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PunchTitelblatt 08.1844
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. August 1844
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] where she sets and becomes invisible. Rules for Ascertaining the neather. It is said to be a sign of rain when a dog eats grass. There fore, carry a handful of grass about with you, and offer it to any dog you happen to meet. If he eats it with appetite, there will be much [...]
[...] fore, carry a handful of grass about with you, and offer it to any dog you happen to meet. If he eats it with appetite, there will be much rain. If he only nibbles, it will be showery. Sentiment for the 2nd of this Month. The memory of Nelson, and may Britain ever have a T. P. Cooke [...]
All the year roundInhaltsverzeichnis 06.1871/07.1871/08.1871/09.1871/10.1871/11.1871
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Juni 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Feeing Market, A . - 341 Field Boy's Mind, A 61 Fire and Rain - 539 Five Fleet-street Taverns 349 Fleet-Street Taverns . - . 349 [...]
[...] Protective Resemblances . . 14 Chinese Fairy Tale . - . 567 || A Choice - - - . 468 Geoffrey Luttrell's Narrative . 524 At a Window. - . . . 253 RAIN, A Cause of . - . . 539 546, 569, 596,616 || Bookworm, The . - - 492 Rainbow Tavern . - - . 351 Grace Allen - - - . 498 || Covenanter, The . - - 396 Reading Made Easy . . . 155 Loss of My Spectacles - 298 || Death Struggle . . . 84 [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Juli 1873
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] And their miles upon miles of merchant ships; And all but bids skies for me to shine: If without the ferashes and their whips, At the Crystal Palace, EFFENDI GRove Manchester gathers, and Liverpool runs, With the rain itself for my pleasure strove: With voices of men and thunder of guns And out of the water brought the fire To the light of the face of the SHAH-IN-SHAH, To compass the SHAH-IN-SHAH's desire. [...]
[...] that you shall run no risk from the want of a quick circulation. Venator. O, Master | 0 || Marry, I am warm throughout. Piscator. I warrant you. But look how it begins to rain. We will leave our lines in the river, our rods on the bank, and sit close under this sycamore tree, where I design to eat the chicken sand [...]
[...] Venator. Nay, good Master, bear with me, and I will undertake your charges at the next Inn we come to ; and, indeed, I would that this rain were finished so that we might be there now. .. Piscator. Now I will tell you somewhat about angling. And, first, as to the Perch. The length of the Perch is five and a half [...]
[...] IN an admirable review of a meritorious poem, Mr. Punch, you refer to the virtue ascribed by SHAKSPEARE to potatoes. When he made Falstaff say “Let the sky rain potatoes,” think you he meant the tubers of the Solanum tuberosum ? The divine WILLIAMs most probably never ate a potato; probably knew of potatoes and their [...]
[...] Having weighed these considerations, most excellent Mr. Punch, do you think it possible that the potatoes which Falstaff wished the sky to rain were intended to be taken as potato apples? Say, if you like, that is a question which might be expected to *to a UMPKIN. [...]
The Englishman09.07.1713
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 09. Juli 1713
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] HOW different an old Man is Craſſus from my felf. It is indeed the particular Diſtinétion of the Ironfides to be robuſt and hardy, to defie the Cold and Rain, and let the Weather do its worft. My Father lived till a hundred without a Cough, and we have a Tradition in the Family [...]
[...] of Rain are to be met with in every Water-work; and we are informed, that fome Years ago the Vertuofo’s of France covered a little Vault with Artificial Snow, which [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. Juli 1870
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] battles have coincided with heavy showers, has proposed that, in order to terminate a drought, the attempt should be made to shake rain out of the clouds by a general can nonade. This, with the view, apparently, of getting the popular mind of France to entertain the idea of it, he [...]
[...] mind doing that, but a true English one would. We would dissociate the theological from the scientific experiment for the deduction of rain. Invoke St. Swithin on St. Swithin's day # you like, but try your cannonade on some day before or after. [...]
[...] pleased as if we had heard all about them. t Goºgh says, “There! now we’ve done Lille, let's go back to the rain.” We all feel the better for this episode, and presently, about four hours after, arrive at Ghent. [...]
[...] Have e'er a word to speak for them as feels the drought the wust. The soap hard water takes to use you'd think past all belief, There’s none as grieves for want of rain like washerwomen's grief. [...]
[...] Saint Swithin is a comin', which if then, it rains, they says, 'Twill arterwards rain every day, or night, for forty days. It never rains but what it pours; that's what they means: that’s all. [...]
All the year roundInhaltsverzeichnis 06.1869/07.1869/08.1869/09.1869/10.1869/11.1869
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Juni 1869
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Queen Katherine's Burial 468, 510 Queen Mary, Marriage of - - RAIN and Rain Doctors. - . 584 Recent Art Purchases . - . .297 Irecreations of the People . 204 [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. Januar 1873
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] certainty, at any rate, of getting a good ducking. The only proverb wholly suited to the weather of this winter is the saying that “It never rains but it pours:” the truth whereof, for the last four months, has been copiously manifest. [...]
[...] Return of my Aunt-The Nook after the late Rains-A Surprise— The End in View. [...]
[...] the front gate, they are º, at horses on the gravel-path, which seems to be, frº out to ENGLEMORE, nicely dry in spite of the rain. They are affectionate children. On seeing me, they run away, crying. “They think you're ‘Bogie,’” ENGLEMORE remarks. [...]
[...] “WHEN that I was a little tiny boy,”. And used bad words because of rain, My parents, with reverse of joy, . - #. me, and—I shared their pain. [...]
[...] #. me, and—I shared their pain. But now I’ve come to man's estate, And curse kind rains in language rash, There's no one who can smite my pate For talking thankless, idiot trash. [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. September 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] by tradition, but demands proofs which will stand the test of rigid examination. In endeavouring to explain such phenomena as rain, epidemic diseases, the tides, &c., he will have nothing to do with spirits, good or bad ; he takes his stand on observed facts, and although his explanations [...]
[...] cataclysmic agencies, since, had it not been for their operations, our globe would have remained without any visible land for the rivers to traverse, or the rain and ice to disintegrate and wear away. The latter part of the statement cannot, of course, be called [...]
[...] able portion of the volume, and are illustrated by tables and some very curious and interesting drawings of the solid residue left on evaporating rain-water, which fell in London, on the Clyde, at Manchester, and at Newcastle. The volume closes with the annual address to the members of the Tyneside [...]
[...] incecis. It is especially when the atmosphere threatens some pertur bation, rain, storm, tempest, that the common people examine the character of the clouds. But how often, at every moment of the day, do they ask each other about the temperature, hot, [...]
[...] prosecuted. I am speaking of the gray and cloudy sky of Great Britain, whence are his Strato-mist, his imperfect distinction of the two strata Cirrus and Cumulus, or his AWimbus (the rain cloud), the difference which he has established between Cumulus and Cumulo-stratus, without counting many other details of [...]
[...] them and as they are generally described. These clouds are neither stormy, nor have they electrical manifestations, there is only a fine and continuous rain. Under this stratum—for it is a true stratum—we see constantly other clouds more or less considerable, but always isolated, come to be lost in it and to [...]
[...] Pallio-cirrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheet-cloud Cumulus. . . . . Stacken-cloud . . . Mount-cloud Pallio-cumulus. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rain-cloud Fracto-cumulus . . . . . . . . . . . . Wind-cloud [...]
[...] proaches nearest the form of this species of cloud, all the deter minations have be on changed. The Pallio-cumulus replaces the Nimbus, also named “Rain-cloud.” [...]
[...] Cirrus, however, does not always precede the production of this and the last modification. “The Cirro-stratus precedes wind and rain, the near or dis tant approach of which may sometimes be estimated from its greater or less abundance and permanence. It is almost always [...]
[...] it. These two strata remain in view at a certain distance from each other, and by their reciprocal action and reaction produce storms and the heavier rains, accompanied with considerable electric discharges. They are electrified, but with contrary signs; the superior stratum of Cirrus is negative, and the inferior one [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. November 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] comes, so much easier. Of course it doesn't much matter. You may rave till all is blue—in TYNDALI's sense—and not stay a seemingly superfluous rain-drop, divert a too torrid sun-ray, or ruffle my equanimity. Indeed, you may thank your lucky stars that I am impervious to abuse as to entreaty, and do not put the reins of my power into the hands of every pseudo-Phaethon [...]
[...] and are familiar with the manners and customs of well-tended but recalcitrant donkeys. Look here, then! Why not try and work with me, instead of railing, at me?. E.g. I supply the rain—more than you appear to relish sometimes—you provide, the cistern, the watercourse, the sluice, the umbrella, and the waterproof. I furnish the material, ou the means of utilisation, distribution, defence or prevention, as the case may be. [...]
[...] ou the means of utilisation, distribution, defence or prevention, as the case may be. &; this partial co-partnership out on, the large scale, and there, you are; Twig P The rain. I send must fall on the just and the unjust, the thirsting plain, and the thronged romenade, the turnips, and the turnip-growers, who want it, and the ripening ears and #. pleasure-seekers, who do not. A Local-Sun-and-Shower-Distribution Company, [...]
[...] Science,” as the newspapers say. Let human ingenuity, which, after so many rain-discomforte enerations, achieved the (Gingham and the Macintosh, set to work on the great scale at the task of [...]
[...] and store your floods, and they will serve instead of º you; rightly manage your streets and subways, and my rains will be not much less welcome or more worrying on the flags than on the furrows. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. März 1864
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Wh learn from Southampton the arrival of the Poonah with the Madagascar ambassadors—their Excellencies RAIN-AND-RAIN and RAIN-For-INGLA. Really, considering the wet weather we have had lately, RAIN-AND-RAIN had better have º and RAIN-For [...]