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539 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Delling

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The ramblerRambler, Illustration 09.1751/10.1751/11.1751/12.1751/01.1752/02.1752/03.1752
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. September 1751
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] .C. a dell in the Strand. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. November 1857
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    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] WE never heard of one, ABSALOM DELL, a Brighton auctioneer, until reading, the following advertisement, and after reading it few people will wish to hear of the man again:— [...]
[...] A S.A I L I A S.A I L | 1 What life-inspiring words to shipwrecked fellow creatures 1 R. ABSALQM DELL is instructed by the owner to Sell by Public Auction, at the King and Queen Hotel, Brighton, on Thursday (THIS DAY), October 29th, 1857, at Half-past Three o'clock, [...]
[...] The heartless º with which ideas of the saddest and gravest character are used by this man DELL to make up an advertisement needs no comment. But what does he mean by saying, in his abomi nable English, that “the fate of the Pilgrim was the reverse of BUN [...]
[...] YAN's Pilgrim.” The latter went to HEAVEN-the ship came to Brighton. It is really dangerous for fools to play with serious words and we recommend this DELL to adhere to the legitimate clap-trap and cackle of his ºna to abstain from topics which belong to another pulpit than his. [...]
All the year round24.04.1869
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. April 1869
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] dence better suited to their feelings and circumstances. It was a large old mansion known as “Leafy Dell,” situated in a very quiet neighbourhood, where she and her child might, with little interruption, enjoy [...]
[...] the Superior. And Geraldine went. If Leafy Dell was situated in a “quiet neighbourhood,” it had its own excellent reasons. People do not, as a rule, prefer [...]
[...] Any one peeping into the vast drawing room of Leafy Dell, at this time, might have seen Mrs. Fonnereau in close consul tation with a lady tall of stature—with [...]
[...] sion, these words shall be our last.” She curtseyed, and, in ten minutes, had quitted Leafy Dell. “It matters not,” said Melusina, to her self. “Money saved. I can manage her [...]
[...] to revisit the isle that contained his trea sure. He traced her to the convent. He traced her to Leafy Dell. While devising means for renewing his acquaintance, hitherto of the slightest, with the inmates [...]
[...] startled and alarmed young Haldimand, that, being a man of action, he rode straightway to Leafy Dell, and, entering [...]
[...] ment, and the success of an evil end. Geraldine lived to regain her beauty, and reward her gallant rescuer, and Leafy Dell resembles its former self only in name. [...]
The London and China telegraph08.10.1868
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. Oktober 1868
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] De Montenard. From Hong Kong: Messrs. Bragas, Arpal, Maders, Morlat, Moroti, Qrtega, Lanza, Yerquierdo, Garcia, Montal, Ganuds, Riesco, Walesco, Gunítana, Vedez, Munoy, Permas, Gobairni, Dell Valle, Araa, R. Garcia, De Gendua, Baricol, Quri, Voquita, Mdme. Romeu, Mdme. Canayare and child. From Saigon: Messrs. Bareil, Ansart, Baudrois, Hildebrand, Mesdames Laudoin, Stephan, Rayet, Tiperand, [...]
The ChronicleRegister 1868
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Januar 1868
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] English Merchants, by H. R. Fox Bourne, 155 English Monasticism, by O'Dell Travers Hill, 905 English Writers, by Henry Morley, vol. II., [...]
[...] relazione coll' Italia, del Professore Giuseppe de Leva, tom. II., 65 | Storia Generale delle Storie, di Gabriele IRosa, 306 Storia della Letteratura Italiana, compilata [...]
[...] Resoun, by William Langland; edited by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, 692 Vita e delle Opere di Massimo d'Azeglio, della, rimembranze di Pietro de Donato Giannini, 67 [...]
The tatler20.09.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 20. September 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] gentleman, out of compassion to those of a badut. terance, has placed his whole study in the new mo delling the organs of voice: which art he has so far advanced, as to be able even to make a good orator of a pair of bellows. He lately exhibited a specimen [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Juni 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] SIGNOR G. A. PASQUALE, in a paper presented to the “Acca demia delle Scienze fisiche e matematiche” of Naples, attributes the injury done to vegetation by the recent eruption of Vesuvius neither to scorching nor to the mechanical action of the ashes in [...]
[...] mans). Anierica N.—The Periodic Law : Rev. G. A. Leakin. For EIGN.—Rendiconto dell'Accademia delle Scienze fisiche et mate ma tiche, Naples, 1862-1869 (through Williams and Norgate) –Compendium der physiologischen Optik für Mediciner u Physiker : 1)r. H. Kaiser. [...]
[...] §§ Annual Report on the noxious and beneficial Insects of Missouri; C. 1Iey. For EIGN.—Atti della reale Accademia dei Lincei, 1871.-Forme delle Pro. tuberanze regioni del magnesio e del ferro sulla superficie del Sole : P. Tacchini.-Memorie della, Società degli spettroscopisti Italiana, No. 4.— [...]
[...] Tacchini.-Memorie della, Società degli spettroscopisti Italiana, No. 4.— Bulletins de la Societé d' Anthropologie, Aug. et Sept. 1871.-Indice degli autori e delle materie della gazetta chimica Italiana, vol. i.-Contribution a une histoire générale et Encyclopédique des Sciences: T. Wechinakoſ –La Belgique hortico le. Mai et Juin.—Osservazione dell' Eclisse totale : Prof. L. [...]
NatureInhaltsverzeichnis 05.1875/06.1875/07.1875/08.1875/09.1875/10.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Mai 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] logie, &c., 303 Remusat, the Death of 135 “Rendiconto delle Sessioni dell' accademia delle scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna,” 467 Repertorium Naturwissenschaften, 290 [...]
The general evening post27.03.1756/28.03.1756/29.03.1756/30.03.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 27. März 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Lib. 8. tradotti per la prima volta dal greco da Giacomelli. 4to. Rom. et in 8vo, 7. Saggi di Differtazioni dell' Accademia di Cortºna fopra Le Antichta Etruſtae, Greche, e Romane, 7 f'arti. 6 vol. in 4to. con Fig. Kom. 1731, 1752. [...]
[...] in fol. Rom. 1754. yo. Nolli la nuova Pianta di Roma efattamente mifurata, ed incifa in rame; coll' indicazione delle veſtigia dell’ antica Roma, e con le due piccole Piante della Roma de' baffi tempi, edi Roma moderna, prime ſtampe belliſme. togli 19. Roma 1748, [...]
All the year round19.06.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 19. Juni 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] water-oaks, the dwarf palms, and the silver pines, that grew so thickly at that spot, as to confer upon the wooded dell almost the aspect of some huge cavern hollowed in a mass of multi-coloured [...]
[...] and without immediately speaking in answer, stood listlessly gazing down into the dell, still holding her hand in his. The spot on which the two stood was a notable one. Three sides of the little glen [...]
[...] pain to him, on account of the reminis censes which were conjured up by the sight of the fairy dell, where once he was wont to keep tryst with Phoebe Lynn. The young man's handsome face was some [...]
[...] instantly overbrimming the turf-bordered hollow which lay, cuplike, at the bottom of the dell. For a moment, the spectators of this scene looked on, as the water rose and rose, seething and bubbling like the [...]