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Galignani's messenger11.01.1819
  • Datum
    Montag, 11. Januar 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ing last, from Aix-la-Chapelle. His Lordship's servants, who conducted the baggage, embark ed with it at Antwerp, and had a very dangerous passage, being eleven days at sea. - Count and Countess Lieven and three sons [...]
[...] state, is also afflicted with a rhumatism. Three failures occurred in the U ity yesterday;” they are supposed to have been occasiou.ed, in one instance, by the stoppage of the house allud ed to in our last; and iu tire others, to their con [...]
[...] subjects, it was agreed, before entering on it, that the existing convention should be continu ed for a term of not less than eight years." Suppose, therefore, that the Treaty was actually colºuded on the 20th of October, and that the [...]
[...] signed the Act for the admission of the State of Illinois into the Union, she may now be count ed the twenty-first State in the Confederacy. Her Senators and Represeutatives have taken their seats in Congress." [...]
[...] “Latest from CanAccas. - A Caracca's Ga zette, of the 6th of last month, has been receiv ed in this city, which contains an official dis patch from the Governor of Cutnana, Don Tho mas de Ceres, to General Morillo, dated the 1st [...]
[...] current predictions, however confidently assert ed, are mere phantouis, originating in the vi sionary hopes or the artful fabrications of party, and in reality have no other foundation. This [...]
[...] *::::::: laimself fully resigned to his fate. The in 14: on §. *\nce them been in a state almost border #. ed of º and her feelings may be better º º o *:::: described, when some part of the - it II. **nesday reu off and informed her that [...]
[...] The origin of the present Grand-Livre is very well described by M. Hennet, who was employ ed in the Department of Finance. A Jacobin of the first class was made Minister of Finance in 1795. When installed in office [...]
[...] been caused by violence. Three 1st representations took place on Thurs day evening lºst, but want of space obi ed us to delay our emarks upon them until this day. One, named Manlius et Croquemitaine, was [...]
[...] ºrre particularly as the Author (M. ...; ** in his plot, seldom varied from cº, º: facts. —It will be sufficient for us to sa i. ed pºint of richness of deco ation, and º º lit. of display, it is worthy of the j. º [...]
Galignani's messenger07.01.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. Januar 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ****N GRahaw, Esq.-The remains of this estimable Gentleman were, on Monday, remov ed from his house, in Great Qaeeu-street, Lin coln’s-Inn-fields, and deposited in a vault under the middle aisle of St. George's Church, Blooms [...]
[...] sea. Brion has assembled at Margaritta , 5 sail oſarmed vessels; and report says, and is credit ed, that he was joined by Lord Cochrane on the 14th instant, with five armed vessels ; this force, directed by so enterprising a sharacter as [...]
[...] arrest him, and actually carried their threat into execution, in the manner which we detail ed in our paper of yesterday morning. Mr. Ro bert Wilkie, the celebrated artist, and Mr Ro bertson, the miniature painter in the Adelphi, [...]
[...] Mr. V. F—tz— flourish on the . ed a tilter annon in consequence, claring that the [...]
[...] judges of music thet, acted ed., on percei [...]
[...] ring, in which, on sounding the born hanging at the castle-gate, near which the ring is situat ed, a Spectre Knight appears; the subjugation of whom, by any chief adventurous enough to brave him, augurs, success in war; but, if de [...]
[...] i. day to Schouau. M. Romiguière, the famous Advocate, arriv ed at Albi on the 29th ult. It is supposed that he will undertake the defence of Bessière Wey Ina C. [...]
[...] cused their pledged their honour most solemnly that not a copy of the work had been distribut ed, of which only a,5oo had been printed, all of which they were willing to give up to the Tribu nal. The printer, Hocquet, deposed as to no [...]
[...] The loºd witness, Catherine Coudrec, next came forward and deposed, that while imprison ed with the woman Bancal she had heard the latte, -emark, on one occasion, after Constans had been to see her, “He has been here to [...]
[...] -Proceedº to state, ed to Persuade lim aud retract his decla. [...]
Galignani's messenger14.01.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. Januar 1819
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[...] more united, the OW - er ed, and the count 8 "ºnent Imore consolidat [...]
[...] Haviland Addington, Esq. the eldest son of the late Right Hon. J. H. Addington, is appoint ed a Coinmissioner of Stamps. We under sland that is was the last request of the departed gentleman, that Shis sou should have some pro [...]
[...] of a i. about Mrs. C–e, a celebrated beau ty in high life. The Captain was slightly wound ed in the pistol arm, and the affair ended. Extract of a letter from Kishnaghur, dated the 14th of July, 1818:—“ This will be a [...]
[...] did not think it practicable, but gave Mr. Owen credit for philanthropy; all his observations prov ed him to be a wise, good, and humane man. Ipswich Journal. Extract of a letter from Bavarias—“ We [...]
[...] has been in her possession a considerable time, and only a few days before her death she refus ed to take two guineas for it. After the body was washed and laid out, the cat on the open ing of the room door came in, and in the pre [...]
[...] F. forgery "mpossible, he was discharg. ed., With an admonition from ill. Magistrate to [...]
[...] considerable property which lie had in his posses sion, and left him apparently dead; he was discover: ed soue time afterwards, and conveyed to his house in a shocking condition ; when he became sensible he described the inhuman monsters, who, [...]
[...] ago in consequence of his old age ; he had been out of employ for the last twelve months, and depend ed solely for his support on a young daughter, ap rentice to a milliner, and the trilling gifts of his |. (Mrs. Davies). The daughter assisted him [...]
[...] ' accident took place near Hospital, in this county A thatched cabin, in which were two women; nan ed Mary Harrígan º Bridget Riordan, and who had been lying in fever for soune days, took fire, and shocking to relate, was burned to ashes with the [...]
[...] 19th of March. On further investigation the witness proceed ed to the most minute particulars of what had passed on the evening previous to his leaving Rhodez (the 18th); he even went so far as to [...]
Galignani's messenger25.03.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. März 1819
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[...] Bengal cotton produced only 5 3/4d. per pound. The same article, 12 months ago, was purchas ed for i 1d. The Bishop of Landaff (Dr. Marsh), is spoken of as the probable successor, by translation, to [...]
[...] vessel, until a boat drifted on shore south of the chapel, with the name “Pºm. Leece,” remov ed every suspicion. Mr. Duff and sons made every exertion to save as much as possible of the property. The mast and boom were washed [...]
[...] guese silver coin, English, Irish, and Manx halfpence, his watch, keys, etc. the watch mark ed half-past ten o'clock; some papers (one of them in Portuguese), a clerk's account of wool and fruit shipped in Lisbon, to another in Eng [...]
[...] gentleman should not be appointed the chaplain there?—(hear, hear.) The hon. baronet found ed that motion principally on the great reduc tion that had taken place in the business of the Board of Admiralty. With humble submission [...]
[...] recruit our exhausted resources, or impº "º"...Yº" º the State; yet he would still be cautiº º . - ed the ancient fabric of the Constitution, ºr "º"s""" just patronage of the Crown. . But it *: his *"...i. tion, that so far from there being any ..". º: [...]
[...] often repeated for us to give them. He was of course hostile to the measure. He was succeed ed by M. Lainé, who supported it by a repeti tion of all the arguments which had already been advanced in its favour, to which he added a few [...]
[...] to the creation of the new made Peers ; this he contended was a constitutional privilege vest ed in the King by the Charter, which was his own work; and that his Majesty was perfectly justified in availing himself of these means to [...]
[...] they inerited.—“Although (said his Excellency the Ministry to whom that reproach was address. ed, are, with the exception of two individuals, no longer at the helin of State, I think I owe justice to all. No measure, no pains, no effort [...]
[...] † Tribunaſ of the Firt instance ; all persºns with whom the objects under seizure have been deposit ed, shall be jound to return them to the proprietors ºn the simple exhibition of a certificate from the Grifiers of the court, stating that thºre has not [...]
[...] and statements, the plaintiff shall send to the residence, chosen by the ... a copy of all the writings concern ed, and a list of the natues, professions, and residences of the witnesses, by whose evidence he intends establish ing a counter-proof. This also to be done, ºn Rain of his [...]
Galignani's messenger30.10.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. Oktober 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] were made known relative to the propose"" crease in the army establishment, and produc ed a sensation in the money-market grea". than any to which it has i. a long period been subjected. The sensation was not pro [...]
[...] Barbadoes papers to the 12th ult. have arriv ed., Their contents principally relate to the differences, of a serious nature, which had arisen between Lord Combermere, the Go [...]
[...] ed by lis opponents, that he had not the [...]
[...] advantages the colony had received from the presence of Lord Coinbermere, and conclud— ed by moving several resolutions, regretting— that principies of unbounded licentiousness and immorality had obtained a dangerous as [...]
[...] found at large within this island, every, such person shall, on conviction thereof, be adjudg ed to suffer death without benefit of clergy. We learn by a letter from St. Salvador, dat ed July 6th, that about 1 ooo troops had em [...]
[...] of Gen. Arana, on the plains of Cumana; and the city of Cu mana is ...i. by their unit ed forces, while Admiral Brion's squadron is blockading it by sea. On Saturday morning, the 1 oth ult., Mr. Doxey, master, and Mr. [...]
[...] to Port of Spain, in hopes of finding the ship at anchor there. Their arrival here has excit ed great curiosity, and it was said by the well informed, that iney came as spies to recon– noitre our shores. The John Adams was ex [...]
[...] hall being found not sufficiently spacious to admit the whole of the persons assembled. Mr. Lambton was loudly cheer ed at the clºse of his speech. - Mr. Powlett now presented himself. He deemed it ne cessary, as one of their representatives, to state to them the [...]
[...] Mr. Wºj of Stockton, said, after the very able and eloquent manner in which the business had been conduct ed, it would be presumptuous in him to offer any remarks; yet he could not but congratulate, the meeting upon the probable good which might arise from their proceedings. [...]
[...] the Pettah wall, dashed in upon us; Colonel Frazer, who commanded, started up, and call ed to the men to stand to their arms, but he had hardly got the words out of hi. mouth, Xhºm he was struck by a jindall shot in th: [...]
Galignani's messenger24.07.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 24. Juli 1819
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[...] Stock to a much greater extent than they were able to deliver. The amount of Stock demand ed cannot be ascertained ; but as many of the principal bankers, there being no continuation early in the account, bought for line, rather [...]
[...] ed.—Englishman. [...]
[...] ancient creation, and, of course, against whom there can be no personal exception, was elect ed Elegislatorial Attorney of the Inhabitants of Birmingham on the late Meeting at that ne elected town. Now this is at once a pleasant, [...]
[...] ed; the shops in the City probably closed; the [...]
[...] saying, are extremely at variance with the fact. So far from the differences having been adjust ed, the combination is in full operation at Dews bury, and has extended to the neighbouring dis. trict of Heckmonwike, Batley, etc. where the [...]
[...] —“The sum demanded,” he adds, “is an ad vance of about ten per cent. on the manufactur ed goods ; and at the former rate of wages, the workmen earned from 16s. to 26s. per week, for eleven hours' work daily. In consequence [...]
[...] In our Paper of Wednesday last we mention ed, with that high praise which the circumstance deserved, the loyal proceedings of the people of Manchester, in the declaration they put forth, [...]
[...] curious specimen of republican morality. It is there recommended that Cuba should be seiz ed by General Jackson, upon whom, it is said, the Government of the Floridas is to be confer. red. . The enormity of such a proceeding is [...]
[...] magnificient Triumphal Arch at the Barrière de Neuilly. In such a case, it will be denominat ed la Porte Bourbon. We are gratified to perceive that Madame Mainville Fodor has formally contradicted the [...]
[...] Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, has arriº - - - 2 Tlw ed in this city. Warsaw, July 6.--His Imperial Highness the Grand-Duke Constantine left this, a few [...]
Galignani's messenger17.02.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 17. Februar 1819
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[...] Tax-man, and a Proprietor of a Newspaper— of which about five-and-twenty copies are print ed, to enable him to draw from the Public Trea sury Ten or Twelve Hundred a Year, annually. The seconder of the Petition was Mr. John Giſ [...]
[...] ed to him the §§§. of the cavalcade,sto. 1 tº Coifºctor hastened instantly to the mansion, [...]
[...] which convoyed the Spanish transports from Cadiz bound to Lima, but having been separat ed from her convoy, she put in Talcaguano, where she was taken. The brig Galverino (late the Lney), one of the best equipped vessels of [...]
[...] the Chili squadron, was out looking after the Spanish transports. General San Martin arriv ed at Santiago de Chili ºn 24th October, and immediately proceeded tº give activity to the preparations for the attack on Lima. Lord [...]
[...] A party of the 18th Hussars, marched a few days ago from Carlisle, where they are station ed, to Alston Moor, in consequence of a riotous disposition having manifested itself there, owing to a surict enforcement of the Game Laws. [...]
[...] built. They will have from 32 to 36 guns, with a copplement of apo men. on the 6th instant arriv ed the Spanish ship San Thomas, prize to the Visi lance ship privateer, from this port; and on the 18th instant arrived the Spanish brig Diligente, fron La [...]
[...] fº.º. about twenty-four in nun, ber, which will e ready for sea in a week. Admiral Bºion anch. ed here on the 28th. He has one corvette three brigs, and four schooners. Two of the brić, have each 152 men on board. . we have ample suppliº, [...]
[...] thirty-six thousand, four hundred and fifty six miles, above twenty-one times the comput ed circumference of the Globe. An Irish Gentleman, lately travelling in the mail between London and Liverpool, was dis [...]
[...] tifiable anxiety for making proselytes amongst the Protestant youth at the colleges, has appear ed to be acted upon by the Catholic Priesthood attending those seminaries, and in support of his statement, put the following queries, amongst [...]
[...] credit, and thus to bring forward tº tl uced to deration of the Chamber. He furiº: consi ed the plan of bringing up Protestants ...; tholics ... as fraught with evil sº i. ing to create disunion - - - it - [...]
Galignani's messenger25.02.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. Februar 1819
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[...] were the Magistrates, and Peace Officers and Policemen, and that when they retired, defeat ed, harmony and good order were restored. We are in too good humour to be angry even with the malcontents; but though we would [...]
[...] The Princess of Esterhazy has just built an elegant new chariot, the body of which is paint ed Regent's yellow. The carriage the same co lour, picked out with blue. On the door pan nels are the arms finely painted on a rich crim [...]
[...] An English ship had been attacked by then, and the captain and the whole of the crew murder ed. Communications had been sent to Sir T. Stamford Raffles, begging that some armcd vessels might be sent in search of them. [...]
[...] É. these ansient emblems of Scottish indº pendence 46the pubkº and that it is intend. ed to issue tickets of admission, at the ra! of 2s. 6d. each, limiting the number to be issued in any one day to one hundred.—Caledonian [...]
[...] ward with the most vehement and enthusiastic applause, and during his hārangue was frequently and loudſy cheer ed by the Assembly, . * * * Où the Tucstion being put on Lord Caarlemont's second Resolution, * - [...]
[...] whose intercourse contributed to his comfort and happi ness. To do away this caution, which perpetually corröd ed the happiness of all classes of his Countrymen, was his object, and he was proud and happy to perceive that on this auspicious day it was the object ºf such an Assein [...]
[...] with, or wishing well to the prosperity of Ireland. « Resolved, That the Marquis of Downshire be º ed to present our Petition to the Hºuse of Lords, and the Right Hon. Henry Grattan to the House of Commons.” Rt. Wv. Parneſ, P.M. said, that he was proud to bº. [...]
[...] of Mr. Hobhouse having been prepared by the late Committee, who drew up, what is now call ed,the No Chairing Report. At four o'clock the numbers were announced as follows : [...]
[...] surprised to hear that Mr. Clarke was very, anxiºus to have much to do with the Whigs, as he had just learn ed that the man was a barber. “Gentlemen,” conti nued Mr. Lamb, “he intended to shave me close; but I suspected the man's design at the time-I suspected [...]
[...] A gang of coiners has been detected in tho Rue de Fontaines, au Marais; they counterfeit ed all the silver pieces from 1 o sous up to 5 ſr. The Municipality of Liège absolutely prohi bited any masking this year, even on the last [...]
Galignani's messenger09.03.1819
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 09. März 1819
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[...] Cent. Consols opened at 73 118, at which price they are now. The Consols for Account open ed at 75 514, were then at 73 114, and are now at 73 314. The Four per Cents declined a little, łºn 92 114 to 91 314. The Exchequer [...]
[...] rection. In consequence of this determination, English ships of war will no longer be exclud ed from Vera Cruz, as recently happened to that which had on board Commissioner Park from Jamaica. [...]
[...] utmost active vigilauce is maintained.” The following is an extract of a letter receiv ed this morning from a respectable person in Washington, dated 1 : —“I have just received a letter, informing me of the recent news of [...]
[...] the basin, the company landed, under a dis charge of cannon. A procession was then form ed, which proceeded, amidst the cheers of at least ten thousand persons, to the Tontine Inn, iu. Sheffield, where an elegant dinner was pro [...]
[...] and thence proceed to the poll, to give a death blow to scurrility, etc. Perhaps those he address ed would not be surprised to learn, that when Sir Murray Maxwell was first proposed, Mr. Dennis O’Bryen had been among the most ac [...]
[...] would endeavour to discharge the trust they had committed to him, in such a manner as he hop ed would give them satisfaction, for in doing so he would be acting in a manner most gratifying to his own feelings. - [...]
[...] Lanjuinais, we stated, on the authority of the French Journals, that the Noble Peer had assert ed the fact of the secretly-associated army in the west being armed with io, ooo English firelocks; in the separately printed report of the Speech [...]
[...] This money was all borrowed amongst the inhabitants, except a temporary assistance grant ed by Queen Elizabeth, which was soon repaid. The general rate of interest was only 4 1/2 per Cent., for tho' the lenders were Dutchmen, and [...]
[...] low price. The whole debt of the Provinces was estimat ed by Davenant at about one-eighth inore than the value of the whole of the land in the coun try, at thirty years purchase. The debt was [...]
[...] ing it. All the transactions of Holland were derang ed, and their nature totally subverted when the French got into the country, but we have nu distinct account of it since then - [...]
Galignani's messenger24.03.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 24. März 1819
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[...] known, it excited the greatest joy and exulta tion, so general was the satisfaction experienc ed by the impartial and judicious conduct of that gallant Officer; indeed, it was difficult to **y whether his remaining at Buenos Ayres [...]
[...] Sixteen of the finesthorses that could be pro cured in the King of Persia's dominions, arriv ed in town from Deptford on Saturday after noon ; they were landed at Marseilles, came thence overland to Calais, where they were em [...]
[...] the Catholic body was proved by a resolution passed at a late meeting, in which they express ed their determination to rely on the justice of Parliament, to continue to be guided by a spirit of conciliation, to avoid feuds, and to promote [...]
[...] the petition of the Protestant landholders, º his noble friend had presented, considered himself call ed upon, in consequence of what had fallen from the noble Earl, to state that he was one of a great num- | ber of landed proprietors not residing in Ireland wuo || [...]
[...] the interests of Sovereigus and people—and in no case had seen difference of religious faith consider ed as the cause of these troubles, or made a ground for disqualifying men from defending their country They came now before their Lordships, to give evi [...]
[...] it! on 3 he had presented must of e 9nly as the petitions of those *::::::: ºld He could not have presumed ºf...". § ed them. they expressed the opinion of all the p State that [...]
[...] ... a hope º: º: demands, for which jus 19°, htlinanity, and policy, equally pleaded *F. by the º y P ed, would he Marquis of BUCKINGHAM suggested that th Petition should be printed, but in, de i. notion . [...]
[...] day for the second reading of the Marriage Act amend mént bill be postponed until Friday next. 'He had intend ed to have again brought this bill, which was to amend [...]
[...] as having in a fit of intoxication murder. his son at ſpres, (Netherlands,) has been condemn ed to hard labour for life. The young Inau was a model of good conduct, but the fati. had icious habit, which, [...]
[...] nity of the absence of his father to attempt the murder of his own mother. This he endeavour ed to accomplish by striking her on the neck with a bill-hook, at the moment when the un fortunate woman was at her devotions and ac [...]
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