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1323 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Aching

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The general evening post14.10.1760/15.10.1760/16.10.1760
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 14. Oktober 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] For the TEETH, SCURVY in the GUMS, and TooT H-ACH. W O T I N C T U R. E. S of known [...]
[...] are loofe, prevents their Decaying, and entirdy cures the Scurvy ın the Gums. - The , inéture for the Tooth-Ach, removes the most raging and violent P.in in a few Minutes, witnuut either corroding the Teeth, or af &ing the Gvwaº. [...]
[...] cures the molt co firmed Rheumatic, and all Manner of Pairs to, which, the human Body is tubiect. Likewite the Anodyne Ether, which infallibly cures the molt ragºng Tooth-ach in one Minute, Pi ice 1 s. Any Surgeon or Apothccary who have difficult Cafes. either in [...]
The general evening post17.06.1758/18.06.1758/19.06.1758/20.06.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Juni 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] For the TEETH, SCURVEY, in the GUMS, and TO OT-ACH, [...]
[...] are looſe, prevents their Decaying, nd entirely cures the Scurvy in the Gums, The inélure for the Tooth-Ach, removes the moſt raging and violent Pain in a few Minutes, without either corroding the Teeth, or affecting the Gums. - [...]
[...] incident to the Fair sex; and his Royal Specific Droſº.” certain cure (by exterial and interral Applicaiºn) (* Paſſ, Head-ach, Cholic, dry C ripes, Tooth-acº, Pleuriſh Rheumatiºn, Flying Gout, Cramp, Conraion, loſt Appe is, bº Pº". crudies, four Belchings, and all windy Diſorder whº’i.” [...]
The tatler02.06.1709
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 02. Juni 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] bride to-morrow morning to her nuptials, and I will undertake the inconstant will forget her lover in the midst of all his aches; but if this expedient does not succeed, I must be so just to the young lady's dis tinguishing sense, as to applaud her choice. A fine [...]
Saturday reviewInhaltsverzeichnis 01.1865/02.1865/03.1865/04.1865/05.1865/06.1865
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 01. Januar 1865
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Junius Brutus, 534 LApºts and Examiners, 1:9 Languagest the Tº aching of, "" Law Courts for London and bristol, 114 Law, the, and the Betting A ºntº. 72 [...]
PunchPunch's Almanack for 1862
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Januar 1862
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] WISH FOR JANUARY. Poterfamilias. Ah! DR. TRIPLEx, well met. I wish you'd give my little people a look in. Head-ache, no appetite, and all that sort of thing. Dr. Triplex. I'll look round. I suppose you have been [...]
[...] Nail down your kitchen windows. It is the only way to avoid draughts, colds, and face-aches. Never scour your stew-pans. It wears off the tinning, and “cooked dishes tell [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. August 1872
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] ACHE * * [...]
[...] Distinguished Foreigner. “ACH ! MEess | I Gonch ATULADE You whom DE Pottom of My HARRT | | You HAve. BLAved AND Zung [...]
[...] Distinguished Foreigner. “Ach | Yes | DAFs is DE Wort –Q VITE EXEKRAPLP 1" [...]
The general evening post27.12.1759/28.12.1759/29.12.1759
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 1759
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] of hill month at Port L’Orient, on board of which was er M, Bout-ct, late Governor of L’lfle Maurice, who was dif ‘i' l arched by M. d’Ache, Commander of his.Ma_;efly’s {luadr-n in the Ball Indies, to inform his Maytfly that “ wit fquadrcm, confining of it men of war and three [...]
[...] “ wit fquadrcm, confining of it men of war and three fr': rates, failed from Madagafcar the 2d of Angufl for-the . viii of Coromanttel'. M. d’Ache makes great complaints -~ a'ainll a certain governor for not getting ready the trinfpo'ts and provilions which would have been necdfaty [...]
[...] Britain and Ireland. . - This Work will be ca’rnprifisd in Flo Numbéts; é'ach Number will cents-n near double in Quantity than what is given in any Publi cation of this Kind ; and if the Work lhould exceed the Propolals, [...]
The general evening post06.11.1760/07.11.1760/08.11.1760
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 06. November 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] : prºporis crimgeving cºunty lift":::::::::::::: swimme :::::::::::::, :s T is a pleafa |- potem: Prayer: 'stri :::::::::: fet to :# Air in Handel's Talents’s Tables of Univerſal Histo: folio Medici Pleaiant, cordial, and enlive otorio cf sagl: Tº Winter, by Mr. Woty : To a Child, by Dr. Univerſal History, both Antient :’u: folio and ach :::: good against all Nervous Diſorder: ; fils, : : { e : ::: ::::: 1 A ::::: T : : Verfes on Walfch's History of the Popes to the preſent |r: : 8vo, :::: :::::: :::: and Lowneſ of Spirits, Dmrti cihg the Cour tefs in Tears i A'Morning Hymn i On the Winter Evenings Entertai z tº v vº :::::, :en:u oughts, and wanderings of the Mird; " [...]
[...] ºf the "º":': -...-3...:..., - * * became rigid (I mean ed), Knees alwa): ::::::::::Grof the Pamphlet ºn the virtues of Honey has found For the TEETH, SCURVY in the G UM Fingers fo stiff ean knotted): e could º that its fragrant Ballam may be reparated from the groffer Parts i and - - -* * * TOOTH-ACH S, and a. : ::::::::: :::::::::: : rhargit is bena maa periga Diffoivent fər all the of ther talfahn3. * W - * Phyſicians at laft faid they ::::: do no morº. la t :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :9, T IN C T U R E S of known plorable Cafe was adviſed to try you: [...]
[...] 3 sd: great Proof ºfi: -} - 3. are loofe, ::veits their Deca : : ti autiful, fastens fuch as || N. B. Theſe ës: :aấörsp; (publik : : fi ::::::::::::::3:: :ch, feated:nd ::::::: Author, at the Gums. - ying, and entirely cures the Scurvy un have aire: căred near :e:e: N: Mr Baldwin's, ă:files, in , áter-noster Rºw i xid Mr Jackſºn's; The Iinâure for the Tooth-Ach removes the maa - w:de:med incuſsole. I":"; : acostelier, irrSt. Fm:::::::::::" elfe, with printed and violent Pain in. a few Minutes, without either ::::::: Bottles of 6 s. and 3 s each, at : : ":::" + water- b : 3:ure et vaisian, ana ":::::::::::::::: -ales þ :: ::::: ::::::::::::::::: [...]
The general evening post25.08.1761/26.08.1761/27.08.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 25. August 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] -- - - - -been an Engliſh woman, would have atted otherwiſe than ſhe has doſe. No ; the generous, diſintereſted a ach. ment ſhe has ever ſhewn to the intereſis of this cº inty: (the beſt manner of conſuling thoſe of the Royal 1 mily) [...]
[...] eſtimated at above three millions of livres. [To balance this account, the Bruſſels Gazette ſubjoins a liſt of valu l able captures lately made by the Fr.ach, which need not [...]
[...] tyr. Kºck', excell at ſa ze.”ges for the Worms in Chi dren or growa, eaſons. Pººl; - jr. Kock's tephaft Snuff, for curing Head-achs and other Diſorders of the Îlead, 6d. a Bottle. [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer17.01.1756/18.01.1756/19.01.1756/20.01.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] by yiolent, Convulſions that followed her Day and Night. Theſe brought upon her choºt and gravelly Paris, Difficulty of Breathing, intolerable Head-aches, Suffocations, Loſs of Sight, and other Complaints too [...]
[...] and Head-ach are no more complained of, ſhe is no more troubled with the Palpitation of the Heart; the Wind that was ſo predominant, and gave ſo much Un [...]
[...] entertaining, uſeful, and Pºetry, but very neat and agreeable Furnitur. The Whole of this elaborate Work is comprized infº fin. Prints, *ach being twenty-ſix Inches long and nineteen wide, printed on the beſt Imperial Paper. - And as this Undertaking, has been carried on by Subſcriptions [...]