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151 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Purfing

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The general evening post10.07.1756/11.07.1756/12.07.1756/13.07.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. Juli 1756
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] to run the beft of three four Mile Heats, on Thurſday the 9th will be run for, on the fame Courfe, the Gentlemen’s Subſcription Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by Horfes, &c. that never w on the Value of Fifty Pounds at any one "Time, Matches excepted. Four Years old to carry eight Stone, five Years [...]
[...] old nine Stone, and fix Years old nine Stone twelve Pounds; to run the best of threo four Mile Heats. Every Horfe, &c. running for either of thefe Purfes, to pay Two Guineas Entrance, and a Crown to the Clerk of the Courfe, or double at the Post ; and to run according to Articles to be pro [...]
[...] No Perfons will be allowed to fell any Sort of Liquor in any Cart, Carriage, Booth, &c. on the Courfe, without ſubſcribing Half a Guinea to the Town Purfe. - No Smith to plate any Horfe, &c. that runs for either of these Purfes, but what ſubſcribes Half a Guinea to the Town Purfe. [...]
[...] entered the Friday before running, between the Hours of Four and eight in the Afternoon, at the Swan in Newport Pagnel aforefaid. And thoſe that enter for the Subſcription Purfe to be ſhewn and [...]
[...] Newport Pagnel aforefaid, between the Hours of Four and Eight in the Afternoon ; and to stand at fuch inns only as ſubſcribe One Guinea, or more, towards the Town Purfe. certificares of their ages to be produced at the Time of En tran Ct. - * [...]
[...] run for, a Purfe of go 1. by any Horfe, &c. no more than four Years old, that never won 5o l. (Matches excepted) carrying eight stone; to run the beſt of three Heats, two Miles to a Heat. [...]
[...] Stone five Pound ; to run the beft of three Heats, feur Miles to a Heat. - On Wedneſday the 21ſt, a Purfe of go l. free for all Horfes, &c. that never won go 1. (Matches excepted) aged Horfes, &c. to carry ten stene, fix Years old nine Stone fix Pounds, and five [...]
[...] T. Loughborough in the County of V. Leicester, on Tucfday the 17th Day of Auguſt next, a Purfe of Fitry Pounds will be run for, free for any tur, five, fix Years old, or aged Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, wat never won five Pounds, (Matches excepted) the Owner of every fuch Horfe, Mare, [...]
[...] Years old, or aged Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, wat never won five Pounds, (Matches excepted) the Owner of every fuch Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, having firſt ſubſcribed Three Guineas to the faid Purfe, and paying Five Shillings Entrance, and no leſs than three Horfes, &c. to ſtart. If only two come te enter, to be allowed Five [...]
[...] for Weights, Scales, Ropes, &c. And on Wedneſ ay the 18th Day of Auguſt the Town Sub fcription Purfe will be run for, free for any Horfe, Mare, or Geld ing, that never won above Twenty Pounds ; fourteen Hands high to carry nine Stone, and higher or lower weight for Inches [...]
The general evening post31.07.1756/01.08.1756/02.08.1756/03.08.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 31. Juli 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] 'cates of their Ages to be produced under the Hands of the Breeders, at the Time of Entrancs; and no lefs than three reputed Running Horfes to flart for the above Purfe. On Thurſday the 2d will be run for on the fame Courfe, the Gentleman’s Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for any Horfe, Mare, or [...]
[...] he or ſhe was fairly hunted in turn alllatt Seafon; and no lefs than three reputed Hunters to itart for this Purfe. - No Horfe, Mare, &c. fhall be allowed to ftart for either of the above Purfes, but what have fubſcribed and paid, on or before the [...]
[...] No Horfe, Mare, &c. fhall be allowed to ftart for either of the above Purfes, but what have fubſcribed and paid, on or before the Day of Entrance, Two Guineas towards a Purfe to be run for afterwards. To run according to Articlws that wil! be produced at the Time of Entrance, and to enter on Monday the goth of Auguſt, [...]
[...] tach.' , , Ail Horſes, &c. to ſtand at fuch Houfes as have er íhall fubfcribe . Half a Guinea towards the faid Purfes. g3. There will be a Cocking at the Crane each Morning, and [...]
[...] will be run ior on Claverton-Down near Bath, a Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, that never won above Fitty Guineas at any one Time (Matches excepted) five [...]
[...] Saddle included ; to run the beſt of three four Mile Heats. And on Thurſday the 23d, on the fame Tourſe, to be run for, a Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, that never won above Fifty Guineas at any one Time (Matches excepted) five Years old to carry tem Stcne four Pounds, fix Years old [...]
[...] produced at the Time of Entrange, or before the Day of Running. No leſs thaa three repw ed Running-Horfes, &c. to ſtart for either of thefe Purfes, each Horfe, &c. to pay Two Guineas En trance, if a subfcribe's, and Five Shillings to the Clerk of the courſé ; a Non-subſcriber. Three Guineas, and Five Shillings, to [...]
[...] courſé ; a Non-subſcriber. Three Guineas, and Five Shillings, to the Cleik of the Coufe ; if but one Horfe, &c. enters for either of thefe Purfes, to be allowed l'en Guintas, and his Entrance Money returned; but if two Five Guineas each, and their En trance-Money retu, ned. If any Difference íhall arife to be de [...]
The general evening post17.07.1756/18.07.1756/19.07.1756/20.07.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Juli 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Day of August, in Coventry-Park, the Gentlemen’s Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by any Horſe, Mare, cr Gelding, that never won above Fifty Guire as, at any one Time, Matches ex cepted ; five Years old to carry eight Stone ten Pounds, fix Years [...]
[...] Guineas, for Ropes, Weights, &c. on Thurſday the 12th will be run for, on the fame Courfe, the Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by any Horſe, &c. that has been uſed laft Seafon as a regular Hunter, and that was not in Sweats from Chriſtmas till the firſt Day of March laft, and has never [...]
[...] Horſes, &c. to run for either of thefe Purfes are to be ſhewn and entered at the Mermaid Inn, on Thurſday the fifth Day of August, between the Hours of Two and Nine in the Evening, [...]
[...] and be fubject to fuch Articles as will be produced at the Time of Entrance. Certificates of their Qualifications for each of thefe Purfes to be produced at the Time of Entrance, or before the Day of Run ning ; and no lefs than three Horſes to ſtart for either of theſe [...]
[...] be produced at the Time of Entrance, or before the Day of Run ning ; and no lefs than three Horſes to ſtart for either of theſe Purfes. Each Horfe to pay, if a Subſcriber's, One Guirea and a Half Entrance, and five Shillings to the Clerk of the Courſe ; if a Non-Subſcriber’s Three Guineas. Ho:fes, that enter at the [...]
[...] Poſt, if a subſcriber's, to pay Three Guineas ; if a Non-Sub fcriber's, Five Guineas. Évery Subſcriber’s Horſe to be bona fide his own. Every Horfe that enters for either of thefe Purfes íhall stand at fuch Publick Houfes as fubſcribe Half a Guinea to the Town Purfe, or more. If but one Horfe enters for either of [...]
[...] Smith that fubſcribes Half a Guinea. No Perfon will be allowed to fell any Liquors in the Park but fuch as fubfcribe Half a Guinea to the Town Purfe. And every Subſcriber that enters his Horfe for either of thefe Purfes, ſhall fubſcribe at leaft ten Days befc, e the Day of Running. [...]
[...] Horfe, Mare or Gelding, that never won a Plate or Purfe before, and no more than five Years ołd laft Grafs, as muft be certified by the Hands of the Breeder, to carry nine Stone; the beſt of three [...]
[...] Day his Majeſty’s Plate is to be entered for. On Friday the 17th will be run for, on the Four-mile Courfe where his Majesty’s Plate is, a Purfe of so I. by any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, being no more than fix Years old latt Grafs, and never won a King's Plate, carrying nine Stone; the beft of three four [...]
[...] ſhip’s Lift is entitled to ſtart for them, paying One Guinea for each, a Non-Subſcriber three, towards tne next Year’s Ladies Purfe. Every Horfe, &c. for the Friday and Saturday's Plates, without fhewing, may be entered at the Starting-Pcít before Five o’Clock [...]
The general evening post06.07.1756/07.07.1756/08.07.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 06. Juli 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] run for, a Purfe of go l. by any Horfe, &c. no more than four Years old, that never won 5o . (Matches excepted) carrying eight Stone; to run the beſt of three Heats, two Miles to a Heat. [...]
[...] four Years old, that never won 5o . (Matches excepted) carrying eight Stone; to run the beſt of three Heats, two Miles to a Heat. On Tueſday the zoth, a free Purfe of 5o l. by fix Years eld and aged Horfęs, &c. to carry eleven Stone, and fix Years old ten Stone five Pound ; to run the beſt of three Heats, four Miles to [...]
[...] Stone five Pound ; to run the beſt of three Heats, four Miles to a Heat. On Wedneſday the arft, a Purfe of gol. free for all Horfes, &c. [...]
[...] old nine Stone, and fix Years old nine Stone twelve Peunds; to run the beſt of threo four Mile Heats. Every Horſe, &c. running for either of thefe Purfes, to pay Two Guineas Entrance, and a Crown to the Clerk of the Courte, or double at the Post ; and to run according to Articles to be pro [...]
[...] each, and tie. Entrance again. - - If any Diſputes arife, to be determined by the Majority of the Subſcribers to the Gentlemens Purfe as ſhall be then pieſent. No Perfons will be allowed to fell any Sort of Liquor in any Cart, Carriage, Booth, &c. on the Courſe, without ſubſcribing Half [...]
[...] No Perfons will be allowed to fell any Sort of Liquor in any Cart, Carriage, Booth, &c. on the Courſe, without ſubſcribing Half a Guinea to the Town Purfe. - No Smith to plate any Horfe, &c. that runs for either of thefe Purfes, but what ſubfcribes Half a Guinea to the Town Purfe. [...]
[...] entered the Friday before running, between the Hours of Four and eight in the Afternoon, at the Swan in Newport Pagne) aforefaid. And thoſe that enter for the Subſcription Purfe to be ſhewn and entered the Saturday before running at the Saracen’s Head Inn in Newport Pagnel aforeiaid, between the Hours of Four and Eight [...]
[...] Newport Pagnel aforeiaid, between the Hours of Four and Eight in the Afternoon ; and to ftand at fuch Inns cniy as ſubſcribe One Guinea, or more, towards the Town Purfe. - Certificates of their ages to be produced at the Time of En trance. - - [...]
The general evening post31.08.1756/01.09.1756/02.09.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 31. August 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] T’ Loughborough in the County of Leicester, on Monday the zoth Day of September next, a Purfe of Fitty Pounds will be run for, free for any fur, five, fix Years old, or aged Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, that never won five Pounds, (Matches excepted) the Owner of every fuch Horfe, Mare, [...]
[...] Years old, or aged Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, that never won five Pounds, (Matches excepted) the Owner of every fuch Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, having firſt fubfcribed Three Guineas to the faid Purfe, and paying Five Shillings Entrance. No leis than three Horfes, &c. to 1tart. If only two come to enter, to be allowed Five [...]
[...] &c. to 1tart. If only two come to enter, to be allowed Five Pounds a-piece, if only one Ten Pounds, and the Plate not run for. Every Horfe, &c. that runs for the faid Purfe to carry Weight as follows, viz. Every four Years old Horfe, &c. feven Stone feven Pounds, five Years old eight Stone feven Pounds, [...]
[...] to run the beſt of three four Mile Heats. On Thurſday the 9th will be run for, on the fame Courfe, the Gentlemen’s Subſcription Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by Hortes, &c. that never won the Value of Fifty Pounds at any one Time, Matches excepted. Four Years old to carry eight Stone, five Years [...]
[...] old mine Stone, and fix Years old nine Stone twelve l’ounds ; to run the beft of threo four Mile Heats. Every Horfe, &c. running for either of thefe Purfes, to pay Two Guineas Entrance, and a Crown to the Clerk of the Courfe, or double at the Post ; and to run according to Articles to be pro [...]
[...] double at the Post ; and to run according to Articles to be pro duced at the Time of Entrance. No lefs than three reputed Running Horfes to ſtart for either of thefe Purfes; and if but one Horſe, &c. ſhould enter, to be allowed Ten Guíneas, and his , Entrance Money again; and if two Horſes, &c. Five Guineas [...]
[...] No Perfons will be allowed to fell any Sort of Liquor in any Cart, Carriage, Booth, &c. on the Courfe, without fabfcribing Half a Guinea Io the Town Purfe. No Smith to plate any Horfe, &c. that runs for either of thefe Purfes, but what ſubſcribes Half a Guinea to the 'I own Purfe. . [...]
[...] Newport Pagnel aforefaid, between the Hours of Four and Eight in the Afternoon ; and to ſtand at fuch Inns only as ſubſcribe One Guinea, or more, towards the Town Purfe. Certicates of their agts to be produced at the Time of En tr3 ricc. [...]
The general evening post07.08.1756/08.08.1756/09.08.1756/10.08.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 07. August 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] N Wedneſday the 1ſt of September next A will be run for, on Leicester New-coârfe, the Burgeues Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for any Horfe, Mare or Ge dang, that nºyer won above the Value of Fifty Pounds at any one Tine (Matches excepted) and that never ſtarted for a Royal Plate; the [...]
[...] cates of their Ages to be produced under the Hands of the Bı tezers, at the Time of Entrance; and no leſs than three reputed Running Horſes to nart foi the abovc Purfe. t» On Touriday the 2d will be run for on the fame Courfe, the Gentleman's Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for any Horfe, Mare, or [...]
[...] Neighbourhood where ſuch Horre, Mare, &c. was hunted, and that he or the was fairly hunted in turn all last Seafon; and no leſs than three reputed Hunters to start for this Purfe, No Horſe, Mare, &c. ſhall be allowed to ſtart for ether of the above Purfes, but what have ſubſcribed and Paid, on or before the [...]
[...] Any Houfe, Mare, &c. may enter at the-Poft ing doubl Entrance. If but one Horſe, &c. comes to enter :::: of : :: Purfes, to be allowcd Ten Guineas, and if two, Five Guineas taCil. All Horſes, &c. to stand at fuch Houfes as have or ſhall fubſcribe [...]
[...] - will be run for on Claverton Down near Bath, a Purfe of Fitty Pounds, by any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, that never won above Fifty Guineas at any one Time (Matēties excepted) five [...]
[...] Figg's, at the Lamb Inn in Bath, and be fubject to the Articles which will be produced at the Time of Entranče. - Certificates of their Qualifications for each of theſe Purfes to be Produced at the Time of Entrance, or before the Day of Running. No leſs, thas three reputed Running-Horfes, &c. to ſtart for [...]
[...] either of theſe Purfes, each Horſe, &c. to pay Two Guineas En [...]
The general evening post11.07.1758/12.07.1758/13.07.1758
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. Juli 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] for, a Purfe of Fifty Pounds, for any Horſe, &c. that never won Fifty Pounds at any one Time, Matches or Sweephakes ex- cepted. Five Years old to carry 8 ft. 7 lb. Six Years old 9 ft 7 lb; [...]
[...] Certificates of their Qualifications for each of thefe Purfes to be " [...]
[...] produced at the Time of Entrance, or before the Day of running; and no leſs than three Horfes, &c. to ſtart for either of thefe Purfes.* Each Horfe, &c. ií a Subſcriber's, to pay One Guinea Entrance, and Five Shillings to the Clerk of the Courſe ; if a Non-Subſcriber, to [...]
[...] Courfe, and Two Guineas towards the next Year’s Purfe. - Every Horfe, &c. that enters at the Poſt, if a Subfcnber’s, to pay Three Guineas ; if a Non-Subſcriber’s, Fivè Guineas. Every Subſcriber’s [...]
[...] that enters any Horfe, &c. for either of theſe Puríes, is to fubſcribe fourteen Days before the Day of running. * , If but one Horſe, &c. enters for either of thefe Purfes, to be allowed Ten Guineas, and his Entrance Money; it but two, to be alfowed Five Guineas each, and their Entrance Money. * [...]
[...] Plate is to be entered for. , - On Friday the 8th will be run for on the Four-mile Courfe, where his Majeſty’s Plate is run, "A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, being no more than fix Years old laft Grafs, and never won a King's Plate ; carrying nino Stone, [...]
[...] the beſt of three Four-mile Heats On Saturday the 9th will be run for on the Four-mile Courfe, where his Majeſty's Plate is run, A Purfe of Fifty Pound« by any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, Weight for Age ; Five-year olds car rying eight Stone feven Pounds, Six-years-old nine Stone feven. [...]
[...] Mrs. Hobart, and a Subſcriber to her Lift is intitled to ſtart for them, paying One Guinea for each ; a Non-Subſcriber Three, towards the next Year's Lady’s Purfe. - · Every Hörfe, &c. for the Friday’s and Saturday’s Plates, with out fhewing, may be entered at the Starting-Poft before Five [...]
The general evening post08.05.1756/09.05.1756/10.05.1756/11.05.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Mai 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] 15th, 16th and 17th Days of June next, will be rún for on St. Stephen’s Down, near Launcefton in Cornwall, the feveral Purfes following, viz.: ... \ N Tueſday the 15th a Purſe of Fifty Pounds, by any Horſe, Mare, or Celsing, being at the Time [...]
[...] mentioned Purſes to he diſqualified from runring for the 1aft. All the Horſes, Mares, ór Geldings, that ihail run for any of th“ faid Purfes to be entered at the White Hart-Inn in Launcefton, on Monday the 7th Day of June next, between the Hours cf one 2n4 fix in the Aiternoon, and to run according to Articles then tº be [...]
[...] Start for either of the above-named Parfes, and in caſe a !tis N vinber than three Horſes, 43-. thail te entered for either of the Purfes at retaid, then the owner of ſuch fiorfe, &c. if but ºf* entere , to be aíowed ten Guineas, if two, five Guineas each, anº pad them on tle Lay appointed for Running. 1 [...]
[...] to be produced at the Time of Entrance. on 'saturday the 9th Instant will be run for over the Round Courſe a Purfe of fifty Pounds, by any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, that never won a Plate or Match. Four Years old carrying eight Stone, five Years old nine Stone, fix Years old ten Ston*, aged [...]
[...] cetter, A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for four Years old Hot fes, Mares or Geldings, carrying nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle in cłuded. The bett of three two Mile Hears. [...]
[...] Mares or Geldings, carrying nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle in cłuded. The bett of three two Mile Hears. On Tueſday the 1st of June will be run for, A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for five Years old Horfes, &c. carrying nine Stene, Bridle and Saddle included. The beſt of three four nnile Heats. [...]
[...] carrying ten Stone, and aged Horfes, &c. ten stone twol e Prunds, Bridle and Saddle included. The beſt of three four mile Heats. The Horſes, &c. that run for either cf the above Purfes to be fhewn and entered on Tueſday the 2 rth Inſtant, at the S arung Poft, between the Hours of I wo and Six in the Afternoon. A [...]
[...] Entrance. * No leſs than three reputed running Horſes, &c, to star: : reac'; of the above Purfes. If only one Horſe, &c. e ters, to hºv, twenty Guineas and his Catrance Money returned ; if two, Guineas each, and their Entrance Money returned ; and the " [...]
[...] No Perfori, will be permitted to fet up a Booth, or fell Liquors on the faid Downs during the Time of the Races, but thoſe that have ſubſcribed to the Purfes, or fhall hereafter fubſcribe half a Guinea towards the fame. There will be, Ordinaries every Day, and Balls at Night for the [...]
The general evening post11.05.1756/12.05.1756/13.05.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. Mai 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] -run for, on Part of the fame Downs, as ofual, near Ciren ceſter, A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for four Years old Horfes, Mares or Geldings, carrying nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle in cluded. The beft of three two Mile Hears, [...]
[...] Pounds, free for five Years old Horfes, &c. carrying nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle included. The heft of three four miłe Heats. And on Wedneſday the 2d will be run for, A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for fix Years old and aged Horfes, &c. fix Year» old, " carrying ten Stone, and aged Horſes, &c. ten Stone twelve Pounds, [...]
[...] carrying ten Stone, and aged Horſes, &c. ten Stone twelve Pounds, Bride and Saddle included. The beſt of three four mile Heats. The Horſes, &c. that run for either of the above Purfes, to be ſhewn and entered on Tueſday the 25th Inſtant, at the Starting Poſt, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon. A [...]
[...] Entrance. No leſs than three reputed running Horfes, &c, to ftart for each of the above Purfes. If only one Horſe, &c. enters, to havº twenty Guineas and his Entránce Money returned; if two, tea Guineas each, and their Entrance Money returned; and the Puríº [...]
[...] The Purſes to be run for according to Articles which will bº produced when required, by the clerk of the Courſe. Any Hºrſe: &c. winning the two firſt Heats, ſhall have the Purfe, without being obliged to start a third ; and the Stakes to go to the ſecond · :::::: To start exactly at Four o’clock in the Afternoºº [...]
[...] rűn for on St. Stephen’s JD w n maar i u aceſton in Cornwall, the feveral P1: ſes olio - ºg viz. N Tueſday the 15th a Purf of Fifty * Pounds, by ar y i orie, Marē e Teſ i g, | og ar the Time of Ener-nce reail; a . “ , fide the lº operty of a tri" i ritant of [...]
[...] mentioned Purſes to be difqualified from runníng for the laft. All the Horſes, Mares, or Geldings, that thaii run for any of the faid Purfes to be entered at the White Hart-Inn in Launcetton, on Monday the 7th Day of June next, between the Hours of one and fix in the Afternoon, and to run according to Articles then to be [...]
[...] Start for either of the above-named Purſes, and in caſe a lefs Number than three Horſes, &c. ſhall be entered for either of the Purfes aforefaid, then the Owner of fuch Horfe, &c. if but one entered, to be allowed ten Guineas, if two, five Guineas each, and paid them on the Day appointed for Running. x - [...]
The general evening post11.08.1759/12.08.1759/13.08.1759/14.08.1759
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. August 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] Hon Earl Cower, or whom he fliall appoint. 0n chneiday the 5th, will be run {or on the fame Courfe, a Purf. of fifty Pounds, by any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, being "0 more than four Years old lalt Grafs, as mutt be certified under the Hands of the Breeder, carrying nine Stone Wright; the hell of three [...]
[...] Mare, or Gelding, duly qualified, may enter for this Purle at the Poll; on the Day or running, paying live Guineas. A on ’l'hurfday the 6th, another Purfe of Fifty Poundi- will he run _ l' on the fame Courfe, by any full-aged Horfe, Mare. 0r Gelding, carrying ten Stone Weight; or by any Six years old, M: [...]
[...] A hubfcriber to pay Orie' Guinea Entrance ; a Non-rubfcriher Thm Guineas; and any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, duly qualified, mayienwrlor this Purfe at the Poll,on the Day of running, paying Five Guineas. » , The Horfcs, kc. that run for either ortheitwo lall Furies, to he [...]
[...] Fifty Pounds, Matches gycepted ; carrying nine Stone, Bridle and Saddle included The bell of three Heats, two Miles to a Heat. For any Hnrfe, Ma", kc. ihar llarts for either of the above Purfes, the Owner mull produce a Certificate of their Ages, under the Hands of the Breeder, at the Time of Entrance; and not lefs than [...]
[...] three reputed Running Horfes to flat! No Phrfe, Mare, sic, mall be allowed to “art for either of the above Purfes, but what have fubfcribed and paid, on or before the Day of Entrance, Two Guineas towards a Purfe to be run for after wanls. To run according to Articles that [hall be produced at the [...]
[...] Entrance Money to go [0 the recond-h'tlt Hotfe. Any Horfe, kc. may enter at the Pofl, on paying- l-"our Guineas towards a Purfe of fifty Pounds to be run for afterwards, and Ten Shillings Entrance. H but one Horfe comes to enter frzr either of the above Purfes to he allowed Ten Guineas; and if two, Five [...]
[...] Guineas each. . _ All Horfes to ftand at fuch Houfes as have or {ball fuhfcrlbe Half a Guinea rowardrthe faid Purfes. '3 There willhe a Cocking at the Cranes each Morning, and an All'emhly for the Gentlemen and Ladies each Evening at the New [...]