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Suchbegriff: Valley

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Galignani's messenger26.06.1823
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 26. Juni 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] ed your Excellency of the destruction of the enemy's column which had descended into Cerdagna by the valley of Osseja. [...]
[...] “The column, commanáed by Mina in having passed the mountains of Nuria, issued on the 14th i; the valley of Err, and marched upon Llivia. The Baron d'Eroles marched upon Aja. “Miua being apprehensive that his retreat by the [...]
[...] The Baron d'Eroles marched upon Aja. “Miua being apprehensive that his retreat by the valley of the Segro would be exposed to danger, marched on the 15th, first upon Guels, and from thence upon Willielle, where he took up position. The Baron [...]
[...] of burden, notwithstanding the efforts of the soldiers of the train, and gunners, was precipitated to the botton of the valley. It was not if. o'clock in the evening that the small column reached the ground where it was to halt. The snow which ſell on the preceding even [...]
Galignani's messenger21.12.1827
  • Datum
    Freitag, 21. Dezember 1827
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] dated Dec. 14, shows that a spirit of intolerance is re viving in the Sardinian States:– “A Protestant, who dwells in one of the valleys of Piedmont, in passing through this town a few days since, related that eight of his brethren, residing at Turin, have received notice to [...]
[...] through this town a few days since, related that eight of his brethren, residing at Turin, have received notice to quit that capital and retire to their valleys, in pursuance of an edict of 1622, now put in force anew against the Protestants. . This edict, which had long ago fallen into [...]
[...] desuetude, forbids every individual of the Reform...l Church to reside, or even to sojourn for a short time, with out the narrow limits of the upper valleys of Pigne lol, where the exercise of Protestant worship is allowed. It appears that the Sardinian Ministry have decided [...]
[...] upon this rigorous measure at the express solicitation of the Court of Rome, instigated by an application from the Bishop of Pignerol. The i..." of the valleys who had acquired property and fixed their residence in the neighbouring districts, ha e likewise received orders [...]
Galignani's messenger30.06.1825
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 30. Juni 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] To be Sold, a charining Patrinonial Property, sº tuate at EAunoxve, centre of the Valley of Moutmorency, A leagues from Paris, and half a league from the Baths of Enghiei and Mout morency. The property, which occupies a most beautiful site. [...]
[...] Apply at their Warehouse, No. 51, Vieille rue du Temple. To be Sold or Let, a charming Country-house, con tiguous to the Valley of Montmorency, near Paris, lying between court and garden, containing mule acres, enclosed by gºod walls and bedgºs. Stables, cºach-houses, harness-room, and was [...]
[...] immediate possession, a spacious and very handsome Patrimonial Country-hºuse, furnished, and newly fitted up, with court-yard, parterre,and garden, situate No 53, Graude Rue, GResLAY, Valley of Montmorelici.-For more ample particulars, see Galignani’s Messenger of April 27.5 or apply to M. Bohaire, the proprietor, on [...]
[...] a Dwelling-house, with stable, coach-house, and garden, kitchen utensils, etc.—Apply at ORMEsson, adjoining the Bains d'Enghieu, Valley of Montmorency. . To Let, furnished, rue de la Paix, a very handsome and convenient Entresol—Apply to Mme. Collet, 17, rue de la Paix. [...]
Galignani's messenger13.07.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 13. Juli 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] [From the Times.] Ertract of a Private Letter, St. Helena. May 15. ... Bonaparte was buried on the 9th in Sane Valley, a spot selected by himself, with the full military ho nours paid to a General of the first rank. His coffin [...]
[...] duplicate dispatches and an official account to Govern ment of the interment of Bonaparte on Wednesday...the gth of May, in a bower of willows, in Rupert's Valley. Captain M. landed immediately, and set off for the Ad miralty. He also brings, we understand, with Bona [...]
[...] deposited, and cemented down. He pointed out the spot he wished to be buried in; it is called , Haines' valley, under some willow trees, and near a spring where he went for water every day. It is one of the p. spots on the island. We may now safely say [...]
Galignani's messenger14.04.1821
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. April 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] r-- * To be Sold or Let, a Country-house, situated in the Celebrated Valley of Montmore “y, near the Forest, 4 leagues from Paris, with an inclosed park of 18 acres, gardens, orchards, billiard room, etc. and commanding a beautiful view of the valley.—Apply [...]
[...] To Let furnished, the small Chateau of 1 Uay, situate in the most beautiful part of the valley of viouſ morency, six miles frºm Paris. There arº public carria:es to and from Paris six times a day to the village of Eaubºnne, immediately adjoi ing. The park [...]
Galignani's messenger23.05.1822
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. Mai 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Tobe Sold or Let, completely furnished, a very con venient Country House, suitable for the residence of a large mily, situated near the Valley of Montmorency, three leagues from Paris. Immediate possession maybe had—apply to the proprietor, No. 9s. [...]
[...] gantly fittel up, with a garden of two acres containing a fountain, and ºvery necessary depende, cº, situated at Sancºurs, near the valley of Monumorency-Apply on the premises, and for particulars to M. Bercºon, Notary, No.º. rue du Roulei, Pasus. [...]
[...] Malborghetto is situated in a populous part ºf the ºntºy, abound. ing with all the conveniences of life; the climate is tempºrate; the air pure, and the sky serene. The view of the valley, of Kanalthal, with Venice on one side, and Austria and the Tyrol on the other; leaves a favourable impressiou of the beauties of this delightſui [...]
Galignani's messenger06.12.1822
  • Datum
    Freitag, 06. Dezember 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] under arms and took up a position during the combat. The Royalist Regency has given orders to respect the neutrality of the valley of Audorra ; Mina has also expressed his intention to respect the privileges of that valley.” [...]
[...] Garda. He also visited the famous natural º: called Pela, which unites two sharp points of the hills of the Valley Pantena; for the safety of passengers, a rope, 150 feet in length, has been stretched from one extremity to the other.—The Duke of Modena and ſa [...]
Galignani's messenger17.10.1822
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] irated Kſingleberg, (Klinglebºrg is a German name and the proper definition is, a sounding hill, or chiming rºcks), or singing valley, about three miles from this place. Although our ..". were very highly rais d by the reports which we had heard, still they [...]
[...] am of opinion that there is not a place in the co" ſy that would better compensate a traveller than a vis' " this celebrated singing valley. On Wednesday night, the 3d of April, about, 22 minutes past 10 o'clock, an earthquake was ſelt at Cal [...]
[...] the Hall of the Notaries, Place Châtelet, Paris, on Tuesday, the 22d of October, 1822, at noon precisely, a subs, antial Country House, situ ated at ORMrsson, in the Valley of Montmorency, near the town of Epinay-sur-Seine, adjoining the Chalybeate House of Englielu. This house consists of a main building, two storeys high, besides the base [...]
Gazette de France10.08.1778
  • Datum
    Montag, 10. August 1778
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] ches qui portent que le Général Waſ † avoit quitté ſes retranchemens de Valley-Forge, & qu'il s'étoit mis en marche pour attaquer New-York ; cepen dant on avoit aſſuré, il y a quelque temps, [...]
Gazette de France24.03.1766
  • Datum
    Montag, 24. März 1766
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] # s'y trouvoient. Dell ils ſont allés à la lantation de Ballards-Valley & ont tenté de mettre le feu à la maiſon ; mais ils ont été repouſſés. Les Planteurs des environs, ayant [...]