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Le moniteur universel14.02.1811
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. Februar 1811
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] a meno di ringraziare il Signore, che avesse conservati in quell'illustre Chiesa dell' Impero cosi puri, ed illibati i principi cattolici stabi litigà con tanta copia di ". dall'immortale Bossuet, uno dei maggiori luminari della Francia; [...]
[...] Lo " di concordia giovando moltissimo alla pubblica edificazione, ed a vieppiù conser vare l'armonia necessaria tra il sacerdozio, e l'Impero, noi speriamo, che questa nostra pro [...]
[...] peso di dolore onde siamo oppressi, pensiamo eziandio di dover presentare un indirizzo al ris-, tauratore del nostro culto ed all' omnipotente protettore della Chiesa gallicana, esponendogli ad un tempo nel modo più leale e più auten [...]
[...] nemente a V. M., che siamo tutti legati cºn piena e intera adesione alla dottrina ,ed allº, esercizio delle libertà della Chiesa gallicanº si di cui l'Università di Parigi, una delle più fie [...]
[...] la più zelante depositaria, e di cui l'immortaiº vescovo di Meaux, nostro oracolo, sarà empie riguardato come il più sapiente ed invincibile difensore; che invariabilmente fedeli alla nostra educazione ed a nostri obblighi adottiamo et - [...]
[...] vrano tutti i poteri capitolari, vale a dire tutta la giurisdizione episcopale la cui attribuzione non prova quendi per essi verun ritardo, ed cui esercizio non incontra verun ostrcolo; [...]
[...] •|Finalmente dichiariamo a V. M. che questo diritto pubblico essendo rimasto chiaro , intatto · ed usitato fino à di nostri, abbiamo adempiuto al nostro dovere conformandovi tutte le nostre deliberazioni con egual premura che fedeltà [...]
[...] ſflustre della cattolica Chiesa , e protestiamo di rispettarle, e di aderiroi essendo conforme ai sacri canoni , ed ai sentimenti della stessa catto · ſica Chiesa , che abbiamo sempre professati , e professeremo sino alla morte. . | | | , . [...]
[...] ed incessanti preghiere per le più prospera di lui conservatione , felicità e gloria , sentimenti li † dovere, e per cescienza promettiamo [...]
[...] dell' eccelso trono § - Questo capitolo della mia cattedrale , a me da si longo tempo già moto , ed interamente uni forme ai da ne principj, e sentimenti spiegati, unisce alle mie le proprie consolazione , dis [...]
Galignani's messenger08.01.1819
  • Datum
    Freitag, 08. Januar 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] This official statement introduces some names into the Cabinet, which had not been anticipat ed by the previous arrivals from Paris. The Count de Cazes, it seeins more than possible, referred the Ministry of the Interior, with its [...]
[...] really not so much danger of a Revolution in that country as seems to have been apprehend ed, at lcast not of the democratical kind. It is said, that Charles the IVth has manifested a strong inclination to be restored to the Throne, [...]
[...] out, but very indistinctly, at last, they got to him, and a most dreadful picture here present ed itself; Mr. Broadhurst and his man were placed in a position (quite insensible) as if they ilad endeavoured by using their hands, which [...]
[...] Magistrates considered the charge unfounded, and liberated Cooke, whosubsequently prosecut ed Key, and who is now under sentence of transportation. Cocke is since dead in a mys terious manner from the effects of poison. [...]
[...] aely it was a forgery ; they "“” took the op uloº of soute of tile ueigh ours, wººch $9" ". ed with their own : an olicer wº therefore sellt ſor, and the prisoner #1 ve" in custody. Just at this period Mir. Mitchel returned, and waving [...]
[...] objects, ideas, apprehensions these are begot in the ventri ed in the womb of pia mat [...]
[...] “Your old friend the General is much alter. ed,” observed a classical Parson ; ‘‘ he is grown quite an old man.” “An old woman, Sir, you ºnean,' replied the LL.U. and of the weakest [...]
[...] The true financial character, however, of the reign of Louis XV. is, that he greatly augment ed the revenues without at all augmenting the debts, and he left matters in a very favourable situation for his successor, though it is true that [...]
[...] would remove to Petersburg for the purpose of establishing a manufactory of his new ly-invent ed a rumour in that city, whic proposition the lat ter has of course eagerly accepted. The Death of Kleber mel last night at Fran [...]
[...] M. I.) u rºw —Cº v_ºux dressés-La Mºrt" * - The Arne be la Pontº # *.i.'..."-- ...,n, a ed. S. r. º. .e. Cap tº w "sº Olivisa, Rue Nºuv" des ". Fº: N. T.S.-wºn, it quisin; Slight of Hand, F., tita" in a , [...]
Galignani's messenger05.04.1819
  • Datum
    Montag, 05. April 1819
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[...] vernments of Madras and Bengal, to determine what part of the expenses of the troops employ ed in Ceylon should be discharged by the Go vernment of Ceylon, and what by the other Go vernments. He had also tortº, that the force [...]
[...] per, to visit him, was directed not, so much against him as against the bill itself, the profess ed authors of which were compelled to intro duce a measure of reduction much against their will.—This point, he professed, was not worth [...]
[...] ed exclusively with his Majesty's person ; such as the Vice-Chamberlain, four Gentlemeu of [...]
[...] He hoped it would, however, be explained, why the repairs of Windsor Castle should be char. ed upon this fund. He understood that §. sor Castle, like Hampton-Court, or St. James's or Kensington Palace, was charged among the [...]
[...] required by the Duke of York 2 He nicurred none in Windsor, for there a table was provid ed for him, and the notion of travelling expenses, considering the distance between Windsor and Oatlands or London, was absurd, particularly [...]
[...] appointed to take charge of his Majesty's pri vate property, without ſee or salary, he lament ed that a Prince of the Blood was thought inca pable of undertaking any duty, eveu that of at tending on his father in his adversity, without [...]
[...] last Session, nothing had as yet occurred to break the silence with which it had been view ed. The circumstances, however, of the Queen's health, which was then thought to totter on the verge of dissolution, prevented the possibility of [...]
[...] ed for his feelings and his ſame. But meeting this question on the fair and ºpe, ground, *: could not see why his Royal Highness shou [...]
[...] he had done. - On Friday last the Court of Assizes pronounce ed sentence upou a number of criminals breugh before it upon charges of theft. named Pierre Dussaussay, a young man, but a [...]
[...] to º: º: of J. Maskie, Esq. of Watling *:::: 9th ultile Rev. A claikºvo, of Bisle. , Yorkshire, *, *, ed by the Lord Chancellor withºut any assistance in ar-. Les Perroquets de la Mère Philippe.- Le Pettt "… Cowtour ..—Les Machabées. [...]
Galignani's messenger01.05.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Mai 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] and of our internal affluence and security. It has taught Mr. Ricardo, who may be consider ed as the head of the rational Bullionists (for there is another sect who, upon this subject, are inspired with the sagacity and spirit of that sage [...]
[...] pence of coinage, and on every fall of the Ex change, guineas would be inelted and export ed.”—(Ricardo's Proposals for an Economi cal and Secure Currency, p. 26 and 27.) We agree in every word of these remarks, [...]
[...] to one of our prophecies, which we own requir ed ‘no spirit from the vastly deep” to enable us to make. We committed our credit by fore [...]
[...] Continent collecting evidence of a very delicate and important nature. Despatches were receiv ed from that person on Wednesday, and it is supposed, that the perusal of them occupied a large share of ministerial attention on Saturday. [...]
[...] prevent Mrs. Clitheroe from selling the rever sion of a certain property which was bequeatl ed to her by her father upon the death of her brother. Possessing this reyersiºn " her own right, she would of course, after the divorce pill [...]
[...] of new modelling the clause, by authorising Mrs. Clitheroe to sell the property in reversion allud ed to, with the consent of Colonel Clitheroe, and thus she would be placed in the same situ ation as she would have been, had her marriage [...]
[...] most universally disapproved of in Scotland. He wished only º or ten days more, that those who were interest ed in the measure might have time to consider it, and to communicate their sentiments to the honse previous to a discussion. [...]
[...] an U. A MEMBER, whose name we could not learn, present ed a petition from North Shields against the Insolvent elbtors’ Act, which was ordercq to lie on the table. Mr. C. GRANT moved for an account of the number of [...]
[...] Rome for Naples. Considerable doubt and surprise is manifest ed on the occasion of the Einperor Alexander, having called an extraordinary Diet at War saw. [...]
[...] The Court of Cassation has annull - - ed th - ceedings of the Court of Assizes ...}. case of Legal and Legueval, which we detailed [...]
Le moniteur universel24.02.1811
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 24. Februar 1811
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] labile fedeltà del clero Riminese, il quale non saprà mai dimenticare, ciò, de il principe dagli appostoli inculca, di temere , civè Iddio, ed onorare il Re. - Sono con la più profonda venerazione, [...]
[...] Francesco Soleri, canonico ; Ottavio Zollio, canonico ; - Canonico Ferdinando Ugolini, ed io infra scritto, essendo mancato soltanto il sig Cano nico Pietro Soleri infermo. . 4 [...]
[...] Imperiale, e Relale nel di 6 gennai2 mi credi in debito di esternare all'Altezza Vostra Im periale i sentimenti da cui io, ed il mio ca pitolo siamo animati, sentimenti, che abbiamo [...]
[...] f" questo mio indirizzo a piedi di S. M. I. ; accompagnandolo colle espressioni proprie della perfettissima mia fedeltà, ed ubbidienza. Ho l'alto onore di essere, - - , . - - Di V. A. I. R. - [...]
[...] mente riconosciute come " del centro della cattolica unità; come pure ho sommamente ammirata, ed approvata la saviezza de mezzi co quali si è saputo conservare i diritti della ecclesiatica gerarchia, e conciliare i doveri, dell' [...]
[...] Ha egualmente il medesimo indirizzo eccitato in me un vivo desiderio che sua M. I. R. alla quale oltre li provedimenci, beneficenze, ed onorificenze concesse al clero dobbiamo dopo Iddio il risorgimento del culto cattolico in Fran [...]
[...] Iddio il risorgimento del culto cattolico in Fran cia, e la libertà del medesimo in altre regioni ove era depresso ed avvilito, usando sempre le vie regolari, et legitime, colle quali procedono tutte le grandi, et sublimi sue operazioni, ed [...]
[...] mato a proposito di fare una analoga dichiara zione, la quale fà dal medesimo Monsignor de cano letta a chiara voce per norma ed intelli genza di tutti li Monsignori cancrici congregati. Attesa per tanto una tale vescovile dichiara [...]
[...] pitolarmente congregati nelle solite forme, se nulla averano in contrario, o se anzi stimera no giusto, ed opportuno di accedere a tali sentimenti, e di appovare per quanto ad elli aspetto tutto il contenuto nella " vescovile [...]
[...] aspetto tutto il contenuto nella " vescovile dichiarazione. Il che sentito, e considerato hanno tutti concordamente, ed unitamente prº testato il loro ossequioso rispetto alla medesimº dichiarazione, ed hanno dato, e concetto ogni gº [...]
Galignani's messenger09.05.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 09. Mai 1820
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[...] three denominations of Dissenting Ministers, which was most numerously attended from that body evºr recollect ed. . The Aldress to the King was lead by the Rev. Dr. Rees, tº which his Majesty returned an appropriate an swer. The reverend body were most graciously receiv [...]
[...] Rees, tº which his Majesty returned an appropriate an swer. The reverend body were most graciously receiv ed, and had the honour to kiss the King's had —The deputation from the Society of Friends, commonly call ed Quakers, was next introduced to present their Ad [...]
[...] in order that the simplification of the accounts might be effected, and also what he consider ed would be a great advantage, the cornplete separation of all the classes of expenditure con nected with the Civil Government of the coun [...]
[...] class of foreign Ministers, for instance, every appointment made entitled the party appoint ed, after a certain period, to half-pay, and thus there was a continual temptation to ap point persons merely with a view of their get [...]
[...] tion of the House, as to the receipt jº. peti tions on Private Bills, be rescinded.—Order ed.—The extension of time for one week was agreed to. Mr. K. Finlay moved for an Annual Return [...]
[...] really for the purpose of conciliatingianother class of gentlemen whose interests were affect ed by other duties imposed, particularly that on malt. The house, and !. gentlemen to conciliate whom it was introduced, had now to [...]
[...] braltar, and had, .# that time, regularly attended a church of the established religion. He also had witness ed the regular attendance of the troops. - The first and second Resolutions were then put and carried. - [...]
[...] tº derstand that three more accomplices were taken up yesterday. f} i Ed.--At ºw. on the 2d of April, [...]
[...] For M. Galignani, to whom (only) all Letters and Com munications must be addressed franco, and where Subscriptions and Adventise MENTs are rece" ed. [...]
Galignani's messenger19.01.1820
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 19. Januar 1820
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[...] “The intercourse between Spain and this Garrison, so long intercepted, will be re-open ed to-morrow, by order of the Governor.” Courier. [...]
[...] before six o'clock this evening, the Regent, ac companied by Gen. Sir B. Bloomfield, return ed to Marlborough-row. The Palace is not yet in due order for his Royal Highness's re ception. — The weather continues intensely [...]
[...] could be selected. His Lordship's worthy and excellent father, the late Marquess, who prov ed himself equally, as Pope sung of his illus trious grandfather(Sir W. Wyndham), “just to Freedom and the Throne !” was decidedly [...]
[...] of l'eason,” as Carlile ... his shop of sedi. tion, and blasphemy, in Fleet-street, . invit ed the Public to patronize her continuance of the traffic.—She considers it very meanin the Sheriff not to pay her rent an taxes. The [...]
[...] the ridiculous error that they, at the same time, imported Greck and Italiau genius. #: Professor constantly press ed the fact, that the approach of art to per feetion more [...]
[...] than upon individual desire, however aident. He entorc ed, that the artist should be, as Pliny says those of Greece were, the property of the public ; that private encourage ment, however liberal, can no more supply this public in [...]
[...] ed to swear in the Grand Jury, and to try traverse and other cases. [...]
[...] King of Norfolk. - ~ - Lot 8-Speech of the Right Hon. G. Tierney, intend ed to have been delivered in the House of Commons, up on a motion for a dutiful and Loyal Address to the Prince Regent, beseeching his Royal Highness to make [...]
[...] The Corporal and two privates have been tried on account of the killing of a man engag ed in the riot and assault of the house of a Vintner, the detail of which we have already given ; the privates have been acquitted, but [...]
[...] we can scarcely pass our eyes over the columns of a British Newspaper withoutreading record ed acts of united and individual philanthropy (the redeeming qualities of our native .# º that excite in us the feeling so beautifully ex [...]
Galignani's messenger05.03.1819
  • Datum
    Freitag, 05. März 1819
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[...] instant, containing important public docu ment of the Convention which has been conclud ed between this Country and the United States of America. The ratifications were duly ex changed at Washington between the two Go [...]
[...] tition be brought up. Mr. Birch observed, that intimately connect ed as he was with a large manufacturing dis trict, he could not hear in sileuce the many re ferences made to this subject. He knew not [...]
[...] formed a sufficient ground for proceeding to the disfranchisement of the borough, but had yield ed in this point to the sense of the majority. A very gross scene of corruption had, however, come before them ; and in such instances the [...]
[...] hon. gentleman had been so imposed upon, he should have burst out into involuntary-laughter. (Mr. B.) had stat ed also, that no two lawyers could be found in the coun try to i. it as their opinion that this was an offence, but stirel [...]
[...] #.;...". ºf "wº he was certain, from the liberal -was #. º * \V: Quin) had already shown, that he ed the #. º: the nost leuient manner. He trust would - .. º: “eling, and that they d, as he was ... member [...]
[...] The Whigs forty years ago, had coalesced with their opponents to obtain power; they had play ed a similar game in 1806, to effect a similar º ; and now, to acquire uot indeed power, ut outy influence in Westminster, they had [...]
[...] ciples of that monstrous coalition, which, as Mr. Hobhouse had observed, had only dégrad ed the character of the Whigs ; and for this very reason—that they were the only parly which had any character to lose 2 for he was [...]
[...] sing were it otherwise. This Law, which to the unprejudiced observer must appear conceiv ed in the spirit of the wisest legislation, the peo ple naturally revere and cling to as the palladi um of theirliberties, as their “Second Charter.” [...]
[...] the command by acclaination. Such must be the natural consequences, where the unenlighten ed inob, exposed to be the weathercock of every tempestuous feeling, are permitted to take a tead in conducting the machine of Govern [...]
[...] juiuais, pronounced in the sittiug of the Chain ber of Peers of the 2d instaut - I have pledg ed inyself, if necessary, to bring forward facts in support of my assertions—I am about to do so. It is by facts, and not simply by reason [...]
Galignani's messenger24.07.1820
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. Juli 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] COMMUTATION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. On the motion of the Marquis of Lansdown the adjourn ed debate on the above Bill was resumed. The Lord Chancellor, in the course of some observa tton on the subject, referred to certain provisions of the [...]
[...] - -- , k ed, being a man in straitened cirquistances. One pecu far advantage resulted from the law, as it now stood ; it was this—that persons even with he determination of [...]
[...] is' beinformerly passed, he wºu!! ask, did it not º the Ministers in a new difficulty Sºppose they . ed by the Minister for º to expel *gy of º: from this country, could they retu:* * * lie looked for [...]
[...] ed notoriety. [...]
[...] Í. Ellenborough explained, Lord H lland, in the few observations which he intend ed to submit, would, uotwithstanding the deep interest he felt upon the subject, confine himself surictly to be immediate question before the House. The noble Earl [...]
[...] Lords Holland, Shaftesbury, Donoughmore, Limerick, and Reuesdale. As far as we could understand what pass ed between their Lorilships, the second reading was fixed for to-morrow.—Adjourned. [...]
[...] and St. George, and hir Majesty's Lord High Steward for the Ionian Islands; and Capt. Ed wards, Aid-de-Camp to Sir T. Maitland, was introduced to his Majesty, and presented an [...]
[...] Islands, on his Majesty's accession to the Crowu of these Realms. His Majesty was seat ed on the Throne, and having most graciously received the address, was pleased to invest the Senator Lavo with the ensigns of a Knight [...]
[...] of the Order of the Bath, when Admiral Sir C. H. Knowles, Bart., was introduced, knight ed, and invested with the º: of a Knight Grand Cross; Admiral Sir H. W. Hope, and Vice-Admiral Sir H. d’Esterre Darby, were al [...]
[...] Means. The 2 Reports were brought up and order ed to be printed; and the discussion on the first Projei was ordered for the following day. A 3d Report was brought up from the Com [...]
Galignani's messenger27.01.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 27. Januar 1819
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[...] traordinary political integrity, has, notwith standing his boasted public virtues, condescend ed to accept the distinguished and honourable office of Steward of his Majesty's Chiltern Hun dreds, upon an understanding that he is to go [...]
[...] no other cause. For this the public are indebt ed tº the Lord Chief Baron, who, since he has presided in that Court, has applied himself with so much assiduity, that he has heard every [...]
[...] restless "...". disturbing the general tranquillity, had paid the penalty of unprovok ed attacks, and was the prisoner at-war of his Royal Highness's Governor-in-Chief in. India.” From east to wesºła kind Providence seemed to [...]
[...] gies conmunicated vigour to the exertions of her Allies; and their united efforts were crown ed with success, by the restruction of revolu [...]
[...] ner in which his eiminent talents had been view ed by all the Powers of Europe afforded the best possible proof of the exteut of his merits. How splendid a compliment had been paid to [...]
[...] ed as into a war of self-defence, the accustomed gallantry of our troops, guided by the wisdom and experience of their commander iu that [...]
[...] should excite against us 2 The address had spoken of the “intimate” union which subsist ed between this country and the allies ; but the word was too amatory to make a strong im Pression on the British public. They looked [...]
[...] g *** of that chaos of minor states, whose **plication seemed tod diºxiou, a whole pº ed to deprecate ed to be annihil. ole people had not been suffer religion ..". ated by those high professors of [...]
[...] his support as conscientiously as he considered they déserved it. On the present occasion he consider ed he should not be doing his duty by his Consti º ‘. by the Public, if he were to embarrass Mi nisters by opposition. He s - [...]
[...] life, and recapitulating the various services which he has rendered to his country, proceed ed to state, that his Majesty was perfectly aware that the proposed grant of 50,000 francs per annum was by no means of proportionate mag [...]
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