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Saturday reviewInhaltsverzeichnis 07.1861/08.1861/09.1861/10.1861/11.1861/12.1861
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Juli 1861
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Ninth of November, the, 5o'7 Normandy, 88 North Devon in the Rain, 1.68 [...]
All the year round25.10.1873
  • Datum
    Samstag, 25. Oktober 1873
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] stranger, indeed, arriving in this salu brious spot for the first time, the idea is apt to occur that it is raining. Between myself and the reader, I may remark that it does rain at Balcombe six days out of [...]
[...] indifferent coats to their stomachs—every body, in fact, except the consumptive pa tients—come out in the rain without um brellas, and protest that there is “nothing falling,” not even the barometer. It is [...]
[...] brellas, and protest that there is “nothing falling,” not even the barometer. It is a very warm and gentle rain, no doubt, but it wets you . thoroughly unless you have a waterproof, and my suspicion is [...]
Galignani's messenger26.05.1826
  • Datum
    Freitag, 26. Mai 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] from Gibraltar, dated the 24th April:—“Yesterday being Saint George's day, Sir George Don, intended to have a grand review of the garrison troops, but, owing to heavy showers of rain, the review did not take place. Salutes were fired from the different batteries, and the American men-of-war in the Bay most cheer [...]
[...] Turner was a pretty, clever, unusually well-educated, high-spi rited, and most amiable girl; and I was thus enabled to seize every opportunity of describing her in all the colors of the rain bow. A good listener must often contradict. The Macclesfield School for Scandal, and one Sir B. Backbite, in particular, found [...]
[...] ing her my name, nor indeed any otherwise than by saying that the carriage would be ready in a moment. I them talked of her journey, of the rain, of a curious clock which we could see from the ium widows, and, indeed, of any thing that might prevent her asking questions for which I should have no answers. [...]
[...] ann Rain [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. Mai 1873
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] should be looked to ; if it takes place on a Wednesday, the black thorn will be in flower before the white-thorn; if, as this year, it recurs on Thursday, heavy rain may be expected after sunset; if it has the ill-luck to be contemporary with a Friday, all the goslings will not grow up to be geese; and if Saturday is May-Day, search [...]
[...] Lady. “ToMMY SMITH, whAT Is MEANT BY “SENDING RAIN UPoN THE JUST AND Upon THE UNJUST "" Tommy Smith (promptly). “SENDING IT to WET Good Boys AND NAUGHTY GIRLs.” [...]
The London and China telegraph20.08.1877
  • Datum
    Montag, 20. August 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] it is unreasonable to expect that high rates can be afforded to be given here. Then, also, with respect to rice, unless rain falls in quantity, apprehensions begin to be entertained that the crop may be so far limited that there may prove to be no surplus for export. For years past Japan has been blessed [...]
[...] Nanking for the present, and it would be well if we could say as much of the drought. I have been assured that there has been no time since the rebellion when rain was needed as greatly as now. , Last summer and autumn was very dry, and the rains during the winter and spring have been unusually slight, so that [...]
[...] during the winter and spring have been unusually slight, so that now there is reason for serious alarm. The city presents a strange appearance to-day. From one ſend to the other prayers for rain written on yellow paper are suspended across the streets like myriads of streamers on some gala day; while altars to the Dra [...]
[...] gon King, and perhaps to the thunder, lightning, wind, rain, and local deities, with their candles, incense, and hosts of worshippers, all show the anxiety of the people about the coming distress, [...]
[...] The North China Daily News correspondent writes:- Since I last wrote we have been visited by ten days of inces sant rain, with the consequent freshes. The river rose consider ably, and the current on certain days attained a speed ºf, seven knots; but in no instance have we heard of any loss of life, or [...]
[...] versary of a goddess named Choo-tsze-laong-laong, who is sup posed to be invested with a certain amount of authority in re gard to winds and rains. Amongst the many devotees who on this anniversary do honour to Choo-tsze are sailors from the salt junks. This circumstance is owing, it is said, to the fact of the [...]
[...] potatoes, and but few beans in store. In the province of Ilocos Sur the cultivators were planting paddy and indigo, after twelve days of incessant rain. The in digo crop there this year is expected to be short, owing to the great drought that prevailed in that province from Sept. 1876 to [...]
[...] at 3 dollars and 6 reals. Paddy was selling at 2 dollars per CaVall. In the province of Isabela heavy rains had swollen the rivers and done damage to tobacco on the point of being cut or harvested. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 03. Oktober 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Val del Bove '' to one flood of melted snow. The valleys of the low part of Teneriffe, away from the Peak and near Santa Cruz, are almost all dry except in rain. The beds of the upper parts of these valleys are sheer rock, the middle parts wear the appearance of torrents of boulders, the lower parts are [...]
[...] a//wvia! //ains of boulders, and opposite the mouths of these valleys are very commonly deltas and bars of both ders. Behind these bars, after each rain, large deposits of earth and sand are formed which the people collect diligently. Where permanent streams exist, they are usually lost at a considerable distance above [...]
[...] formed which the people collect diligently. Where permanent streams exist, they are usually lost at a considerable distance above the mouths of the valleys. That is, except in rains, they perco late to the sea beneath the plains deltas and bars of boulders. From the sides, hundreds or thousands of torrents of boulders [...]
[...] which large beds of boulders and earth have accumulated, again to be cleared out and thrust down to the sea-shore by heavy longitudinal rain floods. So, in Madeira, who does not know the sea-shore boulders of the Praya-Formosa 2 and for fresh water boulders, the stream at [...]
[...] streams of boulders. They are hurled into Romsdal now by every cascading river and rivulet or dry gullet which scores its magnificent mountain sides when flooded by rain or its equivalent meited snow. Every cascade of water above forms a cascade of boulders below ending in a somewhat vertical triangle or delta of [...]
[...] the drawings of a protuberance observed by Gautier on the 15th of April of this year, which serve to confirm the observations made at Palermo on the solar rains, that is to say, masses of luminous hydrogen suspended in the sun's atmosphere, which gradually separate, and ultimately unite at the edge of the disc, [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. Juni 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] been neither feeble nor silent. Discussion has abounded more and more, and “fly-sheets” have fallen like the latter rain. The advocates of the change seem to have been more or less governed by a dislike to many words, and to have had large faith in the merits of their cause ; [...]
[...] Probably no European has braved the deadly malaria of the country at the time of the ripening of the rice crop, or that of the drying up of the rains, but the deep and enormous foot-prints imprinted in almost every field by this jungle ravager remain visible throughout the dry [...]
[...] collected therein so soon evaporates, especially in hot weather; zide “Symon's British Rainfall, 1868; ” “Rain Gauge Experiments at Strathfield Turgiss, Reading,” by the Rev. C. H. Griffith, F.M.S., &c., p. 23, which further [...]
[...] the place of the J-shaped pipe, thereby presenting no direct opening for evaporation, at the same time offering little or no hindrance to the speedy descent of the rain-water; but this is a matter I hope to enlarge upon in a paper (as yet unpublished) which I hope to communicate to you [...]
[...] but this is a matter I hope to enlarge upon in a paper (as yet unpublished) which I hope to communicate to you shortly, “On a Proposed New Form of Rain Gauge (the Atmospileometer),” in which a similar, but more extensive, idea, is shown. [...]
[...] Temperature of the Deep Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ioa Esdowment of Professorships . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ioa Glaisher's (Hall's IMPRoved) Rain Gauge. By J. J. Hall. (With Diagram ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ro3 WATER ANAlysis.-I. . . . * - - - - - - - - - . . . Io.; [...]
The London and China telegraph25.03.1872
  • Datum
    Montag, 25. März 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] thers. for shade and solar and terrestrial radiation, together with a rain gauge and hygrometer, in the Public Garden; max. and min. thers., a hygrometer, and rain gauge in the Church Com pound ; the barometer at the Central Police-station, the anemo [...]
[...] cited by the figure of a dragon with a gorgeously dressed rider, which filled the end of the hall. The following is the interpreta tion—the Chinese say that rain is the work of dragons, caused by their drawing water from the sea in the shape of water-spouts, and filling the clouds. Dragons are confined in the palaces of the [...]
[...] tramway resumed service, and on the 30th the railway also. Although the city is now for a great portion freed from water, the river at Tanahbang stands very high, owing to newly fallen rain. It is to be hoped that we have seen the worst; but February is above all a month for floods. [...]
[...] TAKOW AND TAIWAN-FOO. - Dr. Manson reports that it is seldom that rain falls in quantity for a continued period, but there is a supply of good water within easy access. The number of foreign residents was thirty; their [...]
[...] Drs. Müller and Manson report that, for Europeans, as they are now housed, the climate cannot be considered unhealthy. The bountiful supply of rain had a beneficial effect on the public health. Fevers were the most prevalent, and the class of disease alluded to above the next. Leprosy is very common in Amoy. The native [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. April 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] with the current. At the time of the occurrence the river was still high, from the recent heavy rain, though the depth of water at the spot where I first observed it was not more than four feet. The current, of course, was stronger than usual, but presented a com [...]
[...] atmosphere, with the trades blowing from the east, stands at 30°oo or 3o Io. A south-east wind, and the approach of heavy rains, will cause the barometer to fall, at times, to 29.80. At other times a N.E. trade wind, if not a storm wind—though it may bring occasional heavy showers— [...]
[...] tinued to blow moderately, but in gusts ; the barometer slowly falling. Between 4 and 5 o'clock P.M. there was a heavy squall of wind and rain from N. by E., followed by a comparative calm. The appearance of the sky at sunset was most remarkable and alarming to those who under [...]
[...] passing, and not approaching, the island. This hope was soon dissipated by the increasing force of the gusts of wind, with another squall of wind and rain about 9 P.M. with a falling barometer. At midnight the barometer had fallen to 29'50, or about [...]
[...] sheltered position, to have a full view of the awful grandeur of the storm. Low, black clouds, like dark ocean billows driven rapidly overhead; the driving rain like sheets of water; the trees whirled round and beaten nearly to the earth, until rooted up or broken off; the [...]
[...] Literary and Philosophical Society, March 5.-E. W. Binney, F.R.S., president, in the chair. “On Changes in the Distribution of Barometric Pressure, Temperature, and Rain fall under different Winds during a Solar Spot Period,” by Joseph Baxendell, F.R.A.S.—“Further Experiments on the [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. Juni 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] slopes are rocky and steep, large areas have no covering of soil, and what soil there is does not retain the water well. The result of this is, that when rain falls the water rapidly finds its way to the streams, and the same amount of rainfall is discharged by these streams in a few hours as is discharged in [...]
[...] Toronto and Habana. To each month's results are added the barometric, ther mometric, hygrometric, and rain averages for eight of the stations, and since nearly all these averages are for periods varying from eleven to sixteen years, some interesting [...]
[...] times. The principal forms are drawn and plates are executed and published monthly in the Transactions of the establishment. The analysis of rain-water is conducted on the same principles, and the results of chemical analysis are calculated and compared with the wind and other [...]
[...] record the quantity was even larger, in 1776 a century ago, it was more than 6,500,000 cubic metres. In taking as an average the analyses of rain-water at Montsouris, the 4,500,000 cubic metres contained 4,700 kilogrammes of nitric acid and Io,700 kilogrammes of ammonia. [...]
[...] ammonia only partly, as Montsouris is in the southern part of the city, close to the fortifications. The 4,500,000 cubic metres of rain water were also proved to contain 172,000 kilogrammes of organic matter, and 88,400 kilogrammes of metallic salts or [...]
[...] classed according to five zones, viz., Alpine, Pre-alpine, East Apennine, West Apennine, and Sicilian. The details of the great rains of October 1872 are very interesting, the amount for the month being 40 inches at Pallanza, 41 inches at Crabbia, [...]
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