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Suchbegriff: Wang

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Saturday review17.11.1860
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. November 1860
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] * The Threefold San-Tszc-King ; or the Triliteral Classic of China : as issued—i. by Wang-Po-Keou; ii. by Protestant Missionaries in that Country; and iii, by the Rebel Chief Tae-Ping-Wang. Put into English, with notes, by the Rev. S. C. Malan, M.A., Vicar of Broadwindsor, Dorset. [...]
[...] the Bible and more expert traffickers than all the world. We have already expressed our belief that the alleged Christianity of Tae-Ping-Wang and his adherents is spurious; but Mr. Malan's little volume, published before the question of the rebel chief's religion had assumed any political importance, and when [...]
[...] Christianity. We distinctly warn the disciples of Exeter-hall and the straiter sects to what they are committing themselves when they salute Tae-Ping-Wang as a fellow-Christian. Mr. Malan's little book contains the Primer of Tae-Ping. It is written in imitation of, and as a substitute for, the popular [...]
[...] It is written in imitation of, and as a substitute for, the popular school-book of elementary knowledge and religion written by Wang-Po-Keou, which is put into the hands of every child in China on his entrance into school. Like it, the Tae-Ping Primer is a “triliteral classic” (San-Tsze-King); that is, it is written in [...]
The London and China telegraph13.11.1860
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 13. November 1860
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] who are in arms against them. They had planned an expedi tion in foreign clothes as soon as they had united, which has not, of course, come off. The Taiping Wang at Nankin wanted funds badly, and had applied to the Chung Wang at Soochow, who in consequence ordered plundering parties to go about. [...]
[...] funds badly, and had applied to the Chung Wang at Soochow, who in consequence ordered plundering parties to go about. The latter is reported to have been promoted by Tsien Wang, because he made friends with the foreigners at Shanghai and elsewhere. The local militia have got up a crusade against the [...]
The London and China telegraph28.11.1865
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 28. November 1865
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] their lives on condition of their giving "P the leader, known aS the Kangwang, who is the only survº of the coolie Kings of Nanking. Two of his fellows, the Lai Wang, said to be a [...]
[...] - iping Wang), and another nephew of Hung Siu-tsuan (the Taiping y - . of note, were executed at Canton last Monday, having been [...]
[...] naturally somewhat reserved in his diplomatic capacity. On one of his visits to the Legation we are told that :– Before Wang-se-ang arrived, the Prince took up a European map which they keep in the office, with the names entered in Chinese charac, ters, and pointing to Russia, said, “that is a large country, but it is not [...]
The London and China telegraph08.08.1865
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 08. August 1865
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Chinese here in no small degree. Much blame has been attached to the high officials commanding in Shantung for their negligence in not securing the body of the Séng Wang (San-ko lin-sin). It fell into the hands of the enemy, who are said to have cut it into fragments. [...]
[...] approach of a strong additional force of “braves" recently despatched from Canton ; and that their leader, the Kan Wang, the last remaining member of the Coolie-King coterie at Nanking, has made overtures for surrender. Per contra, we have the news that Sang-ko-lin-sin (who, [...]
The London and China telegraph24.12.1877
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. Dezember 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] rentage, and belonging to a place known as Ching-tu, about sixty li distant, was visiting some friends in Shanghai. She became acquainted with a man surnamed Wang, who induced her to take a drive with him, saying he would take her to see the races. Wang, however, seemed to have laid his plans very carefully, for, [...]
The London and China telegraph06.02.1871
  • Datum
    Montag, 06. Februar 1871
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] The Siamese authorities are not only drilling men for soldiers, but they are forming a brigade of elephants, and are daily exer cising them near the palace of H.M. the Wang Looang. With reference to º report of a new grammar of the Siamese language being about to be published by Dr. J. T. Jones, the [...]
[...] is a mass of ruins, and the beautiful verandah and pavilion which overlooked the river, and gave it the very appropriate name of Wang-ho-lien, have likewise disappeared. We proceeded next to the chapel of the London Mission, which is in entire ruins. While inspecting this, one was heard to say, [...]
[...] many complaints are made that they are not intelligible. The last official "telegram stated that the expedition to Borneo had obtained the greatest success, and that Wang Kang had been killed. The general opinion here is that this “affair” was “much ado about nothing.” More impression was created by the article of “V.L.” in [...]
The London and China telegraph13.04.1861
  • Datum
    Samstag, 13. April 1861
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] must then acknowledge it to be a true work, and a step in that direction most ardently longed for by the earnest missionary there and by all good Christians at home. But the Kan-Wang, whose confessions we have received by the late mail in the shape of a confidential report intended for publication—the [...]
[...] whose confessions we have received by the late mail in the shape of a confidential report intended for publication—the Kan-Wang has let out the secret. When too closely ques tioned (query 5), by the inquiring missionary on the absurdity of the Celestial King requiring all nations to come and serve at [...]
[...] sent God coming down and delegating authority to him to destroy the idolators and set up the celestial realm. It is certain that this Tai-ping-Wang is a man of no ordinary ability. He has studied the history of his own country, and is apparently anxious to know all he can find out about other [...]
The London and China telegraph28.05.1866
  • Datum
    Montag, 28. Mai 1866
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] a room on land. The elder one, named Yang-ga, had been a Christian for forty years; the younger one, named Kinga, aged thirty-nine, a native of Wang-king, the capital, was a convert of five years' standing. The latter, the better educated of the two, wrote Chinese with great ease, and had picked up a con [...]
[...] the lIan River. The capital by some strange blunder, in our maps, is always called “King-ki-tao,”—in fact the name of the province. The Chinese name of the capital is “Wang-ching,” in Corean colloquial “Saul,” which is simply a translation of “Ching,” court. [...]
[...] ginseng, and the river Han, better known to the Coreans by the name of “ Kyang K’ang,” which leads to the capital of Corea, Wang-Ching or S'a-ul, which is situated on the northern side of the river about three miles distant from the bank of the Han. I have found no reason for discrediting a native atlas of Corea, [...]
The London and China telegraph21.06.1875
  • Datum
    Montag, 21. Juni 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] COAL MINES IN CHINA. The following is the report which we allude to in another column : —Wang Chang Yung visited Barnsley and the district as a special Com missioner of the Imperial Government, to obtain information as to the best machinery and appliances that can be obtained for working col [...]
[...] him on a visit to some of the collieries in the north, has been appointed Consulting Engineer to the Chinese Go vernment. The facts of the case are simply that WANG has made a visit to this country for the purpose of pro specting our appliances, but is not giving any orders. Mr. [...]
[...] pany WANG. Mr. JAMES HENDERSON is progressing with his work, and in due course we shall announce his de parture with his staff. Our readers must understand that [...]
The London and China telegraph06.04.1868
  • Datum
    Montag, 06. April 1868
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] in Shantung are marching towards that place, and that they purpose making a conjunction with the Mahomedans in Kang suh and Shensi towards the summer. The Soo-Wang has been killed in an engagement with the Imperialists. A foreigner who was with Li Footai's forces was captured. [...]
[...] ton of 40 c. ft. to the latter port. To Tientsin there has been a good demand for small vessels, and rates are expected to be high for Newch wang. At Foochow.—To London, £3 10s. per ton. At Hong Kong and CANton.—To London (via Macao) the Chaa-sze [...]