no e eumylfle Tzcex. e. 'ſhe l'rire to Subttribc" 'all be 'ſitte Cumeu in sheet' z T'o Cuiteee to be paid et the Tin-4 et' Subierllmſ. In! [...]
[...] With pulltd Eighth', 'rought ne tery', end nothing 'hero-I fleaſ-twa- tt late-nour. Tozuhc' 'r-th il. 'he T'hle' man ny ted 'ſeſul ſ 'lh' Mr' I-r'e Pr..ttt(e. 'ſne Win-le cumpri'ed in lo 'le n a-d -t.'y e M Inner, ther Period' o! e 'teen Under-"tending my cmpeehend uhr e ma z'- ed ttere'n. [...]
[...] 'l-lh'rlſe hie lnecmperehle Deſey'e Elixir, Ille-'ed to 'b' the bell in Boyl-nd by both Phyheiu' end lergeonr, end ner? Lady thzr hit nſedin ct ſi ' ' 7 I [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer14.08.1755/15.08.1755/16.08.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ' the hondon Gee'tte, , EYGF'UPPOR Kind thet the High (Ionſleble in the ſiid Dfflſi'm do fillſ' ' ed Copies 'hereof ro- be pnfled [...]
[...] r HEREAÞ a l'crſon, who lavs his Name . ieSemeel Wood, en'd the' he li'ed ſoriie Time 'go et Bol 'Ofl I' lLeneeMe. ere' on 'e'erdey the ed eſ thin inherit Aegeſl ' tehen up 't 'lure k, in U (In-'ty 'ſ Noui'lhem, ſo' Horſe [...]
[...] (inſcribed to the Purſe', 'r hell hereafter ſuhſ'tibe Half I Guide' to'eedethe lame. ' _ . þ Then will he Ordinar'n "try Day," 'ed Bell' et Nzghtr'fer the [...]
[...] jub-ly Iſſ'ul' Ed'II by, 'he Turnhey 'hti'[_ 'nd (fly Force, [...]
[...] To be Sono to 'be nz's'r Brooek,_ At Three o'Cloele in t*.e Aſrernoon, on Toeſdey the ed of Septu ber nex z at the C'oſ' Keytlnn at Hull, Form1 Home, and ſeveral Cloſes and [...]
[...] of b'tDlln' Ad'entorer' in the preſent Lottery. 'o 'them i zuy not he ſo eoeu'enienr, or agreeible, to pur-Jvafe wit-Ne T-skm aa to ne 'one-r ed i. the Clean." or Shmr, F. WLLsuN. [...]
[...] m' Iflands. PMore Ships oſ War ere bour' ex &ed_ box (from the Eefl and Weſtward; and th'pgb:p flain: if out in the Harbour will ſþstdily kind-oſ; um, [...]
[...] in' 'ON'E 'VOLU Me ſmut * Tiſmd fur th' Pocker, m fl ed 'h T 'C -Fh' , ' ( u :I 'it en _rzuc sſi'zepreſeatuz 'he qual 'e [...]
[...] :md'lj P. Kmpton, T. _epl. . _anmm, (_th ed 'nd [...]
[...] Fundauuef R me to the End o' 'be C'MIULI. . By Mr. ROLLIN. Tnnfln'ed (ram the FREVCH' in Linnen Vulnmn. oel'o' 1 lnhu'd 'l b Mtp' ealout'J. 'r-d C tap" aim' Ptm'ed m jokn Kn plot', in 1 queStreez. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer03.06.1755/04.06.1755/05.06.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 03. Juni 1755
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] others, whoſe Hopes eve been very ' gard to this Eogine. The Conſtructor at rſt pretend ed this Machine ſhould throw forty Hmzſheads of Water, a determined Height, at every Stroke of the Pumps; that forty of theſe Strokes ſhould'be made in a [...]
[...] Slaiterfiurgennandct r 1 , " Tuel'day died; after'a jfew DX'sTllneſs; menting. 'nex Ecver,'Ed'-*ard' Saxron', , a;" a, healthy, Melt Di n r.' - - * ' [...]
[...] JOHN BALLARD. aged twentrſoo' Year', five Feet five lneb'e and a half ligh, Paper-nreker by Trade, bern in the Per-O oſ Breſt-ed, near Mauflone in Rent, he ia 'long-made. a little bow-legg'd, wear' lie our' Hair, very ſhort and bhek, wlzh e WoolleiCep, had or ed old blue Cut, green Frree Warflenat, and [...]
[...] Gere'al Forthe, AARON YARNOLD, aged twenty-three Year', Six.- five Feet ben lnehea high, with ſhort dark-e-lou'ed Ha'r, and 'anl' one o' hie Fingers , he went cli' with bie Orenad'er Regimalteb, and be'n a falſe Furlough. [...]
[...] 'hoten-ſquare, near Piecadilly. lr. Adolphe beg' Lta'e to take 'hie Opport'nity oſ gratefully 'tltoo'ledgina the Honour he he' reeei'ed from the Nobility and Gentry. 'ho have encouraged 'hit Undertahing with their Names. [...]
[...] Officors of the Cuſtomsand Exciſe went to ſeize a great Quanriry of Tea and Brand , lodg'd, or pretend ed to be lodged, near Hytlie in ent; and'on Friday laſt returned ſaiigued with their journey, but without any Booty. X ' [...]
[...] i N.B. Four French SliTpL-Thcy can't, with all their Gaſcnnadiug,vſhnw ſo many Engliſh. PS. I Was young in thoſe Days, but 'I think the Ed gar was 'one of thc Ships that return'd from the unlock tunate Expedition to Canada, under the Command oſ [...]
[...] , N.B. The Second Volume ony be hrd alone. Prier 53; - Printed 'or J. Whiflon end B. White. it Bole" Head, end W. Oven, et Homer-'r H'ld, in ſleet-Street; 'nd Ed. Beker, etToul-nidze. - " ' . I LWhure ney. he he', l'ythe ſame Author, the' Sixth Bdition. [...]
[...] , Price 5', of _ . ' 1, The Uſe end latent o' Prophecy] in Six Diſcanrſeeet the Temple Church. To 'which erc edded, 'our Diſſert'tiooe, end In Appendix on the Moſeic Account of 'the Fell. ' ,. , N.B. The Appendix may he hid 'loue-te complaiſance Edi [...]
[...] for e' diſcover'd; e'htbit'rg Ihejufl Ben' dnr'e' nd the ſtenth -!neyoechmeotr,' hid do'n from 'rthent-c S'vrv-t', ertn m -'rn'ed hy 'Nr. Bo'en. Geoſr'pher 'to hie deiy, No. V. (or MAY, '755. [...]