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219 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Mering

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The general evening post15.01.1757/16.01.1757/17.01.1757/18.01.1757
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Januar 1757
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] preſent Situation of Things, that the great Earneſtneſs with which he has juſt reiterated the ſame Propoſition to the Miniſtry of this Court, muſt have ſo much the mere aſtoniſhed her Imperial Majeſty, as ſhe thought ſhe could, with Juſtice, expea more Regard to what had [...]
[...] Terms as they hope their ſuperior Forces will enable them to preſcribe. The Plan of Operations is not ſuch as mere Paſſion, Ambition or Reſentinent might dićlate, but is founded upon the Principles of Humanity, and R gard for the Publick Good, in order to reſtore the Em [...]
[...] “Captivity baſefully and wrongfully founded. 'Tis obvious “ to ne nºw, that the Integrity you ſome Years paſt ſeemed “to examplify, was no more than a Maſque, and a mere “ Mock of Juſtice, as it apparently ſhews itſelf. Sclf-inte “ reſt is fo prevailing with your Pride and Hypocriſy, that it [...]
[...] “ of Wrongs to be thus uſed, and remain in Priſon, owing to “ the Perfidy of Friends. All that is wanted to make us eaſy, “ is the Money in your Hands. If People, through mere “Neceſſity are conſtrained to cry aloud for Juſtice, what Moi “ tal in Reaſon can blame! You have but one Remedy to [...]
The general evening post26.04.1760/27.04.1760/28.04.1760/29.04.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. April 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] as a crimina), w mere his rarik 1ło:.io have plac:: hinn ás a judge ! The dreadful fenterve was hea, u with awful filence ; and methought a'r t t ve v perfon : refent [...]
[...] Let ſuperficial obſervers take note of the : O i: and the ſplendor of "::::::::::::: f:: (whoſe mind, you can teltity, t merely through with the utmoſt care; and of whom, : onceive high arental affection, I truft I have venture : frućtions [...]
[...] tl T. | he: have feen in the unhappy E-l at : : : is not mere title : : ::::: nobi - ircumftance o - - : : : : rank which can exempt either, from [...]
The general evening post10.05.1760/11.05.1760/12.05.1760/13.05.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. Mai 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] }; milita; A : In the mean time we are told, that 7 end in : ºf his Sardinian majesty, máy pof. fustion of ::::: merely for the diverſion and Gºwa, April • Princes his ſons. - *diz, if we : :: burning of the magazine at [...]
[...] Gºwa, April • Princes his ſons. - *diz, if we : :: burning of the magazine at :Merely acci: ::::::: from that port, was ::: deſigned:"", they have no proof yet, : April +8. - | [...]
[...] Fífex, about three Mile» trom Saffron-Waden, called the Bulfe- Farm ; confisting cf a Metſuage, Dovehoufe, Barns, Stables, one Hundred and thirty five Acres, mere or lef, of Arabe, Meadow and Patture Lºn«. great Part wetect is inclçfed, mosty Cºpyhold of the Manors of Wenden aforefaid, and Newport in the faid County [...]
The general evening post10.05.1759/11.05.1759/12.05.1759
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. Mai 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] union that has haunted my brain for fume months pail. Icannot conceive that England and Holland are fooliflt enough to go by the ears together, merely to promote the fchemes of France, at the hazard of ruining thcm~ felt/es ; and therefore am flrongly inclined to believe this [...]
[...] and hold as much of the Auflrian Netherlands as they can conquer, and not merely for the fupport of the bah lance of power, as they dFd in the thr.e lafi wars. If they had a barrier that they could propnly call their [...]
[...] they had a barrier that they could propnly call their own, they would not fail to defend it brav=ly whenever attacked ; but to fight merely for the fake of others, or to avert fome diflant danger, is not agreeable to the pre feitt fpirir of the Dutch, who think their country has al [...]
The general evening post10.02.1761/11.02.1761/12.02.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 10. Februar 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] their cargo; and perhaps ninety-nine out of an hundred upon this occaſion ſwear falſely, looking upon the oath as mere matter of form only. We have, moreover, inſtances of many taking the ſame oaths over and over again at their admiſſion into new [...]
[...] Connections with the Public, a mere Out-cºſt of the Community, [...]
[...] himſelf, but intereſting to the Community in general and every Individual. The Verſes (which were never before printed) are not tacked either at Beginning or End, merely to ſwell the size, but confected with, and naturally introduced in the Courſe of the Performance. [...]
The general evening post27.09.1760/28.09.1760/29.09.1760/30.09.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] t-> That the late paitry Edition of the above Book, printed for Mr. Kº r ;, is not the Work cí a Scholar or a ger: but a mere Books, e 's Iob, is evident, as well from the Title-tage, a: the very liliberal Manner of its Publication ; and as the Editº", 1.Il Hops of deprecia"š " Rion which it is ºº: of his Power [...]
[...] beir g felved to put a gcod Face on the Matter, he publiſhes a | fuer: t t , as retace, wherein ňe roundly charges the Om:???: to : mount ef mere than so lirºs tho' by the way his Edition is efic ent above five times that Number) on his Printºr, who, he tel s yeu, mifunderſtood his Copy. |- * a [...]
[...] i:eſ: o :::: : : |- :::: :::::::::", and the } which exceed the :::: ne :::: and politſins all its Virtues ; z - , - Triop: sgrits, and Un aforie:proc::::rg, tr: " evnerir - nguine Expectations of thɔfe who have G |- Price 5:,: * and : Fe fers, which are generally №:25 for v: - :::::::::::: its nºbis Está: For a particular and mere * \\y - Ĉ ance b é Doze ana Hysterics. It is extremely -festua : :s :: | tatisfatty Account wereier the Publi: ::::::::::::::: - - 24: - NA: A st. Es, and St. A: T nos * * Fí: : the si: At trPox, i this Medićwè, and to irećtions given with S C rid the Famou [...]
The general evening post15.09.1761/16.09.1761/17.09.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 15. September 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] * report to be made to him of the pieces preſented to him ‘ by his Parliament, his Majeſty was mote and mere “convinced, that an affair of ſuch importance required • ‘ the moſt nature deliberation. That it was his pleaſure, [...]
[...] o iginally printed by Authority, is in many Reſpects the moſt com plete Account of this grand Solemnity ever yet publiſhed. The Reader is to be apprized, that the preſent is not merely an Account of the Ceremonial; it is illuſtrated throughout with neceſſary ex planatory Notes by the Editor; who has, alſo, prefixed an hiſtorical [...]
The general evening post14.10.1760/15.10.1760/16.10.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 14. Oktober 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] conquer death, but the world conquered Cato. He re. treated from life as from an enemy that prested too hard upon him. Cæſar triumphed over Cato mere, when he meanly made his own exit, than he would have had reaſon to have done, had he dragged him like a ſlave at [...]
[...] County of D U R H A M. . Gentlemen, , , H E great Support I met with at the General Mering held this Day, demand my most /încere and ear Thanks, and encourager me to beg the Continuance ºf your [...]
The general evening post22.06.1758/23.06.1758/24.06.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. Juni 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] tution, were all implanted in us for wiſe and good ends: lº are the ſprings of ačtion, without which we ſhould e abſolutely idle, or atteſt act like mere ideots, and of courſe ſoon come to total annihilation, as none would * how to take care of themſelves, nor of any body [...]
[...] by the war; and whatever umbrage England might take at their growing commerce, we were but very little diſ poſed to enter into a new war merely on that account : §ur incumbrances would not admit of it, no. could we, with any colour efjuſtice, have quarrelled with them be [...]
The general evening post18.11.1760/19.11.1760/20.11.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 18. November 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] I am, S 1 R, - Your moſt obtdient and moſt humble fervant, * , - - PA U L D E MERE. [...]
[...] eadrtis ; which was at fi ft çõ5 cluded to have been done by fome unlucky boy with a pair of feiffars, merely for miſchief fake, vulgarly called fun; but on further examination 2t proved the manæuvre of a pickpocket; for the Lady's fly and quilted petticoats [...]
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