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Suchbegriff: Wang

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  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. September 1868
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Landlady (to old Gustleton, who has come down to that nice quiet place, Wobbles wick, for the sca-air). “Good CLARET, SiR OH, YES, SIR, we’ve ExcelleNT CLARET, SIR, of EveRY DEscRIPTION, FROM “WANG ORDINAIRE, SIR, At NINE jº THE DozeN, to SHATTERLERFEET,” AT EIGHTEENPENCE A Bottle, IR 1 " . " [...]
The London and China telegraph01.11.1875
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. November 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] nations which only serve to mislead students. Thus, in the Report now before us, Ban Hawt appears as Bay Hawt, Rachawongse as Kachawongse; Mi Wang and Mü Wang cannot both be right as names of the same river; we strongly suspect that neither are correct, and that the [...]
[...] cannot both be right as names of the same river; we strongly suspect that neither are correct, and that the word should be Mé Wang; while Kamphen Plut or Kam pheng Plut—for each form occurs—may be intended for Kampheng Phet. [...]
The London and China telegraph12.04.1866
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 12. April 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] managed to maintain a bold front for upwards of two months, under the leadership of the last survivor of the Taiping chiefs, known as the Kang Wang, or “Prince of Tranquillity.” The Imperial forces, numbering some fifty or sixty thousand “braves,” had proved absolutely incapable of [...]
[...] As we go to press we are presented with another telegram from China, dated Hong Kong, 27th of February. This informs us that “KAN WANG, leader of the NIENFEI, was shot on the walls of Krayinchow.” It is a great pity that these messages are not forwarded by persons properly conversant with the [...]
[...] subjects they have to deal with. Of course, the personage alluded to had nothing whatever to do with the NIENFEI, but was the soi-disant K’ANG WANG, who headed the remnant of Taipings above alluded to ; and the city with the mysteriously spelt name is meant for Kia-ying-chow. We now see that the [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. August 1868
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Tory, and improvisatory, is the Great WANge, Music Hall Singer, patronised by the Heir Apparent to the British Crown. GLApstone.-The only Successor to this Great National Financier is [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. Februar 1865
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] From His Celestial, &c., to T. Jones, Secretary, &c. His Celestial Imperial, &c., swearing by the shade of CoNFUCIUs, and by his immortal ancestors, CRI KBE, Ho KEE, Po KER, WANG KEE, and the transcendant FUM, herewith demands the immediate sur render of all the heads belonging to the permicious and abominable [...]
The London and China telegraph16.11.1863
  • Datum
    Montag, 16. November 1863
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] SHANGHAI. The following notice appears in a Shanghai paper of Tien Wang's Yamun :– The Tien Wang-foo (which, being translated, means the Heavenly Prince's Palace) is situated a short way within the [...]
[...] tioned to various domestic purposes, such as dormitories, sitting-rooms, &c. “Tien Wang himself, since his assuming regal titles, has shut himself up within his palace walls, and is the happy possessor of no less than 36 wives and 70 concubines; his eldest soa is named [...]
[...] Yuen-bow, or the Sacred Treasure, and is 15 years of age, and the reputed successor of his father's dubious honours. Tien Wang is described by those who have been admitted within the precincts of the palace as tall and of good presence, and now somewhat corpulent, though said by English authors to be only [...]
[...] “In the third moon of the present year he was blessed with a vision, in which, as he asserts, he was told to shave all hi people's heads; this he communicated to the Chung-Wang, his Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief, who, however, being more acquainted with the outside world and its prejudices, and [...]
[...] who was with him, from the Imps, as light from darkness. Money is plentiful. Arrived at Nanking, the Chung-wong accorded Burgevine the most flattering reception, and the Teen Wang (Emperor) sent him a patent of royalty, with which he was duly invested. The Chung-wong ad mits that he sees the necessity for a foreign element on their side, to combat [...]
The London and China telegraph15.09.1864
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. September 1864
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] under the command of cowardly mandarins. If such was the case it has not led to any decisive movement on the part of the CHUNG WANG, their brave and skilful military chief, who, it appears by the latest accounts, has either joined the garrison at Nanking, or proceeded further into the interior, [...]
[...] it appears by the latest accounts, has either joined the garrison at Nanking, or proceeded further into the interior, to make a last dying effort in the cause of the TIEN WANG. As to that mysterious personage claiming to have a divine mission and the essence of the Godhead in his veins, but [...]
[...] may, there were many and valid reasons at one time that he had died, of which the independent movements of the CHUNG WANG, and other fighting chiefs, gave corroborative evidence. If he had succumbed in the summer of 1862, there were obvious reasons that it should be kept secret, in [...]
[...] by the latest accounts from North-China, that three spies from Nanking, being discovered at Soochow, to save their lives divulged the fact that the TIEN WANG had died on the 4th of July last ; and otherwise gave intelligence to the Viceroy of KIANG soo of the dreadful straits the inhabitants and garrison of [...]
The London and China telegraph26.01.1861
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Januar 1861
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] the rival House at Nanking makes overtures for our friendship. What Prince Kung is to Hien Fung, or perhaps even more than Prince Kung is to Hien Fung, King Chung Wang is to the Emperor Teen Wang, who, if he be a living entity, as has sometimes been doubted, lives in Imperial seclusion in Nanking. Indeed, for all practical purposes, King Chung [...]
[...] if he be a living entity, as has sometimes been doubted, lives in Imperial seclusion in Nanking. Indeed, for all practical purposes, King Chung Wang may be taken as the palpable head of the power which resides on the Great River, and which, as it has lasted for ten years, is come to be looked upon as the Empire of the Taepings. At any rate, King Chung [...]
[...] the Great River, and which, as it has lasted for ten years, is come to be looked upon as the Empire of the Taepings. At any rate, King Chung Wang is the commander-in-chief of those marauding armies which are just now, to us, great embarrassments. This crafty gentleman, under the ſº we fear we must confess, of an American missionary, has even [...]
The London and China telegraph26.10.1864
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 1864
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] by prolonging a campaign into the middle of summer. His Im perial Majesty accordingly sends the Prince several packages of tea, and some cooling medicine. E-Ching Wang (the prince of Kung) has also been raised to hereditary rank, while his pay and allowances as a prince have been doubled. This latter mark [...]
[...] CAS UALTIES. NEWCh WANG. The Bremen brig Rio Plata has been totally lost, on the Kae-chu Bank, Newchwang (during August). [...]
[...] “collect their forces in the provinces of Nyang-wei (Ngan-whei) “and of Kiang-si. One of their armies, commanded by the “ lieutenant of CHAN-OMANG (CHUNG WANG), defeated a numer “ous division of the Imperial army in a pitched battle on the “3rd of August. The Peking Government has consequently [...]
[...] because there was not sufficient time to receive an answer to the report of LEE FUTAI on the capture of that city, and requesting orders as to the disposal of the CHUNG WANG held as a prisoner. Without doubting the authenticity of this special correspondence, it is just possible that the French [...]
The London and China telegraph28.04.1864
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 28. April 1864
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] from some Wu. sih refugees whom he met on his way to Shanghai that his master had been beheaded by order of Chung Wang. Major Gordon states that the Futai gave orders for the burial, but has not satisfied himself who was guilty of the murder. We have, ere this, learned to look without surprise [...]
[...] by the religion once professed by the rebel leaders, may remain an open question. Whichever it may have been, the slaughter of the Wangs was to the Chinese mind sufficient to [...]
[...] justify the execution of the four foreign prisoners; since we must remember the atrocity committed by the Futai was, by Chung Wang, of course ascribed to Gordon. We have thus discovered another instance in which the Soochow massacre has borne bitter fruit ; and can only regret the more deeply [...]
[...] ears describe a horrible state of affairs, from fear and famine. A reign of terror exists among the chief Taipings, who have lost their trust in each other; and the TIEN-wang himself is afraid of treachery among his followers, who are fast losing faith in him or his cause, and are ready to desert or betray him at [...]
[...] while all the renegade volunteers have decamped, like rats from a drowning ship. Under these circumstances it is not likely that the TIEN-WANG's remaining adherents, tainted with dissen sion, could maintain a long stand against a vigorous assault of the disciplined Chinese, led by GoRDON and his foreign officers, [...]