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Suchbegriff: Valley

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The tatler21.01.1710
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 21. Januar 1710
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] sibly into a deep valley, in which they journied se veral days with great toil and uneasiness, and without the necessary refreshments of food and sleep. The [...]
[...] the necessary refreshments of food and sleep. The only relief they met with, was in a river that ran through the bottom of the valley on a bed of golden sand. They often drank of this stream, which had such a particular quality in it, that though it refreshed [...]
[...] into the bowels of these hills, or convert the treasures they contained to any use, under pain of starving. At the end of the valley stood the “Temple of Avarice,” made after the manner of a fortification, and surrounded with a thousand triple-headed [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] My route traversed an extensive but rarely visited tract of country, that, namely, of the great Chorok, or Harpagus river-valley from Beyboort to Artween, and the mountain lands that extend beyond that valley east and north up to the frontier of Russian Georgia, returning by the Black [...]
[...] Near Artween, long. 42,” the valley turns sharp to the north, and finds its way through a narrow and precipitous cleft to the sea. [...]
[...] other fluvial systems. Farther on the Russo-Georgian frontier follows its eastern slope. Returning to the Chorok valley—one might almost call it trench—I may as well notice that its height above sea level at Beyboort is about 5,000 feet, and at Artween only [...]
[...] partly on foot; so that I had full opportunity for the most leisurely observation. My route first followed the southern side of the Chorok valley for about seventy miles, then the northern for about fifty more, after which I traversed the eastern highlands to the Russian frontier, [...]
[...] it were, smoothed off; the sides marked with scooped depressions much too wide for their depth to be attri butable to torrent action; low down in the valley the slopes terminate in rifted precipices. That the epoch to which these moraines belong was [...]
[...] boulders, many ten or more feet in diameter. Another volcanic tract succeeds, where the path winds along a valley hemmed in by gigantic cliffs of black lava, dashed with blood-red porphyritic stains. From this point my track followed a level too low to permit of expecting or of [...]
[...] Thames during high tide at Richmond bridge, my path led to Artween, the chief village-centre of these regions, along the north-western side of the valley; that is, along the inner slope of the coast range. These Lazistan moun tains form a very lofty, but comparatively narrow ridge, [...]
[...] latter with glaciers, while it would furrow the former with torrents of the first magnitude. Leaving the Chorook valley, my road—or track, to speak more properly, for road in our sense of the word there was none—led north-east up to the great water-shed [...]
[...] an intervening ledge, 7,300 feet above the sea, composed of granite rocks, worn and marked with unequivocal ice action, though now wholly bare of snow. A valley divided this ridge from the highest of all, that called Penek, up which a difficult track, called the “Egri Yokoosh" or [...]
[...] companied by a wild rushing noise, and the crashing of the trees and branches could be heard becoming louder and louder as it advanced. It crossed the valley over the railway viaduct, close to Randalstown, fortunately avoid ing the village. It here presented the appearance of a [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 11. Juli 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] of expression have been mastered (and it must always be remembered that line engraving is necessarily conven tional), the peaks detach themselves from the valleys and soar aloft, and the mountaineer sees the Alps before him with all their marvellous diversity of architecture ; nay, [...]
[...] His map was published at the expense of the Alpine Club, and it is, I believe, the only one which at all fairly repre sents the southern side of Monte RCsa, the valleys of Val pelline, Barthelemy, and Tournanche, and the ranges which divide those valleys. Mr. R. C. Nichols has de [...]
[...] and it does not extend quite so far to the north as the Swiss map, but in the south it embraces the important groups of the Graian Alps to the south of the Valley of Aosta, which include the Valleys of Locana, Cogne, Savaranche, Rhêmes, Grisanche, and the Tsere, with their [...]
[...] But since the discoveries in the Somme Valley were recognised, a flood of light has been shed upon the sub ject. These dry bones live, and these rude stones are [...]
[...] other able writers of their time, that the general dispersion of gravel, sand, and loam, over hills and elevated plains, as well as valleys, was the result of a universal deluge, which is described as transient, simultaneous, and of a date not very remote ; that the existing system of valleys [...]
[...] date not very remote ; that the existing system of valleys was mainly due to the same cause, and that thus both valleys and gravels preceded our present river systems, Cuvier, and the French geologists generally, have held the same opinion, but of late years it seems to have been [...]
[...] the implements which, so far as they are concerned, are at variance with the theory of fluviatile transport. For instance, when met with in valleys, it appears that the im plements are not found along the whole course of those valleys, as well where flint gravels are wanting, as where [...]
[...] before they were worked. If, indeed, it had happened that these things had never been found elsewhere than in river valleys, the conclusions arrived at by Mr. Evans would have been irresistible, but so far from this being the case, it is certain that these im [...]
[...] der such circumstances it may be fairly assumed that the same forces, whatever they were, that covered the hill-tops, may have partially filled up the valleys; the presence of gravel may suggest, but cannot prove, that the river brought it, however much it may have re-arranged and [...]
[...] gravel may suggest, but cannot prove, that the river brought it, however much it may have re-arranged and sorted it; both valley and gravel may have had an exist tence before the river began its course. We have many valleys and gravels without rivers, and rivers without [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 20. November 1873
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] rocks first appeared above the sea, they contended that the present contours of the land had arisen mainly from a process of sculpture,—the valleys having been carved out by rains, streams, and other superficial agents, while the hills were left standing up as ridges between. So [...]
[...] continents are gathered together, than of learning how the outlines of existing continents have been produced. The study of the origin of mountain and valley went out of fashion, and from the time of Playfair's Illustrations, published at the beginning of this century, received in [...]
[...] millions upon millions of cubic yards of rock have been worn off their crests and ridges, and carved out of their sides. There is not a cliff, crag, or valley along the whole chain of the Alps which does not bear witness to this great truth. [...]
[...] general surface of the country has had hundreds or even thousands of feet of solid rock worn away from it. Such a section shows moreover that our present valleys are not mere folds due to underground movements, but are really trenches out of which the solid rock has been carried [...]
[...] of opinion. The language of Hutton may be literally true of Britain —“The mountains have been formed by the hollowing out of the valleys, and the valleys have been hollowed out by the attrition of hard materials coming from the mountains.” Our British hills, unlike the chains [...]
[...] of the Jura and the Alps, are simply irregular ridges de pending for their shape and trend upon the directions taken by the separating valleys. The varying textures of the rocks, their arrangements with relation to each other, their foldings and fractures, and the other phenomena [...]
[...] potency great enough to cut down table-lands into moun tain ridges and glens, to carve out the surface of the land into systems of valleys, and in the end to waste a con tinent down to the level of the sea. (70 he consinued.) [...]
[...] Peru,” Part I. The object of the paper was to describe the “huacas” or burial-grounds, especially those lying beweent Arica and the Huatica Valley, and to expose some popular errors respecting them. ... Every bit of old wall, every heap of gravel, mound of earth, large or small cluster of ancient ruins of [...]
[...] burying-grounds of Ancon, Pasamayo, and other places where there is no elevation above the country, as to those of Pando and Ocharán, large burial mounds in the valley of Huatica. The author proceeded to describe in detail the mode of interment and the various articles discovered. The celebrated Pacha-Cámác [...]
[...] the various articles discovered. The celebrated Pacha-Cámác was described. Along the whole course of the Huatica Valley—from Callao to Chorillos—a distance of ten miles direct or sixteen miles round by Lima, there is no natural elevation that could be made available as a sub-structure for those colossal [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. April 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] confirmation that the Alpine species of Campanula, pecu liar to Mont Cenis and the Simplon and neighbouring valleys, are not related to the Arctic species, but find their nearest allies in Greece, Asia Minor, and the Himalaya. [...]
[...] which are found at the present time on the Jura and the mountains between Geneva and Chamouni. Established at first in the lower part of the valley, they would ascend as the Snow diminished. The remarkable plants of the Grande Chartreuse and of Mounts Vergy [...]
[...] strange and hitherto perplexing phenomenon. From an ascent of the Unnutz (2, I I I metres), he learnt that the warm region in every valley lies between two cold regions, whose borders differ in position in every valley. The situation of the nether border of the warm region certainly depends on the [...]
[...] descent on the N.E. slope to about 30 or 40 metres from the top. Here he found a calm, and a little lower a breeze blowing down towards the valley. It appeared accordingly that the polar wind divided itself near the top into two streams, one of which turned down into the valley, while [...]
[...] streams, one of which turned down into the valley, while the other flowed over the top and then down into the other valley at the foot of the southern slope. This distribution of [...]
[...] pressure raises the temperature of the air as it descends. Prof. Kerner proceeds to a more detailed analysis of the distribution of currents over hill and valley both by day and by night, illus trating his theory by diagrams. After sunset the ground of the valley and the air above it cool rapidly by radiation. The air [...]
[...] valley and the air above it cool rapidly by radiation. The air thus made specifically heavy cannot flow off, but rests like a lake at the bottom of the valley. The current which has flowed down the mountain sides being raised in temperature, glides over this stratum, and rises about the middle of the valley, to rejoin [...]
[...] opposite mountain face. Obviously, the phenomenon of in creasing temperature with increasing height must be most strik ing where the ridges and valleys stretch from west to east, and during periods of polar wind, when the sky is clear and radiation strong. [...]
[...] pointed out the geographical distribution of these beds of sand and gravel, which extend from the hill-tops bordering the Bovey Valley to near the bottom of the valley, but do not descend into any outlying valleys. He likewise alluded to the peculiar dip into the valley which affects these beds in several places, and [...]
[...] only in valleys opening to the south, by reference to the position of the watershed in that county, which has only two rivers run ning to the north, whilst on the south-east rivers abound. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. März 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Valleys, and their Relation to Fissures, Fractures, and Faults. By G. H. Kinahan, M.R.I.A., F.R.G.S.I. (London: Trübner and Co.) [...]
[...] are too vague, and the inferences seem very doubtful. There are few who would not be prepared to agree with the statement “that the present valleys are not solely due to rain and rivers, but rather to that action combined with glacial and marine denudation, and that [...]
[...] What we really have to do is to inquire in each special case which of the various agents have had most to do with the formation of the particular valley, lake, or other earth feature before us; and therefore, in discussing the relation between faults and valleys, we require something more [...]
[...] and Cork” (ib.) We cannot see what right our author has to assume because the “outlines—river-valleys, lake-basins, and bays—occur in systems, the general bearing of which may be indicated by lines,” that “if such systems are not [...]
[...] specimens from Mr. P. J. Robertson. H.B.M. Vice-Consul at Bussorah. For this new form, which is ſound in the jungles along the valley of the Euphrates, Sir V. Brooke proposed the name Cervus mesopotamicus. [...]
[...] Geologists' Association, March 5.-W. Carruthers, F.R.S., president, in the chair.—On the relative age of some valleys in the north and south of England, and of the various Glacial and Post-glacial deposits occurring in them, by C. E. De Rance, [...]
[...] Government Geological Survey in future to prepare a drift edition of each map, showing the actual deposit at the surface. The publication of such maps of the lower Thames valley and of South Lancashire enabled the author to compare the sequence of deposits in these two important districts, and the [...]
[...] subsequent elevation, during the forest continental era, followed by a subsidence to existing levels, took place after the rivers had cut down their valleys to their present depth, with few excep tions, Neolithic man entering the country during the forest era. The far older terraces on the valley slopes were compared with [...]
[...] was never submerged. In Post-glacial times the Thames may have denuded the southern edge of the Glacial deposits, when it commenced to cut down its present valley and to deposit its oldest and higher river gravels, which are immediately overhung by the Glacial beds. The valley appears to have attained its [...]
[...] tion, and that in post-pleiocene times there has been a slight re elevation with a corresponding re-advance of the glaciers in the valleys radiating from the chief mountain centres, such as Mount Cook. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. April 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] The road leading across this plateau towards Erzinghian, mounts up to it by a defile named “Ketcheh-Dereh,” or “Goats' Valley.” Here, at a height of about 5,400 feet above the sea, Mr. Palgrave came on the lower extremity of a large moraine, piled up to a height of more than [...]
[...] base, Mr. Palgrave found a second moraine, consisting of a single stone bank five or six hundred yards in length, stretching down to a valley below : its higher extremity was at about 6,500 ft. And lastly, at the great cleft about fifty miles distant, called the Cherdakh Pass, and leading [...]
[...] was at about 6,500 ft. And lastly, at the great cleft about fifty miles distant, called the Cherdakh Pass, and leading downwards from the plateau into the Euphrates valley, he observed a third moraine, larger than either of the two former, and extending over a slope of fully 2,000 ft., its [...]
[...] through them; all affording evidence of a past epoch when the water supply was on a far more copious scale than it is now. Thus the valley of the Euphrates itself, which takes its rise in this very plateau, is, in its evenly scooped extent of three and even four miles across, out of [...]
[...] But of all the phenomena of this kind none is more remarkable than that inspected by Mr. Palgrave near the sea-end of the great valley by which the river, once Pyxartes, now “Deyermend-Dereh,” or “Mill Stream” enters the Euxine, close by Trebizond. This river, [...]
[...] for the mountain chain is still as densely clothed with trees as it could ever have been in remote times ; nor yet to an alteration in the course and º of the valleys that unite to send their supplies hither, for there is no trace of any great geological change hereabouts within the epoch [...]
[...] logical characters of the permeable strata. If these latter are underlaid by impermeable strata at above the level of the rivers in two adjacent valleys, then the base of the under ground water-store will be coincident with the level of the im permeable strata, and its surface-line will rise, as it recedes within [...]
[...] at, the level of the rivers, and therefore all the additional sup plies furnished by the rain must, after traversing the interior of the hills, find an escape along the bottom of the valleys, and by the side or in the bed of those rivers In the dry upland valleys of the Chalk and Oolites, the underground water, dammed back [...]
[...] the side or in the bed of those rivers In the dry upland valleys of the Chalk and Oolites, the underground water, dammed back by the streams in the nearest river-valley, passes, under those valleys at depths varying with the resistance offered by the lithological character of the formation, and by the gradient of the [...]
[...] valleys at depths varying with the resistance offered by the lithological character of the formation, and by the gradient of the valley as it runs into the hills. When again, as in the case of the chalk downs and oolite hills, the exterior outcrop of the permeable strata rests on im [...]
The Idler23.02.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. Februar 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] fomething to the right which looked at a diſtance like a caſtle with towers, but which he diſcovered afterwards to be a craggy rock; that he then entered a valley, in which he faw feveral trees tall and flouriſhing, watered by a rivulet not marked in the maps, of which he was [...]
[...] who viſit favage countries, and range through folitude and defolation; who país a defart, and tell that it is fandy; who croſs a valley, and find that it is green. There are others of more delicate fenfibility, that vifit only the realms of elegance and foftnefs ; that wander [...]
NatureInhaltsverzeichnis 05.1876/06.1876/07.1876/08.1876/09.1876/10.1876
  • Datum
    Montag, 01. Mai 1876
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] Geological History,” 435; the Discussion thereon, 437; Dr. D. Milne-Home's Paper on Terraces, Flats, and Haughs at High Levels in the Carron Valley, 456; Dr. James Bryce on the Earthquake Districts of Scotland, 456; Dr. D. Milne Home's Paper on the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, 456; [...]
[...] Fossils between the Borrowdale Series and the Coniston Flags of the North of England, 457; Rev. E. Sewell's Notes on the Drifts and Boulders of the Valley of the Wharfe, Yorkshire, 457; Prof. James Thomson on Ridgy Structure in Coal, 457; on Basalts and other Igneous Rocks, by the [...]
[...] Specific Gravity of the Surface-water of the Ocean, 491 ; Prof. Porter on the Physical Conformation and Antiquities of the Jordan Valley, 491 ; Signor G. E. Cerruti on his Recent Explorations in North-west New Guinea, 491 ..Section F. (AEconomic Science and Statistics).--Dr. William [...]
[...] Cienkowski's Observations on Monads, 298 Cimbri, Ethnology of the, 82 Cirques and Sack-valleys, A. Helland on, 422 City Guilds, W. H. James, M.P., on the, 559 “City of Health,” Dr. Richardson's, 301 [...]
[...] Field Voles, Plague of, 35 Fiji, Prehistoric Spectacle in, 466 Firths, Dales, and Lakes, Valleys, and Cañons, 230 Fishes, the Gills of, 519 Florida Shell Mounds, Prof. Jeffries Wyman, 531 [...]
[...] Heligoland, Gätke's Ornithology of, 582 Heliotropism, 261 Helland (A.), “Cirques and Sack-valleys,” 422 Hell Gate, Removal of, 496 Helvetic Society of Natural Science, 259 [...]
[...] Jenkins (B. J.), Visible Horizon, 49 Jenkinson's Guides to the Isle of Wight, 349 Jordan Valley, Prof. Porter on the, 491 Journal of Botany, 37 Journal of the Chemical Society, 17, 26.1, 301, 562 [...]
[...] Sack-valleys, A. Helland on, 422 St. Louis Academy of Science, 498 St. Paul, the Malacological Fauna of the Island of, 322 [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Januar 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] The levels of the river also appear to present a great obstacle to its joining the Nile lakes. Leaving the Valley of the Loangwa, Dr. Livingstone tells us that he ascended to a great plateau which extends for 350 miles square, southward of Tanganyika. This table-land is at an ele [...]
[...] that he ascended to a great plateau which extends for 350 miles square, southward of Tanganyika. This table-land is at an ele vation of from 3,000 to 6,oco feet above the sea. The valley of the Chambeze crosses this plateau from east to west, and the river descends from it into the great valley of the Lakes Bang [...]
[...] sandstone. 2. “On the superficial deposits of portions of the Avon and Severn Valleys and adjoining districts.” By Mr. T. G. B. Lloyd, C. E., F.G.S. The author, after describing the general characters of what he termed the Drifts of the Upper and Lower [...]
[...] characters of what he termed the Drifts of the Upper and Lower series, and the freshwater gravels of the Lower Avon, comprised within the district of the Avon Valley between Tewkesbury and Rugby, and of the Severn. Valley above and below the town of Worcester, endeavoured to show that there was a balance of [...]
[...] Strickland. Further, that there was no evidence to warrant the supposition of the existence of high and low level river-gravels in those portions of the Severn and Avon Valleys under review, and that the apparent absence of any freshwater shells in the gravels of the Severn Valley between Bridgnorth and Tewkes [...]
[...] bury led to the inſerence that the freshwater gravels of the Avon were not represented in the adjoining portions of the Severn Valley, although remains of some of the same species of mam malia occurred in both localities. Aſter stating his opinion that the time had not yet arrived for indulging in theoretical specula [...]
[...] noticing the general configuration of the surface of the district under review, which he stated to consist of an elevated plateau, bounded and rendered irregular in its outlines by valleys. The district consists chiefly of Lower Lias, with a few patches of Middle Lias. The surface-deposits on the plateau and on similar [...]
[...] quartzose drift ; 2. Sugary sand, with grains of chalk ; 3. Clay, with pebbles, principally of chalk, and distinctly striated. The valleys bounding the plateau were described as belonging to two systems, those of the Avon and Leam. The bottom of each valley is generally a narrow strip of alluvial soil, bordered by [...]
[...] same age. Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys was doubtſul as to the authen ticity of some of the shells which had been brought to Mr. Maw. The fossil shells from the Severn Valley, Wolverhamp ton, Manchester, and Moel Tryſaen were nearly identical, and indicated raised beaches. He thought it possible that a [...]
[...] through that part of England. Mr. W. Boyd Dawkins did not consider that there was any marked difference in the mammalian fauna of the Avon and Severn Valleys. He had failed to discover any traces of Ælephas antiquus in either. Mr. Prestwich thought that the author had probably divided [...]