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78 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Landshut

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The general evening post15.07.1760/16.07.1760/17.07.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 15. Juli 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] General Fouquet. The latter, - * who was defirous of maintain ":::* ct at Landſhut, from whence he had juft dif. :::::Genera: Geitrugg and Jahnuº took ºli mea -: Inmediately for making a gºod defence. He W35 [...]
[...] :, fie tyd, at two, o'clock in the morning, General ’s khn, with all his forces, attacked all the redoubts *** General Fouquet occupied near Landſhut, and car *:'htte of them, viz. thoſe on the heights of Mummel, : }, and Blastdorf, after a very vigorous defence on [...]
[...] :ktur, *$d, that it was reported, that a con : : of º: ghers had be: Pºt to the fword * * T; : the taking of Landſhut. [...]
[...] does them juſtice, frankly acknowledging, that more could nºt be required of troops contending with an euemy who diſputed every foot of ground, as his did near Landſhut. “ The enemy to the number of eighteen battalions and ſeven een ſquadrons had taken poſťon eight ot en hills [...]
[...] from hill to hiil, and at the fame time diflodged from Landſhut. We routed and made prifoners one body after another, and about eight o'clock the remaining batalions were forced to lay down their arms in the field, and afk [...]
[...] this letter, we gave in our laft.] . - - Hamburgh, July 1. The Austrians have razed almoſt all the intrenchments of Landſhut, and fize :: large . magazine at Lowenberg defined for the fubfiltence of Fouquet's :y 8 T [...]
The general evening post25.09.1760/26.09.1760/27.09.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] General Galize, near Girgau, Sept. 14. * « I can ſend you mé agreeable news, that yet:day the King beat General Beck's corps near Landſhut. T:it:y three ſquadroos have bren routed and difperfed; two regiments of Croats were cut in pieces, ad tour [...]
[...] event is expected by the next peſt. In conequence of this ſucceſs the paſſage is again ertirely open to the hilly country, and the King will this day arrive at Landſhut. Marſhal Daun is thereby obliged to quit his former fitu ation, and retire to the county of Glaz [...]
[...] Afon Glogau with advice, that on the 13th instant the King attacked the body of troops commanded by General Beck near Landſhut, and defeated them ; 4oo hoife and two batalions of Creats were taken prifoners, and the refi difperfd. All this is certain fast, but the taking of [...]
[...] Miniſter; received the news of a confiderable advantage gained by the King his nafter on the 13th inst. near Landſhut, over the Auſtrians commanded by General Beck. A circumſtantial account of this event, which, it istsid, has obliged Marſha! Daun to reti e into the county [...]
[...] Private letters by the Dutch mail inform is, , ' • Prutians, after de eating Genera! Beck’s car, -, : confiderable magazines at Landſhut belongig o the au ítrians. - The Counteſs D'Ayen privateer of B n'ºgn, of eight [...]
The general evening post10.07.1760/11.07.1760/12.07.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. Juli 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] |alistory the 23d infant near Landſhut over a body [...]
[...] totutofthe communication between Schweidnitz dhu, With this idea M. de Fouquet withdrew :sfom Landſhut and that neighbourhood with [...]
[...] : oficers ånd fºldiers, prifoners, : : : i streng guard. f:: 'fuliian corps, bete : ac ion tf Landſhut, confifted of ! 4,ooo men, soos of :::" ":eated to Schweidi: z and Neiſs. The Aust: an ":") confifted of upwards of 39;odo men, and, by their [...]
The general evening post14.09.1758/15.09.1758/16.09.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. September 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] w hi th main body of their orces encamp in the neigh bourhood of Landſhut, under the command of the Margrave Charles ; M i ſhal Keith, and [...]
[...] Pince Ferdinand the King's brother, being both detaired by a "ght indiſiºſitiº" at Landshut. Since we have received the news ºf the Au frans being gone towards sueſia, "e begin tº, takº courage, as we hope Prince Henry of Pruíña will be [...]
[...] Buntzlau, and its place is fupplied by other troops; and it feems that the reſt of the enemy’s army, which was encamped at Landſhut and Goffau, is preparing to march for Buntzlau. - - The Marſhal has hitherto been intent upon fettling [...]
The general evening post27.07.1758/28.07.1758/29.07.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Juli 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] that the enemy was aſſembling the light troops they had at Nachod and Jarowitz at Trautenau, and were march ing to ſurprize Landſhut, ſent out a detachment to meet them, which came up with the enemy, and after foune ſkirmiſhes, drove them back to Trautenau, and then re [...]
[...] them, which came up with the enemy, and after foune ſkirmiſhes, drove them back to Trautenau, and then re turned back to Landſhut, with the loſs of about two men killed, nine wounded, and twelve priſoners; that of the enemy was much more conſiderable. - [...]
The general evening post12.07.1760/13.07.1760/14.07.1760/15.07.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Juli 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] lÓ th, - * |- * - · |- - - |- - |- - * d - bout, clevetº o'r OCK , :ºi:: Of iu: : ::::::: :::: Vienna, June 28., M. de Rouvroy is this day : - : : ; and a : cioc ; - - - |- * |- - - - } |The Rin. - - - - * 1 : -.: - ial detail of the vistory of Landſhut. | . |- ---- : Citizen and Statiozer. ' : ::::::::inse and colonie. of New Hamp- || ! with ? : - : own harđ writing, and dated This day Richard Tonſon, Eſq; Citizen a: S ::::: # :E::::::::::: New-York, New Jerfes. Penn- º It is in' Gen. Lau 1, : me followin was elested Sheriff of this city, &ş. yn the room o ; [...]
[...] /** *( 9II1 * *T*E*Yx--: - :..., 1 f Glatz. U - . . |- |- Oats. – I 1. tº 14 s. * » ::::::::::: :::: Ä N G L E R? or, towards the : : immediately after this action ; " } fines Flur — ' — 24 s. per sack. - ":::-: ::::ation: reing a Dr:ur:: | ; landſhut was pilºg áid a contribution of 3oo..ocó Second Sort – – 22 s. * , - | ::::Éin w: :::: Fiſhing. Ia ty, :..." * * and Hirſchberg has Paid a * * * * * * fhir sr. –|- – zos. S:tor: M: 1 sa : c w À 1. To N ; * * florins. -- : * : ince || || Brown Malt - — - 22 to : 1 s. per Quartet. [...]
The general evening post08.07.1760/09.07.1760/10.07.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 08. Juli 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] *Gen. Laudohn hnd mifcarried in this attempt, he id:lockade of Glatz; and having called in all his rituðments, marched töwards Landſhut, in order bar: Gh. Fouquet in that poſt. | };a, ja 24. We have, this inft. received the [...]
[...] relateGlatz, and called in all his detachments, had, : right of the 23d, attacked Gen. Fouquet in his diments near Landſhut ; and that, after a molt e action, that corps was forced to abandon them, * starsite by Bolkenhayn towards the town of Jauer. [...]
The general evening post05.05.1761/06.05.1761/07.05.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 05. Mai 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] “The body of Pruſſian troops that cantoned aſt , winter near Landſhut, began their march early yeſterday [...]
[...] occupy their former poſt at Hartſmanſãorf, Wickendorff and Schwartzwoldau. By this poſition the town and Sounty of Landſhut are in a good meaſure covered; *d this perhaps is the reaſon why no Auſtrian troops have yet appeared on that fide. [...]
The general evening post08.05.1760/09.05.1760/10.05.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. Mai 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Lufatia, and that by thit means they can reinforce General de la Mothe-Fouquet, who is poſted at Lowen. berg, and has put ſtrong garriſons at Landſhut, Liebau, and Lauban. -** : Several private letters from Peterſbourg adviſe, that [...]
[...] Brglau, April 26. In the night of the 14th infiant, nine Pruſſian foldiers deferted from a little fort near Landſhut ; and as their officer, who was a ſubaltern, ab folutely refuſed to go with them, they debated fome time whether they fhould not kill him ; but at laft they came [...]
The general evening post03.05.1759/04.05.1759/05.05.1759
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 03. Mai 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Marſhal Daun's head quarters are at Gitſchin, in the circle of Konigſgratz; and General Laudon has his near Trauttnau, ſix miles from Landſhut, where his Pruſſran Majeſty's are. ſſ From 'be [read-quarter: dt Girſcbin, Apn? 16. The [...]
[...] Landſhut. The people o Glatz are preparing for a de- ſi [...]