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255 Treffer
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The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer14.06.1755/15.06.1755/16.06.1755/17.06.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Fu the' Particular"- 'ill be advertiſed in thia and the I. nlon Evening-Faſt. . _ *.' The Courſe haa been riſt-finally dra'n'd, and u 'a good 'a Wofl'in England. i i _ __ BU R FO R l) RALEo. Oxfarcflirre. , [...]
[...] of Fiſty Pa unde 'ill begiven t'd he run ſo' on [pſ'ieh Ne' 'an Ground, by any Horſe, Hare. or Gniding. that haa not been in S'Ieta between Michaeln a' and Lady-Day lafl ; that he' been con 'antly uſed aa a Homer or lar the Rood; that never ſtarted 'or any [...]
[...] Water-Brook-'. Ic. and the chief Ornament 'here Strength with Beau'y i' needful. The Whole intended a' an lmpro-ement oſ 'hat haa hitherto been given on that Suljefl, and rendered both practieable and beneficial to all concerned in Building. Printed for Robert Say'r. Pppoſite Fetter-Lane. ſleet-ſtreet. [...]
[...] Medieleea, 'or many Month' together in varn. The Apothrcary who prepared them for him according th the Doctor'a Preſcription (which he haa fl ll upon hi' File) haa tra-de Uſe oſ them ever ſince to Number: oſ People in the very worſt oſ Gleet', Seminaland genira] lmbecil.ti" and inſertilizks. Pain' in the Back [...]
[...] in Sleep, Fair, B'owa, Wrenchet, and the li'tc, in both Sole' And a' they have ne'er once ſailed him. ev'n in (him thought to beincorable, henow, 'or I'n'n'- Good, haa made them public: And th'tthc meaner Sort of Perple mi.ht par'alte oſ the Pemfit o' ſo divine a Remedy, a' well a' the Rich. he ha' put them up in Toztle' [...]
[...] IS attended with ſuch oppreſſivc Diſcomſorr, and continual Uneaſvreſr oſ Mind, a' no cne can be truly kn fible oſ, who haa no' in lome Degre: cap-riem-ed i himlelſ. fl Pity' fid'n oſ good Practice and large EXperZ-nce having been afflicted with almoſt coral Deaineſa for near two Years, nocalroned lay-'along [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer24.05.1755/25.05.1755/26.05.1755/27.05.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] S attended wr h lmh ozzprt-ſltvc DtſcomſortI and ewr'inual Uneaſ'neſ' oſMrnd, a' no oneean be truly ſe' 'ſitble o', 'tho haa no' in 'time Degree experienced it himſelf. A Phy h-ian a' 'rod Practice and large Experimee having been Ifflided 'rth aln oft total ſ>ealneta ſo' near twu Yea", oeeahoned by taking [...]
[...] the hentle'oman. at th'T'o Biue Ptrſh in Havdon-Yard in the M nor er, bin-ton, at 1', bd. a Boule, with print-d Direction' and adrrea at lar-e. Note. Ampla Satuſaflion at' 'he Effieaey oſ haa Great Mcd rcan- mry ce haa at the Pla'eo' Salet [...]
[...] Mh'ctl'l'l, in' many M .ntha tole'htr m va n. 'ſhe Ap h rry 'no P'I'I'Id them 'or hm according to 'he Doctor'a Pnl'ertpiirm 'uhirh he haa ſl ll u_:-on hi' file-r hu 'I V' Uſ' oſ them e'er ſi 'e laNumbt't of Yeo, le in the very 'oil of GLM, Serritnila d pen-tal imbecrl l-'a and inſert-litle', Pain' i' the lit! [...]
[...] in Si"*,*, ſaia, 'l o", M "other, and the like. in hath 'exert And a' -h'y have ne'er once lailed him,e'en in Caſo thought to? be 'ne-able, he chi', 'or general Good, haa made then publn: And' thatthe meant' Sort oſ PLplc ml:ltl partalte oſ the 'enafit of fd' divine a I emedy, a' 'ell I' .h: Rich. he haa put them In' hule" [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer07.08.1755/08.08.1755/09.08.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] oodionſneſa, hat 'or a great me', Year' been in the higheſt the', 'nd being lar-ly pa chaſed by Mr. Pznhorn, or the ſame Pl-ee, Up holflrrerſhe haa fixed it atp an the Complellſt Manner. and it i' he lie'ed cannot be excteded by any inn in the We! oſ Bag I'll. The 'all Rosm u enlighſcd by two Gothic' 82' Windo'e, and highly [...]
[...] 'boat ſuartuo Hand' three l. the' high, 'ell moulded, 'ith Wind. Glll' - all her Leg',' 'ter on her Forehead, thellarh oſth. O'er on her M Sh older' ſhe haa been 'ſed to e Wagpn an Che-ſo, the Hair open her Leſt Sheuldrt Point ia off by dra'ing th. Cbazſq 'he i' a very rho t arek'a Mare, trot' hard 'or the Ride', [...]
[...] .o'ed to Happanaſe, 'h-(h ſaven' he 'ill e'er gratc'elly achate' ledga, and hepe' thay'll eet'ſe that publte Method, in' it 'a real Neuflity haa obliged her to it. Ddueli'd' leſt for E. W. an be recei'ed by Ilr. 'Mild Carener. in Fratherflona Bo'ldlnga, "elbow, 'ho 'ill in!"- any [...]
[...] Outhouſea, a very 'all bode 'dal-hule, nd ſev'n' Old" 'ſ Cround lying all t'gtther and rota d tc-a ſaid D'dliatg-Ho'ſe. and containing abo'o '45 Atrea o' Land. The laid tom haa ſeveral Mine' oſ Stone Coal, or Cannel, and other C.al in It, end I laſt' Common Right balm irg to it. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer23.08.1755/24.08.1755/25.08.1755/26.08.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. August 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] an lnhahitant of the Couzzties OT Ntrſolle or Suffollr, that haa been - [...]
[...] Ay, Whoſe Friende can give a Fee 'ith him (not .e-', thu >307 Cni tear) may have an Oppnrtuniry of brint pot Appwntite t: a Gentleman wit] haa an efiibliſhed H wiſe of Buſiruſaabrffla. Ez Jurre for A. I. at Fur:.ival! a inn Coſſeth-uſe, Holbom. [...]
[...] N EnglillrWoman, thirty Yea's oſiizc, 'rho 'ned-'Rank 'Frmrh, and e'l Sarra oſ Neede wJſſſh h-th bern in a School. and line' haa had the Care o' ſeveral Chil dren or' Diſti-flioa, and ha' river' th' greateſt Sati'ſaaiou to the Pareu's. 'hoſe R'c'm'nendathn ſhe ca-a have, beſice' any other. [...]
[...] ſo frequently deteflul ; yet new 'pin endca'cur at a ſreth lmpofi tion by digging another Well; anc e'en be'ore that ia ſi .iſhed to pretend to 'elate Cu e' it haa peiſormed, talk oſ S-Ill' extracted thereſrom, and point out Placea 'hete it i' to be procured, Wah 'hat Water theſe Pe'ple cim furniſh the Public, ii not ſor me to [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer04.10.1755/05.10.1755/06.10.1755/07.10.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. Oktober 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Like'ife bia ineompaiible Daffty'r Eiuir, allowed to be 'he be' in England by both Phyſica' and Surgeon', and e'ery Bvdy 'hiſ haa uſed it. Sold by Mr. Leigh, Bocltſe'lrr, 't Nortb'i'eh; Mr. Guy. Book ſellcr, at Lanuſhr, Mr. Wvlſon, Shopkteper, in New-ſhear, Lin [...]
[...] wood'itd, 'ha ſoon ealed h r '.r-lr'a! Pain', by £:V1l1 him hii Po'der 'nd UIOPL ayplymg hii pea-inward Ran-i p, and hr'rivv: pufeflrd hi' Cur', and haa entirely leſt on' haa Ran'ag-t That tho-:yhr myſcl'in Du*y bound 'o milre pu-lie, not only in Grltiude to Mr. Wo vd"'d, but in compaſſion t' thuſ' 'lin lnlnnr 'under the' [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer01.05.1755/02.05.1755/03.05.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] the Our-ye', Mr. Thou-e Than', jl", at Huntingd vn a' aim' it, ſhall, a' a He'azd.;acu'e Th'te (in near, 'no all mſo'ableChar-gu. NJ. l" he haa "en Galen, I' i' 'a enrjectur'd, 'rhoe'er appre henra he line', tall have Five 'mnine-a up<-n he' Conviflirn. HE Sn an-li-n in i'ne City of Chichcſlcr, [...]
[...] R. Po P r, at hrs Paixr- Warehouſe, "a'nfl th' Ne' Erchang' In 'dinga in 'he Strand, beg' Leave to requain. the Nehili y an: Grnw- he. th" he haa read? 'or Salca 'th Iar.eQu n iiy oſ Id- eli lnau Pay-e' 'filth ſo' Colon and Deſign l' 'llm'd to be pre-ernhlr h the rtght India Paje'; [...]
[...] Powder haa bu- gi'en in 'be Small- l'ua, Yellow Fever, Slo' Fever) [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer15.07.1755/16.07.1755/17.07.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 15. Juli 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] HE GLORGE lNN in Shaftesbury, in the County of Dorſct, 'hieb, from it' Situation and Com modiouſncſ', haa for a great m'oy Years bean in the higheſt Bflee-n, and being lately pinch-ſed by Mr. Piriiorn. of the fame Pl ce, Up holflerer, he ha' fitted it up in the completen Manner and it i- br [...]
[...] On Wedneſd'y, Odobar the ſun, 'Ill be run for on tlze ſame Courſe, a Purſe of Fifty Pound', by four Years old M'rfl) to carry eight Stone and a half, Two-Mile Haa't. To pay Two Guineaa Butranee, and the Eotnnce to go to the neat Year" Plate. 'The 'inning Mar' to pay T'o Guineaa to 'be Clerk'ſ the Courſe. [...]
[...] ſ'ered; Sch'me' given grand; and e'ery Buſtneſa relative to a cond Letter) Office will be vtith Ftdality and Punfluality tranſ 'cted at thia Office, which haa been very remarkable 'or Selling 'nd Sharing of the largeſt Priaea br ſome Year' paſt. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer07.06.1755/08.06.1755/09.06.1755/10.06.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] REGlSTERS Tielteta at Sixpenee eath, 'or which an early "ITADI Account will be immediately ſent, either in Town or country, 'hich (as Experience haa convinced) may be I'lKLY de [...]
[...] relative to a Coaaacr Lo-r'rraY-Ornc', will be with FM'l-it' and Pnnctuality tranſacted . X Not', Thin OFPICB haa been 'ery remarkable for salt-un oſ Prieea for ſome Year' paſt. 1 bu Day was published, Prict' 6! [...]
[...] tnatthc meaner SHK 0" Pecple n,lght Paul" of the; zggzſa nt ſo divine a Remedy, a' 'ell a' the Ruh. he haa pet them u; m Bo'rlra oſ but 1-. oa, uch, though for the ExceiL-ncy of t. ar Lfſcctj zt-y are 'or-th their Weight in Goid, mue eſpecially' a: on" BJ'PL o' "ſ" [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer16.09.1755/17.09.1755/18.09.1755
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 16. September 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] 'ken from the late Gnnd Parts Edition, Publilhtd by that Learned Editor Mr. LA SERRE, in Six Vclumes, Warm. An [ditton ſo ſhpcrior to 'ny of the former, that it haa given quite a new F'e to the Author. ſi He has ſupplied the Pl. ce of the ſabuloua Life ofthe Author, and [...]
[...] of Body, or Decay oſ Conſlitutim of any Kind, i' a man infallible Renoratire. and even keepe batk the Iffefle of old it' itſelf. It ie to be taken but a ſew Drtpa at a Time, haa e very fine Flavour, ia pleaſant to the Palate. ecrdial to the Stomach, and ean be had only at the Gende'oman", et the Two Blue Pofle 'in Heydon-Y'td [...]
[...] nd continual Umineſe of Mind, a' no one cin be truly ſcu Ghle of, who haa not in ſome Degreeuprricmcd it hlnlclſ. A Phy fieiu oſ good Practice and large Experience 'nay r; been afflicted with almoſt total D'eaſneſt for nen two Year', ottiſroncd hy taking [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer06.03.1755/07.03.1755/08.03.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. März 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] lſ any Gentleman choſe' to ſhud the Chanee oſ their Ham being in Fual. the Price is Two Guineaa. He ll very ſurmnate in s'tting of fine Col'a. He haa Cover'd theſe two Seaſan'. NJIB, Good Ctalr for Mater, and proper Care taken oſ them, htDarLing. [...]
[...] ( T H lL LLO, orhuwrle BLACK A N t) _ALL-BLACl(, i' judged to be zr ſine a Horſe aa haa been ttaiffld ſince the famous Childers ; he wan bred by Mr. Croſta, and got by Crab; Crab was got by the Alcorlt Arabian, the Dam of [...]
[...] *' But ever to do Ill thy ſole Delight," Printed ſor Peter [mp, near St. Paul'ri '.' Thia Pamphlet haa mer with ſuch univerſal Approbation', that little leſs than 1500 have bren ſoll in three Daya "lime, [...]