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Galignani's messenger25.03.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 25. März 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Bengal cotton produced only 5 3/4d. per pound. The same article, 12 months ago, was purchas ed for i 1d. The Bishop of Landaff (Dr. Marsh), is spoken of as the probable successor, by translation, to [...]
[...] vessel, until a boat drifted on shore south of the chapel, with the name “Pºm. Leece,” remov ed every suspicion. Mr. Duff and sons made every exertion to save as much as possible of the property. The mast and boom were washed [...]
[...] guese silver coin, English, Irish, and Manx halfpence, his watch, keys, etc. the watch mark ed half-past ten o'clock; some papers (one of them in Portuguese), a clerk's account of wool and fruit shipped in Lisbon, to another in Eng [...]
[...] gentleman should not be appointed the chaplain there?—(hear, hear.) The hon. baronet found ed that motion principally on the great reduc tion that had taken place in the business of the Board of Admiralty. With humble submission [...]
[...] recruit our exhausted resources, or impº "º"...Yº" º the State; yet he would still be cautiº º . - ed the ancient fabric of the Constitution, ºr "º"s""" just patronage of the Crown. . But it *: his *"...i. tion, that so far from there being any ..". º: [...]
[...] often repeated for us to give them. He was of course hostile to the measure. He was succeed ed by M. Lainé, who supported it by a repeti tion of all the arguments which had already been advanced in its favour, to which he added a few [...]
[...] to the creation of the new made Peers ; this he contended was a constitutional privilege vest ed in the King by the Charter, which was his own work; and that his Majesty was perfectly justified in availing himself of these means to [...]
[...] they inerited.—“Although (said his Excellency the Ministry to whom that reproach was address. ed, are, with the exception of two individuals, no longer at the helin of State, I think I owe justice to all. No measure, no pains, no effort [...]
[...] † Tribunaſ of the Firt instance ; all persºns with whom the objects under seizure have been deposit ed, shall be jound to return them to the proprietors ºn the simple exhibition of a certificate from the Grifiers of the court, stating that thºre has not [...]
[...] and statements, the plaintiff shall send to the residence, chosen by the ... a copy of all the writings concern ed, and a list of the natues, professions, and residences of the witnesses, by whose evidence he intends establish ing a counter-proof. This also to be done, ºn Rain of his [...]
Galignani's messenger15.05.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Mai 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] telligence to this effect had reached the Govern ment. The last letters from the Cape are dat ed the 28th Dec., and up to that period no thing had occurred to render the event above alluded to in any way probable. Nor is any [...]
[...] said nothing about paying off the five per cents the inference was, that it was not to be attempt ed any more than other modes of improving the circumstances of the country. At a time when universal peace reigned abroad, and there [...]
[...] should b. at its head, a person so eininently qualified as the present governor. The hou. gent."u...ſºstat ed that our whole peace establishinent in 1787, cost us only 1,039, oool., which he had appeareu tº con sider sufficient at the present time—whereas his own [...]
[...] sary to have second battalions, or even new regi inents, we should have a su.licient force till we rais ed our army to any number which might be wanted. There were gentlenen present who had been in the finance committee, and had formed deliberately the [...]
[...] cy. with the most -ent and future ar ed the ineans, when [...]
[...] that these colonies #." a. T : was thow #!...i. tection which was afforde ...the sum of about 21,400l. ed in the vote before the house different islands, yet ‘.... stafr establishments of these differe … . . ; ca kill for the staff cata d as to the practicability [...]
[...] The Editor of a semi-periodical production, denominating itself the ultr, 'has bºº" condemn ed to a months imprisonment, 50 francs fine, ºad interdiction from the exercise of civil rights, [...]
[...] had received from him, but that the latter had declined the present, observing that “he merit ed no ...]". baring done his duty.” The evideuce of one of the witnesses, Euge nie Desfontaines, was at total variance with that [...]
[...] M. Claveau, Advocate for Canjillon, com menced by observing, that though he had listed ed to the details of the trial with the utmost at tention, he bad-still to enquire where the crine existed'of which his client stood accused ?– [...]
[...] of Cantillon could be most honourably account ed for; they, in fact, proceeded from his devo tion to his former master, now an exile, to whom he used to convey intelligence of his absent ſº [...]
Galignani's messenger18.04.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 18. April 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] to remain one day. The passengers were all in excellent health and spirits, and had suffer ed little or nothing from sea sickness.—Derby Mercury. - The regal crowns were taken down to Brigh [...]
[...] Mr. Connell, from Edinburgh.-Herald. Wednesday a number of workmen cominenc. ed the removal of the Monte Cavallo casts frow the King's Mews. They will be depo sited in a large building near St. John's Church, [...]
[...] Guards. The jacket now worn is to be done away with ; and a long coat, with skirts, turn ed back with white, is to be substituted. The lacing is to be fuller and handsomer; the buttons, instead of being round the sleeves, [...]
[...] from their respective places of confinement, between two Wardel º into the Court-yard, where they were deliver ed to the officers in waiting, by whom they were hand ºſted. While Lavender was placing the handcuff, en Thistlewood, he was greatly agitated, and trembled ex [...]
[...] about to depart, when they express d their thanks to the Warder for the humane attention which they had receiv ed., The whole being now assembled, they were marched, each between two Row-street oilicers, to the Fosse Gate, beyond which the carriages had been drawn up. This [...]
[...] ported to b writing his life, and this, iſ truly given, inay contain important disclosures. Buce, it is still expec.ed, will not he *xecuted on Sa turday next, if he surer at all. The firuness which he displayed on receiving sentence, iſ retual us to him. [...]
[...] About 60 carronades, and a cousiderable quantity of ammunitio", we's brought down from Carron, and iºd. ed at Leith, on Thursday night, the 6th inst. and safely lodged in Leith ſort #". morning, the 7th inst. at three o'clock, Capt. Brown, with a strong, party of police, [...]
[...] able number of idle people from the disturbed districts were pºssing.through this town, towards Greenock, it was deem ed prudent to send the whole corps on with the prisoners in place of a detachment, and the imminent danger in which they were afterwards involved, which produced the [...]
[...] at the College of I'lessis, is suspended, on ac count of the irregularities and disturbance rais ed by the students, who insulted their Profes sor at the last lecture, by expressions of dis respect and disapprobation from his being a [...]
[...] For M. (, alignani, to whom all Letters ind Communicr tions must be address, d FAAN co, a d where only) Sub scriptions and ADV ERTIs). Mr N are recei, ed. [...]
Galignani's messenger08.04.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. April 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] length Gen. Gourgaud, at eleven of the clock at night, finding himself overcome by continued agitation, demºnd. ed permission to be allowed to go to rest: yet even this was not permitted, ill, after, the men had supped. The next morning Mr. C. brought with him a magistrate, who [...]
[...] if I wish to alleviate his sufferings?” The General next proceeds to express his conviction; that any eulogium pass ed by himself on Napolcon could hardly have had any in fluence upon the conduct observed towards him, notwith standing that he had said, that if Napoleon was vanquish [...]
[...] The petition, which was then brought up and read, con tained ſittle more in substance than had been already stat ed in the remarks of Mr. Laumbton. Mr. H. CLIVE observed, that the situation which he had the honour to hold made it his duty to offer to the [...]
[...] dual being in the hands of the King's messengers, they were not author, zed to interfere. He remain ed five days at Harwich, during which period, his friends might have communicated with hin—his let ters and portfolio carefully sealed were sent to him [...]
[...] nied Mr. Capper, rushed into Gen. Gourgaud's apartinent on the morning on which he was arrest ed.) The servant said, that several persons pro ceeded to throw the clothes off the general, (for he was in bed at the tune,) took him violently out [...]
[...] that on the entrance of the officers, he directed them to a drawer where his pistols lay unload ed, in order to show that he had no intention of offering any opposition. Now if he (Lord C.) had been rightly informed, the first answer [...]
[...] Did gentlemen really think this probable 2 Was it probable that a perfect stranger, unacquaint ed with our language (he had known the Gene ral for a few days—he believed he did not speak English—he spoke a few words)—was it credi [...]
[...] the officers. How could one man, unarmed, give ill usage to the number of officers eumploy ed? At Ilford, on the road to Harwich, the ill-used General endeavoured to obtain redress from a magistrate; he was struck on the head [...]
[...] former occasion. It adopted, it was true, many of the improvements which were then suggest ed; but there were many others added, calculat ed to obviate nuany grievances which were not fully entered into at that time. The principal [...]
[...] petitious, and were proved before the committee in 1817. At that time the committee had call ed before them several Irish gentlemen, engaged in very extensive commercial dealings in the sister country. The examination of these oc [...]
Galignani's messenger16.08.1819/17.08.1819
  • Datum
    Montag, 16. August 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] in this impolitic and disgraceful bargain, which is now publicly declared to have been transact, ed without the command and against the will of their King, afford a presumption against the correctness of Captain Ripley's statement, [...]
[...] general expences of the department, the re mainder being supplied out of the Consolidat ed Fund. - The following statement will shew the wanton and discreditable exaggerations which [...]
[...] misapplying it) is hoisted, and the establish. ment of Female Reform Societies recommend ed, we cannot adini, that similar measure; would be ill-timed here. On the contrary, we believe them imperiously called for ; and [...]
[...] the 3d day of August current; R. Brown, Esq., factor ºf Hamilton Palace, informed the meeting, he had contiiv ed to manage matters so that cighty weavers had been set to work that morning, that many more would be set to work immediately on different parts of the public load, [...]
[...] * “Peat. His threats and the violence of his language were *\ch, that the General attempt. ed to ring hisbell, which was nº. the bed-side, when M-Gregor seized the cord, and swung it from his reach. At this moment the other ; - [...]
[...] proper. The Gen. avowed himself the author of the ed the General for the prudent mannerin which letter in question ; but a communication which had been addressed to him ou the subject of [...]
[...] The Magistrate animadverted on the offen sive character of the intrusion, and commend ed the General for the prudent manner in which he had decided upon noticing it. As however, the defendants had -xpressed their [...]
[...] however, the defendants had -xpressed their readiness to make a suitable apology, he doubt ed not but the affair might settled without ju dicial cognizance. Gen. É. acquiesced in this intima [...]
[...] most vivid and continued flashes ; the rain ſell from the haven: * if the clouds had at the same moment discharg ed their cºntents, insomuch, that in the ºf Tº minutes, all the brooks and rivulet, about the neighbour hood were overflowed. The storm continued unabated [...]
[...] the lightning, and a boy so dungerously hurt that ºn, cs ***, *tertained of his recovº. Thiee house, together with *Yºr:l fields of corn, five been totally destº ed *ar Spiddle, six miles f. Galway; and we hay. }. informed that more daulage has been sustained in other [...]
Galignani's messenger27.08.1819
  • Datum
    Freitag, 27. August 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] be for which these these persons are noy un der confinecent, no guess has yet been form. ed, except it be for remaining on the ground longer than the law admits of, after the alleged ... of the Riot Act. The º of [...]
[...] riod, and under such circuinstances, as would bring the parties under the penalties contain ed in it. º has º been stated to us, that the reading took place before the people came together, and that Hunt did not appear [...]
[...] The deputation from Manchester, of which we have spoken in another paragraph, return ed home with little delay; they reached Man chester on Friday night. The irritated state of feeling at Manches [...]
[...] discussion was the tumultuous and revolu tionary meetings which have lately been call ed together, principally by men wandering from place to place, very few of whom are known except by name.--Times. [...]
[...] Committee for the hº of Southwark and County of Surrey.—W. Palin, I. Ceasey, B. Donnington, 1. Holt, B. Esden, Ed. Cleary, Ch. Osdam, C. Ryan, T. Connabrough, 1. Mears, D. Wren, Jer. Dewley, Daniel Dee. [...]
[...] 8. have been equally free from variation throughout the week, owing to the very limit ed extent of speculative operations. Each party, at least for the present account, seems io be exhausted, and to have ventured to the [...]
[...] the correctness of the report, and we are dis– posed to believe that it may possibly be found ed on the accounts published in different Pa pers of the United Stales on that subject.”— New Times. [...]
[...] account of a tuneſ Such attempts at mºsi. which could not have led to any riot, only prº: ed, that the Reformers make more noise than harmony. With numbers formidable if dis posed to riot, but engaged in no riot, the meet [...]
[...] ed to-morrow, with the Coroner's inquests on the former. Itish Volunteer, Cowdroy's Gazettee, the Manchester Ob [...]
[...] Classical and English Education in France. A Married Clergyman, ed., cated under Dr. Parr, has established a SEM INARY at Boulogne-sur-Mer, where Young Gentlemen are in structed in Greek, Latin, English, Freuch, Tuclid, &c, It is hoped [...]
Galignani's messenger20.09.1820
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 20. September 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] sant efforts to convince the hundredth–thase straggling sceptics—that they are false?--Iſ, again, as we are assur ed by the whole host of her Majesty's scribes—that the Attorney-General has utterly failed in establishing his case —that the witnesses are self-convicted as suborued and [...]
[...] diligent and careful perusal of the evidence. We do not, indeed, say, that had they done so, they must have arriv ed at a preeisely opposite conclusion, and pronounced her guilty; but we are quite sure they would have found [...]
[...] gular accusation is viewed, even now, before any one witness is called to contradict it (no Counsel being allow ed to comment on its allegations), it consists wholly of contradictions, absurdities, and impossibilities, andfalls to the ground of itself.” s [...]
[...] in evidence against her, are beginning to direct their ve nomous shafts against the characters of such distinguish ed men as prºve themselves honest in these worst of times, and, who in the conscientious discharge of their duty, have the courage to pursue a fair and patriot course, un [...]
[...] sequence of this, a messenger was sent to Vienna, who took a letter to Lord Stewart on the subject, and return. ed on Monday se’nnight with an answer, enclosing Lord Castlereagh's letter to Lord Stewart, which it appeared his Lordship had laid before Prince Metternich, who re [...]
[...] ships of the line, with some frigates, were ordered forth with to sail for Li ron; and assuredly this report receiv ed some countenance from the certainty that an order was issued for tenders of loo,000 gallous of rum, the quantity that would be required for such an equipment, [...]
[...] Jamaica suation, where he has lost his daughter and his health. Few men had scen more service, or have display ed more talent. He rose entirely by his own merits. This gallant officer was born in Ireland, about the year 1762. His father had a numerous family, and his means being [...]
[...] presence of a concourse of people assembled tº view. the ceremony. The stone being lowered by a machi” i. ed for the purpose, a quauuſy of the late***"...". sited in the centre, and then closed up with another stones [...]
[...] Friday and Saturday last, that has beeu known for many years; but though offered on terms considerably under those of the last year, but few sales were eſtic, ed. Bºrers.--The money was mede good on Tuesia for the battle between David Hudson and Marui, [...]
[...] express, in strong terms, their abhorrence of the revolu tionary attempts of the party, which has lately so disturb. ed the public tranquillity. BOARDING-SCHOOL AT PISA, IN ITALY.—A Native of E. gland, who has had ten years experience in the management [...]
Galignani's messenger25.01.1819
  • Datum
    Montag, 25. Januar 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] — -licity of what passes in Parliament, is a tolerat ed privilege of greater value. constitutionally speaking, than any authorised right that has been gained since the Revolution. It is proper, [...]
[...] are fortunate, but it cannot be doubted that the hopes of the people might be extravagantly rais ed, and tº. might not justify their ul timate gratification. In this difficulty, nothing but a perfect independence of mind, aided by [...]
[...] more Members took the oaths and delivered in their qualifications, after which the House adjourn ed till to-inorrow. - [...]
[...] Glasgow, JAN. 2. — The squally weather that prevailed for some days last week increas: ed on Sunday to a violent gale, and occasioned a variety of accidents during the night. Very serious injury was done to a gentleman's house [...]
[...] oftences of both these individuals were such ..as it would have been better not to have commit !ed to the judgment of a military tribunal ; but having been so committed, that it would have been expedient to have submitted the sentence, [...]
[...] to the constitution, for its revision. “Ou the principle of retaliation, recogniz ed by all nations, these persons, we conceive, might have been lawfully put to death. The bad identified themselves with the Indians ; . [...]
[...] place, about the middle of October last, by a " priva eer. Iły this capture despatches fro were it tº rep-ed, giving a most disual ave [...]
[...] and severe indisposition. General Baron de Languenau has been nam ed tºlenipotentiary from the Conrt of Austria to the Military Cotu mission at Frankfort. The Spanish Council of Admiralty bas just [...]
[...] given to understand, the measures of retalia tion either adopted or about to have been adopt ed by other Governments, whose interests were inaterially affected by the prohibitory regula tions of his Swedish Majesty. [...]
[...] bringing him again before their attention. The Price of CharleMag.se, a Poem (announc ed in our Pap, r of Wodºrsday) is ſo ſr. and not 8. [...]
Galignani's messenger15.10.1819
  • Datum
    Freitag, 15. Oktober 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] long and so improvidently overlooked; or they derived their subsistence from trades connect ed with the fisheries. The fleets of Dutch men of war which Van Tromp and De Ruyter so often led to battle against the navy of Eng— [...]
[...] to a future work: at best a dreary, it is also not an innediate prospect, nor such as can be ral ! ed upon for giving a new impulse to our do ruestic action, or opening a fresh source of re lief and abundance to the poor. Economy is [...]
[...] would have abstained from coming forward, and the radical affidavits, would have remain ed unmolested. Here, however, is another instance, if we needed it, of the refined no tions of justice entertained by the Reformers. [...]
[...] been questioned as to the authority by which he appears there. . At length it is said he allg ed that he appeared on the part of the Crown. “I beg your pardon, Sir," said a learned Bar rister who was present, “ you have omitted a [...]
[...] coufined with 'bows of white riband. The body trimmed with blond to correspond ; sleeves made full, and taste: fully confined with white satin. Superb turban of striſ ed silver gauze, and rich plume of white ostrich feathers in front, the hair ſailing in natural and irregular curls. Dia [...]
[...] Bristol, for the purpose of considering the late events at Manchester, etc., a very large concourse of people repair ed to Brandon-hill, (upon which hustings had been erect ed), by two o'clock this afternoon. At 3 the proceedings commenced, by Mr. Winton's moving Mr. Stocking into [...]
[...] veral documents, especting the Manchester mecting of the 16th August, and its consequences. He particularly wish ed to point out the gallart conduct of an officer of the ioth Hussars, who had been so shamefully confounded by cer tain pºints with the bloodthirsty Yeomaury. Perhaps, to [...]
[...] iug of Parliament at its next meeting, to institute an inqui ry, into these lamentable proceedings; strongly deprečat ed the conduct of certain persons in, recommending to the people to furnish themselves with arms when they in ſu ture attend political meetings; expressed deep concern at [...]
[...] journey to Warsaw, The Countess of Gothland (Queen of Sweden) is return ed from her journey. r Inspruck, Ovi. 3–Two Artists from Berlin, Messrs. Hopitgart and Jºllags, have cast the colossal bust [...]
[...] ! nglish, French, and Italian Newspapers, Periodical Publications, º, &c.—Also the names and lºdgings, of the present and past Substribers and others since collec ed, by whi h the embarrass ments which have often been experienced, will be prevente , and useful information received.—N.B. Forcign wides of the [...]
Galignani's messenger28.09.1819
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 28. September 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the hopes of the Royal pair and the expecta tions of the nation have again been disappoint ed), they were unavoidably detained. The Physicians of the Duchess have strongly re commended the air and baths of this beauti [...]
[...] (From the Portsmouth Telegraph).-On Tucs: day the Dotterel, 18, Capt. Join Gore, arriv ed here from the St. Helena station, and sailed a gain in the evening for Plymouth, to be paid off. By her we received the following letter [...]
[...] parte is well, sees nobody, nor dºes he go out. iiis house will very shortly be finish– ed. The ships that compose, the squadron row at St. Helena are, viz. the Conqueror, bºaring the flag of Rear-Admiral, Plam [...]
[...] sition signed by about 140 householders of that borough. In conformily to the wishes express ed by those individuals, the High Bailiff had consented to hold a public meeting ou this oc casion, for the purpose of considering the re [...]
[...] and carried, the High Bailiff descended, and took his station in front of the hustings, form ed as we have already described. [...]
[...] in free states, but in those coumries where, although the will of the Monarch was supremne, that will was restrain ed by reason and bumanity. When Charles IX. of France, ifi pursuance of his intentions to massacre all his Protestaut **bjects, issued orders to his governors for carrying it [...]
[...] he had said, what had been the consequence of those pro ceedings? Mr. Hunt and several others had been detain ed for several days on a charge of high-treason, was re leased from that charge, and admitted to bail for an alleg ed offence which did not i. life or limb. Why, [...]
[...] untortunate transaction, his most serious consideration— after having weighed the whole of the details which reach ed the public eye, without prejudice to either party, he did think that there never was a more unjustifia le order given, than that which authorized the Yeomanry Cavalry [...]
[...] assert the rights of their fellow-countrymen. We were now brought to a state which render ed us the most distressed and degraded nation in Europe. (A cry of “No, no,” from a per son in the waggon). Sir Robert continued : [...]
[...] pared with what they formerly enjoyed ; and would any man say, that we were not distress ed and degraded, in comparison to what we once were 2 Let us look to the state of other nations, and to their progress in the same time. [...]
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