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151 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Purfing

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The free thinker or essays of wit and humour21.09.1719
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 21. September 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] tion and Affability : A golden Mace lies by him ; and he holds in one Hand a large, embroidered Purfe, with the Arms of England emboffed upon it ; in the other, a Baron’s Coronet, with this Device, P R O D E S S E QUA M C O N S P I C I. [...]
The general evening post02.09.1760/03.09.1760/04.09.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] }W Proof of a depofition, taken a purfe o :: a Dutch floop brought in by oºº º * S, |- - - [...]
[...] beating Mr. Egerton’s Rattle Snake, Mr. Leven’s Pin - wire, and Lord Manners’s Wag. - - - Wedneſday the Gentlemen’s ſubſcription purfe of fifty pounds-was won by Philip Egerton, Eſqr's grey horfe Flatterer, againit Lord Gower's Pharo, and three others. [...]
[...] the : heat) were twenty to one on Pharo againſt the field. * * * * * - ... The City purfe of fifty pounds on Thurſday was run for by Mr. White's brown horfe Gamester, Mr. Wood cock's chefnut horfe Grantham, and Mr. Rew's grey [...]
[...] dreff.d in blue great coats, and one of them with ruffles, who took from one of the gentlemen a green knit fik purfe containing about fix guineas, , and a new ſcarlet clºak. One of the gentlemen fought with, and is fup poſed to have wounded one of the robbers. [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour26.05.1718
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 26. Mai 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] perpetual Stranger to his Subjećts in a diftant Land, and have no other Thought about them, but to drain - their Purfes by his Vice-Roys and Deputies. - BE SI D Es thefe general Confiderations, which will hold good in all Times, there is a particular [...]
The connoisseur18.04.1754
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 18. April 1754
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] execution. As if the horfe, that carried the highwayman, ſhould be arraigned for taking a purfe, or a dog indićted for feloniouſly ſtealing a ſhoulder of mutton. Such a country would feem to go upon the fame principles, and to entertain [...]
The connoisseur13.03.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. März 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] prophetic. If a cinder popped from the fire, they were in hafte to examine whether it was a purfe or a coffin. They were aware of my coming long before I arrived, becauſe they had feen a ſtranger on the grate. The youngeft miſs [...]
The general evening post16.09.1760/17.09.1760/18.09.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 16. September 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] by Clapham common, and took what money they had, but refuſed tae gentleman’s watch. He foon after robbed a fingle gentleman of his purfe, with four guineas in it, and got clear off. At the execution on Monday at Tyburn there were not [...]
[...] te Gentlemen's Sweepflake*, by their : : And on Thurſda} the 25th: "º be : or : e, &c. thºt ha5 a purfe of sol: by any Fou: years old Hote: : ', lb, the beft ver won so', Matches excepted. Tº º":'',':', :::ys to be nt: : ::::: twice round he courſe each Bº: i 3, 6n Wed [...]
[...] of oaober, 176o, º purfe of sol. ") Five Years old [...]
[...] &c. to pay Two Guineas to the Clerk : the : On Thurſday the th will be Run or, on the - Purfe of gol. È; : years old Mares i tº :* 3 ſt. : : Two Mile Heats ; tº Pº) Two Guineas Entr:""; and tie : to go to the next Yeº: plate; the Winn"š Mare to pay 1 Wº [...]
The connoisseur30.05.1754
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 30. Mai 1754
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] that the other had called upon him to fee his col lećtion of medals, and took an opportunity of ftealing a leathern purfe, formerly belonging to the celebrated Tom Hearne, in which were con [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour23.06.1718
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. Juni 1718
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] “ portion as Wealth and Dignity rifes. The Pom “ poufnefs of the Courtier’s Title, and the Heavi “ nefs of the Citizen’s Purfe, do neither of them “ imply a Superiority of Reafon and Judgment. “ If the Expreſſion may be allowed, I think nothing [...]
The ramblerRambler 02.11.1751
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. November 1751
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] hurt me; and, accompanying his profeffions with a purfe of gold, ordered me to befpeak a rich fuit at the mercer’s, and to apply privately to him for money when I wanted it, and infinuate that my [...]
The connoisseur02.10.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. Oktober 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] height he pleafes, and with the wave of his pen may command the mines of Peru: and as he deals about his money without once untying his purfe ftrings, it will coft him the fame whether he throws away a mite or a million; and another [...]