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7 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Eisenberg

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  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. August 1855
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] the impertinence to deny us—why M.R. EisenBERG, sup: ported by a British man-of-war, would very soon succeed in extracting all his corns from him. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. Mai 1856
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] A Foot-Note.—EisenBERG's BILL. [...]
PunchBd. 007 1844
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Januar 1844
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] plaint of the peerage, but certain advertisements would seem to indicate that the English nobles are martyrs to corns, and that all their feet are in the hands of the chiropaedists. MessRs. LEN1 AND EisenBERG are engaged in a desperate struggle for the toes of the aristocracy, and he carries off the palm who can get the largest number of patrician soles or [...]
[...] to whom addressed ?–No objection whatever. Here are copies of a few to and from General ToM THUMB, the OJIBBEwAY INDIANs, MLLE. DEJAZET, Mons. JULLIEN, MR. EisenBERG, the corn-cutter; HERR DöBLER, SIGNon BEntol.1N1, the eating-house keeper; Mons. VEREY, the pastry-cook; besides others. [...]
[...] “My dear KARL,~To shew you how I am getting on in this country, I inclose you the following certificate from SIR Robert PEEL :— “‘Mr. Eisenberg has entirely relieved me from my corn that has troubled me all the session. I think him a far superior operator to BRigiit or Cobden.” [...]
[...] lingtons of the Right Honourable Baronet are no better made than the Bluchers of the corps which he controls, we should think he must be a good patient of MR. Eisenberg's ; and would respect fully ask how he is off for corn-plaster? Policemen; surely, must vary with respect to their feet, like other mortals; but their boots (if boots [...]
PunchBd. 010 1846
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Januar 1846
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] thousand pounds apiece—I would like to put them up as patrons of my Clerical Snobs, and operate upon them as successfully as I see from the newspapers MR. Eisenberg, Chiropodist, has lately done upon “His GRACE THE RIGHT REveREND Lord Bishop of TArioca.” And I confess, that when those Right Reverend Prelates come up to [...]
[...] to omit her pas seul across the flies, as one of the Willis in La Giselle, owing to her right shoe pinching her, upon which subject this danseuse, who is a pupil of MR. Eisenberg's, is particularly sensitive. Intelligence of these facts had been previously sent off to Buckingham Å. in order to avoid any disappointment on the part of PRINCE [...]
PunchBd. 027 1854
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1854
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] undertaken to bear part of the expense of postage for the B.A. Under this head the star must state whether, when he is above the horizon, PROFESSOR EISENBERG may once more extract a corn from my LoRD STUART, DE DECIES foot by a painless operation, and if, when he is in apogee, it will be better for [...]
PunchBd. 023 1852
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Januar 1852
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] his cane, or cut anything stronger than his beard; the man whose only sowing has been limited to his wild oats, and his only reaping to EISENBERG cutting twice a year his corns; the man who has never handed any other bill but a tailor's, and only knows what a spade is by seeing it in a º: of cards; the man, whose only knowledge of [...]
PunchBd. 019 1850
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Januar 1850
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] whole row of tassel-booted feet of nobles, which, if the Polish aris tocracy are as liable to corns as our peerage must be, judging from the great EISENBERG testimonials, must have rendered them painfully sensible of MR. Hicks's presence. We next find the lovers enjoying another tete-à-lète without any one [...]
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