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Suchbegriff: Rain

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Saturday review03.06.1865
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. Juni 1865
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Castle” (33), a careful study of a little Welsh valley and ruin, very true to the rich, the almost crude, effect of brightness in the air and greenness in the grass when summer rain clears ºli; tº Mr. II. Moore's vivid woodland scene, “Near Hartland Abbey." (51); to the prettily grouped and painted “Midsummer Dº" [...]
[...] evening, in a village a few miles north of Albany. It was in a very large and crowded hall, and the house was filled with consternation, as if they heard the falling of the rain, the roaring of the waves, the cries of the drowning, the bellowing of cattle, and neighing of horses, amid the darkness and desolation. The emotion rose to such a pitch that the floor seemed to [...]
[...] who undertakes what he says will do it.” In opposition to this may be placed, “When a slave becomes free The drinks rain water,” the explanation being that spring water would have to be fetched from a distance, and he does not choose to take the trouble of doing so. It is needless to [...]
[...] Throughout the collection we constantly meet with more or less exact parallels to common sayings in our own language. “If it rained cats and dogs” is represented by “If live coals fell in the bad weather.” “If the cap fits” becomes “There goes a witch 1 There goes a witch ' ' If you are not a witch you will not turn [...]
Saturday review03.03.1866
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. März 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Fº had come upon us and died away. The cold will ill it, said one; the storms will disperse it, said another; whilst the rain was felt, by a third, to be a certain specific. But all these hopes have failed. The pestilence has not died away. The cold and the wind and the rain have come, but they have [...]
[...] course, still more in the cattle. The two masterly portraits by Mr. John Gilbert deserve hearty praise. Mr. N." has got a very true effect of rain in his “Bloody Stone.” Mr. T. M. Richardson has three studies—1, “Entrance to Glencoe’; 2, “On the Caledonian Canal”; 3, “In Glen Finnan, Argyllshire.” It is [...]
[...] is grapes. Mr. Naftel's “Ferry House, Loch Long,”, is very delightful; it has the true character of those rare but heavenly days when it does not rain in the Highlands. [...]
Saturday review03.04.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. April 1869
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] will conclude that the change in the command had more to do with the recall of the first order than the change in the atmosphere. If, as is possible, the wind and rain and sleet and snow, and the general amount of disagreeables, were sufficient (assuming that they would continue without mitigation)to justify [...]
[...] to be extracted from this misadventure. If it has the effect of impressing upon all concerned the fact that Volunteers are no more proof against rain and cold and snow than other military or civilian human beings, it may do a world of good in improving the ordinary equipment of the force. Very few [...]
[...] papers for the most spasmodic writing of the season, as where he remarked, in speaking of the discovery of the ghastly remains of the murdered woman's body, that “the very heavens were raining on horror's head accumulated horrors,” and observed, with more pathos than perspicuity, that the concealment of the crime was “a [...]
Saturday review26.06.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Juni 1869
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] of the route. The study of the painter's art is pursued in Shet land under difficulties. The days suitable for outdoor painting are few compared with the days of fog and rain. It became Mr. Reid's wont to select the dull and rainy days for travelling, hoping thus to secure the better use of any chance sunshine while [...]
[...] Mr. Reid's wont to select the dull and rainy days for travelling, hoping thus to secure the better use of any chance sunshine while sketching. It was in a tremendous downpour of rain that he crossed Bressay Sound to explore the bold and precipitous headland known as the “Noup of Noss,” which forms the theme of two or three of [...]
[...] off from all communication with the sea, like the Valley of the Jordan, and giving off by evaporation from the surface of its lakes and the dry soil of its plains, as much water as rains and mountain streams can supply. The climate varies almost as [...]
Saturday review09.10.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. Oktober 1869
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] THE RAIN OF MITRES. Wºº going into the theological, theory of the [...]
[...] Just now it is raining mitres, but the cloud-compeller has no such easy task before him. The problem for a dispenser of the highest Church patronage isnowadayshow to reconcile the claims, [...]
[...] Spain. The Trial of Barrett. The French Government and the Corps Législatif. The Future of the Colonies. French Agriculture. The Rain of Mitres. Contempt of Court. [...]
Saturday review15.01.1870
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Januar 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] sky—its glorious sun, now beneficent and fructifying by its warmth, now scorching by its furious heat; its lovely dawn, its brilliant light-clouds, its heavy rain-clouds, its thunder-claps that rend the clouds and bring the rain, its wind, fire, and water. Some further interest might be given to the picture by showing [...]
[...] Years, or till election to another Scholarship, open to Hº! under Fifteen, on the 24th. of June, - Any one raining a Scholarship must enter the College after the Suinner Vacation, if not [...]
Saturday review02.05.1868
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Mai 1868
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] has spent a great deal of money; but he only waited so long a time as would still let him push forward before the rains, and gave him the greatest amount of security that could be combined with the necessity of ultimately encounter [...]
[...] His little breast was beating; His blue eyes brimming o'er ; Like April rains, his tears Fell spangling on the floor. [...]
[...] that such beings as a certain Squire Fogden, and a Dissenting [... named Gladdon, are more likely to inhabit the author's rain than any town within the three kingdoms. We may give a sufficient idea of these strange animals, and of the general style of the work, by a short quotation:— [...]
Saturday review05.01.1867
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Januar 1867
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] of the channels in heavy rain, the manufacturers who require pure water for their various processes often object to the substitution of a regular flow for an intermittent stream; [...]
[...] good old days wet clay lands were almost as good as bogs; but modern improvements have converted sponges into free channels, which leave the land dry a few hours after rain, and consequently starve the streams and rivers. As it would not be worth while to sacrifice the land to the water, artificial [...]
[...] of Millbrook rent-free to Andrew, are sufficiently clear indica tions; and when, as the story advances and Esther's end is approaching, Victory runs off through mud and rain, across the aste, for Brand to come and see her mother, who could not die content without speech of him, no one whose novel-reading edu [...]
Saturday review20.04.1867
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. April 1867
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] wine as another by the loss of three parts of his fortune in a broken bank. Another will lose a whole day in lamentations over the sickness of a horse, or the presence of rain when he desired sunshine. A moderate vexation is justified. Anything more than this is waste. Moralists and sermonizers, whether amateur or [...]
[...] visitors were, to say the least, indifferent. The Grand Stand, a mean and insufficient structure, admirably adapted for the admis sion of rain from the top and cold wind from the sides, was approached by steps so precipitous that they must have been de signed for the use of acrobats. No part of it was reserved ex [...]
[...] Because dead things are dead; Because thy chosen on hill-side, city and plain Are shed as drops of rain ; Because all earth was black, all heaven was blind, And we cast out of mind ; [...]
Saturday review13.05.1871
  • Datum
    Samstag, 13. Mai 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] many disguises, that wit and imagination meet, and sentiment and satire mingle. Mr. MacWhirter places a donkey drenched with rain in sad contemplation over a stormy sea º This suffering brute, this mute philosopher, like a certain Irishman, proposes to his inward soul to plunge into the raging waters in order to escape [...]
[...] brute, this mute philosopher, like a certain Irishman, proposes to his inward soul to plunge into the raging waters in order to escape the pitiless rain. It is commonly assumed that high art must begin and end with Phidias and the Parthenon. #. on the º, the last high effort in art is a donkey with the appended [...]
[...] itty, y, A great while ago the world began, With hey, ho, the wind and the rain. [...]
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