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The general evening post07.10.1760/08.10.1760/09.10.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 07. Oktober 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] }.**.x : #::::::::::::::::: 37th 'fºn Baumgarten, to the plains of Hoheu-Fried berg: That the van guard of Ziethen's hullars picked :P..at Siaflorf upon thei march, two officers, fify huſars, and a strong rique of dragoons: That the [...]
[...] L") being : tº be expoſed to sale at is r6ī. 12 s. 6d. scots, (3 18l. will § 3o Years Purch2fe of ti e fał I cu Duties. i hefe Lands „~“ % 3 : *httle the Purchaftr to a vate, berg 146!. : ; s. Sco's, -: '; d.) of valued Re: t, and the ea Rent of the Land is 71. ios, S [...]
[...] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ital 332 ! "a": º Giaffarie, rayable out et certain Lands, being - * 27;#1 ::::: d. Scots, (27 l. 13 s. 4 d.). Te is expoſed to stałe At fai * Scots, (* 29 l. 12 s. 6 d.) bérg 3c Years Puchafe of id Feu D 3 :::::::::::::: y, ais ; v: ? : faid rin: [...]
Galignani's messenger06.09.1823
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. September 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] 1 matched on the 27th, before day-break, with two counganies of infantry . I left to Baron Berge, as the oldest Maréchal-de camp, the troops which occupied Torredembarra, and the position of Allaſulla. This General had received [...]
[...] fantry, 250 cºvalry, and two bowitzers of tie 6th, sal led from Tarragona, and took the direction of Alta fulla. General Berge perceived this movement from the post of St. Anthony's chapel, which commands all the surrounding country, and immediately made his [...]
[...] pursued as far as Scipio's tower. A few moments after my arrival at Vals, I was in formed by General Berge of the attack directed against the position of Altaſulla. The distance from Wals to that position is about seven leagues. ... I determined to [...]
The general evening post18.09.1756/19.09.1756/20.09.1756/21.09.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. September 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Biſhoprie of Malaga. | sto, kºle, º.ſt. 3. Lieutenant Sahlstedt, and one IIci" berg, a Bankrupt, being convicted of itining up the Dalecarlians to revelt, are condemned to have their Right nands cut off, and a terwards to be bheaded [...]
[...] at the Head of which is the King, directs its March along the It", and Yelterday encamped here, having Tannen berg on the Right, und Wundſchritz on the I. ft. The Prince of Brunſwick's Colunan encamped the Day before Yefterday near Freyberg, and that of the Prince of Bevern [...]
[...] Frangfºrt, 6., tember 9. It's reported, that the Court of Vienna lately made a Propoſal to the Luke of Wirtem berg to take fix Regiments of his Tio ps into Pay, but that this Prince begged to be excuſed, declaring that in the preſent Circumſtances he had refoived to obſerve a [...]
Galignani's messenger26.08.1820
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. August 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] circumstances he had mentioned were calculated to excite in the mind of auy indiv dual. She knew, at the time, that Berg mi was in his bedroom, for this was the first night of his taking advantage of the arrangement which had been previously made. It was quite new, on the part [...]
[...] Can you, Lordshipss, dºubt wowere "...I., ? The only person besides her Majesty who could have had ac. cess to that bed was Berg tui, and there was no other bed prºvideº for him. In ordinary cases that fact anone would be sºlic ent to satisſy Lile most sceptical mind that the [...]
[...] poli •ly; but Bergam kºpt is seat, and treated her Ma: jesty with as much familiarity as if she was hºr equal. Short y afterwa de Berg in quitted the alcoyº abruptly, wit out the sightest mark of respect to her Majesty; and , i., short, treated her as if he was on the same level in pºint [...]
[...] on the floor near her. After dinner, Bergami was, for a considerable time alone in the vestibule with her Majesty. Again. I ask your Lordships, why was it that Berg mi should, of all her Majesty's attendants, be selected to at tend in her M jesty's 'bed room P Why were even her [...]
[...] raised during the day to admit the air, but at night it was let down so as to exclude observation. During the time her Majesty and Berg mi remain d in it, the tent was so closed. Not only did they remain in it during the uight, closed in that manner, but in the day, and after dinner.— [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. Oktober 1865
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    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] “A few days ago, says the Berlin Correspondent of the Times, Count Stol BERG, a Major in the Prussian Life Guards, and Brother to the President of the Prussian House of Lords, at the Palazzo Farnese, in solemn audience, presented to the King, [...]
[...] eat Stol.BERG shield [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire20.08.1787
  • Datum
    Montag, 20. August 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] *the fhip lay at Halifax, his Royal Highneſs having oe * ĉafion to go on fhore, left dire8tions with Mr. Schomi bérg, his first Lieutenant, not to permit any boat to go -from the ſhip; the officers, however, having occafion for fome neceſſary articles from the town, Mr. Schom [...]
[...] -from the ſhip; the officers, however, having occafion for fome neceſſary articles from the town, Mr. Schom berg thought fit to fend a boat, in violation of the Prince's orders, which fo exaſperated his Highneſs, that ‘on coming on board he put the firſt Lieutenant under [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 26. Februar 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] that was known on the subject up to the date of its publi cation, and settled for ever the claim of land-ice against ice-bergs to have been the agent that formed the Scotch Till; and now the other comes before us with the goodly volume, whose title stands at the head of this article, and [...]
[...] back; and he gives good reasons for preferring this ex planation to the older notion, which supposed these travellers to have been dropped from ice-bergs during the submergence which came a little later on. As the climate gradually improved, the melting of the [...]
[...] of the Kames the climate had so far mended that glaciers no longer existed, and that therefore there were no ice bergs to strew the sea-bottom with travelled blocks. Erratics are, however, common perched on the outside of the Kames, and hence it is concluded that at some point [...]
[...] in the period of the submergence cold again began to come on, that glaciers reappeared and gave rise to ice bergs which bore away these blocks and dropped them where they are now found. That there was a return to cold conditions we know from other evidence, and with [...]
[...] so constantly failed to detect the presence of spores in his experiments, but there is an apparent reason for Ehren berg's observation of the predominance of animal forms in the atmosphere. His conclusions appear to have been almost entirely founded on the results of the examination [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. April 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] boulders, which Mr. Lamont believes to have been produced by the passage of an iceberg, when the land stood lower than at present. The power of bergs to groove and scoop out hollows has been denied, and it is to be hoped that the [...]
[...] officers of the Arctic Expedition will have opportunities of ascertaining what the usual character of the bottom portion of a berg is, how far it is capable of grooving rocks and excavating hollows in soft sea beds, with or without coming to rest. [...]
[...] Observations as to what extent glaciers can extend into the sea, and push moraines before them without breaking off into bergs, would have great interest, for in this instance the sea must have been deeper during the maximum size of the glacier than now, as bones of whales [...]
[...] front of thirty miles, sweeping in three great arcs, five miles beyond the coast line, terminating in a precipitous wall from 20 to Ioo feet in height, from which bergs are constantly tumbling into the sea, carrying stone and large quantities of clay and stones seawards. The posi [...]
[...] are constantly tumbling into the sea, carrying stone and large quantities of clay and stones seawards. The posi tion of the melting area of such bergs as these, and con sequent deposition of erratic material, is a point of great interest in attempting to unravel the British glacial [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. Juli 1862
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] are whole. The EMPERoR of THE FRENch, and the chiefs of the British mobility would never have had occasion to attest the skill of Eises BERG, if they had always made a point of having their boots forepieced and heelpieced, and soled, and otherwise mended, so long as they would hold [...]
[...] £r thertfort berg jºumblp 33rags our 390mgurable # oust, Before you take and go your ways - [...]
Galignani's messenger11.11.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 11. November 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] aud West, which he supposed to be islands; open sea to the Northward, no ice, except bergs which were aground ; a swell fuom the Westward—current set from the North-west to South and East. 5 and a half miles per hour, [...]
[...] ... It should be observed, that every year a great ‘Iºn tity of ice acci:inulates here, occasioned by the grounding of bergs on a teef of rocks, stretching across the Suraits in the latitude about 68 degrees. And this forms the impe diment to ships proceeding up the Strºit', which can sel: [...]