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Galignani's messenger02.05.1823
  • Datum
    Freitag, 02. Mai 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] tinued on the following day, so as to cover entil ely the ground and the roofs, notwithstanding the great quan ity of rain, which had recently fallen. The weather became suddenly clear, and it froze in the night from 20 to 21 deg.” [...]
[...] taken measures to fall back upon the Tagus at the ap proach of the French army.—The weather is very bad; it rains continually, and is very cold. [...]
[...] last night, and is expected to arrive here to-day. The day looks unfavourable for the display of any pa geant, as a slight rain has been falling all the moung, and the skies are charged with threatening clouds. “ At twelve o'clock at noon it continued to rain.— [...]
[...] well dressed, and their hair ornamented with natural flowers. As there are balconies to each of the storeys, the lower ones were sheltered from the rain, which now began to ſall heavily. A large body of troops was assembled in the Plaza with a band. [...]
[...] ‘Viva' as he passed; even this was but ſaintly re-echo ed from the balconies. Iſollowed the Royal cavalcade in the midst of a heavy shower of rain, ſtom the gate of Triana to the Plaza de la Constitucion, and, until it arrived at the latter place, I never saw any thing more [...]
[...] fine, the entry of the King might have presented a much more festive spectacle. But what with the tor rents of rain, the splashing of cavalry, the mud of the streets, the clouds of umbrellas, and the apathy of the people, I do not remember to have ever witnessed a [...]
Galignani's messenger30.08.1823
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. August 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] ** at Noon to 2 PM.... very Rainy ... . Snow or Rain 2 P.M.... to 4. . fººl. Fair and Mild 4. to (; . . Fai Fair. - [...]
[...] - R.iny, its or S.W. Rain or Snow, if S or S.W. 1o ......... to 12 Midnt. | Fair.. ... ...! Fair and Frosty. *z Midn't... to a A.M....] Fair ... [Hard frost, unless S. or W. [...]
[...] *z Midn't... to a A.M....] Fair ... [Hard frost, unless S. or W. 2 A.M.... to 4 .. . Cold, with showers...|Snow and Stormy. 4 - ----. 6. Rain ............ - Snow and Stormy. 6 .. 8 . ..! Wind and Rain Stormy. - - - 8. Ch. bl Cold Rain, if wind W. [...]
[...] moon of the 21st, which answers to ::, rainy” till the 29th, whenever the wind is in the South or South West. Hence alsº we may anti eipnº", tº at there will be “wind and rain,” from the 29th inst. till tºe 4: , of S. ptember, because on the 29, the Moon will enter her Last Quarter at about 20 uninutes after six in the morning. [...]
[...] their operations than the tides of the sea; because air is more expan sive than water, combines more read ly with heat and electricit v, *"... thus produces...he variºus phenomena ºf wºm's, cloud, rain. hail, snow, etc. . Mod rn philoš phy has given us unany means unº kºown to the anci-nts of observing these phenomena with accuracy: [...]
Galignani's messenger30.11.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 30. November 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] wheats that are up, of which there is a good deal, are remarkably healthy and strong. All grain is upon the decline, although it does not appear the rain we expe: rienced during part of last harvest, has, in any material degree, ..I. Neither miller nor maltster com [...]
[...] * THE LATE HEAVY RAINS. A tremendous fall of rain on Sunday evening last (18th inst.) deluged this city and vicinity, and created [...]
[...] The weather in this quarter, since our last, has been very variable. On the evening of Thursday last (15th inst.) an uncommonly heavy fall of rain came on, attended with boisterous wind, which continued with little intermission till the following morning. We un [...]
[...] that has given way to a heavy fall of snow, attended with raw cold weather.—(Stirling Journal.) Boisterous winds and heavy rains have visited us at short intervals, during the past ten days. The river Eden has overflowed its banks and laid the low grounds [...]
[...] Patriot.) No flood in this vicinity was ever remembered to be higher than that occasioned by the excessive rain yes terday se’nnight. Some of the roads and houses were inundated to the depth of two or three feet; and the [...]
Galignani's messenger06.12.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 06. Dezember 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] inhabitants of the neighbourhood of Patua and Moor shedebad. The indigo crop, it is added, had previously been destroyed by the rains, aud that article of ºom merce had consequently risen to a great price.-These advices also detail the melancholy particulars of the [...]
[...] and very snperior crops is anticipated by the planters. Jessore is an exception to this rule, as in that part of the country the early rains have done some mischief. In the Upper Provinces the season has proved gene rally wholesome ; the troops have been healthy; the [...]
[...] (Courier.) AGRICULTURAL Repont fon November.—From the dºlly occasioned by a went of rain in the early part ºf the Autumn, wheat-sowing was not generall finished until the middle of the present month. M. [...]
[...] finished until the middle of the present month. M. seed, however, was got in º, early in good and well-illed lands, and, rain soon after following, those crops have at present as luxuriant and fine an ºppºarance as ever was witnessed in this country : in [...]
[...] and mºisture of the weather, have germinated rapidly, and promise at no rate to be backward in season. # the mean time, should the heavy rains continue, it must be injurious to the low-land corn and more especially iſ ſollowed by sudden frost. An experiment has been [...]
[...] packet, from Lisbon, in six days. PottsMourh, Dec. 1.-lt has blown a heavy gale of wind the whole day, with hevay rain ; the outward bound rode in safety. Plymouth, Nov.30,—Remain wind-bound, a large [...]
Galignani's messenger27.07.1820
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Juli 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] and the county in general. Letters from Sussex contain the same intelligence, and report that all parts are equally affected, and the present rains will have a tendency to in crease the evil. [...]
[...] WIOLENT STORMS. .. One of the heaviest falls of rains we ever recollect, vi sited this City (Chester) on Monday last. It comincinced about one o'clock, p.m. and continued, almost without [...]
[...] some of which we have seen. A cow and a dog were also destroyed by the º which was unusually vivid. At Whitchurch the rain descended in complete sheets; and in many places, the roads were actually torn up, and the stones rolled in heaps. It wil be seen by the following [...]
[...] the stones rolled in heaps. It wil be seen by the following aragraph, that it was severely felt at Liverpool:—“On §. and Monday last we had very heavy falls of rain here. The streets in the lower parts of the town, particu larly Whitechapel and Paradise-street, were inundated, [...]
[...] sustained by the poor farmers, in order that their deplora ble ºase may be laid before a generous public. Much damage was caused by the heavy rain on Thurs *y evening, at Hampstead. The flood was so great there, that it swept away a new building on the brick [...]
[...] ro A LApy, who ascused the waiten of roar rain cipiº, es. --- Yes, I confess myself a Tory [...]
Journal de Paris 〈Paris〉16.04.1789
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 16. April 1789
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] \,La SoLEII. ſe lève à 5 heures 9 minut., & fe couche à 6 heures 52 minut. LA LUN E fe lève à o h. 5 o rain. du matin, & fe couche à 9 h. 56 min. du matin. [...]
[...] De M. André Maximilien Guiſl.:n, Che valier, Baron de Beth ne, des Cointes Souve rains d’Artois , Meſtre de Camp de Cava [...]
Gazette de France07.04.1766
  • Datum
    Montag, 07. April 1766
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] l'inſtallation du Prince de Naſſau dans les charges de Stadhouder-Héréditaire & Capi raine-Général & Amiral de la République. De Cadix , le 1 1 Mars 1766. Le 6, le Vaiſſeau le Maſſiac, de la Com [...]
[...] le deuil pendant ſix ſemaines à l'occaſion de la mort du Roi de Pologne, Duc de Lor raine & de Bar. Les ſieurs Sbarra & Montecatini qui, en ualité d'Ambaſſadeurs Extraordinaires de la [...]
Galignani's messenger12.08.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 12. August 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] harvest, with the exceptioi of the produce of some of the flat lands, which has been darnn ged by the late rains, will be most abundani. The wheat, a considerable quantity of which has been cut, looks very ſide. The hops do [...]
[...] of Preton. Six bridges were destroyed on the same day between Carlisle and Glasgow, by the sudden and heavy rain. At Sedbergh, the storm was particularly violent and the congregation remained confined in the church, by incessant torrents of rain, an hour and a [...]
[...] was loud, and the lightning alarmingly vivid though the --! - - - - r * rain, which fell in the immediate neighbourhood, was very trifling; but, in the height of the storm, a long columnai body was ºbserved moving nearly from north [...]
[...] ground floor gave way to the pressure of the water, which circumstance, in all probability, preserved the house and the inmates. This immense body of rain descended down the Mint to the Kent in a mn idy torrent, presenting a head o' watºr a yard and a half high, and bringing alºng [...]
Gazette de France26.12.1763
  • Datum
    Montag, 26. Dezember 1763
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] enrégiſtrée au Parlement de Paris le 22 de ce mois, concernant la liberté du commerce des rains , & dont on donne ici la ſubſtance. # culture & le commerce des denrées né ceſſaires à la vie ont toujours été regardés [...]
[...] convéniens du monopole , qu'une concur rence libre & entiere dans le commerce des rains, & voulant encourager les Cultivateurs † leurs travaux & donner à cette portion l† de ſes Sujets des marques particu [...]
Galignani's messenger15.06.1822
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Juni 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] storm. , A little before seven o'clock, a shower came on, accompanied with, thunder, º and as the .g nced the rain fell heavily, or, accord ing to the Scottish phrase, in “an even-down pour.” Never was rain more seasonable for the garden crops [...]
[...] or for the oats and barley ou light lands, and consider ing the time it ſell it was abundant. In the course of three hours the fall, according to the rain-guage, amounted to 3-tenths of an inch. From all parts of the kingdom we have received accounts that the wea [...]
[...] 7o at 3 o'clock; and at.Cork, on the 1st instant, 70 112. n the latter city, on the 3d, it is said there were more thunder and lightning, accompanied, with heavy rain than were perhaps ever experienced in that climate. At York a similar storm occurred on Wednesday even [...]
[...] were loud and frequent, and the lightning remarkably vivid. It was accompanied by a mixed shower of rain and hail of such violence that the lower parts of the Old Town were completely inundated in a few minutes. The flood was so great, and at the same [...]
[...] veral parishes that the corn fields were obliged to be sown afresh. A violent storm of hail and rain broke forth over Chaumbery (Piedmont) on the 30th ult. which devas tated the country, destroyed the vineyards, and did [...]
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