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330 Treffer
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  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Mai 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] itſ v. W. K. As of Edinburgh, eulogising the effects of Revivalism in that City, say, amongst other things, that:– “The number of drunkards and theatre-goers who had been reclaimed had been very remarkable.” [...]
[...] Drunkards and theatre-goers' What a very remarkable employ ment, in an Opera-house, above all houses, of the word “and.” Intervening between “theatre-goers” and “drunkards,” it places [...]
[...] have drunkards and gluttons, or drunkards and other slaves to vice, named together, but which of the moral or spiritual laws is broken by theatre-goers ? Is such nonsense as that above-quoted really a characteristic ingredient of “Revivalism"? If so, then the revival of Revivalists is in part the revival of the most illiberal and [...]
[...] the modern Barebones have not the excuse of a licentious drama for abusing the stage. Let them reform their abusive language, give over talking of “drunkards and theatre-goers,” and learn to use the copulative conjunction in the right place; as, for instance, in snch connection as to imply similarity between persons so really [...]
PunchTitelblatt Bd. 034 1858
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Januar 1858
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Sire,” said MR. P., “but this seems altogether a horse of another colour.” And so it proved, Alexander rather shying at the sound of a gun, but being apparently pleased with that of the railroad. “A free goer,” said MR. PUNCH, “and I hope to see him at Ascot.” Lastly came a Yankee horse called President Sly Boots. The moment he entered, he deliberately winked at Mr. Punch. The latter went gently up to him, and, being a master of the American language, [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour27.07.1719
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Juli 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] 1:9 uầy rarées 9, às görỆ aéla, teázy. Eoßabs dº žu xạxérG-, ºg fv ezróýlı aíßúla. - HEs I o D. [...]
All the year round31.05.1873
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. Mai 1873
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] “How can you talk, so, Reube,” in terrupted Kem, “and you setting up for a tidy steady man, and a chapel-goer.” *Well, there,” said Reube, “I go to chapel most-in-deal (ordinarily), when the [...]
[...] lambs, or what not. I can't sleep o' nights, let alone saying my prayers. Garge is a church-goer. I seen un times and times going over the down, carrying's prayer book, though I knows a' can't read un. Oh, [...]
[...] going over the down, carrying's prayer book, though I knows a' can't read un. Oh, he's a church-goer. But there's some volks as has no conscience. I doan't say as a hasn't got a tidy looking lamb or so amang [...]
[...] bad as some of 'issen I'd take and drown myself in sheep-pond, that's what I'd do. Oh, Garge is a church-goer, certain sure.” “You needn't be so main scrow (cross) about it, Reube,” said Kem. “Garge's [...]
[...] about it, Reube,” said Kem. “Garge's church-going won't harm un, nor's vlock neither. I'm a church-goer, Measter Duke's a church-goer. We're all church-goers in this house. Not that I'd say a word [...]
The connoisseur09.09.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 09. September 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] We live in a land really flowing with milk and honey, and keep an houfe of entertainment for all comers and goers. We hardly ever fit down to table lefs in number than twenty or thirty, and very often to above double that number [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. September 1876
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] at home, should never object to paying a mob of Hotel harpies extravagantly for imaginary services. That sea-goers, who have heard of the boats of the P. and 0., and the steamers running between England and Ireland, should patro nise the miserable vessels plying between Dover and Calais, and [...]
[...] but broad cloth and a chimney-pot hat, should perambulate Paris, Berlin, and Vienna in cheap suits of dittos and wideawake hats. That Church-goers, who are most devout at home, should treat foreign Cathedrals as if they were Museums, and regard the wor ** therein as so many wild beasts. [...]
Saturday reviewInhaltsverzeichnis 07.1861/08.1861/09.1861/10.1861/11.1861/12.1861
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Juli 1861
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Perquisites, 321 Petty States, 504 Plays and Play-goers, 39 Poland, 605 Police and Assize Courts, the, 68 [...]
PunchRegister Bd. 041 1861
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Januar 1861
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Absurdity in the Law (An), 7 Advertising Scamps, 2il Advice to Opera-Goers, 22 Ahead of the Britishers, 231 Aids to Agriculture, 36 [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Oktober 1872
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] house attractive in its audience arrangements, and to ensure the ease and comfort of every one who entered it. But is this so, in truth?…Are play-goers all secured against extortion and annoyance, and supplied with such soft seats and superfluity of leg-room as may possibly suffice to tempt them from their dinner-table, and even [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Juli 1864
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] PUNCH-were taken into custody by six terrible policemen, and marched away like malefactors through a squeeze of starers into the bazaar. Here she set a good example to bazaar-goers in general, for she stopped at every stall to say a pleasant word or two, and make a pretty pur chase; whereas, bazaar-goers in general do chatter, but #. uy. [...]