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The general evening post18.03.1756/19.03.1756/20.03.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 18. März 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] nei aux ont fait remettre, dans une Conference, le de ce Mois, au Comte D’Affy, fon Minitti e Pie nipotentiaire aupres de leur [...]
[...] des Etats Generaux, que, bien loin de fournir di rećłement, ou indirećternent, aucun Secours a la Cour de Londres, ils renótiroient au contraire, s’ils en etoient requis, les Engagemens egalement defenſifs, qu'ils ont contraćtes avec fa Majếfte. [...]
[...] qui auront particulierement pour Motif et pour Fin la Surete, le Repos, et la Proſperite de la Re publique. Le Roy depuis fon Avenement au Trone, s’eſt conſtamment intere fie a l’Indepen dance & a l'Honneur d s Etats Generaux, ét fa [...]
[...] “ finces einent ne pa, multiplier les Calainites de la “ Guerre : Mais clie ne pou: oit plus compter au *: Nombre de tes Arnis, les Puifances, qui, bien “ loin de reimplir a fon Egard les Engagemens de [...]
[...] contre la Beaſtance des i’rocedes. Au Reſte, fa [...]
[...] au se aeg nineteen Acras in Tenure of Rob. Hood; at the ar rent of 14 1. - A, e trage and eleven Acres in Tenure of william Wade; at [...]
Saturday review[Beilage] 28.12.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Dezember 1872
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] mºnºcrie—La belle au bois dormant—Monsieur Bºb-º-L'ours Martin Les vacances (le Gu ne–La toilette de la poupée—Les metiers--Le cheval–Robinson Cruso. petit Poucet. Per vol. 2s. [...]
[...] DEHERRYPON: Les merveilles de la chimie. GIRARD (J.): Les plantes étudióes au microscope. GUILLEMIN (Amédée): La vapeur. 1 vol. 2s. 8d. LANOYE (F. de): La vie sauvage. 1 vol. 2s. 8d. [...]
[...] 22. BIBLIOTHNOTE Rose ILLUSTRſ. E. AGASSIZ (Mime. et M.): Voyage au Brésil. 1 vol. 2s. 3d. [...]
[...] MILTON et CHEADLE: Voyage de l'Atlantique au Pacifique. 1 vol. pricc 2s. 3d. [...]
The tatler26.09.1710
  • Datum
    Freitag, 26. September 1710
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] and what will then become of them 7 Should I lay down my paper, what a famine would there be among the hawkers, printers, booksellers, and au thors! It would be like Doctor Burgess's dropping his cloak, with the whole congregation hanging upon [...]
The general evening post10.02.1761/11.02.1761/12.02.1761
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 10. Februar 1761
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] º *. àe § at day-light, the enemy were ſix miles º, - a head of the Lively, ºxerting all their ſkill to make the man Cld # º und to Vijnia, ſad taken fix other rs, nº wºnd of Tortuga, and get into Port au Paix. The from Briſto', º: - - #. he banks of Newfound ºn Lively, who made a good uſe of her, oats, was con- prizes, and was left cºg ivateer of leſs force. ** ſiderably a-head of the Hampſhire, and got up along. iand, in company with anºther p.". arrived at [...]
[...] headmoſt ſhips, and opened her fire upon them; but tº The Generous Friend, from Am º, Bohea tea firſt having the advantage of the wind, made her retreat the river, having on board 145,913 if . Hon Eit. good into Port au Prix; the other ran on ſhore,” and 2758 lb. of Single, for . the TiOil. D.; º two leagues to leeward, when ſhe ſtruck her colours ? India Cºmpany, which they import by licence. Lad d ... and on the Hampſhire preparing to take poſſeſſion, the On Monday night Mr. Walºdeº ºf al } . [...]
[...] : ºf the Lively and her prize in company, made ſail toward; The death of Marſhal Belleiſle, ſay letters from Paris, º Freſh-water bay, which lies a little further to the leeward cannot fail to occaſion ſeveral changes in the Miniſtry. º of Port au Paix, to take or deſtroy the Fieur de Lis, M. de Cremille is looked upon as the propereſt perſon º their ſternmoſt of the three frigates ſhe had chaſed the ſucceed him in the War Department : but others thin | - day before; but on his approach the enemy likewiſe ſet that the buſineſs of it will devolve upºn the pºke de [...]
[...] guarding the other paſſages, upon the ſame ſervice. An Accºunt of the five French frigates taken, burnt, and chaſed into Port au Paix, in the Iſland of Hiſpaniola. The Sirenne, Commodore M’Carlie, of 32 guns and 180 men, ſtruck to the Boreas, Capt. Uveda'é, of 28 [...]
[...] *ſcaped into Port au Paix. [...]
[...] "", burnt and deſtroyed to leeward of Fort au Paix, [...]
All the year round30.11.1872
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. November 1872
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] If the pot-au-feu and the pignatta were the only two advantages the French and Italian farmer and farm-labourer had over [...]
[...] agriculture—a book avowedly written for small proprietors and agricultural labourers —touches at once on the pot-au-feu. It is the corner-stone of every economic She pretends that her book is [...]
[...] the key-note. With the observation that an earthen ware vessel makes a better pot-au-feu than a metal one, and that the old pot is better by far than the new, two items of know [...]
[...] soups within reach of the small farmer and some of his shepherds. Her observa tions on the foundation of the pot-au-feu are excellent in this, that she gives simple reasons for directions, that will appeal [...]
[...] face in thick masses and the cook skims it, and throws it away—wasting a very valu able part of her pot-au-feu or bouillon. I dined lately with an experimentalist who had heard the subject discussed. He [...]
[...] the bouillon retains a disageeeable taste of albumen; and I am quite of his opinion that a pot-au-feu with a fine capon and a little veal thrown in is better than the ordinary pot. But we are in the country, [...]
[...] experience of good things, the loss of part of the meat is improper. Give me, by all means, the pot-au-feu of the gourmet, and I will make an admirable dinner of it. But don’t tell me it is an economical [...]
[...] and I will make an admirable dinner of it. But don’t tell me it is an economical dish. So, I repeat, the pot-au-feu, as ex plained by Madame Michaux to the farmer's wife and the cantonnier's daughter, is a [...]
[...] these are a cheap and agreeable substitute for spinach ; her lettuce aujus is a delicate dish, and her lettuce stalks au blanc should be tried by the experimental philosopher. So orderly and thorough is madame, that [...]
PunchTitelblatt 08.1845
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. August 1845
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] --M.------T----- Y-t- -carriage coutaini pa-en 5 Tu the terminu- of the º: Railway --- -er Paoro----to-au-at-ta-xux-en-o-ra-exo-a-ox---------- Rather premature. Why not waittill a boat-load goes to the bottom? Dr. Lawn, auroº, was livan ann unovour ura ramily ox wºu [...]
PunchRegister Bd. 043 1862
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Januar 1862
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Abe Lincoln's Last Card, 161 Alfred Refuses to Burn his Fingers, 231 Au Revoir : 15 Bull-Fight at Bayonne, 130 Cardinal Wiseman’s “Lambs,” 171 [...]
[...] means," 224 - Opportunity (An), 54 Optical Illusion (Au), 238 Pet-Love, 210 Photographic Artist Obviates a Diffi [...]
The tatlerHistorical and biographical preface 1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Januar 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] criticism of his own introduced in No. 6. The criticism is not of great importance unless to those commentators who make a favourite au thor the source of allexcellence, and are deter mined to find a beauty in every particle. AD [...]
[...] It may be necessary, however, to mention that, in assigning the papers of the TATLER to their respective authors, we have better au thority to follow in almost every case than in that of St EELE himself, because it has been [...]
[...] called the ADDISONIAN manner with a close ness which would have rendered it very diſfi cult to assign the papers to their proper au thors, if we had been left without any autho rity but a supposed knowledge of the style. [...]
[...] it is with the utmost difficulty the produc tions of its contemporaries can be procured. Among them, Mr THOMAS BAKER,” the au thor of the FEMALE TATLER, laboured hard to gain fame by depreciating the lucubra [...]
[...] tions of ISAAC BICKERSTAFF, chiefly by vul gar and personal remarks on ST EELE's cha racter, gait, &c. The hostility of the au thors of the ExAMINER is rather better known. Another enemy was a monsieur BourNELLE, [...]
[...] beautiful book, and like the others printed in the same year, very accurate. The pa pers were in general corrected by the au thors, with some, but few, omissions and additions. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Mai 1860
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] which is “dédiéeaux Orphéonistes,” has been written and produced:— “Spécialement poureux, dans le seul but de leur faciliter, les différents détails de lavie, et de les guider au milieu de la métropole britannique. Cebut sera-t-il atteint?–1'auteur l'espère. Il a choisises mots, combiné ses phrases, avec un!soin [...]
[...] “La Cité, ou le Vieux Londres, forme un losange qui commence a º ets'étend jusqu'au delà de Minoris, limité à droite parla rive opposée du fleuve, it gauches'étendant de Holborn a Primerose-Spitar.”[A French contraction possibly for Primrose Street, Spital Square.] “Elle constituela partie centrale de Londres et une [...]
[...] Bay’s-Water-Road et sillonne toute la ville sous les noms d'Orford-Street, Holborn, Skinner Street, Newgate Street, Cheapside. Leadenhall Street et Mile End-Road. L'autre ligne, parallèle au fleuve, entre à l'ouest de Londres, par Kensington, Hyde Parket Piccadilly. LA elle se bifurque; unedeses branches va rejoindre Holborn on traversant la Tamise sous les noms de Coventry Street, [...]
[...] culières, il faut placer le Royal Exchange [this we need not say is a misprint for “le Punch office:” an error which we trust the next edition will correct].-Cet édifice, dans leguelse tient le Money Market, est situé au N. de Cornhill. Il a 6té construit de 1536 a 1567, brûlé en 1666, et rebati l’année suivante.” [...]
[...] course contrasted the gratifying fact, that the heads who gave their crowns to see MENDELs. soHN unveiled, amounted not to “some” but to some eighteen thousand, and therefore stood no danger of being “...almost lost.” . Being *. au fait at performing public ceremonies, such as Christening Drinking Fountains, and wheelbarrowing First Sods, it is quite needless to remark that Mr. Punch did the unveiling with his usual graceful ease, and made the usual [...]
The general evening post22.03.1760/23.03.1760/24.03.1760/25.03.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. März 1760
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] N, B. Mrs. Hodges is fuppofed to have lived fome where au Shoreditch, Moorfields, or Spitalnelds. [...]
[...] stioners. Hall, sold alſo by ç, Hith and , Hawes, j. Ri inšº", Si Cr wder, P. Davey and H. law, and T. Longman. * . . . where may be had, by the fa ne au kor, * The Knowledge ana Prastice of a H · 13 FIANI , Y made eaſy to the means? Capacities ; or, An lífy toward; an in tuaian [...]
[...] # " And Fellow of the 'gral exity. Pinted for w.js'a, łow, G. Keith, S. Creter and Co., P. P*** , , « au 3 saº, I’, F eld, T. C Milor, E., Dily, and A. Linde. f: I) y g:ere puºliſa’u, |- a.: - - (like One Stilling) | [...]
[...] st' por s čurch yard ; s Crowd rand : ºn ":" ": ; : : „ , at sa ist, ry; J. L. ke, ind W. ":"c", at tath ; and fodd by the Au hor, at bis H guic in F feet-St; tet. [...]
[...] ;-. f dong tº i - tett S.; c. to People lub ur ng ender a Langour o: Srirts, -n : t: , p cbendra, . Cena; fºnts : it's eaſy to be taken, v.1...e Syſtein, aus u-cúe nº e o finement. |- T e B atles to prevent Ce nte * feits) are [...]