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151 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Purfing

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The general evening post07.09.1756/08.09.1756/09.09.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 07. September 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] White Hor e on Friday the 15th of October, between the Hours of une and Five in the Afterndon. To pay One Guinea Entrance, and to fut fcribe Two Guineas to this Purfe, and Five Shillings to the Clerk of the Cat rfe. - On wedrefday the 2ath of October will be run for on the fame [...]
[...] Mr. Law’s the upper Crown, the Poit-Houſe, on the 16th of Oétober, between the Hours of One and Five in the Afternoon. To pay and ſubſcribe as for the firſt Day's Purfe. Any qualified Horfe, &c. may enter at the Poſt for either of the Puríes, paying Two Guineas Entrance and fubfcribing Three Guineas to the [...]
[...] Horfe, &c. may enter at the Poſt for either of the Puríes, paying Two Guineas Entrance and fubfcribing Three Guineas to the fecond Day’s Purfe. No lefs than three qualified Horfes, &c. to ſtart for either of thefe Purfes, and no Perfon to enter more than one Horfe, &c. [...]
[...] Certificates of the Qualifications of each Herfe, &c. to be pro duced at the Time of Entrance. If but one Horfe, &c. enters for ei her of thefe Purfes, to have Ten Guineas, if two Fisteen Guineas between them and their Entrance Money again ; and the Purſe to be run for next Year. [...]
[...] between them and their Entrance Money again ; and the Purſe to be run for next Year. If any Diſpute at Entering or Running for either of thefe Purfes íhal arife, to be determined by a Majority cf Subſcribers then pr-fent, and their Determination to be final. * [...]
The general evening post14.08.1756/15.08.1756/16.08.1756/17.08.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. August 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] will be run ior on Claverton-Down near Bath, a Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by any Horfe, Mare or Gelding, that never won above Fifty Guineas at any one Time (Matches excepted) five [...]
[...] Figg's, at the Lamb Inn in Bath, and be fubjećt to the Articles which wili be produced at the Tine of Entrance. Certificates of their Qualifications for each of thefe Purfes to be produced at the Tine ot Ertrance, or before the Day of Running. No les thaa three reputed Running. Ho:fes, &c. to ſtart for [...]
[...] produced at the Tine ot Ertrance, or before the Day of Running. No les thaa three reputed Running. Ho:fes, &c. to ſtart for either of thefe Purfes, each Horfe, &c. to pay Two Guineas En trance, if a Subſcriber’s, and Five Shillings to the Clerk of the Courie ; a Non-Subfcriber Three Guineas, and Five Shillings to [...]
[...] Courie ; a Non-Subfcriber Three Guineas, and Five Shillings to the Cicrk of the Courfe ; if but one Horſe, &c. enters for enther of thefe Purfes, to be allowed Ten Guineas, and his Entrance Money returned ; but if two Five Guineas each, and their En trance-Money returned. If any Difference fhall ariſe to be de [...]
[...] fuch that have fubfcribed One Guinea. N.B. The Stakes of each Day for the fecond-beſt Horie. The winning Horte of the firit Day not to ſtart for the fecond Purfe. [...]
The general evening post23.09.1756/24.09.1756/25.09.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 23. September 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] tl. e Clerk of the Co ríe. |- - on wedneſday the zoth of October will be run for on the fatne Courte, A Purfe ºf Fifty Pounds, by real Hunters of the last Seaſon, tlıat tever started for any Thng but a Hunter's liate, and had nost a Sweat from the zoth of September tº the 24th of March latt, [...]
[...] Horie, &c. may enter at the Poſt for eithe of the Purſes, paying Two Guineas Entrance and ſubſcribing Three Guineas fº. *** fecond Day's Purfe. The Winner to be fold for Sixty Guineas within an Hour after the Purfe is wen, if demanded by any ":"; :ho hai ha: fº:::::::Two Guineas to theſe Races a fº” [...]
[...] Certificates of the Qualifications of each Herſe, &c. *º be pro durea at the Tim: Èr:nce fi bút one Horſe, &c. en:" ": ether of thefe Purfes, to have Ten Guineas, if two File:" Guinea5 between them and their Entrance Money again ; and thº Pt:rfe to be run for next Year. [...]
[...] between them and their Entrance Money again ; and thº Pt:rfe to be run for next Year. If any Diſpute at Entering or Running for either of theſe Purfes fhail arfe, to be determined by a Majority of Subſcribº“ then preſent, and their Determination to be final. [...]
The general evening post01.06.1756/02.06.1756/03.06.1756
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 01. Juni 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] bury; J. Baileys, at the Rainbow coffee-Houſe, Cornhill, Lon- O be run for on Grantham Cou don ; or at the Premifes, - - - - County of Lincoln, on Tueſday the 12d Day o To be peremptorily S O L D in Lott, A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, by any Hoife, Mare, or Ge Purſuant to feveraj Orders of the High Court of Chancery, before no more than five Years old this Grafs, carrying tens THOMAS BENNETT, Efq; one of the Mafters of the fame j' fourteen Pounds to the Stone, Bridie and Saddle includ [...]
[...] Which Horfes, &c. mult not have won any Plfe or Marc pay two Guineas Eutrance, and two Guineas for and t Purfe of Fifty Pounds, to be run for on the fame Courſ Year 1757. - * * - And on Thurſday the 24th will be run for, A Purfe [...]
[...] from running. And the winning Horſe to be fold for 1cc demanded by the Subſcribers then preſent. All Horſes, &c. tha: start for the above Purfes, to he ſhewn entered at the George, fnn in Grantham, before Robert Burch, C of the Race, on Saturday the 19th of June next, between the Ho [...]
[...] and to be fubjećł to the Articles then and there to he produced, a fłand at fuch Publick Houſes as fubſcribe one Guinea towards the Purfes, until the Day of running, or be excluded. No iefs than three qualifi d to ſtart for any of thefe Purſes. I but two, to have five Guineas each, it but one to have eight Guinea; [...]
The general evening post10.06.1756/11.06.1756/12.06.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 10. Juni 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] azed Herfes to carry twelve Stone, Bridle and Saddle included; the beſt of three four Mike Heats. And on Friday the 6th Fifty Pounds, a Give and Take Purfe, the County and City Subſcription, for Horfes, Mares or Gel »ngs, that never won above that Value at one Time. Fourteen Hands to [...]
[...] No Horfe, &c. winning two Heats fhall be obliged to ſtart for a third; no leſs than three reputed Running Horfes, &c. to start for each Day’s Purſe except the Hunter's Purfe, and no lefs than three Horfes, &c. to ſtart for that. Certificates of their Qualifications to be produced at the Time of Entrance: If only one or two enter [...]
[...] to be produced at the Time of Entrance: If only one or two enter to be allowed ten Guineas each, Entrance Money included, and the Purfe to be referved for the next Year, to run according to Articles which will be produced at the Time of Eritrance ; and if any Difference ſhall arife or happen on Account of the Age or Height [...]
[...] which will be produced at the Time of Eritrance ; and if any Difference ſhall arife or happen on Account of the Age or Height of any Horfe, &c, or on Account of the Purfes, Heats, or Running, that the fame fnall then be determined by the Majority of the Gentlemen preſent at the Races, that have fubſcribed not lefs than [...]
[...] Garter in Forgate-ftreet, between the Hours of four and ſeven in the Evening, to be kept and remain at fuch Houfes as ſubſcribe not leſs than one Guinea to the City Purfe. í here wili be Balls every Evening at the Guildhall as uſual.. The Right Hon the Lord F O LEY, Steward. [...]
The general evening post24.06.1756/25.06.1756/26.06.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 24. Juni 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] for, on Silottery Meadow, near Stratford, a Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for any Horſe, &c. that never wón Fifty Pounds at ºnº Time (Matches excepted) weight fºr Age ; fivé v.a s cii [...]
[...] n ne Stone, fix Years old en Stone, and aged Horſes, &c. ten Store ten l’ounds, Bride and Saddle, &c. |- } Ho fes, &c. to be fhewn and entered for each of thefe Purfes, [...]
[...] Bruce, in St a ford afo; efaid ; and be ſubject to the Articies which will be peduced at the 1 ime of Entrarce. Cer ficates of their Qualifications for each of thefc Purfes to be prºduced at the Tim; of En: ance, or before the Day of Run ring ; and no les t'aa three iierfes, &c. to ſtart fore the of thre [...]
[...] Tufes. Each Horſe, &c. if a Subſcriber's, to pay one cuinea F n trance, and Five Shillings to th: Cie k of the C u fe, and Two Guineas towards the next Year's Purfe. Every ſ l'orfe, &c. that enters at the Post, if a Subſ riber’s, to pay Three Guineas ; if a Non Suef be, ’s, Five Guineas. Every Sủ, tiiber’s ii-ri-, &c. [...]
[...] Non Suef be, ’s, Five Guineas. Every Sủ, tiiber’s ii-ri-, &c. to be, born fide, his own, Every fore, &c. that enters for eithar of theſe Purfes, ſhall ftand at fach Publick Houfes as contribute Haif a Guinca, or more, to the Town Purſe, and ſhall be kept at cne of the faid [...]
The connoisseur02.09.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. September 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] highwayman in my own defence ; yet I ſhould be very defervedly brought to the gallows, if I took a purfe from the next perfon I met, becauſe I had been robbed myſelf. | [...]
The Idler29.07.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. Juli 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Knowing that “ light gains make a heavy purfe,’ he was content with moderate profit; having obferved or heard the effects of civility, he bowed down to the counter [...]
The general evening post13.05.1756/14.05.1756/15.05.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 13. Mai 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] run for, on Part of the tame Downs, as uſual, near Ciren cefter, A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for four Years old Horfes, Mares or Geldings, carrying rine Store, Bridle and Saddle in cluded. The bett of three two Mile Hears. [...]
[...] Pounds, free for five Years old Horſes, &c. carrying nine Stone, Bradle and Sadele included. The best of three four m le Heats. And on Wedneſday the 2d will be run for, A Purfe of Fifty Pounds, free for lix Years old and aged Horſes, &c. fix Years oli carrying ten Stone, and aged Hortes, &c. ten Stone twelve Pounds, [...]
[...] carrying ten Stone, and aged Hortes, &c. ten Stone twelve Pounds, Bridle and Saddle included. The beſt of three four mile Heats. i lie Hories, &c. that run for either of the above Purfes, to be ſhewn and entered on i ueſday the 25th inſtant, at the starting Po't, between the Hours of Iwo and Six in the Afternoon. Á [...]
[...] The Purtes to be run for according to Articles which will be produced when required, by the Clerk of the Courfe. Any Horfe, &c. winning the two firſt Heats, ſhall have the Purfe, without bein3 obliged to start a third ; and the Stakes to go to the fecond beſt Horie. To start exactly at Four o’Clock in the Afternoon [...]
The general evening post22.07.1756/23.07.1756/24.07.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. Juli 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] the above-Plate, under the Hands of the Breeders. | On Thurſday the 26th of August will be run for, on the faid Courſe, a Purfe of Fifty Guineas, by any Horfe, Mare or Gelding ; five Years old carrying ten Stone Weight, Bridle and Saddle in cluded, the beft of three Heats, each Heat being two Miles. To [...]
[...] for on Pitchcrolt-Ham, near this ( i y, A Purfe of 5o į. given by the Members of the County, and City of Worceſter, to be run for by five or fix Years old or aged Ho:fes, Mares or Geldings, [...]
[...] aged Horfe, to carry twelve Stone, Lrdic and oad die included; the beſt of three four Mile H:ats And on Friday the oth Fi. y Pounds, a C.ve and Take Purfe, the County and City Subſcripton, by Ho f , .ia' -> or G-ci ngs, that ne, er won above that Value at one Ti e Fourteen , lands to [...]
[...] Garter in Forgate-1 treet, bet veen the i lour, e i iour and ſeven in the Evening, to be kept and i emain at such Houſes as ſubcribe not leís than one Guinen to the Subſcription Purfe. The Ordinary for the fi: ít Day to be at Edward Wellings's, at the Bell in Broad-Street ; the fecond Day at Richard Proffer’s, at [...]