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Suchbegriff: Seckendorf

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Punch or The London charivari (Punch)Titelblatt 12.1843
  • Datum
    Freitag, 01. Dezember 1843
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Count SEckendorf died, 1692,-Count Furstorf, his father, having done so before him. LiNNeus died, 1788. He was a teacher of Botany, and opened [...]
The Whitehall evening post or London intelligencer04.12.1755/05.12.1755/06.12.1755
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Temple, that it will he readil granted. i ' , RtetnanRo, Nov. 22. n Conſeq-uence oſthclate Re reſentAtions of Field-Marſhal Count Seckendorf to t ie General Aflhxnbly of the Empire, a Project is on the' Tapis for the effectual rchuilding and renewing the [...]
Saturday review06.11.1858
  • Datum
    Samstag, 06. November 1858
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] silence and privacy to public discussion. According to his version of the proceedings, the Tabagie gave the two black artists, as he calls them, Seckendorf and Grumkow, all the facility which could be desired for spying and lying, for domestic mischief, and treachery in relation to foreign transactions. A single Qppºsition [...]
[...] hole-and-corner Tobacco-Parliament. Perhaps, on the other hand, the villany of Grumkow is somewhat exaggerated by the indignant historian; nor is it easy to understand how Seckendorf, as Austrian Resident at Potsdam, could have been expected to waver in his devotion to Imperial interests or caprices. Frederick William [...]
Saturday review21.05.1859
  • Datum
    Samstag, 21. Mai 1859
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] Thorndale fell in love with a young lady, was fond of speculation, and had many conversations, in Switzerland and elsewhere, with one Seckendorf, a sceptic content with his scepticism, and Clarence, a believer in progress and religion. The editor inti mates that he does not agree with any of the characters, but [...]
Saturday review02.05.1868
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Mai 1868
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] resent and in existence—the present as existing in the actual moment. W. I demanded the proof, he referred me to the word is, which applies to existence, in the sentence that “this is future.” Seckendorf, who was present (with him I have become closely acquainted, to my great satisfac tion), attempted to draw attention to the confounding the subjective (i.e., [...]