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Galignani's messenger02.06.1825
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. Juni 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, two Windows, on 1st ſloor, No. 14, Quai des Orfèvres. TTo ſet, to see the Procession, a window, on 2d [...]
[...] on 1st ſlºor, No.191, rue St. Honoré, fronting the Cliure St. Ilonoré, and near the rue Croix des Petils chimp. To Let, to see the Procession, a Terrace and Win dows, ou 1st and 2d floors, situate 131, rue du Faubg. St. Martin. To Let, to see the Procession, a large Balcony, on [...]
[...] Terracc, Balcony, and five Windows, No. 5, Boulevard St. Denis, fronting the Porie St. Martin. To Let, to see the Procession, 1o Places on a Bal [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, a Sitting-room, having two large Windows, on 1st floor, chez M. Bode, No. 12, rue du Marche Neuf. [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, several Windows, well situated, on the entresol, No. 285, rue St. Ilonoré, near the Galerie Delorme.—Apply at tle inel-shop. [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, two Windows, with Balconies, having a view of the Faubourg St. Martin and Boulevard St. Denis-Apply to the Porter, No. 4, Faubourg St. Martin. [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesy, two Windows with Balconies, on 1st ſloor, No. 6, rue de la Moiniaie-Apply at the shop. [...]
[...] Majesty, two Windows, on 1st ſloor, rue St IIonoré–Apply to M. Sheron, rotisseur, No. 36, rue Dauphine. To Let, to see the Procession on the reſurn of his [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the 6th June, a [...]
Galignani's messenger09.09.1820
  • Datum
    Samstag, 09. September 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] —Yes. - Was the Princass there 2–Yes. (For remainder see SuppleMENT.) [...]
[...] In what direction did he go?—He was going toward, her room. Did you see where he went?—Yes; he went into her †o ºra. !)id he see you ?—He saw me. [...]
[...] Did you ever se the Princess and Bergau, together at Caprini 8–I have. Did you ever see teem together after dark?—Yes, the first evening I saw the . - Where did you see them 2–Out of the house, on the [...]
[...] At the Villa d'Este 2–1 was. And also at the Barona 2–1 was. Did you ever see the Princess and Bergami together ?– I have. Did you often see them together ?—I have seen her one, [...]
[...] º When you met the garcon, could you see through the doors 2–I could. Could you see any in the ful ther room 2—I did. Who did you see ther. --Tue P, inces, audihe Baron. [...]
[...] was it your duty to prepare the Princess's breakfast? *Yes. - Do you recollect ever seeing Bergami one morning while you were prepartºg breaki si 2-Yes. What time in the morning did you usually see him 2– [...]
[...] What time in the morning did you usually see him 2– Sometimes at nine, sometimes earlier. Do you remember on either of those occasions seeing where Bergami came fron.”—From his room. Did you ever see him coming from any other room than [...]
[...] out in any other carriage?–Yes, almost every day. - Did you ever see Bergami with a blue cloakf –Yes, it was a present. - Did you ever see him ride out with it 2–Yes. [...]
[...] Pid you see any other witness at Frankfort?—I did not [...]
[...] &Princess take away her hand, and I was ashamed to see her do so. What o'clock was this?—Two, or half-past. [...]
Galignani's messenger01.06.1825
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 01. Juni 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Majesty, two Windows, on 1st ſloor.—Apply to M. Paquet, No. 241, rue du Faubourg St. Martin. To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, Places on a Terrace 50 feet, long, and at a convenient height for seeing into the carriages and along the street.—Apply at [...]
[...] on 1st ſloor, at the wine-merchant’s, No. 388, rue St. Denis, where every accommodation will be afforded. To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, three fine windows, on 3d floor, No. 120, rue St. Denis To Let, to see the Procession, for 25ofr., three [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, a neat furnished sitting-room, having two windows, on 1st ſloor.—Apply to the Porter, No.97, Faubourg St. Martin. [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, five windows on 1st ſloor, and four on 2d ſloor, No. 245, he du Faubourg St. Martin. [...]
[...] t floor, capable of containing 4 persons each in front, No. 28, ace Notre Dame. —º To Let, to see the Procession, four Windows, on [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, the finest Balcony in the rue St. Honoré, and in an excellent situation.—Apply to M. Gravelle, No. 141, rue St. Honoré, on 1st floor. [...]
[...] Majesty, six Windows, No.324, rue St. Denis.-Apply on 2d ſloor, entering by No. 52, rue du Ponceau. To Let, to see the Procession, several Windows, [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, a Balcony.-Apply to M. Flamand, ſi la Bonne Foi Couronnee, No. 37, rue de la Barillerie, near the Palais de Justice. [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, a Window, on the [...]
Galignani's messenger29.08.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 29. August 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] I do not care which way you answer 2—No, I did not see him. [...]
[...] Could he have been there without your seeing him?—I [...]
[...] did not see him. The Solictor-General.—Mr. Brougham forgets that, according to the evidence, Dr. Holland quitted at Venice. [...]
[...] ide of the court you could see her Roy, 1 Highnºi was at - [...]
[...] window. Yet you swear that she could not see could see me, but I do not know whe Ine. [...]
[...] her head out of the window to see the man play these tricks. - [...]
[...] remember his name. Did you ever, the age, see a German B at Villa d'Este 2 a Prussian. [...]
[...] theatre at Villa d'Este, where the Princess acted twice?— I do not know. Did you ever see the Prefect of Como Tomasi and his lady attend that theatre?—Questo non ini ricordo. §º Mochetti, of Milan, did you ever see him [...]
[...] (For continuation see Supplewest.) [...]
[...] tº be asleep?—Yes; I did pretend to be so, I shut . eyes. Could you see in that situation 2–No one can see if he shuts his eyes. Did Yºu shut them just enough to make her [...]
Galignani's messenger07.09.1820
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 07. September 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] embraced. Did you see them kiss each other ?—They did. The Interpreter begged leave to say that the term used [...]
[...] At what time in the evening did you pursue your jour ney?–Nearly at six o'clock. - - foid you see the other gentlemen of the suite come out of their tents?—Yes. - - Did you see Bergami come out of the tent?-No, . [...]
[...] Did you ever see him do any thing to amuse her Royal [...]
[...] * -gallery 2–1 recollect no ! thing but to see them talking together. - [...]
[...] Do you remember the theatre at the Willa d'Este 2– es. Did you ever see Lewis Bergami act any thing on tha theatre 2–Yes. 5 y g t Did you ever see him play any thing on that theatre [...]
[...] Was there any light in your room?—There was a little lantern. Did you see him come out?—I fell asleep, and did not see him come out. Do you recolléct how long this was before the voyage [...]
[...] nication?—They wercuear, aud coluuuicated with each other. Do you remember ever seeing Bergami in his bed-room '-Once. [...]
[...] into what room did they go 2–luto the first “*** Where was Bergami then 2–In her bud root” (For remaiuder see Supple MENT.) [...]
[...] was it ever so at all atter you quitted Gc noa?–Never afier. ** Did you ever see her Rºyal Highness go to church at Genoa 2–Yes. What did you see her do there?—I saw her [...]
[...] of the city and its environs. Astronomical in struments have been placed thereon for persons wishing to see the eclipse. [...]
Galignani's messenger04.06.1825
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. Juni 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] admiration, of which he (Lord Eldon) assumes to be the chosen organ, his language deserves something beyond mere commentary,; it wºuld be perfectly astouishing to those who see ouſy the fºr side of party politics; but from us, who are seldom,5iyen to mince mal ters, or to see our fellow subjects mystified before our faces, thº [...]
[...] 10 to 13 feet long, under the entresol, capable of accºmmo dating 25 persons, rue St. Denis.-Apply No. 107, rue St. Denis. To Let, to see the Process on, four Windows, on [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, Places, Windows, and Balconies, Nos. 38 and A2, rue de Rivoli. [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, covered Seats on a raised Galley, neatly ornamented, admirably situate at the Bar rere de la Villettº, near the Arc de Triomphe.—Apply to M. Barbier, [...]
[...] to Let, to see the Procession, two Windows with Balconies, having a view of the Faubourg St. Martin and Boulevard St. Denis-Apply to the Porter, No. 4, Faubourg St. Martin. [...]
[...] Tº bet, to see the Procession, several Windows, well "itºl, on the entresol, No. 285, rue st. Honoré, near the Galerie Delormº-App yattle linen-shop. [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession, three Windows with [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Processiou ou the returu ol ins Majesty, two large Windows, on 1st floor, No. 197, rue St. Denis. [...]
[...] ... To Let, to see the Procession, thirteen Windows, [...]
Galignani's messenger30.05.1825
  • Datum
    Montag, 30. Mai 1825
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] fellow-subjects, and will not see them triſled with, or the Crown of Great Britain insulted in their persous, with impunity to the au thor of the wrong. By the way, it is alleged that Ferdinand has [...]
[...] ſee yesterday at the palace avy persons of that town aud ty children of the Officers of [...]
[...] Chateau and dependences, without including the produce of the park, amounting autually to 6000fr. more.—Apply to the gardener to see the properly ; aud for the couditious to M. Piet, Nolary, No. 18, rue Neuve des Petits Champs, PAris. [...]
[...] THE KING’S PUBLIC ENTRY. To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, six large Windows, on the first floor, in ulie best part of the rue St. Honoré, near the rue Castiglione, for 150ft. each. [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, two Windows.-Apnly to Pierre Gubetta, No. 63, rue du Faubourg St. Martin, on the 3.1 ſloor. [...]
[...] Majesty, two windows with Balcouies, No. 127, rue St. Honoré Apply to the Porter. To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, three fille Windows, on the 1st ſloor.—Apply No. 18. rue St. Denis. [...]
[...] Majesty, fºur large Windows, capable of accommodating 20 per toºs, No. 190, Faung. St. Martin, facing the Couvent des Freres. To Lct, to see the Procession on the return of his [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, a Window, capable of accommodating four persons, No. 1, rue des Boucheries St. Hucote. [...]
[...] Procession on the King's return to Paris. Apply at Café d'Agnesseau, No. 6, Place du Palais de Justice, where there is a Restaurant. To Let, to see the Procession on the 6th June, n [...]
[...] To Let, to see the Procession on the return of his Majesty, six windows, on 1st and 2d ſloors, 23, rue de la Monnaie, commanding a view from the Pont Neuf to the ruest. Honoré. [...]
Galignani's messenger27.10.1820
  • Datum
    Freitag, 27. Oktober 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] sort of carriage which contains but one Person, without springs, with two shafts and two wheels. - Did you ever see her Royal Highness in such a carriage as that *-Never. Did you ever see a dance performed by a person of the [...]
[...] Was it broad day-light 2---Neither broad day-light nor dark, it was day-break, Then you could see 2–Yes; we could see very well at day-break. You said her Royal Highness's suite were making pre [...]
[...] my friends, but I told him, if he should arrive before me, to tell them, that I was coming. Do you remember seeing Sacchi at Farno P --No. Will you swear you did not see him at Farao P----I swear. [...]
[...] Do you remember Sacchi going to Wim. Austin with something 2–No. Will you swear you did not see Sacchi on that jour ney !"; swear I do not recollect seeing him. Will you swear he was not on that journey 2–I cannot [...]
[...] Do you know the wife of Bergami ?–1 do. Was she ever at the balls?—Never. When did you last see Bergami?—Lost month, coming from Rome. * - - - - - - - Where did you see'lim?—At the Barona. [...]
[...] Did you not represent him as your servant when you left the Austrian States?–Never. Did you frequently see Bergauniat dinner?–Frequently. Every day ?–No. Did you not see him every day at the Barona or at Ge [...]
[...] No, I came here. Did you leave Bergami at Paris?—Yes. Did you afterwards see him at Paris?—No. Where did you first see him afterwards 2—Near Pe -aro. [...]
[...] Did you, accompany her Royal Highness from Milan to Loretup?—l did. Did you see Carlo Forti on that journey 2-He set out [...]
[...] When was that ?—About a fortnight ago. I, she now in England *—She is: When did you last see Faustina 2–1 have not seen her for two or three years. When did you last see Francisco 2–l last saw him at [...]
[...] I mean the nephew o' Bergami?—I have not seen him. Was he not in the stables of her Royal Highness *—I did not see him. - When did you last see Carnivi (we believe)?—l have no knowledge of this Carnºvi. [...]
Galignani's messenger17.10.1820
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 17. Oktober 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] |-- * . .”..., 2–1 do"t think he laid down at ali. I saw him hand the Princessiow. with others; I do not know where he went; I have so recollection of seeing him any where after. Did you not see him lying down on the deck?–No: 1 [...]
[...] abouts. Who was under the tent at that time; her Royal High ress the Princess?—I do not know; i did not see any other person. Was it dark?—Yes. [...]
[...] other person. Was it dark?—Yes. Did you see the Princess?—I did not. Did you see Bergami auy where?—I did not. Did you not then pass through the dining-room where [...]
[...] Some 4 or 5 times. - Do you know the daughters of that farmer ?—Only by seeing then there. That is all the knowledge I have of them. On one of those occasions on which you accompanied [...]
[...] that I had not my baggage that night; I think they were not. Did you ever see Bergami's wife 2—I have. Do you know any other persons of Bergami's family besides Louis P-- Yes. [...]
[...] after. Did you know Faustina's husband, Martini 2---Yes. Where did you see him P--At the Priucess's house at "Willa d'Este. When did Louis Bergami begin to dine at the table of [...]
[...] rent sailors, before you went ou board 2–Never. I had not seen one of them in my life before. Did her Royal Highness see them 2–Certainly not. You have stated that you saw the Princess arm in arm with Bergami, did you ever see her so with any others of [...]
[...] Yes, as far as Athens. What became of him 2.--He went away. Did you ever see him since? -Never. Have you ever been examined by any one since you came previous to your examination here 2– [...]
[...] Ancona to Rome?—I am not quite certain whether he did or not. - Did you see him there?—Yes. Rome to Ancona. And met you at Ancona 2–And met us at Ancona. [...]
[...] course of our travels it often happened. In your journey to Rome 2—No., - You say that you do not remember seeing Carlo, upon that journey; did you see Sacchi ?–My memory is not marked with the presence of uh, r one or the other. [...]
Galignani's messenger14.10.1820
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. Oktober 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] people of England may also enjoy a selfish iſ,...------ : seeing the disgrace and infamy º to ::::::::::::: Majesty's fame and character flung back upon the part with whom they had originated. They must be *:::: - [...]
[...] By Lord LIVERPOOL-I. 1817, when you were in the habi, of visiting her Royal Highness at Rºme did you see any Fºlº ladies who called at her hºuse ºil .. ** * * me when there were not many Engl, - - dº not see any English ladies. y taglish at Rome; I [...]
[...] speak of 2–A great deal of time intervened. . - i)d he ºver say that he saw Bergami at the evening parti" of the General } : did not see him myself, but I know that he went to the house of General Galliberti. At what place and what time did he see Bergami the [...]
[...] Pino, when business of the service required it. Did he see Bergami on those occasions?-I have seen him sometimes, not always. - - How was Bergami treated by the officers ?—Wi:h the [...]
[...] Examined by Mr. Denman.—Are you a Lieutenant in his Majesty's nºwy 2–I am;. Did you see her Majesty the Queen during the month [...]
[...] that opened on the deck. Was there any gun on the deck?—Thºre was. Did you ever see her Royal Highness s.tting ou that gun with any person 2–No, never. Did you ever see her Royal Highness sitting on the lap [...]
[...] No. During the whole of the time of your management of the vessel, and whilst she was on board, did you ever see the slightest impropriety or indecency towards Bergami or any other person?—No. [...]
[...] I do. What is the reason of your belief?–Because when I went under the tent at night, I did uot see any person there. Was it dark then 2–It was dark. [...]
[...] (For remainder see SUPPLEAIENT.) [...]
[...] you passed through his cabin 2–I ouly saw him but once in the morning. - But never at nights?—I could not see him without go ing back into a retired spice, out of the straight road [...]
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