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18058 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Maria-Rain

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Aarauer Zeitung03.03.1821
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. März 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ziae Muttel, das uns übrig bleibt, um mein Reich vor der Geißel des Krieges zu bewahren. Wird der von den Souve. rains- geſtellten Forderung entſprochen, ſo ſollen die wettern [...]
[...] wo die Vermählung des Großherzogs, Bruders Sr. Mai. des Kaiſers, mtt der Schweſter ſeiner Schwiegertochter, Prinzeſſin Maria von Sachſen , Tochter des in Florenz anweſenden Prinzen Maximilian, bereits deklarirt iſt. Joſeph Englert, aus Brezenheim im Badiſchen, iſt der [...]
Aarauer Zeitung18.01.1817
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Januar 1817
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] fände, wodurch es dopreltes Intereſſe für ſeine Freunde in jenem Theile der Welt erhalten würde.“ – „ Gleicht es den Werken von Helena Maria Williams?“ – „Es iſt weit beſſer ge ſchrieben und viel literariſcher.“ – „Wovon handelt es?“ – „ Von Ihren Beweggründen, Elba zu verlaſſen; von Ihrem nach [...]
[...] S'alresser pour les conditions, à Paris et au Havre à Mrs. Oppermann, Mandrot et Compagnie; à Lyon à Mr. Jean-Bte. Michoud; à Marseille à Mr. François Hasslau.rainé; à Toulos à Mlrs. M1l. Trabaud frères. [...]
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 04. Juni 1822
  • Erschienen
    Dresden; Leipzig
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Dresden; Leipzig
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] s^ui stucket »lilim lo^icke lallsre, non ststiiu zotest ckicere, elucki er Klli eum, yuenl ills (i^ss nach Gesners) Küers vulr. Rain ubi
[...] Großhcrzogl. Theater in Weimar, jetzt für unsere Bühne gewonnen, kennen. In den verschiedenartigen Rollen der Maria Stuart, der Wilhclmine in Jüngers Entführung, der Katharina in Johann von Finn land, und der Eboli gab sie in der That vollendete [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. März 1822
  • Erschienen
    Dresden; Leipzig
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Dresden; Leipzig
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Es darf keines Gärtners Hand Mübsam Blumen mir erziehen, An dem Rain, dcr Wiese Rand, Seh' ich mannigfach sie blühen. Kein Schmarotzer stellt sich ein, [...]
[...] Shrcwsbury ^ hatte das stumme Spiel der Elisabeth besser unrcrstützt, wenn er die einzelnen Stellen der Vcrthcidigung dcr Maria mit immer mehr gestei gertem Ausdrucke sprach. — Ritter Paulct gefiel uns im ersten Akte wenig. Sein weißes Hauprhaar har- [...]
Abensberger Wochenblatt01.12.1850
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Dezember 1850
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Abensberg; Kelheim; Neustadt a.d. Donau; Siegenburg; Rohr i. NB
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] telsberger Benno, Häuslersſ. v. Geiſenhau ſen, beſchuld.: 1) des Raubs lII. Grades, ver übt am 10. Juli 1850 an Maria Huber zu Schu ſtrain, 2) des doppelt ausgezeichneten Diebſtahls verübt am 21. Juli 1850 in der Wohnung und [...]
[...] 12. Fall: Montag den 9. und Dienſtag den 10 Dezember: 1) Eiſenſchink Michael, 28 Jahre alt, verheiratheter Zimmergeſelle von Rain hauſen, Ldg. Regenſtauf, 2) Holz Joſeph, 32 Jahre alt, lediger Wagnergeſelle von Sarching, [...]
[...] 17. Fall: Montag den 16. und Dienſtag den 17. Dezember: Frank Jakob, 28 Jahre alt, außerehelicher Sohn der Inwohnerin Maria Ertl von Wallersdorf, Ldg. Landau, Zimmergeſelle und Hofmann Joſeph, 33 Jahre alt, außer [...]
[...] von Wallersdorf, Ldg. Landau, Zimmergeſelle und Hofmann Joſeph, 33 Jahre alt, außer ehelicher Sohn derſelben Maria Ertl, Zimmerge ſelle, welche beide beſchuldigt ſind, in rechtswidri ger Abſicht den am 21. September 1848 Nachts [...]
Affiches, annonces et avis divers ou Journal général de France (Affiches, annonces, et avis divers)28.08.1784
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. August 1784
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] à la defcente du Pont-Neuf. 1784. 36 pag. in-24. Ce Plongeur de profeſſion n’est pas un rive - rain du commun; la manière dont il s’exprime le prouve. Il débute ainfi: « A l'âge de fix ans, j'étois Plongeur. Parmi [...]
[...] . |La Pallas - - - - - . . . - 35oSamaran fr. & comp. . . Blavet . . . . . . . Guadeloupe. 6 . . .|Le Gaſpard & Jacques . . . 279.9; * 7. **-5---- - - - . Ç'tipiletty . . . . . . Cap. x2 . . .|La Mion . . . . . . . . . . 9o M. Ricaud · · · · · · · · Maria . . . . . . . . Port-au-Prince, N A V I R E S A R R I V É S D E S C O L o N I E S. * - * A B o R D E A v x. | - [...]
All the year round01.01.1870
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1870
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] quilt-meetings and apple-bees. We had scarcely been at Cranberry a week when Ellen Maria, the eldest (whom in rustic absence of restraint, we already called by her Christian names), informed us that [...]
[...] frantic (the word is Ellen Maria's) to see [...]
[...] youngest daughter and I, occupied one, the other would only hold my chum Tom, and Ellen Maria, between whom there was a “kinder sorter likin’,” as the good folk re marked, and who arranged matters with [...]
[...] glancing, and hurried whispering, my class mate Tom made a dart for the group of petticoats, and captured Ellen Maria: at the same time calling on the boys to follow up the assault he had so heroically made. This [...]
[...] which I certainly was not, and which Tom would not have been, had he not been under the spell of Ellen Maria's bright eyes. The quadrille was really a sight to see, and to be long remembered. Once [...]
[...] to supper, with whom he had come to the ball; so Tom delightedly sought out Ellen Maria, and snugly tucked her round chubby arm under his, while I performed the same service for the younger sister. What a [...]
[...] the weather be fine, he returns weeping to his den, for he knows that the winter will last forty days longer, unless it rains or snows on that day. Nine steps on a bear's back is said to preserve a child from [...]
All the year round01.01.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1876
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] half-dozen lines are taken : Rough roll'd the roaring river's stream, And rapid ran the rain, When Robert Rutter dream’d a dream Which rack'd his heart with pain; [...]
[...] prising a rhyme within the line itself—dabo and cabo. This is an inscription in the old cloisterof Santa Maria Novella, at Florence. A favourite inscription for a baptismal font is a Greek palindrome, having the [...]
[...] between three or four hundred men on the 5th April, 1680. In nine days' march they arrived at Santa Maria and took it, and after a stay of three days embarked on the Pacific coast in “such canoes and [...]
[...] of the Spaniards, who were on the watch for them, and, in spite of the drenching tropical rain, pushed boldly across the isthmus. “In thunder, lightning, and in rain,” drenched night and day, sleeping [...]
All the year round02.03.1867
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. März 1867
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] coming after the London worldliness, must have been enjoyed by Garrick himself. After the play, there was supper at the Rain bow Tavern, at which various local persons of distinction came in and paid their compliments [...]
[...] diers. Sir Francis had breakfasted in his draw ing-room on the first floor with Lady Burdett, the Countess of Guildford, Lady Maria, Lady Jane, Lady Georgina North, Mr. Coutts, his son, his brother, and Mr. O'Connor. Break [...]
[...] ster Abbey churchyard, while the Westminster constabulary were collected at the Axe and Gate, in Downing-street. Torrents of rain that night, however, cleared the streets better than shot or sabre. [...]
All the year round03.07.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. Juli 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] human, and, as such, gullible. The drudges who worked in the scorching sunshine or drenching rain, under the driver's whip, had a hard time of it certainly; but those who crouched and fawned, spaniel-like, [...]
[...] 9 day of September, 1697.” At Broms grove, in 1819, were born four little girls at once, baptised Maria, Mary, Sarah, and Elizabeth. When eleven years of age, they were seen in a cluster by a gentle [...]
[...] mine which was his own particular pet treasure. But Nature has an easy way of getting out of such difficulties. Maria, it appears, lived to the age of seventeen; Mary married, and had two children; [...]
[...] three summers. More melancholy was the experience of a Bavarian mother some considerable number of years ago. Maria Thomanin, the wife of a mason at Augs burg, gave birth to quadruplets, who [...]
[...] Thomanin, the wife of a mason at Augs burg, gave birth to quadruplets, who were baptised Andreas, Nicolaus, Maria Anna, and Barbara. A broadside sheet is still extant, containing two wood engrav [...]
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