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The London and China telegraph28.05.1860
  • Datum
    Montag, 28. Mai 1860
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] noon, the some day, the sen had increased. and a very confused sea was running; the ship laboured and rolled tr mendously in co s quence of no citnvas I-~ ing set to steady her, The pumps were promptly atten ed to, the main deck being oouipletely deluged with water, tearing every movesblo on deck away." [...]
[...] We understand, says the pectator, that Mr. J. H. Simpson has received permission to transla e all the writings of t e Emperor of the French, and that the ranslation will in due time be publis ed “by author ty” through the house o' Mess s. Sa ' ders, Otley, and Co. Messrs. Asher an Co., of Berlin, have purchas d Humboldt's library, [...]
[...] consisting of upwards of 10,000 volumes, and comprising many rare and valuable works, which are to be offered for sale. Our Price Consort's “gift horse" (which the great philosopher exami, ed in the mouth) doubtless among the rest. A monument in honour of Camoens has just been erected in Lisbon. [...]
[...] and the Company, it is neceslarr that the directors should preprne proposals for the future management of the Company‘s affairs, such proposals to he submit ed to ii general Court of the lznst India. Company." Captain Shea seconded the moron. General Everest s id one important point ougl-t not to be overlookr d —ni\m¢-ly, ihat not only did their dividends [...]
[...] school, to be called the “Bate Scholar,’ to perpetuate the memory of that gallant and lament d officer. Vice-Admiral William Henry Bruce, the naval commander-in-chie! at Portsmouth, has accep ed for himself and successors the right of nomination of t e “Bate cholar.” London MissionARY Society.—The annual meeting of this society was [...]
[...] exchange . 5th Dragoon Guards—Thom 's Burton Henry, Genr., to be cornet, by purchase ‘i e Fitz-Patrick, romo ed. 6th Dragoon Guards—William Thomas Erskine Bookey, Gent., to be co net, by purchase, vice Pereira, promoted. - - [...]
[...] be paymaster, vice Smith, appointed Paymaster 25th Foot. is ifle Brigade –Charles James Herbert, Gent., to be ensign, by purchase, vice Palmer, promo ed. 1st West in lia Regiment—Ensign Hery Hopewell Smith to be lieut., by purchase, vice Dobe, promoted. [...]
[...] with the emporary rank of Alajor-General, to be major-general. Brevet-colonel Lewis Dun an Williams, fom haſ pay, as Lieut.-Colonel U, attac ed, to be Maor-Geneal. - Lie t.-Colonel Charles F. Fordyce, C.B., half-pay Unattached Assistant Quar ermaster-General in Nova Scotia, to be olonel. [...]
[...] To be publishe every_I-‘riday. Sixteen pages, with occa sional su plenicnts, rice 4d. Public icil by ED 'ARD HENRY TODE, at the otllce of Kelly and Co, printers and pulll shcn of the Post-otlicc London and Country Directories, 1B to 21, Old Boswell [...]
[...] and Co.s' Machinery stan * ºpe ELS ON 'S MEDICATE D B F. L.T. (Ed. Nelson, Naval Surgeon from 1832 to 1857.) Gentlemen who are subject to pains in the back or loins, Rheumatism, Lºmbago, or who are given to corpulency, [...]
The London and China telegraph18.02.1860
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Februar 1860
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] and to have adopted no principle of divi-ion or proportion whatever. Thus, while Messrs. Keswick and Bgrber, for their colle:tive five million four hundred thousand, received only seven hund.ed and fortv-six dollars‘ worth of itzibous, others at the same time received different quota. The alternative open to Mr. Keswick and others in such cir [...]
[...] rhsll continue to be'ieve, that the case is not complete, we c nnot deny that the sure of facts, as disclosed by the recent pub ico tinn of pa; ers, is er-tit‘ed to consideration. It is very difficult in deed to c mp e! e.-rd \vh..t the Chinese Government rer,ui e of us. lf we are to bcli.ve reports, they yir-‘d everything to Russ'a ard America which [...]
[...] be exc‘. angcd within a given P€liud. C onrmissiorrers at Shanghai intimated to Mr. Brure rhat “ they were the only authorities by whom the exchange of the ratifi-d treaties at Pek'n could be eff c‘ed," and they tlemselvrs allowed that the rat'fi.ation couid not take place at the capital untila month later than the period named. Whether they were really honest or r.ot in [...]
[...] the Foreign Oflice intimates, he is t :e very man who shottld mt be allowed to remain where he is a single hour b yond the t'me when the communica tion for his recall can be p‘a.':ed in his hands. What mrtters it though he may be the brother‘ of Lord Elgirr hirrselfl Or who, with any sense of public responsinility, cares whether he hrs relatives c nnect--d with the [...]
[...] fo1e‘gn service since 1845. O ilonél J. Clark Kennedy, C.B. (late of China), Assistant Ql1I\l‘t“lXIl!\8t€I.' Geiiral at Aldershoit, has been oppointd to succ:ed Colonel Mc.\’liirdo as _Con'imaiidant of the Military Tra'n. _ As ilre progress of the delartment engaged in the production of Sir [...]
[...] William Armstrong's guns is a subject of rp.-tial importance to the iublic, it may be interesting to lram that the manufacture of 12-poun'lt'l' guns at Woolwlch has bein this week inci-~a~ed from 20, the late weekly ratio, to j45, 15 having been turned out on Tuesday and prov. d at the Royal Arsenal Lutr, I5 on Wednesday, and an additional number of 15 was ycszerday [...]
[...] nothing immoderate in these requirements, nothing which indicates the least desire to push matters to extrem' ies. Firmness and a due regard for the dignity of this country are combi ed with humane consideration for the Chinese people. If the Court of Pekin were not the hlindest and most infatuated in the world, we might safely reckon on its prompt acceptance of [...]
[...] WESSELS EXPFC ] ED. From China—At London: Ocean Bride, Henrietta and Heli na, East field, Excelior, Alfred the Gre t, Kelso. William, Indiana, Beemah, Aerolite, [...]
[...] St. Agnes, Jan. 30.-The heels of three large masts, two of them, the fore and main, being built, and two or three large beams with iron knees, evi dently belonging to a large foreign slip, wrec ed somewh re to the west ward, have come ashore on this coast. Some papers supposed to belong to the same v. ssel, dated Pasar eang, May 26, and bearing the name Maria [...]
[...] AGENTS WANTED. ELS ON 'S ME DIC ATE D B E L T, (Ed. Nelson, Naval Surgeon from 1832 to 1857.) Gentlemen who are subject to pains in the back or loins, Rheumatism, Lumbago, or who are given to º: [...]
The London and China telegraph29.01.1866
  • Datum
    Montag, 29. Januar 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
The London and China telegraph24.02.1873
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. Februar 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Ed. B. Malet, C.B. Hon. T. G. Grosvenor W. G. Sandford ... [...]
[...] Sir Ed. Hornby, Kt. R. A. Mowat T. G. Smith [...]
[...] NINGP0. W. H. Fittock ... - --- Consul. Ed. Solbé ... --- -- Interpreter. Foochow. Chas. A. Sinclair --- ... Consul. [...]
[...] twelve months, 1872, 105,016,523 yards; for the twelve months 1871, 87,122,376 yards. Decrease for 1873 against 1872, 26,581,023 yards. Colour Ed Cottons.—Export for the month ended 16th Feb., 1873, 299,372 yards; for the twelve months, 2,548,347 yards; for the twelve months, 1872, 5,940,102 yards; for the twelve months, 1871, 11,932,927 [...]
[...] Adolph Klingelhoefer, Esq. (Messrs. Klingelhoefer and Co., merchants, Rio de Janeiro). - Henry Wohigemuth, Esq. (Messrs. Ed. Pecher and Co., merchants, Rio de Janeiro) rtesident exigineer. J. G. Repsold, Esq., Rio de Janeiro. [...]
[...] other Securities, the custody of the same, the receipt of Interest, Dividends, Pay, Pensions, &c., and the effecting of remittances between the above-nnn.ed de pendencies. They also receive deposits of £100 and upwards for [...]
The London and China telegraph12.05.1860
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Mai 1860
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ANNExATION of Savoy.-(April 30.) In reply to the Marquis of CLANRI CARDE, Lord Wonhorse said a conference of the great Powers upon the annexation of the neutrali-ed portiºns of Savoy had been proposed, but the time when, and the place where it was to meet, were not yet settled. THE CHINESI: FxPEDITION.—(May 4.) Mr. H. BAILLIE wished to be in [...]
[...] markable impediment. We have explained on a former occasion the circum stances which induced the Japanese to emer-__~c from their political seclusion, and accept temxs of commercial intercourse with the Uni.ed States. The result was the effort of terror only, not of enlightenment, and as soon, there fore, as the Arueritan squadron had disappeared from the bay ofJeddo the [...]
[...] once on their travels, should determine on making a. clean sweep of the mat ter, and going over half the world. Mr. Harris himself r.mnrks that there is no nt-ed to provide for the return voyage of the Embassy, since “ the am bzts ador will doubtless proceed from the United States to England, Hollu id, and Russia, and probably to France also. I urn inclined to think that he [...]
[...] would be derived from sill Francisco at the end of March instead of from Wflshingt-on in the middle of June. Nevertheless, it is said that the envoys and their suite are exceedingly deligh‘ed Willl Californian entertainments, and those displays may gain perhaps in novelty and zest what they may lack in serenity and decorum. The United States‘ Government, we are [...]
[...] wretched creatures loud, being absolutely living, but filthy skeletons, their festering bodies covered with sickening sores, and in a few days nearly ‘J00 died out of 600. We are well info:-.r.ed that ut the present moment there are scores of vessels on the African coast engaged in this hateful traffic. The American captains lrere make nu open boast of what they do, and the profits [...]
[...] wha'evcr with llilr. Anstey, nor have they any personal rrcqrrairrnncc with him. Neither have they any personal knowledge of Sir J. Bowring. with whom, however, they have communit-a'ed s'ncc his retnm to lirrglnnd, and whom they l ave convicted of fnl.-eho d on another subject. They cannot, therefore, defile themselves uith any further notice of him than tlris. 'l'l~e [...]
[...] N0! only, as I have before stated, are the majority of the timbers liberally maflied with ‘ sap ' but in several instances they l‘l'l\’8 been barely squared, “Ed Plainly show the growth of the wood. One is also conspicuous for the ,'i.h5eh}‘)"1i'l|i‘it>f heft‘ frame as eoinporel with any Other boat 30$; undtglr gepair. been r _ Hg o_ nearly all the boats, both under repair an ose a ave [...]
[...] of sliipnienv. to Chna at n cost equal to about Qd. per lb. Rice is g OW" in abuiid ince, as a'so peas, beans, buckwheat, maize and potatoes. The export of the first is proliibi ed, but pulse is exported in large quantities. humer nus seeds, likewise, are to be had. such as rapeseed, turnip seed, and several valuable oil seeds. Fr-oni seine of these an excellent vegetable oil is made, [...]
[...] ELS ON 'S MEDICATED BELT. (Ed. Nelson, Naval Surgeon from 1832 to 1857.) Gentlemen who are subject to pains in the back or loins, Rheumatism, Lumbago, or who are given to §". [...]
[...] A course of TWO LECTURES, by D. j. MACGOWAN, Esq., M.D., on Saturday, May 13th and 19th, at 3 p.m. Tickets, Reserved seats, 2s., unreser ed, 1s., to each lec ture. To be had at the Institute. [...]
The London and China telegraph19.08.1872
  • Datum
    Montag, 19. August 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] to genius". There is no doubt that he visited the countries he professed to describe but most of all his descriptions are idle and extravagant exaggerations, and many of them entirely imaginary—ED. L. and C. T. t Not quite the last : but quarterly reviewers travel slowly. Our readers will remember that by the last mail we learned that a ºf: meeting of Buddhist priests [...]
[...] was to be convened at Yedo, and that the questi ---- - would then h . ~ —Ed, E. and C. T. question of the toleration of Christianity [...]
[...] twelve months 1870, 869 764,259 yards; for the twelve months 1869 240,878,048 yards. Decrease for 1871 against 1870, 57,405,927 yards. Colour:Ed Cotross.—Export for the month ended 16th August, 1872, 749,618 yards; for the twelve months, 8,524,093 yards; for the twelve months 1871, 8,125,748 yards; for the twelve months 1870, [...]
[...] ARTICLE'S SPECIALLY FR EcoMMEND ED. REGENERATEUR GELLE FRERE3, a superior po- FAU D'ALBION for the toilet. [...]
[...] other Securities. the custody of the same, the receipt of Interest, Dividends, Pay, Pensions, &c., and the effecting of remittances etween the above-nan.ed de pendencies. They also receive deposits of £100 and urwards for [...]
[...] East India and Colonial Chronicle. A SATURDAY MORNING PAPER, Est ABL1sh ED 1833, Now under now Editorship, gives all the Naval and Military News of the week, from both Home and [...]
The London and China telegraph19.02.1872
  • Datum
    Montag, 19. Februar 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] sent time. The official position of each person in the service is to be found in the “Foreign Office List.” With regard to the Supreme Court of China and Japan, of which Sir ED MUND HORNBY is the Judge, we understand that it is not [...]
[...] Thos. F. Wade, C.B. ... ... ster Plenipotentiary, and Chief Supt. of Trade. Ed. B. Malet, C.B. --- --- Secretary of Legation. Hon. T. G. Grosvenor ... W. G. Sandford ... [...]
[...] Thos. Adkins ... -- --- ... Consul. W. L. Neale --- --- --- ... Acting Interpreter. Ed. McKean --- --- --- ... Assistant. CHEFoo. W. S. F. Mayers ... --- --- ... Acting Consul. [...]
[...] NINGPo. R. Swinhoe --- --- --- ... Officiating Consul. Ed. Solbé ... --- --- --- ... Acting Asst. and Intrpr. Foochow. Chas. A. Sinclair --- --- ... Consul. [...]
[...] and Berlin. Consul GEBHARD, of the Firm Gebhard and Co., Elberfeld. ED. i." W. D. HEYDT, of the Firm E. von der Heydt, etlin. HEINRICH HARDT, Esq., of the Firm Hardt and Co., New [...]
[...] Design ED BY G. T. Edkins, LoNdox. [...]
[...] (IL I IMI IT ED) - [...]
The London and China telegraph23.12.1872
  • Datum
    Montag, 23. Dezember 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] lish, Tls. 3.01 to 3.05, an I Tls. 3.04 to 3.16. Jeans: English, Tls. 2.07 to 2.11). Sheetings: English, 14 to 15 lbs., Tls. 2.82 to 2.97. Fancy Cottons: D. ed Brocades in den und at Tls. 2.90 for best assorted, and Tls. 3.00 for Gentian; Velveteens, 18-inches to 26-inches in better favour; Tls. 2.23 for fair White Brocades has been refused ; Turkey [...]
[...] twelve months 1871, 64,858,790 wards; for the twelve months 1870, 81,149,934 yards. Increase for 1872 against 1871, 6,749,470 yards. Colour Ed Cotto.Ns.—Export for the month ended 16th Dec., 1872, 343,601 yards; for the twelve months, 5,687,205 yards; for the twelve months 1871, 6,208,436 yards; for the twelve months 1870, [...]
[...] months 1871, 19.308,692 yards; for the twelve months 1870, 15,179,767 yards. Increase for 1872 against 1871, 2,729,678 vards. Colour Ed Cottons.—Export for the month ended 16th Dec., 1872, 1,314.753 yards; for the twelve months, 11,136,783 yards; for the twelve months 1871, 11,078.740 yards; for the twelve months 1870, 9,803,937 [...]
[...] other Securities, the custody of the same, the receipt of Interest, Dividends, Pay, Pensions, &c., and the effecting of remittances between the above-nam.ed de pendencies. They also receive deposits of £100 and upwards for [...]
The London and China telegraph06.03.1867
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 06. März 1867
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Value for the Eleven Months en ed 30th Nov. Ceylon .. -- ... 62,204,486 .. 42,682,809 42,372.236 Other British Possessions 574,422 .. 679,377 566,934 [...]
[...] H E A G R A BANK (LIMIT ED). Established in 1833.-CAPITAL, £1,000,000. [...]
[...] Advertis ING-The same as in the weekly. All “Notices of Firms” appearing in the Weekly will be in ser!ed in the Overland, and charged for, unless otherwise ordered. A. SH014 IRLDE & CO. Hong Kong, May 17, 1866. [...]
[...] child two-years-and-a-half old. I feel it my duty to make this public, as others who may be similarly afflicted may derive benefit.-1 am, your obli-ed, EDWARD BUSH. [...]
The London and China telegraph26.03.1860
  • Datum
    Montag, 26. März 1860
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] have a wonderful notion of English policy and English commerce who thinks that anything can be gained by picking up some veteran diplomatist, and sending him to re-"Ede in Pe!-in, which is a_phice above all others where he would be the least comfortabl-.-, and certainly the least _wanted. (H011!) That was a clause inserted in that treaty with the especial pbject of hiimi [...]
[...] the difliculty that has arisen '.' (Hean) I must say that in the statcnient the noble lord has made to us tlis evening, he has 1i it r-deemed the pledge he made on a former eveninu, when he en a. ed that, at no distant date, after the receipt of despatches then expected, he would make it full statement of the policy of the Government Will} regard to the distressing [...]
[...] as that of the Peiho mingles the blood of our :own braves with that of Tnitars. But, for the most part, wc think and feel no more about it. To the average Englishman the whole_'proc».-eding is as quaint as u Chinese Ian. thorn, and as unintelligible as u Chinese puzzle. Sir John Elphinstone ho-I indicated the direction which the public mind is now srire to take. He il [...]
[...] Ens-Hoi.iiin-On the 20th inst., at West Hackney Church, by the Rev. T. Davis Lamb, domestic chaplain to the Earl of Mexhorough, Frede rick Charles, third son of Edward Ede, Esq., of Manchester, to _Helen, daughter of the late Thomas Holine, Es}, of Manchester, anl nie:e of Edward Zohral, Esq., late of Rosalyn Lod e, Hampdead. [...]
[...] chequer, he would not carry it out. He then moved, - “That it is alike unjust and inexpedient to charge revenue with the cost of its collection; that the propo ed per cent, on all Customs' duties will bear with particu lar hardship on the retail dealers, while the merchant and wholesale dealer, for whose benefit chiefly the expenses.of the various operations and removals [...]
[...] WEDCwooD's PATENT MANIFoLD WRITER, WHEREBY FROM Two To SIX LETTERS MAY BE WRITTEN IN INKAT ONCE. ED G W O O D'S INDIAN DES PAT C H B O X is the only perfect one for Tro pical climates, being Air-tight and Water-proof, fitted with Copying Apparatus. E D G W O O D'S IND I A N D R E S S 1 N G CASE S, with brass bands and mor [...]
[...] AGENTS WANTED. E LSO N 'S ME DICATE D B E L T. (Ed. Nelson, Naval Surgeon from 1832 to 1857.) Gentlemen who are subject to pains in the back or loins, Rheumatism, Lumbago, or who are given to corpulency, [...]
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