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1225 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Maria-Rain

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  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 1870
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] IN NATURE of the 15th there is an account of hailstones of a form deviating considerably from the spherical. Hailstones are frozen raindrops, and a rain-drop falling through a vacuum would of necessity be spherical, but in falling through the air it must tend to assume the form of least resistance, whatever that [...]
[...] has received the following telegram, which was despatched by Lord Lindsay immediately after the Eclipse. Lord Lindsay's place of observation was La Maria Louisa, which appears to be near Puerto, the mainland station opposite Cadiz.:-" Photo graphs successful. Two good pictures of corona. Polariscope [...]
[...] The “Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’’ contains the next later obser vation : “A.D. 685.-This year it rained blood in Britain, and milk and butter were turned into blood.: The Chron. Scot. follows with: “A.D. 688. –The moon was turned into the colour of blood on [...]
[...] Britain, and in Ireland.” “A.D. 689.- . . . . a battle against the son of Penda. Bloody rain fell in Lagenia.” (Chron. Scot.) “A.D. 690.- . . . the milk and butter turned to blood.” (Brut y Tywy.) [...]
[...] We now come to a most perplexing record of phenomena, which cannot, I am afraid, be explained; they occurred in “A.D. 714.— . . . it rained a shower of honey upon Othan " See NATURE, December 8, 1870. + Published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. Translated by [...]
[...] W. M. Hennessy, M. R.I.A., 1806. : Showers of Blood are mentioned as having taken place in Tit. Liv. Book 42, Sect. 20. It says: “There was a report ºf it having rained blood for hree days at a town in Italy.' And in Pliny, Book 2, Chap. 56, “It rained blood when M. Acilius and C. Persius were Consuls." [...]
[...] ... it rained blood in the island of [...]
[...] say what this record really means, especially when it states that the Loch became “clots of gore.” “A.D. 878. –It rained a shower of blood, which was ſound in lumps of gore, and blood on the plains of Ciannachta. . . .” (Chron. Scot.) [...]
[...] drawing to and fro by the Suras and Asuras, a cºntinual streat of fire, and smoke, and wind, which, ascending in thick clouds replete with lightning, it began to rain down upon the heaven'y bands, who were already fatigued with their labour." [...]
[...] of it ; and as the Aurora, which has been seen in England this year, was also visible in India, I think it not at all unlikely that “a continual stream of fire,” which “began to rain down,” is a record of a similar extensive phenomenon. [...]
All the year round14.03.1874
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. März 1874
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] topic of amazing interest was seething within her, and demanding to be discussed. “May I come in out of the rain—it's raining—and talk about it f" inquired she, piteously. [...]
[...] remote from the house, with his face buried in his hands, and seemingly quite unconscious of the autumn rain which was driving in upon his bare head. “ Uncle l’” [...]
[...] you here for the next half-hour.” “Do you know, uncle, that you are sitting in the rain P” remarked she, softly. “Had you not better come indoors P” “No dear, no; I like the air. There” [...]
[...] performed for the delectation of the Populus Romanus, and heard the Ave Maria bells, from the Christian churches near at hand, interrupt the bacchanalian strophes of the rose-crowned Emperor [...]
[...] side the gaming house. How pure and fresh the night air seemed ! What did it matter that it was raining heavily P “Are you hurt, Duke P Have you lost anything P” asked Mole, panting asth [...]
[...] refugees, apparently from the gaming house, had also sought shelter from the rain. They seemed wholly unconscious of our presence, as they stood together conversing in a low tone. [...]
[...] some minutes further; but little of it was audible where I stood, owing, in some measure, to the plashing noise of the rain, which had increased in violence. Then, a hackney coach passed. The two men hailed [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Juli 1861
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] HEARKEE to St. Swithun's story, This be his appinted veast, Now he’ll rain in all his glory If to-day 'a rains the least. By our fathers we was told it, [...]
[...] From thenceforth for ever arter On that day if rain alights, More or less the skies do water Warty days and varty mights. [...]
[...] -Wife (to Unreasonable Monster). “It’s of No Use, GEORGE, Your sAYING, ‘HANG IT, MARIA ; I Must have some PLACE to put [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 14. August 1841
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] What are his opinions on the Corn Laws? Has the sliding scale been blown down by the high winds, or swamped by the rains? In what com motion must the breast of the great statesman be, his principles changing with the vicissitudes of the [...]
[...] shine. The peculiarity of the Conservative policy is that it is not weather-proof. Wind and rain are the destruction of it. Sir Robert Peel may wear a waterproof hat, and waterproof cloak, and water [...]
[...] proof boots; but he cannot wear a waterproof corn law. His most obstimate convictions are enetrated by rain and wind, but there come a ttle calm and a blink of sun, and, as the bent wheat-stalk recovers itself, the sliding scale retakes [...]
[...] saved.—Waterford Chronicle. The harvest has partially commenced round this neighbourhood, but we regret to state, that owing to the late rains and wind, the corn has been much laid, and consequently, in many places, is still quite green.—Cambridge Advertiser. The wheat, barley, and [...]
[...] much laid, and consequently, in many places, is still quite green.—Cambridge Advertiser. The wheat, barley, and oats, have been very much injured by the high wind and rain this last week.-Maidstone Journal. The wheat harvest in this neighbourhood is now become pretty general, and [...]
[...] fearful results have followed as in our own locality.— Waterford Chronicle. If the prospect last week was gloomy, it is much more so now, “rain, rain, rain,” being still the order of the day.—Worcester Chronicle.—Since our last no progress has been made in the harvest in this [...]
[...] stage of the season, are far from being as favourable as could be desired.—Cork Reporter.—The corn, which had been greatly prostrated about a fortnight ago by heavy rain, had generally recovered its erect position; but has again been humbled by the heavy rains which took place since [...]
[...] Conn Exchange, Friday, August 13.-We had a storm of wind and rain on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, which caused great alarm for the Wheat harvest, which has colomenced all through the south-eastern counties, but yester [...]
[...] The MINERAL SPRINGS of ENGLAND, and their CURATIVE EFFICACY. With Remarks on Bathing and on Artificial Mineral Waters. Whittaker and Co. Ave Maria lane. [...]
[...] Commons, together with full particulars of the recent elections, the polls, the registered voterºin each place, and all the other usual information. Whittaker and Co., Ave Maria lane. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. Mai 1870
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] At this moment no Cab has a Number Inside. All very easy to say that there is one on the back. But who is to squash round in the mud ºr rain, to take it, or run after it, as the fellow drives away, jeering? The old system of having it inside enabled you calmly to transcribe it, and then, if need, you had extortion or insolence in a cleft stick. [...]
[...] Thought I should never see a fresh name for a young lady-parents stick so to Lucy, JANE, SUSAN, MARIA, and the rest of the old dowdy lot. Glad to notice, at the last Drawing-room, LoRINA, SELINA, STELLA, META, and NAOMI. [...]
[...] Fellah made the meanest excuse for not giving me a dinner at Hampton Court. Said the rain had spoiled the chestnuts. As if I ever ate chestnuts! [...]
[...] protection both against sun and rain, to the Macaronis, who were then in their glory in the gay purlieus of Bucklersbury. .. The exact inventor is not known, but it has been satisfactorily ascer [...]
PunchRegister Bd. 070 1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 01. Januar 1876
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; Bletchley
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Low Church y and her Sermon(A), 130 Magnificent Ugly Men, 170 Maria's Eyelashes, 14 Martha at a High Church Festival, 332 Minnie's Question on Beauty and the [...]
[...] Mr. Punch in a Wenetian Gondola. 163 Names of Places beginning with H, 116 New Rain-fall Gauge (A), 151 Nursemaids at the Barracks, 190 Nurse's New Bonnet, 243 [...]
The London and China telegraph16.09.1865
  • Datum
    Samstag, 16. September 1865
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ment of the crops in the neighbourhood. Indeed, the Shanghai Hien was so deeply moved by the consideration of the damage which the late heavy rains might do, that on the 6th inst he issued a notification ordering an abstinence from animal food during the space of three days, viz., the 16th, 17th, and 18th [...]
[...] animals were to be killed for food, nor were the faithful and obedient to transgress the modest bounds of rice and fish. The object of this penance was to pacify the rain-god, but un fortunately the 11th inst. was wetter than any day which had preceded it. The Magistrate, however, persevered, and again [...]
[...] Daviks-At the Civil Hospital, on the 18th July, William W. Davies, compositor in the “Daily Press"Qffice, formerly Government Printer at Sydney, aged 60 years. Lopes–At Macao, on the 16th July, Maria Quiteria Lopes, aged 96 years. [...]
[...] the water was much purer, and the analysis of the water from the Tai-hu lake showed, he thought, a satisfactory result. He did not agree with Dr. Lamprey in his recommendation of rain-water, as in Shanghai he had found it very impure, it quickly putrified and emitted a fetid smell. He (Mr. Kingsmill) quoted a passage from Professor [...]
[...] Shanghai he had found it very impure, it quickly putrified and emitted a fetid smell. He (Mr. Kingsmill) quoted a passage from Professor Anstead, showing that rain-water was apt to be tainted with various impu rities, especially in the neighbourhood of large towns, where many human beings were collected together. He thought that Shanghai was similarly [...]
[...] oods. g The increase in the amount of rice imported is due to the destruction of the crops by the heavy rains which visited the South of China in the middle of the year, whereby immense embankments were broken down, and fields and villages inundated in all directions. The decrease in cotton [...]
[...] Hera .. ... American ... Fairy .. ... 572 Kum Rye -- Do. ... Jas. Lawrence .. 25l Maria .. ... British . . ... Maria Gambrill . 852 Pengum -- Do. . . ... Penguin ... 197 Star of Peace ... American ... Star of Peace ... — [...]
[...] Johanna, Wilhelmina Johanna, Jupiter; for Batavia, Argo, Ouderkerk van den Amstel, Dordrecht: for Batavia and Sourabaya, Medea ; for Kanagawa and Nagasaki, Maria; for Decima, Pantalon; for Singapore and Hong Kong, Mary Goddard. At AMsTERDAM.–For Batavia, Electra; for Kanagawa and Nagasaki, [...]
[...] Date. From For Ship Captain. Sept. "shield, ------------ China ..................... º, Avery ............ — 4 Rotterdam.. Batavia ... Maria Johanna. . Peters. — 7 Newport Singapore Herschel ........ . Meyerdirck. – 12 Clyde ..... Do....... Taymouth Castle...... Hinds. [...]
[...] Maria (Dutch ship), from Banjoewangie for Rotterdam, which put in there June 9, for repairs, had been condemned and sold with part cargo; the | rest of the cargo would be transhipped into the Kensington (ship), which [...]
Saturday review25.06.1859
  • Datum
    Samstag, 25. Juni 1859
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] much choice. It is only in summer that he can think that poplars are a “cool colonnade,” or can ramble with Catherinas and Marias to hear the nightingales. [...]
[...] THE CAUSE OF RAIN.” [...]
[...] to the most casual observations, as meteorology, and especially that branch of the science which treats of the phenomena connected with rain. And yet nothing, or almost nothing, is known with certainty about this universally studied science. The nearest approach to an explanation of the cause of rain which is to be [...]
[...] observed phenomena. The field has long been open for discovery, and Mr. Rowell has come forward with a theory which he believes sufficient to solve the whole mystery of rain and snow, wind and hail, lightning and tempest, which has baffled the world till now. Nay, he even goes so far as to suggest a scheme by which rain [...]
[...] ripe fruit of his investigations, which had already been given to the world in a pamphlet, published in 1841, with the startling title, Conjectures on the Cause of Rain, Storms, the Aurora, and Magnetism : with a Suggestion for Causing Rain at Will. Probably the reader's first impulse will be to laugh at [...]
[...] * An Essay on the Cause of Rain and its allied Phenomena. By G. A. Rowell,. Honorary Member of the Ashmolean Society. Oxford; published by the Author, is 59. [...]
[...] at all times, and are buoyed up into the air by their coatings of electricity; when, if condensed, they become positively electrified, but are still buoyed up by the electricity, till, on the escape of the surcharge, the particles fall as rain. [...]
[...] The production of rain by artificial means is, upon the author's ...] es, the simplest thing in the world. Rain, he says, is caused by the abstraction of electricity from the vapour floating [...]
[...] ...] es, the simplest thing in the world. Rain, he says, is caused by the abstraction of electricity from the vapour floating in the atmosphere. Thus mountains cause rain by acting as conductors, and not, as commonly assumed, by condensing the vapour—an explanation which, as Mr. Rowell justly observes, [...]
[...] the NEW PARLIAMENT. Royal 32mo, morocco gilt. Whitt Axer and Co., Ave Maria-lane. Now ready, price is. NORMAN ISY'S SPEECH IN THE [...]
The Athenaeum28.11.1857
  • Datum
    Samstag, 28. November 1857
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Esq., President, in the chair.—H. J. Martin, Esq., was elected a Member.—The following paper was read:—‘On the Fall of Rain on October the 22nd, 1857, by Mr. Glaisher. The author commenced by stating that the mean amount of rain collected [...]
[...] at eight stations in London, on October the 22nd, was 2:7 inches, and it fell nearly as follows:–On October the 21st, about 9 P.M., a thin misty rain com menced, and by 10 A.M. on October the 22nd, rain to the depth of 0:5 inch was measured; it was at [...]
[...] only. Between 10 and 11:30 P.M. it fell steadily to the amount of 0-5 inch; then, for an interval of twenty minutes, there was no rain; and, finally, between 11:50 P.M. and 12:15 A.M., when the rain at length ceased, 0.3 inch fell—giving a total fall [...]
[...] 10:6 gallons per square yard, or 51,360 gallons per acre, or in weight, 229 tons per acre. So that although the fall of rain in the present year was collectively larger than any other, yet the rain fell at the least rapid rate of any of the four cases. [...]
[...] two currents of widely different temperatures, and thus the great deposition. The author then pro ceeded to show, from a table of the falls of rain at the different stations throughout the country, that the rain began to fall over the south of England, [...]
[...] ceased generally about midnight at places situated to the south, and somewhat later at places situated to the north of London. The rain fell heaviest in the counties of Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, and the southern part of [...]
[...] rain fell in the county of Lancashire and the western portion of Yorkshire, the mean amount being 0.015 inch, or 339 gallons, or 1% ton per [...]
[...] acre. In the counties of Nottinghamshire, Derby shire, Wales generally, and Fifeshire and Elgin, in Scotland, no rain whatever fell. A communica tion was then read from Dr. Moffatt, of Hawarden, stating that from experiments recently made, it [...]
[...] CHISM, of SINGING. Lists of the other Catechisms may be had on application. Whittaker & Co. Ave Maria-lane, i. [...]
[...] structed a good Working Set for Educational º: consistin of-a-Brass-mounted Barometer, Maximum. Thermometer, Mini mum-Thermometer, dry and Wet-Bulb Hygrometer, Rain Gauge, price 61-15s. NEGRETTL-º-ZAMBRA, [...]
The London and China telegraph22.09.1877
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. September 1877
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Anzahl der Treffer: 7
[...] The respective relatives were not a little surprised when the doctor told them he could not bring the dead to life. It has been raining here for several days again, and everything gets mildewed. [...]
[...] pear. The belief was strong, however, that one would arrive the following night, and the same precautions were adopted. With the exception of a sudden sharp squall of wind and rain which only lasted a few minutes no rain fell that night. The next day (the 9th) was much cooler, and some rain fell during the [...]
[...] day (the 9th) was much cooler, and some rain fell during the morning and afternoon. Towards dusk it began to blow pretty stiflly, in gusts, with heavy torrents of rain, and again there seemed for some time a chance of a typhoon. Subsequently, how ever, the wind fell, and though great quantities of rain fell [...]
[...] tion of alarming rumours was the work of a ring of interested dealers, who have been making large profits thereby. Supplies in Bangkok and Saigon are now known to be ample, rain has fallen abundantly in both countries, and there is no prospect of any prohibition of export. [...]
[...] of China through the floods, apprehensions have been ex cited at Peking by protracted drought; and, as appears from the Gazette, prayers for rain have been offered up by the Emperor. The heavy and continuous rains which usually set in about the end of June, and last throughout [...]
[...] would be lost. The only mitigating feature in the prospect was the abundant wheat harvest, gathered in mid June. Fortunately for the public weal rain fell at length on the 21st of July, and unless drought should again super. vene, the crops are likely to come up to an average. [...]
[...] much speculation. On Thursday, the 13th of this month, the Dowager Queen of Saxony, Maria, wife of Frederick August II, died. She was the sister of the late Archduchess Sophia, mother of the present Emperor of Austria, of the Queen Elizabeth of Prussia—wife of Frederick William IV.-and [...]