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Galignani's messenger07.09.1826
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. September 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] of conducting the war, which ought to be settled. But perhaps our usual high bearing made it necessary to send Sir A. Cam to Rangoon just before the setting in of the rains, lest it should be said in India, that we “did not deem it prudent to resist” the elements and sickness.-(Globe.) [...]
[...] storm at Burford, in this county ; so severe a one is not within the memory of the oldest inhabitant: the streets were completely deluged, and the rain came down the hill, ou which the town is situated, knee-decſ) across the road, tearing up the pavement and every thing in its way ; the lightning was very severe, two ricks [...]
[...] :on Sunday evening, during the rain, the largº drin from Edinburgh, from the pressure of the quantity of water, jºurt with great violeuce at the ſool of º º:º [...]
[...] sºw dºesnºy ºn of rain in Dublin and its vicinity ; and by the aº from several parts of the count *X, we are warranted in the in ference, that the rain has been Pºtty general, Tºle ºf is ºf [...]
[...] any change of weather. The oºls, it is suppºsed, will not he a. third ºf an average; barley is about a half Crºſ, wheºf, taken altogether, is an ºverage return. The rains may yet scrºciº turnips, an the other winter food fºr tº: cattie, and as to the Polºto crop, upon which people are *i; ally more nervo's and [...]
[...] ‘e has been a good deal of rain, with intermiting time weather. |. and É. cºloring of the fields as been changed to a verdant surface, and there is a correspondii) ; alteration in the [...]
[...] great distress, let us hope that it will, in Solue degree, alle iate it. "ºway—owing to the salubrious showers of rain which descended in the neighbourhood of this town for the last fort night, potatoes have tallen considerably in our market. The [...]
[...] abundant—but those of the upland, unless stimulated by the co pious showers which now occasionally fall, will be very scanty.— Rain has fallen abundantly for the last few days; the appearance of the country is much refreshed, and the ultimate effects on agri cultural produce must prove beneficial.—(Globe.) [...]
[...] that article.” - Extract of a private letter, dated Dantzic, Aug. 17: “we have as yet very little rain in this quarter, though there have been partial showers in some parts, which may do good to the potatoes, but this crop will generally be bad, as well as the [...]
Galignani's messenger16.08.1819/17.08.1819
  • Datum
    Montag, 16. August 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Carmarthen and neighbourhood were on Sunday se’nnight visited by tremendous storins of thunder, lightning, hail, and rain. Some of the streets exhibited entire sheets of water, [...]
[...] Hereford Journal. One of the most singular and awful storms of thunder, lightning, and rain, which has occurred for many years past, was experienced here yesterday night week, between the hours of half-past six and ten. It seems [...]
[...] town, the electric matter fore in pieces the wood work of a stable, entered a chain which was affixed to the manger and killed a dog at the end of it. Very little rain fell in the town; but a gentlemau who was passing over Wool ton Common at the time, says that the rain seemed to fall [...]
[...] P*** five the thunder storm set in, with the mosºl and unremitting peals, accompanied by lightning, in the most vivid and continued flashes ; the rain ſell from the haven: * if the clouds had at the same moment discharg ed their cºntents, insomuch, that in the ºf Tº [...]
[...] day. Several lives were lost, and a number of beasts, of i. •or, killed.—The fºund. was of the most awful kind, and the rain Pº"red down as if the flood-gates of Heaven had been le: loose. « The cfect of the form were severely felt ; at Merlin [...]
[...] ter dark a shower as it were of money in diffe rent pieces of coin, from francs down to a sous pieces, has appeared to rain in one particu lar part of the Rue Moutesquieu ; no one caniell how or from whence it comes, any [...]
Journal général de l'Europe ou Mercure national et étrangerAnnonces, Articles et Avis Divers 26.05.1789
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 26. Mai 1789
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] eence de leurs Alteſſes Sereneſſines. Les habitans de cette ville ont fignalé leur attachement à leurs ſouve rains d'une maniere qui exprime autant leurs ſentimens qu'elle eſt conforme aux intentions bieufaiſantes de [...]
[...] rain peut elie elever une pretention pareille ? S'il y [...]
Galignani's messenger06.10.1823
  • Datum
    Montag, 06. Oktober 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] But the expectatious of every one were considerally depressed by the appearance ºf the moru up of his M." jesty’s entrée. . The whole night prey, usiv.i. rained without intermission; the strets of Wºlsov, were flooded by the rain; ſhe great matérie', *s the F, ench [...]
[...] thousands. A meeting of the Committee was cºll: together.—There it was reported, thº owns to the ceaseless rain of the preceding nigh', it was "p" atti [...]
[...] dripping from a p n about twenty feet long by eight wide, so as to admit the basting of the ºx, whilst it z cluded the rain, which had rendered the effºrts of the night almost fruitless. The process ºf roasting was singular and curious. The can case of the animal was [...]
[...] could effectually reach them. An awning was sub-e quently erected, of canvas to shelter the ox ſtom the rain, which ſell withºut intermis ion throughout the day. Nothing could be more singular that the whole o! This process, which took place u = field denominated [...]
[...] shelving to the centre, in which the apparatus, file, coals, etc. were most unfo, tunately so placed that the rain from all parts concentrated into the very spot where the ox was roasted. - The field is rendered remarkable for having been [...]
[...] most glaciously acknowledged the cordiality of his re ception by frequent inclinations of his head; owing, however, to the rain and chilling wind, the glasses of his Majesty's carriage were up. The cavalcade moved up High-street and Castle-street into the Lower Castle [...]
[...] ands of music paraded the town, aud a splendid gene ral illumination took place, which was favoured by an in!ermission of the rain. The company at the dinner of his Majesty, on his arrival at the Castle, consisted of th” cortege which attended him and the usual Royal [...]
Galignani's messenger12.10.1822
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. Oktober 1822
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] near mid-day ; a circumstance that generally indicates wet weather; the rain, however, may have been more frequent and heavier in a less northern latitude than this i; where the noon had a greater influence [...]
[...] than this i; where the noon had a greater influence over the Earth's almosphere. Nearly three-fourths of this month's rain fell here at and near the time of the 'Autumnal equinox, when a depression of one inch of inercury was observed in the barometer. The month [...]
[...] inercury was observed in the barometer. The month having been ſair for field labour, and there having been lout 3 iI2 inches of rain during the last two months, the level arable lands will therefore be found in a fit and proper state for early sowing. [...]
[...] A. considerable reduction took place the latter part of the month in the mean temperature of the air, in consequence of the rains and cold easterly gales—and there were two or three slight hoar frosts before sun rise. The average temperature is 4 1/4” lower than [...]
[...] Summary of the Weather.—A clear sky, 3; fair, with various modifications of clouds, 16; an overcast sky without rain, 7 ; foggy, 314; rain, 3114; total, 30. A scale of the prevailing Winds.-N. 2, N.E. 9, .5, N.W. 2,-Days 50. [...]
[...] States; but from want and fatigue, it is doubtful whe ther all will effect a safe return. He states that it had not rained for the last ten months, and that the crops of corn were entirely burnt up; and that the Camazcl:ee Indians were killing and plundering the Spaniards dai [...]
Galignani's messenger14.08.1823
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 14. August 1823
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] menced with peas, and it is expected that wheats will #ºnerally be brought under the sickle in about a week. The late rains have not injured the corn; although the have retarded the hay making.—(Brighton Gazite.) ... A field of self-sown Talavera wheat is now under [...]
[...] pends on the weather, which appears to be clearing up in spite of Saint Swithin. This Saint’s binth-day is the 15til July; and, it is said, that, if rain fall un his birth day, it will fall on forty days successively. But, I be lieve, that they rºckon retrospectively as well as pros [...]
[...] lieve, that they rºckon retrospectively as well as pros pectively; and, if this be the case, we may, this time, escape the extreme unction : for, it bagan to rain on the 26th of June ; so that it rained nineteen days boſore the 15th of July; and, as it has rained sixteen days [...]
[...] the 26th of June ; so that it rained nineteen days boſore the 15th of July; and, as it has rained sixteen days sii ce, it has rained, in the whole, thirty-five days, and, o! course, five days more will satisſy this wet sºul of a Saint. Lºt him take his five days; and, there will he [...]
[...] diate nvirons are sterile, exhibiting in general a sandy soil. In Cadiz there are no fountains, but in almost every house there is a cistern to receive the rain water that flows from the terraces. However, a great part of the population are compelled to bring their water [...]
[...] lightful prospect, and have been occupie by an English Family.— For particula's and permission to view the house, apply to M. De he rain, Notary, No. 23, rue de Grammont. [...]
Galignani's messenger02.05.1821
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 02. Mai 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Plymouth sound, at single anchor. Much injury has been done in Kent by the severe hail, and rain, experienced [...]
[...] parts of Norfolk for the farmers to plough their lands across, instead of up and down; by this means all the rain is stopped by the ridges, instead of running to the bottom, and frequently carrying the seeds, soil, and manure with it. [...]
[...] morning. The º had been very vivid the pre ceding night, and peals of thunder followed, accom panied with rain which was very heavy in the eastern part of the metropolis. Roy Al Exchange.—At 11 o'clock this forenoon, in [...]
[...] In the evening, the illuminations were very general and brilliant. The weather, though cloudy, continued free from rain until the evening, . unfortunately, there was some small rain, but not sufficient to prevent the brilliant display of fire-works, which enlightened the [...]
[...] strictly within the principles of the holy alliance. The Gazette de France has the following para graph —“It will rain to-morrow,” exclaimed some persons before the Attorney-General. “Well,” replied ihis Magistrate, “if it rains, Heaven itself will baptize [...]
Galignani's messenger15.07.1826
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Juli 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 9
[...] Russiºn gun-boats, which came down from some distance, in very handsome manner, and rendered every assistance in the power. Towards the close of the night it actually rained fire in the Mole, and many brands fell .tpon the Mole Head, and ev. flew over to the opposite fortress of Cronstadt. You will then [...]
[...] mer of the year 1826, so severe was the drought, that public Trayers were offered up in most of the Churches and Chapels of England, for rain, in the midst of the hay harvest.—(Sun.) The following is a Statement of the quantity of Porter brewed in London, by the eleven first houses, for the [...]
[...] Ummerapoora on the preceding day. The Madras division was to move forward on the 28th. The troops had been very much aunoyed by a very heavy fall of rain, which tºok place on the 24th, and which rendered the country almost impassable: a ha rassing and fatiguing march was anticipated, but the best spirit [...]
[...] º: tº the excessive heal of the sun, became ignited ºld the in has been gradually extending... The co-ſlašiations still con time, and without abundant rain, he are ºf likely to be spee dily extingui Large tracts of sheep-walks have been entirely destroyed, and the hopes of those sºlº who proposed to [...]
[...] {\alsº orth Moor is entirely burnt. Ovenden Moor, Holine Moss, Hunsail Fell, Hebden and Grassington Moors, are on fire; and unless, as we have already said, incessant and heavy rain should speedily fall, every one of these must be entirely consumed. We have nº doubt, that lightning is the cause of the conflagrations. [...]
[...] effects of the wind were truly terrific—scarcely a creature to be seen in the streets, or if seen, then bul indistinctly... The sorm now raged at its height; hail and rain came down in furious tor rents; hail-stones feii in some places two inches and a half in cir cumference; and this dreadful storm continued with unabuted [...]
[...] Leith Hay and Mr. Farquharsºn, of Finzean, convened to en lea vor to stop its progress, but with no great success. On Wednes day, providentially, a storm of thunder and rain took place, and its effects on the same night were such as to enable those engaged to get the fire considerably under. Some trees were burnt on [...]
[...] past week has sometimes been even so high as 86, with a northern exposure. On Wednesday afternoon there was thunder and lightning, and the rain fell in such torrents, that in a few minutes st retuals were running down the streets, which inundated low lying houses, and ploughed up the roads where there was any [...]
[...] lying houses, and ploughed up the roads where there was any acclivity. . At Moxhall, the hinder was tremendous; it was there accompanied by showers of rain, hail, snow, and ice, breaking all windows in the mansion, and, cutting the stems of the corn and potatoes, destroyed the crops.-(Inverness Journal.) [...]
Galignani's messenger11.09.1824
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. September 1824
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] inhabitant of this town ; the consequences of which have been most disastrous along the vale of Glamºrgan, whole fields ºf cºrn having been demolished by the rain, which fell in torrents for five hours, besides the damage done to houses, mills, etc. etc. . The storin commenced between live and six o'clºck, and so excessively [...]
[...] hours, besides the damage done to houses, mills, etc. etc. . The storin commenced between live and six o'clºck, and so excessively heavy was the rain, that, the turnpike rºads in several places be tween Pyle and Swansea became impassable for carriages or horses for a considerable time. The mail and Cambrian coaches with [...]
[...] violence at Neath, etc.:- - - - NE\tii, Aug. 31.—this town and neighbourhood were visited last evening with a storm of thunder, lightning, and rain, not ºil ralleled in the memory, of the oldest jū. The rain ſell in enormous drops, which quickly me a perpendicular torrent, [...]
[...] of inusquetry, and the roll of driins; only all. these sounds were far louder, jº, and deeper, that their artificial resemblances. The rain descended with such velocity and excess, that a partial deluge was the consequence, and before tight o'clock a largº por non ºf the high road between Neath, and, the Abbey was deeply [...]
[...] BRIDGENn, SEPT. 1.-On Monday night a dreadful storm of thunder and lightning occurred in the neighbourhood of this place, accompanied with torrents of rain, Wii'iaº; for five hours; the atmosphere was so charged with electric matter, that it appeared as one continued blaze º fire, accompanied with ap [...]
[...] hours; the atmosphere was so charged with electric matter, that it appeared as one continued blaze º fire, accompanied with ap palling, claps of thunder. Frºm the quantity of rain that ſell, and the sudden and frightful swell of water in the Ogmore river, it is supposed that a clºud burst over, the small valley leading from Pe [...]
Galignani's messenger08.09.1826
  • Datum
    Freitag, 08. September 1826
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] The late potatoe crops look most promising all over the county, and the grass lands are covered with a beautiful ver dure, from the late rain. The gloomy anticipations that were ly entertained a few weeks ago must disappear hefore the exhilirating prospect which is now presented.—(Limerick [...]
[...] changeable. Heavy showers were experienced on Sunday, Mon day and Tuesday; and on We nesday morning a most violent storm of thunder, lightning, and rain burst over this town be tween three and four o'clock. This storm was scverely ſcle at Shields and the neighbourhood. Another thunder storm and [...]
[...] tween three and four o'clock. This storm was scverely ſcle at Shields and the neighbourhood. Another thunder storm and heavy rain was experieuced between two and four o'clock of the same day, near Blyth.-Newcastle Chronicle.) [...]
[...] for the nost part, a favorable appearace; the latter have greatly fallen in price, so as to be very little dearer than usual at this period of the year. Since the rains have caused a prospect of a favorable autumn for grassings, several lots of cattle have passed through this city for Ormskirk and other southern markets. Those [...]
[...] ... On Wednesday, about noon, Sheffield and neighbourhood were visited with a very severe storm of thunder and lightning, accom panied by excessively heavy rain. We do not recollect having seen the lightning more vivid, or heard the peals of thunder more loud, than on this occasion. No damage was done.—(Shetiield [...]
[...] Mercury.) - • On Saturday afternoon a thunder storm passed over this city, which, but was remarkable for the torrents of rain that fell for upwards of an hour, by which many of the houses in the lower parts of the town were completely inundated, particularly at the [...]
[...] and instantaneous. Greenhouses were quite demolished, and the walls of gardens blown down. At Halling, Notgrove, etc., the storm was territic, and much damage was done.—The rain has invigorated the vegetable kingdom, which, from the unprece * was languishing for want of it.—(Westmoreland [...]
[...] We have been blessed with nearly incessant rain during the [...]
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