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151 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Purfing

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The connoisseur07.11.1754
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. November 1754
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] men, who rather chufe to melt down their plate into the current fpecie, and bring their fide boards to the courſe in their purfes. I am aware alfo, [...]
The connoisseur13.02.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. Februar 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] are already more than is agreeable to be ſhewn; but if they expoſe fickly ſkins furrowed and purfed up like a wafher-woman’s fingers, the fight will become too diſguſting. During the preſent mode I have obſerved, that the diſplay [...]
The ramblerRambler 23.04.1751
  • Datum
    Freitag, 23. April 1751
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] fnuff-boxes, rofe, - by degrees, to gold and dia monds. I now began to find the fmile of Charybdis too coſtly for a private purfe, and added one more to fix and forty lovers, whoſe fortune and patience her rapacity had exhaufted. * - [...]
The general evening post01.05.1760/02.05.1760/03.05.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Mai 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] HighÄ::::::::"ºt afluent, hath not only made”hi - *2 y made nim stiin: : of Spain, but given him a purfe of 7ooo l. stant: :"..."de his fin a chef d’Eſcadré, and [...]
[...] ex: ) car's Purſe ; the Entrance-Money to be paid to It fiorfe, e 39th Day of May, 176o, will be Run for, A Purfe eſt of Three Heats, Weight for Age, by any Horfe, ding, that never won 5o l. at any one Time (Matches [...]
[...] *: to enter at the Post, unleſs agreed to by a :Subcribers then preſert fot interested. *** &c. enters for ei her of the above Purfes, fuch "º en Guineas and his Ertrance; if Two, to "sas each and their Entrance ; and all Diſputes [...]
[...] * does not ſubſcribe and Pay Five Shnilings towards "#re, &c. to ñand a any Houſe that does not *:alfa Gvinea towards the aforefaid Purfes. *" ºs a Main o cocks cach Dzy, and Ordinaries " ": Roſe and crown asurua. [...]
The general evening post14.09.1758/15.09.1758/16.09.1758
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. September 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] the 31st of July, in fix convoys, to Hanau ; from whence they are to be forwarded to S:tab nirg ítanover, spt. 2. The Regency is purfing the mºst vigorous and effestual meaſures for the ſupport of the common caute. The King's own huntſmen have received [...]
[...] Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by five Years old Horfes, &c. that never won Fifty Pounds, (Matches excepted) to carry nine Stone, To pay Two Guineas Entrance, and the Entrance [...]
[...] On Tueſday the 1oth of October, a Sweepstakes of 14o l. by four Years old Horfes, &c. On Wedneſday the 11th of Ostober, a Purfe of Fifty Pounds by aged Horfes, &c. to carry ten Stone ; fix Years olds to carry nine Stone and a half; five Years old to carry eight Stone twelve Pounds, [...]
[...] to the Clerk of the Race. On Thurſday the 12th of October, will be run for on the fame Courfe, a Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by four Years old Mares; to carry eight Stone, two-mile Heats. To pay Two Guineas Entrance, and the Entrance to go to the next Year's Plate. The winning Mare to [...]
The general evening post12.08.1756/13.08.1756/14.08.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 12. August 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] some Diſpatches received on Saturday from Peterf. burgh gave fo much Satisfaction to the Empreſs Queen, thar fhe ordere, a Purfe of 1 zoɔ Ducats to be given to the Courier vho brought them. An/?er am Gazette. The Utrecht Gazette leys only 12o Ducats.] [...]
[...] Hon. Ea, l Gower, or whom ne In 11 appoint. On wedneſday the sth will be run for on the fame Courſe, A Purfe of Fitty rºunds, by any forfe, Mare, or Geldirg, beins nº more than tour Years old iait Grafs, as nutt be certanea under thº Hands of the Lreeder; car, yang nine Stone weight, the best of threº [...]
[...] enter for this ruile at the Poit on the Day of Runting, paying Five usu neas. The Horfes, &c. that ruin for either of the two laft Purfes, to be fhewn and entered, with Certificates of the r Ages, at the fame I ime and Place the Horfes, &c, are to enter for his Majetty’s Plate, before [...]
[...] ſtart ; and it only one Herſe, &c. start for et er of thef two Pl. es, fuch Horſe, &c. hali receive fif, een Guineas and his Entrance Money again, and the Reinaunder of the Purfe íhall go towards the next Years Plate, The Hor. Lord Gray, [...]
The general evening post26.08.1756/27.08.1756/28.08.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 26. August 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] Chefnut Filly, got by Regulus, for 2do Guineas, one four-mile Heat, was won by the latter. At Hambieron on Thurſday the Subſcription-Purfe for Four-year-olds, was won by Mr. Shaftoc's Chefnut Colt, Tyger, got by Crazy, [...]
[...] Years old, or aged Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, that never won five Pounds, (Matches excepted) the Owner of every fuch Horſe, Mare, * or Gelding, having firit fubſcribed Three Guineas to the faid Purfe, and paying Five shillings Entrance. No lefs than three Horfes, &c. to start. If only two come to enter, to be allowed Five [...]
[...] &c. to start. If only two come to enter, to be allowed Five Pounds a-piece, if only one Ten Pounds, and the Plate not run for. Every Horſe, &c. that runs for the faid Purfe to carry Weight as follows, viz. Every four Years old Horſe, &c. feven Stone feven Pounds, five Years old eight Stone feven. Pounds, [...]
[...] &c. to pay Two Guineas to the Clerk cf the Race. On Thurſday the 14th of October will be run for on the fame Courfe, a Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by four Years old Mares ; to carry eight Stone, two Mile Heats. To pay Two Guineas Entrance, [...]
The general evening post15.04.1756/16.04.1756/17.04.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 15. April 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] O be run for on Stamford Courfe in the County of Lincoln, « on Monday the 7th Day of June, A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by any Horfe, Mare, or Gelding, that is no more than five Years old this Grafs, as muft be certified un der the Hands of the Breeder, and that never won any Plate or [...]
[...] olds to carry nine Stone five Pounds, the aged Horfes ten Stone, including Bridle and Saddle. And on wedeeſday the 9th will be run for a Purfe of Fifty Pounds, given by the : Hon. the Earl of Exeter, by any Horſe, Mare, or Gelding, that is no more than four Years ofd [...]
[...] except five Shillings to the Clerk of the Courfe. No Perfon to enter more than one Horfe, &c. for each Purſe. The Horfes, &c. that run for thefe Purfes, to be ſhewn and en tered at the Crown Inn in Stamford, on Wedneſday the 2d of June, between the Hours of Four and Seve» in the Afternoon, [...]
[...] before the Clerk of the Race : And to be kept from that Time at fuch "ubiick Houſes in Stamford, , or within two Miles thereof, as fubſcribe ten Shillings towards the two fit ft Purfes, No Horſe, &c. is either to croſs or jottle each other in running. And any Horfe, &c. having won two Heats, íhall not be obliged [...]
The connoisseur19.12.1754
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 1754
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] De Claris Oratoribus. Foreigners can no longer objećt to us, that the northern coldneſs of our cli mate has (as it were) purfed up our lips, and that we are afraid to open our mouths: The charm is at length diflolved; and our people, who be [...]
The connoisseur10.04.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. April 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Grandam was Daughter to Flanders Moll. His Sire won the King's Plate at York and Hambleton, the Lady’s Subſcription Purfe at Nottingham, the Give and-Take at Lincoln, and the Sweep-Stakes at New market. His Grandfire beat Dick Rogers at E/om and [...]