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The nation04.04.1872
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. April 1872
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] British Isles and a portion of the Continent are given, showing the move ments of the barometer and thermometer, the conditions of the wind and sea, and the quantity of cloud and rain.” With such a practice as this, we should imagine that great light could be thrown on the nature and extent of the local disturbances which still, in a large percentage of cases, falsify the [...]
[...] Another street-perspective, by Wan Kessel, shows with ability the look of a storm just cleared away and leaving a leaden shadow on part of the city, while among the rain-washed brick walls peep forth the first passengers, and the swans come out from under the bridge and plume their white coats in the sun. [...]
The nation26.08.1875
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 26. August 1875
  • Erschienen
    New York, NY
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] make it unusually difficult to reach a satisfactory solution of this cardinal problem. As to the West, it is generally concluded that the injury from the rains and floods in the Ohio Valley is much less than was at the time anticipated ; but now come in new doubts, suggested by the early appearance of frost in the Northwest. [...]
[...] “With heigh, ho, the wind and the rain— For the rail it raineth every day.” [...]
Saturday review21.08.1858
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. August 1858
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] whether the quantity of sewage to be provided for is five feet or seven feet per head of population—what proportion of a shower of rain will find its way to a sewer in a given number of hours— and even the comparatively simple question of fact, how many gallons a day flow out of any one of our present sewers—are [...]
[...] Be fair, or foul, or rain, or shine, The joys I have possessed, in spite of fate, are mine; Not heaven itself upon the past has power, [...]
Saturday review03.09.1870
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. September 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] as nearly as possible a place with the same population as Brighton. Imagine Brighton with no food, no one allowed to go outside, and with a tempest of shells rained into every part of it as soon as dark came round. Still the garrison holds out, and the spirit of the townspeople is as yet [...]
[...] has been very free from the ravages of insects. In some of the Southern counties the more tender descriptions of wheat that were cut early have suffered from the rain, and there has been some sprouting, but the damage from this cause is of no great extent or importance. The reports from Ireland are not favourable as [...]
[...] they had in the last cereal year. The crop of Germany is not well spoken of, and it is said that it has suffered much in quality from rains during the harvest time; but Hungary and the district which has Trieste for an outlet, as well as the Danubian provinces, are said to have both quantity and fine quality, and [...]
Saturday review10.02.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. Februar 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] tangled vegetation. For thirty-two days he cut canals through dense masses of obstructive growth, from four feet to five feet in thickness. . The season was too late, the rains commenced, and great numbers of the men employed upon the work died. Never theless the fleet crept forward until it reached a portion of the [...]
[...] imagine. All experienced officers know well that local con nexion is of the utmost value in this matter. Recruiting operates at present by fits and starts. Sometimes it does not rain at all for months together, but when it does rain it pours. Recruits, especially in country º like sheep; where one leads the [...]
Saturday review26.12.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Dezember 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] who were employed to strengthen it were equal to the occasion, and difficulties which seemed almost insurmountable were overcome, until at last rain came in June and the famine was conquered. [...]
[...] “must undergo the imperious exigencies of the medium in which they find themselves placed.” In the next page the author wishes to state that two sparrows have so built under a rain-spout that their nests do not get wet. He writes:—“The constructors have placed it so that this large gargoyle, which sometimes vomits [...]
[...] their nests do not get wet. He writes:—“The constructors have placed it so that this large gargoyle, which sometimes vomits absolute avalanches of rain, cannot let fall a single drop upon their habitation.” We wish the day would come when authors would cease to vomit absolute avalanches of nonsense, or when [...]
Saturday review13.11.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 13. November 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] they grow in nature. He does not dress flowers for the drawi room table, but leaves upon the petals the accidents and blemishes inflicted by wind, rain, and cold. His touch is remarkably crisp, and yet no leaf is robbed of its softness or suppleness. - Also in the Dudley Gallery we encounter, Mr. Heywood Hardy, [...]
[...] curred to him to exchange the heat of the plains between April and Octoberfor the delights of Simla, Murree, or Nainee Tal. Hot winds and deluging rains were mere trifles, provided he could complete a sketch, surmount a difficulty, or defy a friendly pre [...]
[...] which he describes himself, without exaggeration, as hurled to the ground, stifled and bruised, and enveloped with a whirlwind of warm rain and stones. One of his “waggoners,” that is to say, a driver of his bullock-cart or hackery, was clawed by a tiger close to his camp at night, but recovered, as natives constantly do [...]
Saturday review20.03.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. März 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] dry. As nine-inch walls are only the thickness of the length of one brick, they are necessarily not thick enough to prevent the rain which beats on the outside from soaking through to the in side. They can never be built so as to be really rain-proof, and inside them every change in the weather can always be distinctly [...]
[...] changes of the world were due to the action of tremendous cata clysms; but science has since demonstrated the quiet, gradual, yet momentous action of the rain and the atmosphere. And history, as it becomes more enlightened, also reveals the operation of equally slow and simple forces. The great material and political achieve [...]
Saturday review31.10.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. Oktober 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] pressure of recent terror; and what the famine of 1866 was for Orissa the famine of 1874 will be for Bengal. It is true that a great part of Lower Bengal has an average rain fall which seems to make irrigation a luxury, but last year's experience has shown that a large average rainfall is not a [...]
[...] fall which seems to make irrigation a luxury, but last year's experience has shown that a large average rainfall is not a guarantee against famine. If rain is wanting from the 1st of August to the 15th of September, it matters little how much may have fallen during the earlier part of the [...]
[...] the canals no chance. He and his fathers have been ac customed to trust to the accidents of successive seasons, to rejoice when rain is abundant and the harvest bounteous, to lie down and die when the earth is dried up and the crops fail. No doubt where irrigation works exist he no [...]
Saturday review05.02.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Februar 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] and South, and it is sad enough to see the provision too commonly made for their reception. Many of the new houses are little better than sieves through which wind and rain readily penetrate, while the drainage need not be mentioned, if indeed any drainage exists. Vast districts of Bayswater are hardly more habitable except for [...]
[...] accumulation of mess and misery which makes the finest thorough fares of the West End such a vile slough of despond after every heavy fall of rain or snow. It is impossible to imagine a more melancholy farce than to see the wretched paupers who are turned out in Piccadilly to make a pretence of sweeping. They [...]
[...] to march or encamp in ceaseless drizzle," or surrounded by a mist worthy of the Scotch Highlands. Avalanches of stone, set in motion by the rain, by melting snow, or even by the footsteps of the wild sheep, startled the travellers, who learnt to camp in the friendly shelter of a rock; and if they escaped being crushed [...]
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