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Annals of oriental literatureNo. 3, P. 553 1820
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] pouvoit rendre ni les sons ni les mots de la langue Tartare, ce travail fut assez inutile. "C'est pour cette raison que l'empereur Cang-hi, dès le commencement de son regne, érigea un tribunal de tout ce qu'il y avoit à Peking de plus habiles gens dans les deux lan [...]
[...] des grains, des herbes, des oiseaux, des animaux domestiques et sauvages, des poissons, des vers, &c. "Chacune de ces classes est divisée en chapitres et en articles. Tous les mots ainsi rangés et écrits en lettres ma juscules, on met sous chacun, en plus petits caractères, la [...]
[...] juscules, on met sous chacun, en plus petits caractères, la definition, l'explication et l'usage du mot. Les explications sont nettes, élégantes, d'un style aisé; et c'est en les imitant qu'on apprend à bien écrire. "Comme ce- livre est escrit en langue et en caractères [...]
[...] qu'on apprend à bien écrire. "Comme ce- livre est escrit en langue et en caractères Tartares, il n'est d'aucune utilité pour les commencans, et ne peut servir qu'à ceux qui, sachant déjà la langue, veulent s'y perfectionner, ou composer quelque ouvrage." [...]
[...] 1789-90. M. Remusat, who places the publication of the ori ginal in the year 1750, remarks, that " Le Dictionnaire Tartare Mandchou d' Amiot n'est assurement pas tel qu'il auroit gte, si l'auteur eut prevu qu'on livreroit son travail a l'impression sans lui faire subir une redaction prealable.f M. Klaproth, after [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. September 1858
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] usual pure French. But this departure from the language which he commonly employs, was simply out of compliment, we fancy, to his ests. To make himself agreeable and pleasant to them both, the MPEROR did his best to talk, in their own tongues: and so trotted out some English when speaking to the QUEEN, and got up some [...]
[...] “Voilà! your Majesty. C'est unfait accompli. It is now a finished altogether work, mon Prince. Es ist nun ganz fertig, comme vous dites en Allemagne. Enfin, I have completed Pouvrage merveilleux [...]
[...] dites en Allemagne. Enfin, I have completed Pouvrage merveilleux que my uncle (l'homme merveilleux!) set his heart upon accomplishing. Ah oui, mon oncle! Ma foi! the greatest man, c'est a dire der grösste Mann, your Highness, que le monde a jamais vu-(aside)—avant moi, par exemple ! avant moi, Sein Neffe! [...]
[...] Mann, your Highness, que le monde a jamais vu-(aside)—avant moi, par exemple ! avant moi, Sein Neffe! “.En effet, your Majesty, c'est toujours mon ambition to carry out arfaitement les desseins of my oncle. Ohne Zweifel, ihre Hoheit, sie cennen que mein Oheim il désirait very much de renouveler a Cher [...]
[...] done him, ce cochon entier. Ich habe, what you call him? gone der en Schweine. Meines Onkels wish ist ganzlich réalisée aujourd’hui. a, sapperment C'est vrai. Vous pouvez voir, your Highness, esist wirklich gemacht. Ma foi! Voici". Here we are : , Moimème, je suis à Cherbourg, et je suis Merveille, moi! Mon Jove! der grosste Wunder [...]
[...] doubtedly will have to pay the piper. Ah! Ah! Voyez-vous, your ..". comme vous dites en Angleterre, ces cochons ils devront payer le piper. Potztausend Ja, c'est vrai. J’ existe u my people. Wir haben eine ganz gemeine Geldbeutel, you see. Ma foi, doncºſ Welches que § do poureuxsie mussen sehr certainement dem [...]
[...] people. Wir haben eine ganz gemeine Geldbeutel, you see. Ma foi, doncºſ Welches que § do poureuxsie mussen sehr certainement dem £º zu zahlen. Mais oui, ce n'est que juste, verstehen sie, Old ock : “Enfin, your Majesty, somehow je régarde this place comme a sort [...]
[...] ock : “Enfin, your Majesty, somehow je régarde this place comme a sort of pious monument au mémoire, de my Uncle. En effet, c'est une véritable Pyramide de Piété que j’ai ici got up regardless of expence. Une Pyramidel ma foi! c'est donc un petit Mont! Mais oui, ce n'est [...]
[...] véritable Pyramide de Piété que j’ai ici got up regardless of expence. Une Pyramidel ma foi! c'est donc un petit Mont! Mais oui, ce n'est pas bad | C'est vraiment doncun véritable Mont de Piété que j’ai ici put up au mémoire de mon Oncle. ‘My Uncle,” savez vous, c'est à dire Ma Tante, longago, das ist seit viele jahren, ihre Königliche Hoheit, [...]
[...] dire Ma Tante, longago, das ist seit viele jahren, ihre Königliche Hoheit, établit here in France un Mont de Piété pour moi: ainsi, ma foi! sapperment! by Jovel ce n'est que juste que je lui rende ici le com pliment, you twig l’” [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. Juli 1859
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] sunt illa verba quae “domestica’ vocantur (plausus). Sum super mea crura ut illum vobis nominem, sed momen tam bene motum nomi narem non necesse est. Neque est necesse, neque id foret possibile, hunc virum apud vos toomuchium laudare. º, non /) Quis enim Doctorum ac Academicorum ignorat quantum ille polleat virtute, quam [...]
[...] sit rebus publicis versatus et privatis, quam sciens (scio equidem) omnigemae doctrinae, quâm literis excellens, quam oratione stunnans, quam vitae, atque morum integer et purus, quantum denique. Est ille uptosnuffice levatus, et quam bene expertus in tempore diei (audite!): ita ut haud mente humaná possit concipiullus alius mortalis qui Nos [...]
[...] in senatü tam dignè representet. (Audite / audite!). Non vir ordi. naris has partes potest agere, non homo communis vestris igitur suffragiis est nunc exornandus; sed Is, cujus ingenium, wittum, et [...]
[...] doctrinam, totus mundus civilisus admiratur et applaudat. Is, quem in verbis Aristotliensibus retpáywvos ūvev böyov vocare licet. At quod est, vernaculariter, Brickus nullusque error!. Eligere hunc hominem vos jumpere debetis' (Magnus º Nemo sed is ipse unquam potest esse parallela ejus. (Major plausus.) Eum denique pro omni [...]
[...] eeting in the following meat speech:-- “Amici, atque Acad-amici. (Kor: Oh! oh!). Solitus ut, sum ad publicum loquendum, tamen mihi est diabolice difficile invenire verba meos sensus quae exprimant, Hoc were est proudissimum momentum meat vita. (Plausus.) Wobis cunctis, Academici, et praesertim meo [...]
[...] meos sensus quae exprimant, Hoc were est proudissimum momentum meat vita. (Plausus.) Wobis cunctis, Academici, et praesertim meo bono amico qui jamjäm elocutus est, meas optimas et, calidissimas velim dare gratias. Wirtus, ut vos scitis, est sui rewardus (auditeſ), Anglia expectat ut quisque homo suum ‘duty” semper faciet. Ego [...]
[...] meum semper feci, memo id potest negare (Non / non /): et in me nunc eligendo vos vestrum jam, fecistis. . (Plausus.) Brevitas, vos scitis, anima est Punchii: , ergo, Academici, vos non detinebo. (/or : Non ad omne /) Dicam igitur “Valete!’ non necesse est ut vobis adderem nunc “Plaudite!’” [...]
[...] cuilibet istius generis in fronte Rhedicynae! Illa. olim savissimam in muria deponens virgam, haec verba iracunde dixit: “Caveat Testa mentum / Haec pro partibus Infidelium est/? “Semper tuum, “WERBUM. SAP.” [...]
[...] Le Roi Bomba est mort ; pipe le Roi Bomba / Such might well be the exclamation of Neapolitan loyalty. The Naples Correspondent of [...]
Galignani's messenger09.09.1820
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. September 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ls it on the Lake of Como 2–It is. What trade 2—A mason. , - * Did you ever work at the Villa d'Este 2–1 have. d How long did you work there 7–Fifteen [...]
[...] Where did Gugiari live 2–He dwelt in the house of her Royal Highness. How far had you to go to the Willa d'Este 2 About three gun-thots. - Then you went to Villa d'Este to look for [...]
[...] Answer.—The Baron. What Baron 3–Baron Bergami. How long is it suce you were at Villa d'Este?—More than two years. Did yºu afterwards go tº Rome with the Princess 2– [...]
[...] other time?—Not at Cºpini. At any other place 3–I have seen it sometimes at the Villa d'Este. What did you see them do at the Villa d'Este 2–1 saw them kiss. I have seen them kisse, ch other. [...]
[...] his rig', t the whi,. Do you remember working near the Tower of the Villa d'Este? Yes. Did you see the Princess and Bergami there 2 Yes. What were they doing.” . They were situng. [...]
[...] How long w ie they at the window?–Only a short time. were you ever at the Tusatre at the Villa d'Este § Ye . [...]
[...] For how long 2—Almost three years. - What was your situation ?—A cºnfec ioner. Where did you eiter her service —At the Villa d'Este. Do you know Bei gami ?—I do. when you were at the Vila d'Este have you ever seen [...]
[...] —Como. Of what trade are you?—A mason. l)id you work at the Villa d'Este 7–Yes. Whilst the Princess of Wales was there 2–I was. Do yºu know Bergami?—I do. - [...]
[...] Whº, did you first enter into her service 2–At Como, at the Villa d’Este. [...]
[...] cenober, 1817. Where was she living at that time?—At the Villa d'Este. Was Bergami there then 2–Yes. - Did you ever see Bergami ride with the Prin [...]
The lounger02.07.1785
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Juli 1785
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] ** ſpoken to ?”–“ Never, Sir ; ſhe is too ** well bred.” He interpreted the queſtion and his anfwer to the Frenchman. “C’eſt “ dommage,” faid he in return. “ That’s a “ pity, the gentleman thinks;” re-interpreted [...]
[...] her,–“ Vous n’en avez pas befoin, —You have “ no need on’t,” anfwered the figure ; the equivoque was a very polite one. “C’eſt char “ mant!” faid the Frenchman, looking firſt on the Poupée, and then on the lady ; the lady [...]
[...] drove from the door. The French gentleman turned to me, who was ftanding behind in the entrance; “ En Angleterre le marriage eſt une “ affaire fi fombre.–In England marriage is “ fo gloomy a bufineſs.”–“ Quelquefois,– [...]
[...] z: fometimes,” faid I, fmiling. My French man caught himſelf immediately.—“ Affuré “ ment, Monfieur n’eſt pas marié.”–I affured him I was not married. “ Il n’en pas l’air. “ – You have not the look on’t.” This, in [...]
Galignani's messenger17.10.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 17. Oktober 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] (Continued from Yesterday's Messrnoºn.) where did you leave Bergami's mother.”, ºr be fore you went the long voyage ?—At the Villa d'Este. Did you ever hear her Royal Highness call her Nona 3 —I’requently. [...]
[...] Atter M. W. a. Burrel I & ft the Villa d'Este, wa" [...]
[...] 'muse william than any thiug else. - Now, I ask you whether the Princess ºver played with the cºaſt, before Mr. Burrell left the Villa d'Este ?—I do not recollect. ". . - Do you mean to ssy that Mr. Burrel joined in those [...]
[...] but I don't remember it. Do you remember before going the long voyage, the celebration of St. Bartholomew's day at the Villa, d’Este 2 —Yes, Fre collect a fete at the Villa d'Este, but I know nothing about the celebration of any saint. [...]
[...] Bartholomew's day ?—I think it was about that day; in }; early part of August we had possession of the Villa d’Este. Was there no fete at the Villa d'Este before you took possession ?–I don't reco lect that there was. [...]
[...] During the journey to d'Este, were any orders of dis tinction conferred on Bergami?—The Princess said, some distinction should be paid as a memento to those who [...]
[...] Did you know Faustina's husband, Martini 2---Yes. Where did you see him P--At the Priucess's house at "Willa d'Este. When did Louis Bergami begin to dine at the table of her Royal Highness?--I think it was a short time after [...]
[...] tioned at the Barona, did you never see Bergami's wiſe, the Baroness, there?—No. Neither at the Baroua, at Pesaro, or at the Villa d'Este 2 At neither. How far is the Barona from Milan 2–Two miles. [...]
[...] her in the house at Genoa; but I did not imagiue that she belonged to the household. You stated that her Royal Highness at the Villa d'Este joined in certain games; I wish to know whether all the household joined in these games, or only the upper ser [...]
[...] friends who happened to be in the house. - You have stated that certain plays were performed at the Villa d’Este P—Yes. How many years ago is it since these performances took place 2–Qn our return from the long voyage, in the win [...]
Galignani's messenger18.10.1820
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Lord FALMOUTH —You have stated that you saw her Roy I Highness walk arm in urin with Bergami at the Villa u’Este, were they then alone P-I have seen then walk arm in arm in the garden. Was any one pre-eut at that time?—I never recollect [...]
[...] blue mantle 2–I do not. Do you think that the dance of Mahomet at the Villa d'Este, was such as a woman of virtue, or common de licacy of mind, could be hold without disgust 2–It was !. more indecent, in my opinion, than the Spanish Bo [...]
[...] garding the house. Where was it you performed these duties?—At the Willa d’Este. Ilow long did you continue to perform these duties P From the moment the Princess bought the Villa until sae [...]
[...] Paulo Ragazzoui I mean?-No, I don't know him more articularly. P iºnow the grotto at the Villa d'Este 2—I do. Do you know any thing of two statues of Adam and Eve 2—I do. [...]
[...] Cross-xam ned by Mr. PARE F. -A series of questions were asked of the most minute wature, respecing the si tuation of the room at the Villa d'Este, in answer to which the witness fully confirmed the statement he had before made. The questions themselves were too nume [...]
[...] How long is it since you came to England ?—Ten or eleven days. Do you come direct from the Villa d'Este 2–Yes. Did you see many people employed at the Villa d'Este in taking plans ?—I have seen several. [...]
[...] in taking plans ?—I have seen several. Did you see an engineer of the name of Ratti, employed in taking plans at the Villa d'Este 2–1 h ve. T)id you come with witnesses over here?—I did. How many ?--Fourteen. [...]
[...] What business are you of?—I am a master mason. Was you ever employed to work for her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, at the Villa d'Este 2–1 was. Do you know a person of the name of Ragazzoni?— I do. [...]
[...] Is, he a master mason, or is he only a workman 2–A workman. Did he work under your employment at the Will, d'Este? —l gave a piece of work to seven or eight companions, and they came altogether to me to be paid. [...]
[...] —l gave a piece of work to seven or eight companions, and they came altogether to me to be paid. Do you know the grotto at the Villa d'Este?—I do. Do you remember a cornice beag made in any part of the grotto ?—I do. - [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Juli 1858
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] earth ought, therefore, to come to an understanding, and hurl against her the famous sentence—“Delenda est Carthago.’” [...]
[...] of others, Government, of course, has raised their expectations; but only, it appears, that they may be let down again. We presume that c'est fait seulement pour encourager les autres. Although the modestest of men, a sailor likes at least to know that he is honoured by his country for having done his duty; and CAPTAIN CASTLE and his crew, [...]
[...] platitudes della prosa” Poetry, Sir! You have hit the bull's eye indeed. C'est dans la voie sublime deſia poesia, la carriera spinosa esprit, c'est là que mes idées sont quite at home. triumph, they live. [...]
[...] Oh! the Rhine—the Rhine—the Rhine Comme c'est beau! wie schön! ché bello! He who quaffs thy Luft und Wein, Morbleu ! is a lucky fellow! [...]
[...] Il m'est venu une idée bizarre, extravagante forse, maganz mutzlich alla gente universale, the great family of man. Che cé, Che cé, Signora! Was ist dasz P [...]
[...] Io son persuaso dasses wiirde ganz jolly sein nur eine Sprache zu habem, un peu variée. C'est vrai, but in the highest degree expressive and energetic. Une ide6 magnifique, grandioza, utilissima. ! | Thanks to that blessed Peacock that he did not let it scapparir. [...]
[...] Maisje pense wraiment that I have hit the bull's eye. The Bull's eye, caro mio ! Was ist dasz? C'est la verité, Monsieur; c'est la verité. - Le noyeau della virtù. Le point central dell’ intelletto umano. La position bien elevée quoique dangereuse qui se trouve in the very centre [...]
Galignani's messenger05.09.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 05. September 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] son s. Were you employed as a mason to do work at the Villa d'Este 2-I was. Had you employed under you other work men, or were you only a workinan yourself?— [...]
[...] Stan CeS. During any part of the time you were em ployed at the Villa d'Este, were the Princess of Wales and Bergami residing there?–No.; when I was working at the Villa d'Este, they [...]
[...] were residing at the Villa Villani. Did they afterwards come to the Villa d'Este *"... Did you ever see the Princess and Bergami ^n the lake?—I have seen them. [...]
[...] sometimes at the other, and then laughed. Do you remember any entertaininent given at the Villa d'Este on the feast of St. Barho lomew 2-1 do. At what hour of the night or morning did [...]
[...] Is not the place called by you the Piazza, a part of the Villa d'Este 7–Yes ; back of the villa is the garden ; and, at the end, the Piazza with sleeping rooms. [...]
[...] As nearly as you can recollect, what hour was it when you passed that night through the garden at the villa d'Este 7–Åbout half past one. - Here the Interpreter communicated to the [...]
[...] Were they alone 7–They were alone. Did you ever attend at the theatre of the Villa d'Este 7–I have. .. - Did you ever see the Princess and Bergami act together at the theatre P-I have. [...]
[...] What is he 7—A courier. Have you ever seen him before ?—Yes, in the garden of the Villa d'Este. - Did he live with the Princess of Wales 2– he did. [...]
[...] before you were examined at Milan 2-No. How many workinen had you employed at the Willa d'Este 2–There were twelve or four teen; when the Baron told me more were wanted, I got them. [...]
[...] Yes. - For what length of time 2—Almost two months. Was it at the Villa d’Este 2–Yes. In what capacity were you employed by her ?—As di rector of the gardens. [...]
The Englishman23.03.1713
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. März 1713
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Venit ad me fepe clamitans– Vestitu nimium indulges, nimium ineptus es, Nimium ipſe eſt durus preter equumque est bonum. Terg [...]
[...] Offence. I make it my Buſineſs when my Lady Lizard's young est Daughter, Mifs Molly, is making Cloaths, to confider her from Head to Foot, and cannot be eaſie when there is any doubt lies upon me concerning the Colour of a [...]
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