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Galignani's messenger28.12.1825
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Letters from Greenock announce the arrival of ves sels ſtoun Miramichi, 1he masters of which state, that previously to their sailing there had been heavy rains and a ſall of snow, which had effectually put a stop to the farther ravages of the couflagration in the woods [...]
[...] blue forked lightuing, were awfully grand, and then followed by ºils of thudºr, which, reverlºerºting from the neighbouring mills, were appaliug. Torreuts of rain, ſuingled with hall-stones. fell at the tim; We have not heard of any damage being done by the electric ſluid.—(Macclesfield Herald.) [...]
[...] "ºrought on shore, on which was Liverpool.”. It is feared iliat tº he whole of her crew perished.--Cinque Ports Herald.) ..","...ºnious storm of hiſ and rain, fell on Wednesday ºwn.. from six to ºne º'clock. The wind drovºº *apidity, and its ſº immdited the sileets. Vivid ſlasheſ of [...]
[...] Włºday evening, between nine and ten, Nottingham was isited with one of the most tremendous storms, for this period of ºu'.he year, of lightning, thunder, hail, and rain, ever remeinbered. - the rejºivid’ſ shes ºf lightning, and the heavy peals of thuuder were truly terrific, - - - - [...]
[...] The Cadiz Mercantile Courier of the 7th inst. con tains the following article:—“Last night this place was visited by a most tremendous tempest. The rain fell in abundance, the wind blew hard ſrom the south west, and the sea was greatly agitated. Its fury aug [...]
[...] danger. The Anaconda Serpent, *:::::: by Cuvier, which in brilliancy of colour *Hºº every species; it may be said to vie with the rain-bow. Likewise the real Head of an Indian Chief, tattooed according to the custom of the country, with the hair and teeth in as perfect a state as when alive. [...]
Journal de la cour et de la ville05.02.1792
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 05. Februar 1792
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] //cനstalinº - | /%%,% % / státe restráfær. 2/ ","rrന്e, Ā4, 4 mærex9:44 en/raine, 4 % - [...]
Mercure de FranceTitelblatt 03.11.1787
  • Datum
    Samstag, 03. November 1787
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] 1o |ſam. [Léon 1er , Pape. . * le 9, à ,| 11 44 1o 1 : |24 D.lMarin , Évêque. 3 h. , , m.| 1 1 44 17 2 | undi jV rain, Évêque 4ldu ſoir. | 11 - 44 25 1 ;|mard.'Gendutfs , Évêque. 5 | 1 1 44 33 2.4]merc. Martin, Pape. ' 6 , 11 44 43 [...]
Galignani's messenger28.12.1821
  • Datum
    Freitag, 28. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] transparency, and in the evening the planet Venus was surrounded with a remarkable halo. On Mouday gloom and drizzling rain returned, and on Tuesday; early in the morning, there fell a torrent of rain and hail, accompanied with a tremendous gust of wind;— [...]
[...] hail, accompanied with a tremendous gust of wind;— Wednesday was variable, and Thursday morning dis tinguished by a fog, which was followed by heavy rain ...; another tempest during the night. The remainder of the week has continued stormy, and the whole has [...]
[...] of the week has continued stormy, and the whole has been remarkable for the lowness of the barometer. On Friday morning it sunk to 28,80. The quantity of rain fallen since Saturday last is 1 inch. On the night of the 11th instant a meteor was seen at Durham, about [...]
[...] This Notice to tear, Here must it remain Till wash’d off by the rain.” Yesterday Mr. Nathaniel Keays, of Drumkeen, was murdered by a blow of a spade, given by a man of the [...]
Galignani's messenger02.10.1821
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 02. Oktober 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] TREMENDous INuNo Ation.—On Friday last, Holy well and its neighbourhood were visited with one of º heaviest falls of rain ever remembered, accompanied with tremendous thunder and lightning. About one o'clock, the villagers in the low lands became greatly [...]
[...] A gentleman of Chester, going by the coach towards Manchester, reports, that about two in the afternoon, hail and rain descended in such torrents as almost tº darken the air, and render it impossible to see half a ºozen yards before the leading horses' heads.—(Chester [...]
[...] have suffered no material injury by the heavy rains we have had. The Red Wheat is as excellent in quality as at any foruer period, and Oats and Barley are very [...]
[...] vourable for the harvest; with the exception of a slight mist on Tuesday, until near two o'clock in the after noon, and some heavy rain yesterday morning, which ceased before nine o'clock, the weather has been as fine as could be expected at this season. Having made par [...]
[...] more attributable to a want of proper caution, than to the weather. This day, has been unfavourable from its commencement, and still continues raining at the hour [...]
Galignani's messenger08.12.1821
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] state.--(Dublin Paper, Dec. 1.) Extract of a letter from the west part of the County Mayo:—“The country, from the constant rains, is in a deploraple state; the potatoes are very much injured.” —(Dublin Evening Post.) - [...]
[...] wind blowing from the west, came on pretly hard ; about eight, P.M. it commenced hlowing a gale, with occasional showers of rain. The squalls, at intervals, exceeded in violence any thing we recollect ſor, some years. The lamps were generally extinguished, and [...]
[...] —The crossing of the bridges was attended with consi derable difficulty; and, as no umbrella could be used, the drizzling rain, beating against the face, produced nearly the same sensation as if each drop was hard and pointed.—At the Theatre, which was but thinly at [...]
[...] and were, in England, prepared to embark for India, The poor fellows of itiable plight with rain and mud H. city, after their long march on [...]
[...] state of the weather every morning, noon, and night, that since Sept. 1, there have been only 17 days with out strong gales and rain; and that the wind has gene [...]
Galignani's messenger11.12.1821
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 11. Dezember 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] was distinctiy heard about the same time 79 miles from town; and in many places it was followed by a heavy rain, which lasted soule hours. Every arrival brings the most unpleasant accounts of the effects of the late continued rains. The ſens in Lincolnshire are above a [...]
[...] destroyed.—(Globe.) - On Sunday night it blew a strong gale from the west. with rain and slect, and early yesterday morning a heavy [...]
[...] of the city, and gave them a very winterly appearance. -8. Star.) Saturday afternoon a violent storm of rain, accompa nied with thunder and lightning, passed over Lass wade, near Edinburgh. [...]
[...] a wide-spreading shower of splendid sparkling fire.— (Brighton paper.) Four hundred and seventy inches of rain fell in Exeter in November. A steam engine of the immense power of 140 horses [...]
Galignani's messenger08.09.1821
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. September 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] indulged from the fineness of the weather towards the evening of yesterday, were completely disappointed by the as: ect ºf this morning, which set in to rain about seven o'clock, at which hour, a party consisting of forty inen aud two officers of the Enniskillen dragoons ar [...]
[...] and the horses taken from the carriages, to en able them to afford accommodation to the greatest num her possible; the rain at this time was coining down in such torrents, that the workmen who were busy in making some necessary alterations, were obliged to de [...]
[...] count Allen, Earl Talbot, Mr. Grant, Mr. Prendergast, Captain Browne, etc. etc. - - - The rain continues with unabated violence. The ar rivals at this moment are few, in consequence of the severity of the weather ; and all those in open carriages [...]
[...] and Lady Bard, etc. etc. - Twenty Minutes past Twelve.—Mr. Prendergast has just appeared in front of the Stand House (the rain still continuing); to announce that the horses were go ing to start fºr the gºld cup and a sweepstakes of 200 [...]
[...] dow, and was most loudly cheered. One o’Clock. —The weather has begun to take up fair, and the rain has ceased—orders have been given to c'ear the course for the second race, which was spee 'i'y done by Sir W. Hort, Mr. Prendergast, and Sir [...]
Galignani's messenger26.09.1821
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 26. September 1821
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] to the cutting down and housing crops ; but the latter portion very unſavourable. The greater part of yester day was dark and lowering. In the eyeing it rained, almost without intermission, and at midnight a tremen dous storm of thunder and lightning passed over the [...]
[...] be exhausted. The quantity of rain that has ſallen this week in the Strand is o,75 of an inch. The diploma of the Persian Order of the Lion and [...]
[...] rines, but as the King's aquatic life-guards, on this oc casion. The Glasgow still remains wind-bound at Cowes. It has rained the whole of to-day without the least intermission, but the harvest, by this time, is pretty well housed. [...]
[...] well housed. A greater part of yesterday was dark and lowering. In the evening it rained incessantly, and about twelve o'clock at night a tremendous storm of thunder anº lightning passed over the metropolis, and left the air [...]
[...] purified and cool. . . The coachmen and guards, who arrived in London this morning, state, that the torrents of rain, accompanied by loud thunder and partial lightning, the whole of last night was more tempestuous In several parts of Westmin [...]
[...] ridge, the lower apartments were inundated—by the overflow of the water, the gratings of the sewers being stopped by the rapidity of the torrents of rain. At Islington, a new fronted house, the back of Mr. Rhodes' cow-house, was blown down, and much damage done [...]
Gazette nationale, ou le moniteur universel (Le moniteur universel)09.10.1796
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 09. Oktober 1796
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] chasseurs à cheval et le 2° régiment de cava lerie. - Le chemin de Neubourg à Rain fut découvert par cette retraite ; les ennemis y envoyerent des partiz qui enleverent des commissaires des guerres [...]
[...] avant-garde jusqu'à Wasden , afin de chasser les ennerois qui avaient marché par Pottines, et de couvrir la route de Rain : ils disputerent un peu le terrain entrc Ehekirk et Wasden, mais on les ſorça ; la nuit empêcha d'aller jusqu'à Pottines. [...]
[...] cha sur Pottines pour en chasser l ennemi , ct ,rendre position , la droite vers Gemdelsdorf, à a route de Rain à Munich, et la gauche à Pot tiucs , laissant un corps pour couvrir Neubourg. Ce mouvement avait été projeté d'avance , et [...]
[...] deux ponts près d'Augsbourg, afin de prendie une position derriere la Lech et la VVerthac ; l'aile gauche passa par Rain : les avant-gardes resterent en avant de la Lech. Le général Latour, dupe de nos marches des deux jours précédens , et des [...]
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