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1323 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Aching

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The tatler25.05.1710
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 25. Mai 1710
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] This evening, after a little ease from the raging pain caused by so small an organ as an aching tooth (un der which I have behaved myself so ill as to have broke two pipes and my spectacles) I began to reflect [...]
The connoisseur24.04.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. April 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] than her milk. They are never permitted to study, left it ſhould hurt their eyes, and make their heads ache; nor fuffered to ufe any exer cifes, like other boys, left a fine hand ſhould be fpoiled by being uſed too roughly. While other [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer08.05.1755/09.05.1755/10.05.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. Mai 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] with good Cel are, hewhouſe, waſh-houſe, Stable', C'ach'HKUWr and Gianeryar a lure Making Office. capable oſ drying rff m" Deum: ter Week a Do'pchlc, a in' Orehlſd. three Fill' [...]
[...] The abo'ehlediclnea fold by thePatenu' at hie Chymil'a Shop the Comr oſ Bell 'any lnn O'ta'ay. Raek'aTuacture that eare' the Tooth-ach, r'. and Truth Po'der that cleane, arbitrar, and faflan looſe Tent, u. 'ith Direction', Daffy'a Elixir, allo'ed by People o' alllanka, the be! they e'er [...]
[...] Child, by 'hirh Men' many hare a read' receiv'd eurrrple'e Cum. Mr. Wooc 'ard ar'rnd' 'l u- dna an. Frioay' from Te' "170. at h aCh mbrra ar Mr. Fo'u", je'eller, in thſle Cartrr-Lahr, Sou'h S-dr o' St. Paal'a: th'other U'y'in th' flock at hr' Houſe, "K'N the Grern l'arh Well, Piecadilly. -Atnpda by Letter' o' [...]
[...] ſuch 'a are decayed ſro'a b'romrn' 'orſe. The Other ſi'Cvffng th' TOOTH-ACH, give' "u', nd i' h hrdch perfectly con' it; "- ' Add. mld' d'dnld by' ſ. "'b'ry, 't the Bill: and Sun nerrct the Chapter [...]
The general evening post06.11.1756/07.11.1756/08.11.1756/09.11.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. November 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] Teeth to Admiration, (aftenirg thoſe which are loofe, and relieving in many Cafes the |- - moſt painful Tooth Ach. To prevent Counterfeita, (the great Demand having induced mary) they are feated as in the Margin above, and every Paper cf [...]
[...] The above Medicine, fodd by the i atentee, at his Chymist's skop the Corner of Bell Savage Ian Gateway Rock's I inctures that cures the Tooth-ach, i s and Teeth Powder that cleans, whitens, and fattens loofe Teeth, 1 s. with Direćtions. | Constant Attendance from Seven ia the Morning till ten at Night. - [...]
[...] roms, tho' et er i ſe zrc, ac entre y strici est r, i , 4 er Jay:, and fo aº estectually to y revea: the Booi en i juic« s trem b ng t zinte: *i*n ary 1 eral ing Re-ach s or one hand, or a ferair at Gleet or Weaknets to heppen un che other. w Ang the troit inveterare Degree of the Frerch 1łtnefs, at, [...]
The connoisseur11.03.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 11. März 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] drinks a glafs or two of wine without water, he calls it a debauch ; and becaufe his head does not ache the next morning, he is quite a Buck. In fhort, a woman of the leaft ſpirit within the precinéts of St. James's would de [...]
The connoisseur19.09.1754
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 19. September 1754
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] feen a player in the laft aćt fo miferably diſtrefied, that a deaf fpećłator would be apt to imagine he was complaining of the cholic or the tooth-ach. This has alfo given rife to that unnatural cuſtom of throwing the body into various ſtrange [...]
The connoisseur26.06.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 26. Juni 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] to commit. I know a young fellow, who is almoft every morning complaining of the head ache, and curfing the laft night’s Champagne at the St. Alban's, when I am well affured he paffed his evening very foberly with his maiden aunts in [...]
PunchPunch's Almanack for 07.1852/08.1852
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 01. Juli 1852
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    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] (None of your womanish chairs there oh no!) One must get aches and cramps, Even from Highland damps Roderick Wich Alpine Dhu-ho-ieroe! [...]
The general evening post14.10.1760/15.10.1760/16.10.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 14. Oktober 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] For the TEETH, SCURVY in the GUMS, and TooT H-ACH. W O T I N C T U R. E. S of known [...]
[...] are loofe, prevents their Decaying, and entirdy cures the Scurvy ın the Gums. - The , inéture for the Tooth-Ach, removes the most raging and violent P.in in a few Minutes, witnuut either corroding the Teeth, or af &ing the Gvwaº. [...]
[...] cures the molt co firmed Rheumatic, and all Manner of Pairs to, which, the human Body is tubiect. Likewite the Anodyne Ether, which infallibly cures the molt ragºng Tooth-ach in one Minute, Pi ice 1 s. Any Surgeon or Apothccary who have difficult Cafes. either in [...]
The general evening post17.06.1758/18.06.1758/19.06.1758/20.06.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Juni 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] For the TEETH, SCURVEY, in the GUMS, and TO OT-ACH, [...]
[...] are looſe, prevents their Decaying, nd entirely cures the Scurvy in the Gums, The inélure for the Tooth-Ach, removes the moſt raging and violent Pain in a few Minutes, without either corroding the Teeth, or affecting the Gums. - [...]
[...] incident to the Fair sex; and his Royal Specific Droſº.” certain cure (by exterial and interral Applicaiºn) (* Paſſ, Head-ach, Cholic, dry C ripes, Tooth-acº, Pleuriſh Rheumatiºn, Flying Gout, Cramp, Conraion, loſt Appe is, bº Pº". crudies, four Belchings, and all windy Diſorder whº’i.” [...]