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1546 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Maria-Rain

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  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. Mai 1863
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] After Breakfast on the Derby Day, 1863. Rain pouring. A few Carriages are seen passing, either closed, or covered with umbrellas. MR. NAG GLETON rings the bell. [...]
[...] Mrs. N. (smiling). Don't be angry with me, HENRY, because it hap H. to rain on the Derby Day, and you are obliged to give up your oliday. I cannot command the weather, you know. Mr. W. No, nor your tongue neither, or you wouldn't aggravate a [...]
[...] affectation that is perfectly ridiculous in a man who does not know one horse from another. Mr. W. MARIA, you’re an antiphonetic—no, you are not—you are an antipathetic woman. If you had a good genial nature you’d give me a kiss, or a box on the ear, which is all the same, and say, “I’m glad you've [...]
[...] Wry lace. rs. M. You are deceiving me again, HENRY. Mr. W., Am I, by Jove. Put on your bonnet, it don't rain, and come round to his house, and see. He’s in no humour for bed, and we'll finish the evening there. [...]
[...] -THE sky with clouds was overcast, the drizzling rain did fall, 'Twas bitter cold; the wind north-east, and blew a frequent squall, The road to Epsom whilst we took it poured on all the way. [...]
[...] The road to Epsom whilst we took it poured on all the way. The deuce a bit of comfort was there on the Derby Day. Rain, rain drench, drench, rain, rain away, The deuce a bit of comfort was there on the Derby Day. [...]
[...] So much a º: his donkey-cart could say To Epsom as he urged his moke on that damp Derby Day. Rain, rain, &c. [...]
[...] Scarce was the bit of muslin blue about the hats of males; . The flunkeys might have said they missed the customary veils. But, ah! the rain that laid the dust the jokes did also lay; The deuce a bit º there was on that moist Derby Day. , Tald, &C. [...]
[...] And Nigger minstrels washed half white could shoe-blacks only play, Instead of twanging banjos on that soaking Derby Day. Rain, rain, &c. [...]
[...] Whilst pigeon-pie, and veal-and-ham, with some º: of Ai, And more of rhubarb, were consumed on that wet Derby Day. Rain, rain, &c. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. März 1864
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Wh learn from Southampton the arrival of the Poonah with the Madagascar ambassadors—their Excellencies RAIN-AND-RAIN and RAIN-For-INGLA. Really, considering the wet weather we have had lately, RAIN-AND-RAIN had better have º and RAIN-For [...]
[...] I distinctly saw the head of a lady suddenly appear out. of a door on the landing, and from its pale lips, a solemn and peculiarly plaintive voice proceed, saying—“MARIA, bring me my body.”, . What fearful crime has, at some previous time, stained those floors with gore, I know not. But I can testify that on the above occasion [...]
[...] What fearful crime has, at some previous time, stained those floors with gore, I know not. But I can testify that on the above occasion I with my own ears heard a lonely head piteously imploring MARIA, (who, it appears, is the lady's maid, and will henceforth be narrowly [...]
[...] the family, I will take | my pen to write these few lines, in which I conscientiously assert, that on last Tuesday, the 7th, I, while giving a few directions to MARIA, the lady's maid, heard a voice distinctly saying, “MARIA,” addressing, as I have since had reason to *Pººl the same servant to whom I was speaking, “Bring me my body.” I did [...]
Galignani's messenger06.10.1823
  • Datum
    Montag, 06. Oktober 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] But the expectatious of every one were considerally depressed by the appearance ºf the moru up of his M." jesty’s entrée. . The whole night prey, usiv.i. rained without intermission; the strets of Wºlsov, were flooded by the rain; ſhe great matérie', *s the F, ench [...]
[...] thousands. A meeting of the Committee was cºll: together.—There it was reported, thº owns to the ceaseless rain of the preceding nigh', it was "p" atti [...]
[...] could effectually reach them. An awning was sub-e quently erected, of canvas to shelter the ox ſtom the rain, which ſell withºut intermis ion throughout the day. Nothing could be more singular that the whole o! This process, which took place u = field denominated [...]
[...] shelving to the centre, in which the apparatus, file, coals, etc. were most unfo, tunately so placed that the rain from all parts concentrated into the very spot where the ox was roasted. - The field is rendered remarkable for having been [...]
[...] most glaciously acknowledged the cordiality of his re ception by frequent inclinations of his head; owing, however, to the rain and chilling wind, the glasses of his Majesty's carriage were up. The cavalcade moved up High-street and Castle-street into the Lower Castle [...]
[...] ands of music paraded the town, aud a splendid gene ral illumination took place, which was favoured by an in!ermission of the rain. The company at the dinner of his Majesty, on his arrival at the Castle, consisted of th” cortege which attended him and the usual Royal [...]
[...] the Department of Sulia, Manuel Maurique, to his Deputies, Lieut.-Colonels Reyos Gonzales, and Jose Maria Delgado. 1. The first article of the myopositions made is negatived, and as the army is composed of Columbians and Spaniards, such Columbian [...]
[...] I have the houour, etc. - - (Signed) Louis, PRINCE DE HoHENLohe. Poat SANTA MARIA, SEPt. 25.-Yesterday the Ma drid militia and the regiment Saint Martial, made a sortie to recapture the fort Santi Petri, but on the road [...]
[...] embark. SEPTEMBER 26.--An Aide-de-Camp of Gen. Walles is come to Santa Maria with a flag of truce. The Duke of Angoulême reſuses to receive him. MADRID, SEPT. 29.-Riego is exp: cted here to-day [...]
[...] TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCH. - Port Santa Maria, Sept. 29, six o'clock in the evening. e. The Duke of Angouleme to the President of the Council. - - - - º - [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. September 1860
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] OFF with your rain-clouds, evaporate mizzle ! Wat’riest, weariest, wettest of saints; O'er your blue nose draw your night-cap of drizzle, [...]
[...] You made the Lake car-men perforce sinecurists; . . E’en the Volunteer movement you aimed at restraining, But it went on full gallop, in spite of your raining; And the soldierly spirit, in Curragh and Camp, [...]
[...] But you without orders, sent your heavy wet? And all in these islands were singing one song: “Here’s Down with Saint Swithin-his rain is too long!” [...]
[...] And the world seemed a vista of weary wet Sundays, And mankind's occupation to chant “de Profundis; ” And barometers stood as if fixed at “much rain; ” And we thought we should never see sunshine again; And all of our blindness and bitterness, too, [...]
[...] But the sun in the heavens was steadily shining Behind the dark rain-clouds, for all who could see ; - - And the fº we deemed perished, the fruit we thought pining, Kept their faith in the future more constant than we ;. [...]
[...] And the fº we deemed perished, the fruit we thought pining, Kept their faith in the future more constant than we ;. The rain-cloud must pass, and the growing things knew it,. And garnered each glance of the sun that pierced through it; For now that St. Swithin is chased from his hold, [...]
[...] Edwin an - Tijo. Edwin and MARIA cannot live. [...]
[...] rain—drops. [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 04.1842
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. April 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Battle or (Eau de) Cologne, 1746. Jean Maria Farina whops the allied forces of Price and Gosnell. [...]
[...] late on. rain; [...]
Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 07.1842
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Juli 1842
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] have some rain, But soon [...]
[...] Domestic.—Now rub your bright bars and fire-irons with suet, pre viously to the exhibition of Anna Maria's silver paper arabesque. Cover bilious gold frames with lemon-coloured Leno. Suspend fly-temple from centre of ceiling, and carefully bag your chandeliers. Clean bed [...]
Galignani's messenger08.01.1822
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 08. Januar 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] Mercury.) On Sunday evening died, at her house in Berkeley square, after a long and painful illness, Maria, Countess of Guilford, widow of Francis, late Earl of Guilford. —(Herald.) [...]
[...] of sale but the auctioneers and bailiffs.-(Herald.) AGRICULTURAL Report for. H)eceMBER.—The long continuance of heavy rains in all districts of the country, has caused a general suspension of agricultural opera tions, except that of letting water off the lands, which [...]
[...] mounted the roof. I saw nothing before me but a vast lake. I then took off my top coat, and shortly after the other, although it rained hard. We were now proceeding through the flood; the glasses of the coach were closed, and I heard the terror of those within ; [...]
[...] and its vicinity experienced a smart storm of thunder and lightning, accompanied by torrents of hail and rain, and at intervals by gusts of wind; during which, at half-past two P. M. a waterspout was seen, a pheno menon of very rare occurrence on land. It was ob [...]
[...] isfightly put together, remained untºuched. - - prºvoxsº. The continued rains have considerably injured the [...]
[...] Devon. All the low grounds vast sheets of water. Yesterday morning it blew a complete hurri cane, accompanied with incessant rain for six or eight hours, and travelling was in places impeded i. the inundation of roads. In the low part º: road [...]
[...] hehind their time, and it is feared that the impediinents will be increased by the rise of the waters after so long continued rain. Just as our paper was going to press we heard that five houses at §. were yesterday Friday 28th ult.) washed with all their furniture into [...]
[...] server in this city: the º: to which it was depressed was 27.88. The depth of rain fallen in Exeter this month, is six inches.—(Exeter Gazette.) ... Sidmouth, Dec. 27.-Wind, rain, thunder, and [...]
[...] of Great Britain. During the night between Thursday and Friday the gale became a perſect hurricane, accom panied by unceasing torrents of rain ; and although on our much-exposed coast we have hitherto been provi dentially preserved from any very serious injury, it is [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. August 1865
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] I am arqused by something falling on, the tip of my nose, which is just under the apex of the crown of my wideawake. Odd. Rain? No. "I think what it can be. Another!...It’s a pebble! Two or three. Irise suddenly, and see little boys scurrying away over the beach. I [...]
[...] my coat collar and down the brim of my hat. If I turn back, I shall have it in my face. Never mind, after all it is not so bad as a storm of rain would be. (Perhaps this is the reason why Slawford and Stanton didn’t come out.) In another half-hour the wind has gone down. Pleasant [...]
[...] don’t like to ask for a book, having lost the Adieu, so I devote myself to the Eastern Counties Railway Time-table and the Pig. The Pig won't come out because of the rain, so I must tut up with watching the Stye. I dine in bed, smoke in bed, and meditate on the Pig. When it is so [...]
[...] nacks, that after August, September, and October, will come November, December, and January. During these latter months it is not impos. sible that rain may fall, and in that case London will once more become what Parochial wisdom leaves it—a sea of foul mud, which a handful of scavengers helplessly attempt, sometimes, to remove. Wu this fact, we [...]
[...] most sacred promises as idle words. Mr. N. (aside). Said so. (Aloud) Putting this and that together, MARIA, I gather that you accuse me of having made some promise about the new Opera. Mrs. N. And of having broken it. That is all. But as I said, you [...]
[...] all about it. Mrs. W. Quite natural that you should. Mr. W. I understand you, MARIA. Perhaps, however, you may some day discover that on that very Saturday I remembered my children to a better end than taking them to a theatre. But I have [...]
Galignani's messenger21.09.1825
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 21. September 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] . On Wednesday, in the upper part of Liguanea, there was a con siderable deal of thunder and lightning, accompanied with heavy rain; several slaves on Whitehall, Estate, in running for shelter into a hut, against the door of which had been placed a pole, with a bayonet fixed to the point of it, were struck with electric ſluid, [...]
[...] (From the Bombar. Gazette, of March 23.) Accounts from the neighbourhood of ineºsa, state, thºta heavy fall of rain accompanied by a strong breeze and thunder storms, toºk place at the close of last month, which, contrary to ºperta. tion, had proved yery beneficial to the dry grain, the crops of which [...]
[...] 4- “cAchAR, March 11. The slate of the road through the ſprest now beggars all, at tempt at iption;, the rain which fell during February made it so soft, the cattle sunk and could not extricate themselves without assistauce. Attempts were made to repair the road by putting [...]
[...] assistauce. Attempts were made to repair the road by putting rass and feeds over the worst places; in the mean time, we have iad severalsuccessive days of heavy rain, which has made it infinitely worse. The necessity of supplying the Local Battaliou and pioneers with provisions became daily more urgent; as many ! »hants [...]
[...] would be of any avail. Troops, accºmpanied by artillery, and dependent on cattle for the carriage of their supplies, calumoi move after such a deluge of rain. A few days ago tie weather cleared up, and held out the most ſlaltering prospect of enabliug us to cross the forest, when suddenly the weather changed and rained [...]
[...] cross the forest, when suddenly the weather changed and rained incessantly. There is yet a month r six w, eks before the regular rains set in, during which it is barely possible to reach Muuu pºre ightly equipped—the thing seems quite out of the question with a force on the present scale. The 16th Locals are near to a place [...]
[...] force on the present scale. The 16th Locals are near to a place called Nº. beyond the forest; the pioneers are repairing the damage dºne by the heavy rain; and the third brigade, Blair's Hors: Artillery, and the Head Quarters, remain at Bauskandy. The loss in elephants has been very severe to individuals who have [...]
[...] mother, the Countess Dowager of Mountinorris, and proceed direct South:-(Post, The Countess of Meath and Lady Maria Brabazon, left Kilruddery last week for Paris, accompanied b her Ladyship's second son, the Honourable William [...]
[...] of motley groups engaged in fish-taking, by divers expedients not contemplated by the statute for that purpose made and provided. The late heavy rains caused the river to be much swollen, in some parts overflowing its banks, and threatening the adjacent [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Januar 1877
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] MAKE Hay in wet weather. Take opportunity to store water. he midst of rain remember drought. [...]
[...] in the Gardeners' Chronicle that the total fall of rain during the month of December was [...]
[...] which cross roads he means.” It was by this time six o'clock, but there was an hour and a half to dinner, and though it was a trifle colder than in town, and the rain was beginning to come down pretty heavily, yet, at all events, there was a cheerful room to look forward to in an old country mansion, a hearty welcome from a hospitable Squire, the best of everything, a brilliant [...]
[...] Thus meditating, we fell into a dreamy doze, then into a pleasant slumber. We were awoke by a sudden stoppage. It was dark. The wind was howling. The rain was beating against the windows and sides of the fly. The driver shivering and drenched, opened the door, thereby admitting a hurricane an a shower, and said, “’Ere's the Cross Roads, Sir, but I don't see nobody.” [...]
[...] is was irritating. We put it to his common sense, “What on earth could be the fun to us of driving about Hertfordshire, hungry and tired, in the wind and rain, for the sake of playing a practical joke on an unknown [...]
[...] down a narrow lane, and, finally, the weary horse stuck fast in the heaviest clay soil... On each side was a É. ditch; in front was a gate leading into a field. The rain was pelting, worse than ever. The Flyman hadn't the smallest notion of where he'd got to. Then, for the first time, we began to lift up our voice, and bless MAJOR JAWLEY SHARP. And, all the while, [...]
[...] LADY MARIA MERRYWEATHER is glad to be able to inform Mr. Punch that since one of her great-nephews the other day sent her his Seventy-First Wolume, the LADY M. M. has found herself [...]