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The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire27.03.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. März 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Mr. Sheridan’s notice of a motion refpe&ting the Tobacco Ast, was not that he ſhould move for leave to bring in a Bill for the repeal of it, but for an ins quiry into the effest and operation of the Aét. [...]
[...] mail coach. În ſhort, were the aết carried fully into effe&t, it woutdº be abfurd to a degree; and when an: ast onee becomes abſurd; it ought to be repealed. ::::: |- * - e : , : , , * T - J When [...]
[...] liberal meafure, the cafe is truly fingular! – The voice of the people is certainly againſt a repeal of the Tefº Ast. [...]
[...] prefent political fituation of the country, that the majority will, on the preſent application, be greater în favour of thefe Asts, than it can ever be on any future occafion. It has been objećted by many who have not inclination, or want of ability, to diſcrimi-: [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire01.01.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] alfo he calls the engagement and past of Society. In p. 26, he cites, as an authority againſt the right of the People to chufe" their own Governors, the very Ast for fettling the Crown on William and Mary, which was an exercife of that right, and the words of which [...]
[...] are: “The Lords and Commons do in the name of all “the people ſubmit themfelves, their heirs and pofte “rities for ever,” &c. &c. This Ast having been paffed on purpoſe to eſtabliſh a change in the facceſſion for a mifcondust, it cannot be fuppoſed that it was in [...]
[...] have attended to a fubfequent A&t, which has been recommended to my notice by the truly patriotic Earl Stanhope. I mean the Ast of the 6th of Anne, chap. 7th, by which it is enaćted that, “ifany perfon fhall “by writing or printing maintain and affirm that the [...]
[...] of ſmuggling, but foreigners of ali deſcriptions. If a French, Spaniſh, or any other vefſel comes within the limits defcribed by the Britiſh Hoyering Ast (made for the protestion of the Britiſh revenue), fuch veffel is examined, and if found to contain articles de [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire04.09.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. September 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] which they were in before the Revolution: our Parlia ment begins already to be declared of no other ufe than tº confirm and register the Asts of the Government! [...]
[...] Court of King’s-Bench, on a motion in arreſt of judg ment. The motion was founded on the idea that all wagers were illegal, under the Ast of the Fourteenth of the preſent King, made for the regulating of In furances upon Lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
[...] deemed in profpest of common law; on the contrary, he confidered that A&t of Parliament as a declaration, that before that Ast pasted, wagers muſt have been iegal, otherwife it would have been unneceſſary to re strain them. To ſay that the Ast of the Fourteenth [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire05.02.1791
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Februar 1791
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] “The Bills, which it is my duty to prefent to your Majeſty, are feverally intituled, An Ast for granting an aid to his Majeſty, by a Land Tax to be raiſed in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year One Thoufand Seven Hundred [...]
[...] |- “Mofº Gracious Sovereign, - i “The Bill which it is now my duty to prefent to your Majeſty, is intituled “ an Ast for the better fupport of his Majeſty's Houſehold and of the honour and dignity of the Crown of Great Britain,” to which [...]
[...] days, he could have proved that a gentleman fenthim to hire a furniſhed houſe. – He declared that he had no intentions of committing any ast of violence—that he went to the houfe folely to inquire what the rent might be. With refpest to the perfon faid to be with him, [...]
[...] · Krnc Henry IV. Ast. I. Scene III. A Field of Battle between Sandal Castle, and Wakefield, * Rutland and his Tutor, Clifford and Soldiers. |- * [...]
The general evening post28.06.1760/29.06.1760/30.06.1760/01.07.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Juni 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] laden with bale gods, and was ordered to perform quarantine in Stangate-Creek, but the Captain and 22 men went en fhore, contrarv to the ast cf parliament. The jury gave a verdist for the King. The Penally is 5col. for the Captain o Master who ſhall go [...]
[...] ty; to be produced ani determined as above, Ten Guinea, To be made with Cravons of Water Colosti, | For the beſt Drawings or Compoſitions of Beasts or i:i:ast: or deal Game ; or still Life from Nature, by Girls under u:4 Twenty; to be produced and determined as above, Ten Guinea. *** [...]
[...] 0:n, hall receive frºm William Adair, Eſq; A se t to the , :::iment, Twenty Sh Hings Rewar“, over and above the tysilings allowed by Ast of t’ai i13 m et: [...]
[...] Fate, that olympus was the Council feat of the Gods. Further ilgiliacions of fone Pastages in Shakeſpear. Operings to bº made in London, puruant to the lite ast. Various Thoughts ºn various . subjects, Diſpoſition of ali his Mºjzíty s Land Forçºs, a ne of the ships of the Line. Contest relativē to the Title and Estate of the [...]
[...] Estimat, of te pºt of the Navy. The abſurd Prºtº* of the Meth aists d ſplayed. Candid Criticistris on the Dialovues of the Dead. Áſtrat of the rost important Asts of latt Sºtºº: Extra ordir y ríſ éts of Electricity in the l'a (y. Full Accourt of our Last in iar succeſſes. Anſwer to a Bibical Queſtion: A curious [...]
[...] of Pit céal. Premiums propoſed by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. Liſt of Openings to be made in the City of London, parfuant to Ast of Parliament, Journal of the War in Germany. News foreign and domeſtic. Meteorological fournal of the Weather. [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire28.02.1789
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Februar 1789
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] ties, prerogatives, asts of government, and admini ftration of the fame, which belong to the King of this realm, to ufe, execute, and perform according to the [...]
[...] might have been lawfully ufed, executed and performed by the Regent and Council of Regency, conſtituted and appointed by an ast of the 5th of his prefent Majęfty cap. 27.” * - - Having already publiſhed the vacancies to be ap [...]
[...] dun and heavy for an Opera, was Wedneſday evening (having undergone a variety of curtailments) reduced into an after-piece of two asts. In that form, it ap pears likely to become a favourite with the publick, as the curtailments have been made withjudgment, though [...]
[...] pears likely to become a favourite with the publick, as the curtailments have been made withjudgment, though the fecond ast will ftill bear to be fhortened. [...]
The general evening post27.11.1760/28.11.1760/29.11.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. November 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] with him was, in many refpests, directly contrary to ourº | own particular interefts. By beginaing the attack, and committing the firſt ast of hostility, he had reaſona therefore, to conclude, that he would unite Austria, France, Ruffia, and Saxony, againſt him ; and that En [...]
[...] would overlook every aggrefion he complained of (nonº. of which could be fáid to be manifest) and would, from his committing the first ast of hºftility, confider itſelf as free from any obligation to affilt him; and, confequently, that he could expect no affistance from any aly, but [...]
[...] -:Całcraft, Efq; at his Office in Channel-Row, Weitminster, ſhall receive. Qne Guinea Reward for tach, over and above what is allowed by Ast of Parliament for apprehending of Deferters, [...]
[...] How far the other courts, and Suits and Actions commenced therein: How fºr the feveral Officers ºf Justice, and whether they may ast, or ate fufpended therefrom till qualified, and how and when to qualify thenafelves, and his Majeſty's Royal Proclamation · cencerning the fºme : . And particularly, whether a Criminal at [...]
[...] which of their offices are determined i, of their Salaries, and how , raiſed. A ſhort Review of the feveral Asts of Grace, and the Crimes and perſons excepted thereộut: Confederatiºns : le lnfo); vency Act (which is expeaed will be foon paffed) what Perfon will : [...]
The general evening post09.10.1760/10.10.1760/11.10.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 09. Oktober 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] [Continued from Saturday la, N Penfilvania, the Quakers had, at ast to país, for arraying and arming that province; which ast was paíſed in N and was intitled, An Ast for the better or. [...]
[...] had been of great fervice to the French in this war: Theſe were all the warlike occurrences worth our notice, that happened in ast: part of America, duriºg the year 1756 : for notwithstarding ""; fu eriority at fea, we attempted nething against any of the French [...]
[...] HE RAKE of T ASTE; or, The Ei. EGANT DEBAUcHEE, A True STORY. Printed for I. Pottinger, in Paternoſter-Row [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British EmpireRegister 07.1789/08.1789/09.1789
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Juli 1789
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Neu Taxes - - . . . .: , , o x = - \ —, o7. „Pawnbrokers Ast - ' * - - 68. * * * ** - • • v • 7. [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British EmpireRegister 07.1790/08.1790/09.1790
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Juli 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Pag. 15. 44 74. 107 139. 171. 208 237. ast. 299. 334. 363. 393. - '. • • . . . " Parliamentary Fragments. [...]