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Galignani's messenger18.08.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 18. August 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ~~~~~ *************No LETTERs or com MUNICATIONS WILL BE RECElv ED UNLESS THE POSTAGE IS PAid. [...]
[...] -a The Morning Chronicle of this day has insert ed a very pretly little story from St. Helena, of a Naval Action at that place, said to have been got up for the amusement of Lady Lowe, [...]
[...] Spanish troops, and are now chained together, and compelled, in a state bordering upon nak edness, to work out their reſentance by exces— sive daily labour in the public streets of that noxious city, under the weight of heavy irons, [...]
[...] shew its zeal in the service of its employers ; but impudent assertion, however often repeat ed, will not avail as argument or in elucida tion of truth. We stand upon the simple fact, that the Ambassador from the Netherlands does [...]
[...] annual Prize Wherry, given by Mr. Astley, in honour of the Prince's birth-day, was contend– ed for on the River Thames. The first heat excited but little interest. The boats started at five o'clock. The grand contest was between [...]
[...] exhibited the usual display of cutters and Gen tlemen's pleasure boats.The banks were throng ed with well-dressed spectators. Several hands of music played on the water with fine effect, the afternoon being delightfully ſine. At eight [...]
[...] To be LIEUTENANT-COLONELS in thc ARMY. Majors. Ed. Shearman, of the 26th Foot; F. Jones, of ditto; T. W. Forster, on the half-pay of the 24th Foot; N. Wilson, of the 17th Light Dragoons; S. Hall, of the [...]
[...] oot. To be MAJORS in the ARMY.--Capt. D. Macpherson, of the 39th Foot; Ed. Witty, of the 26th Foot'; James Sweeney, of the Gad Foot; Ed. Staffºrd, of the 31st Foot; J. Maclean, of the 75th Foot; W. Bennett, of the 69th [...]
[...] ger, Esq.; W. Lukin, Esq.; E. Fellowes, Esq. And the under mentioned Captain were also appoint ed. Flag-Officers of his Majesty's #. : To be REAR-ADMIRAL of the WHITE.-W. T. Lake, Fsq. C. B. [...]
Galignani's messenger24.07.1820
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. Juli 1820
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[...] COMMUTATION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. On the motion of the Marquis of Lansdown the adjourn ed debate on the above Bill was resumed. The Lord Chancellor, in the course of some observa tton on the subject, referred to certain provisions of the [...]
[...] - -- , k ed, being a man in straitened cirquistances. One pecu far advantage resulted from the law, as it now stood ; it was this—that persons even with he determination of [...]
[...] is' beinformerly passed, he wºu!! ask, did it not º the Ministers in a new difficulty Sºppose they . ed by the Minister for º to expel *gy of º: from this country, could they retu:* * * lie looked for [...]
[...] ed notoriety. [...]
[...] Í. Ellenborough explained, Lord H lland, in the few observations which he intend ed to submit, would, uotwithstanding the deep interest he felt upon the subject, confine himself surictly to be immediate question before the House. The noble Earl [...]
[...] Lords Holland, Shaftesbury, Donoughmore, Limerick, and Reuesdale. As far as we could understand what pass ed between their Lorilships, the second reading was fixed for to-morrow.—Adjourned. [...]
[...] and St. George, and hir Majesty's Lord High Steward for the Ionian Islands; and Capt. Ed wards, Aid-de-Camp to Sir T. Maitland, was introduced to his Majesty, and presented an [...]
[...] Islands, on his Majesty's accession to the Crowu of these Realms. His Majesty was seat ed on the Throne, and having most graciously received the address, was pleased to invest the Senator Lavo with the ensigns of a Knight [...]
[...] of the Order of the Bath, when Admiral Sir C. H. Knowles, Bart., was introduced, knight ed, and invested with the º: of a Knight Grand Cross; Admiral Sir H. W. Hope, and Vice-Admiral Sir H. d’Esterre Darby, were al [...]
[...] Means. The 2 Reports were brought up and order ed to be printed; and the discussion on the first Projei was ordered for the following day. A 3d Report was brought up from the Com [...]
Galignani's messenger20.01.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 20. Januar 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] -------ED [...]
[...] the British influence over the whole of that va luable and extensive Island. ed our Readers of the encroachments and ag gressions of Dutch commercial speculators in that interesting quarter of the globe, but we [...]
[...] mountains 6,000 feet high were to be crossed, and rocks, precipices, and forests, to be travers ed. For many nights the party had no shelter but the leaves they could collect after their day's journey, and their journies were seldom less [...]
[...] On the 4th November, a letter was sent by his Grace to the House, which had been receiv. ed from the Secretary to Admiral Popham, in which it was stated that adverse winds had pre vented the relieving ships from reaching the [...]
[...] deley, the Marquis of Salisbury, Baron de Ni men, Baron Vober, and Major Huligier, depart ed from the Pavilion. !. Earldom of H UNTINGnon.—We have receiv-, ed authority to state, that, on the 7th instant, [...]
[...] no doubt that Mr. Jeffery would volunteer to become his advocate, if he should be discover ed, and tried for the oftence. It was a generous [...]
[...] presented to Madame Beckendorff, as a mark of their esteem for the favourite of their deceas ed Royal Parent. In another aparinent was a large store of the most superb shawls, Oriental presents to her Majesty, but many of them near [...]
[...] Staarhfieldsay.—The annual bounty of the is ancient domain, consisted, - r 'ed and fifty-two score this sºon; of two *::: ºffſ. ſſºr pair pounds of beef, te: en Jer rocks [...]
[...] According to an article in the Oracle of Brussels, the persons arrested as being concern ed in the conspiracy to re-establish young Na poleon on the French Throne, have been brought to trial; two of them have been set at liberty, [...]
[...] stroyed is not credited; people here in gºt wish well to that Establishment, which, if suffer ed to exist for a few years, no means will be left of destroying. The South American cause is very popular here, as, indeed, the spectacle [...]
Galignani's messenger28.04.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 28. April 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] No LETTERs on communications will be aeceiv ED UNLESS THE POSTAGE IS PAIDs [...]
[...] from his late indisposition, and that he did not attend the races of the 53d, as had been report ed. He was perfectly recovered in his health. The solemnization of the nuptial ceremony between Lady Jane Cornwallis and the Hon. [...]
[...] House. The following Military movements are order ed to take Fº :- 10th Hussar from Radipole to Scotland ; 16th Lancers, from Ireland (on ar rival) to Radipole; 13th Regiment, from Guern [...]
[...] captured by Insurgent privateers and carried into St. Domingo. His squadron was expect ed to proceed to Santa Martha, which place, it was reported, was very indifferently garrisoned. Courier. - [...]
[...] - *intended bride, Miss Wickham, after their union. The election differences at Ilchester have forc-l ed oue of the inhabitants, Mr. Shorland, a sur geon, to keep open house against his inclination. The opposite party, at the late contest, having [...]
[...] were discovered; he was immediately attacked by the men, and after a desperate struggle secur ed, and lodged in the Borough Coupler. A horse-dealer, of Canterbury, has under taken, for a wager of 300 guineas, to ride from [...]
[...] Co., knows M. W. lf”, and L. Levy–on ſº Dec. 1816, saw L. Levy at their hºuse, and discount ed a bill for him, *:::: him a check for the annount on Sir C. Price's house. cº Murch, lived in Union court, Broad-street, at [...]
[...] through Minnett and Stride's house to Paris for acceptance; they were accepted and return ed, and he was advised by Mosely, Wolfe, and Keenier, to enquire for a bill broker, and "Kee nier at length recommended him to Mr. Sharp, [...]
[...] On Monday last the Royal Court of Paris. in a General Assembly of all the Chambers, order ed, by a Decree addressed to the Procureur General, the prosecution of the Editors of the Periodical Publications entitled L’Homme [...]
[...] Gris, La Bibliotheque Historique and Le Liberal; for certain articles which have appear ed therein, defamatory of, and injurious to, the honour of the Swiss Troops in the service of France. [...]
Galignani's messenger08.10.1823
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 08. Oktober 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] a considerable rise in Columbian Bonds, which appears not a little extraordinary, after what was communicat ed on Wednesday from the Columbian Government. This morning the Bonds had reached 57 112, but have since receded 1 1/2 per Cent. — Current Prices : Nea [...]
[...] the dºes of the present Assembly should he exe cuted by the Executive, even although the Emperor reſu.ed his sanction. This Pºojeº", wº. finally dis cussed, and carried by * conside able majority, on the 99th of last month. The Emperor has delared, that [...]
[...] Shºuld the Emperor fail in his attempt, there is little doubt but a Republican Government will be establish ed; and should be be successful, a total disunion of the provinces, and consequently a system of anarchy and Confusion, will take place.—There seems to be an in [...]
[...] was extremely violent. At Dover, also, the gale had been felt, and a vessel was driven on shore, but expect ed to be got off without damage. The receipt of the letters from more distant parts are awaited with some anxiety by those concerned in the shipping interests. [...]
[...] The Tºnºr frigate, at Deptford, is ordered to be fitted for foreign service, and Copt. Bratner is appoint ed to the command. Yes!erdav dispatches were received fro - dore Sir Thomas Hardy, in South Rººm Commo [...]
[...] Wilcox, Robt. Fir, chºs. tº "... º: (.OMMANDER. . Mºrº. Frºl. T. Jeffreys, G o Tinsley. Ed., v. St. Le ºn, Fragicis Teek, Alexand. r M“Leod, Arthur in . º }. John Blºke, Henry H. Suri, "ino, M. Cºrrie, chas. W. [...]
[...] ºn in Loº!oa —At Greenwich, aged 85, Mrs. Mary Cowp r. At W ribºrg, Francºs. wiſe of the Rev. John Kºkby, Rector of Go tham, Norts.-A Middleton Cheºey, n ar Banbury, 2:ed 38, he bev. Ed ard Ellis. A. M. Vicar of Cºppenham, and U der Master of Westmins er Schoºl. A ed 91, Mr. M ºthew Valle'. [...]
[...] o' Police pres, nted himself at the office of the Courrier Français, and seized the copi s of the J, unal ublish ed on that day, on account of the insertion of an article expressing the opinion of the Cortes and Constitutional Chiefs of Cadiz. [...]
[...] MANZANAREs, Sept. 26th.--Riego entered our walls this morning, under a strong escori. He was imprison ed in a cell, where he will pass the night, and to-mor row will proceed on his way to Madrid. A false a'al m was spread that a revolutionary band, [...]
[...] fence of the Segro. By a ban published at Tarragona, Milans has declar ed that city in a state of siege. Various measures have been in consequence taken by the military Chiefs rela tive to the security of the fortress, and some persons [...]
Galignani's messenger17.06.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 17. Juni 1819
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[...] mander in Chief, with part of the Board of Ad miralty, and the Persian Ambassador, embark ed at the Tower, for Deptford, to view the Dock-yard and the ships building in the Royal Arsenal. [...]
[...] Arsenal. Yesterday morning Prince Leopold, attend ed by Baron Hardenburgh, visited the Duchess of York, and the Duke and Duchess of Kent. In the evening Prince Leopold left Marlborough [...]
[...] that port, with a supply of provisions for the garrison of Cumana. An official despatch, dat ed early in April, from the island of Chagues, on the river Apure, had arrived from General Morillo. A few days preceding he had a severe [...]
[...] distributing it to the populace, was revived on Tuesday week. The ingredients which compos ed this euormous pudding were 4oolb. of flour, 17olb. of beef suet, 140lb. of raisins, and aqo eggs. It was kept constantly boiling in a brew [...]
[...] the Proclamation which was put forth by his Ex cellency Lord Charles Somerset. This is extract. ed from the Cape Town Gazette of the 6th of March. It appears, however, by the same Pa per of the 20th, that a speedy prospect existed of [...]
[...] driven across the frontiers. The extent of the insurrection itself seems to have been exaggeral ed: it was begun in the first instance by three Chiefs, named Sainbie, Congo, and Lynx, of subordinate note; but one of the most powerſul [...]
[...] ed to exile by the Prevotal Court for the De [...]
[...] with whom he is compelled to associate, while the juvenile depredator, instead of being reform ed, in nine cases out of ten, comes out a con firmed rogue. If this be the case with our sex, is it not worse with regard to the 6ther? —Jºveſ, [...]
[...] of this change in his route. It appears that Count Capo d'Istria has avail ed himself of the sailing of an English frigate from Corfu, to proceed direct to Venice without touching at Naples nor Rome. [...]
[...] will, we have no doubt, render its favorite place of public resort. The Mountains are consider ed as a very ingenious model. On the 7th instant, as the merchants of Ant werp were quietly pursuing their usual routine [...]
Galignani's messenger06.05.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. Mai 1819
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[...] wil be completcly prevented. This is, indeed. at all times the only danger to which it is expos ed. A run for coiu on the Country Banks would instantly fall on the Bank of England, [...]
[...] implied, in the observation of Lord Castlereagh, that the Bank Restriction Report will be prepai ed by Monday. It will probably oe presented beſore the inotion of Mr. Grattau. Tue public expectation is, we believe, far from sanguine, [...]
[...] ated with the committee subsequently to its ap pointment. Whatever be the measure propos ed, it is of importance that it should not be de layed. Public interests of the deepest moment are made to depend upon it. The Čhancellor of [...]
[...] they are only under recognizances to a small amount, and some apprehensions are entertain ed that they inay now escape the just vengeance of the law. The present practice with respect to bail in cases of misdemeanour in the Court of [...]
[...] victed, had threatened Mr. Adains, Mr. Harmer, and the Gentlemen by whom they were employ ed, with a prosecution for a conspiracy. Calcutta, Sept. 25.-By the Susan, from Bencoolen, we learn that the Dutch had landed at [...]
[...] the seals, the most honourable compliments on the talents and eloquence which he had dis lay ed in the Chamber, especially during the last fortnight. Such a testimony is a noble reward for his brilliaut and successful exertions : every [...]
[...] Yesterday, at one o'clock, the King presid ed at a Council of Ministers, which was held in the apartments of his Majesty. By a Royal Ordonnance,the situation of Com [...]
[...] the bad effects of the hail showers with which we were last week visited, and which had excit ed the most gloomy apprehensions in the ininds of the agriculturalists. Any check at the pre sent moment, particularly after the unprece [...]
[...] would necessarily be of the most serious conse queuces, as vegetation in general is already push ed to a state of forwardness seldom witnessed at the commencement of May. [...]
[...] frauders of the Customs, an equally severe Or dinance respecting navigation has been publish ed, which is to be in force from next year; both together are expected to have the most impor tant consequences for the course of exchange, [...]
Galignani's messenger19.01.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 19. Januar 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] witnesses, and escort the Queen's with cymbaſ and drum ! to imprison the one as a refuge from an inſuriat ed ..". and lodge the other sumptuously in Bran denburgh Palace f and while the houses of the Courier and other papers are destroyed for replying to antago [...]
[...] chy, a , indeed, "lie friends of their post of avenge their n fantastically c rant the ſe ſlash of lightni auce during ws. Strong , and of the C friends of Qrd post of duty. | enge their wrongs by r y called, in Š people, | liked it.” ightning a gla ing the repasts o rºunds forem onstitution, had er, of the Mona .. a fairer and more by rebellion. Th: seeking to §ed it," was hand º ss of gin), “to eve s, and . " #. Cou reproachful ta had tº given t! lar- hours or riv, glorious count e country is still The white fl ed round the first thi very soul that * ntv Meetings of ...A. || .."...". th." |. ºne table doins rst thing alter [...]
[...] ntv Meetings of ...A. || .."...". th." |. ºne table doins rst thing alter aces, affried ig ºf Bedford eir absence f ennobles chara abundantly y of its neigh- arge bowls - oths) being str wards: , ” - ed.—W and H rom instituti acter or dignities liſ graced with su º made its g struck | a - an! nStitut r dign with : lies a Dioear. - tlilt ºº:: ºlº º: º ... . . [...]
[...] ments whicſ gions. Such a :al systems r superiors y increas mong the l own homes groups, f ies, in the end highl ich their D meeting and if and the trayers : They ar sed expenditur ower treated beſ All appear , footing it aw end, y, gratifyi eclaration , and the senti , to look wi e laught, ind llute aillon ed before mid ap ared to ha aw to their througho ying to all wi expresses ntil whose w with an enji , indeed, by thei § The E midnight ve comfortabl (] "..."..." . hones , must be | dº waste, or liberal '...'...'. be- xeter Co - tably re. I s [...]
[...] - - - - - - - .." try it. en intº l. Ilden ch menace of pire. The facti s of the welfare of one, not relieved contemplate ccomplished hi ransacked. pantry, kitchen last week clarati a counter meeti ous prints hold are of would be ed; the equali s, they would" which in family. And ific ſieves" and parlours and I l; on of a diff eeting, to bri told forth ſh hi an equalit quality whi ould be u the family, and a leves esca ours completel - ed that no ifferent descri : ring forward e which the ſeroe y only of ..which would il- inz a •. aſter eating h witho ay w [...]
[...] vituperation f ong accusto the insi rt Forr allace mark to th it perious - an the ss until d. - ned t sin. sented as ei est, Orch . It wa he passen - Situat y were extri a; ed, it she i each to value ei o the m * : * : as eight ſeet chard. T s executed b isengers with th ion. TI xtricated | bo - - the -- * easureless tish v. ght feet four i he Patriot i y Will - - - - e coach ( here we U have ould seem. th ither. We have off SS yard ac our inches i Patriot is is of this (ºne of re but tw. [...]
[...] ed - - - - - - ..". Sº it; in the Interior of that Country, and of whom they [...]
[...] ween was rmitted to visit at all hours. He converses fluently ach parºus in the Indian language, and understands English, but ed |.whº seldom converses in it. His Court is represented as he witnes far more orderly than any of the other Barbary Powers. º, about elev At the last Surrey Sessions, a man named Rawlins, [...]
[...] Andrew Jºrdaine. esq.-The widow of the late Mr. Pri. e., of High gate.—in Percy-street, Bedford-square; the widow of the late John Jones, e q-Al Bishopstrow, wilts, the Rev. Ed. Monia;tº youngest son of Admiral Sir George Montague.—The Rev. John Thomas J ºrdan, Rector of Hickling, Nottinghamshire-At thel [...]
[...] by a hawker named Johnson, whom he had known about a year and a half. This Johnson was a custom ed to jī. n him, and he left the goods with the re quest that he, the prisoner, would take care of them until he came again. Johnson had not called at the [...]
Galignani's messenger01.04.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. April 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] alike the means and the inclination to do herself ample justice, whenever her rights are attempt ed to be violated. Great pains have been taken, in several American compositions, and particu larly in a recent work by one Warden, to de [...]
[...] e tempted to so rash a step, she would un do ubi ed ly [...]
[...] friends. *She the United States) will never,” says the Courier, “think that she has complet “ed her career of independence, till the “union' “ embraces the St. Lawrence, as well as the “mouths of the Mobile.” Why, then, has so [...]
[...] able facility in procuring transports which she all at once experienced, is now distinctly explain ed to the world, by the cession of Florida. By this act Spain has ceded to our great com mercial and maritime rival a possession which, [...]
[...] Larceny in dwelling-houses, to the value of forty shillings, 9, of whom 17 were execut ed–of I'o'ge"), 5o 1, of whom 207 were exº [...]
[...] manifested, the shells which v th rulery was them having dispersed thº." were thrown in amongst ed them to aband *** every direction, and cais th. **on their cattle, head of which on this occasion were ºn »tured’. o,000 head of which up [...]
[...] bay, has been recognized by a Gentleman there; he says, that before leaving Jamaica, he receiv. ed an advauce of eight dollars from an officer. The whole of Aury's fleet is on shore, (except * Congress) but which is so much injured, as [...]
[...] Persia to his Majesty, may be remarked a Scimi tar, which belonged to Ismaël, who re-establish ed the Persian Empire in the year 1499, and from whom the present Dynasty is descended. Six cashemire shawls of the most exquisitely [...]
[...] This she did, and after the custom of her coun try, crossing her hands on her bosom, prostrat ed herself before her visitors. Her face and form, according to the report made by these La dies, are not beautiful, in our acceptation of the [...]
[...] f - ed shortly after. Having thus *::::::: [...]
Galignani's messenger30.07.1819
  • Datum
    Freitag, 30. Juli 1819
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[...] ticles of intelligence which it is our painful duty to coininunicate, inay be reckoned ibe attempt ed—perhaps by this time, the actual assassina [...]
[...] milar warrant is issued against J. Wroe on the additional indictments upon which he is charg— ed. The purposes charged in all these cases are, those of exciting insubordination in the country and rebellion against the Government. [...]
[...] A board was yesterday morning found affixed to the market-cross of this city,on which these words were chalk ed—tº Liberty or DEATH !”—(Carlisle º Mr. Petre disappeared frºm this neighbourhood rather suddenly, on yest rºlay week. We know the Magistrates [...]
[...] two were passing towards Birch's rear, who theu began to feel himself unsafe, and meditat ed a retreat ; particularly so, as a considerable crowd were very near theim ; however, before [...]
[...] ... out as the objects of their, vºdgeanº.”. whole, and the desola ed was horrid. They [...]
[...] ed to acts of violence, [...]
[...] ed [...]
[...] am, Gent.—Bevet -The undermentioued Officers of the * Service, who are employ. ed upon the Recruiting Service of the Company, to have temporary rank in the Army while so employed:-Capt; J. Murray; Capt. J. Pudder; Capt. W. Marshall; and [...]
[...] without purchase: En ed; Eusign E. Browne, [...]
[...] eilles. that a French ed that port from Ha [...]
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