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Galignani's messenger28.09.1819
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 28. September 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the hopes of the Royal pair and the expecta tions of the nation have again been disappoint ed), they were unavoidably detained. The Physicians of the Duchess have strongly re commended the air and baths of this beauti [...]
[...] (From the Portsmouth Telegraph).-On Tucs: day the Dotterel, 18, Capt. Join Gore, arriv ed here from the St. Helena station, and sailed a gain in the evening for Plymouth, to be paid off. By her we received the following letter [...]
[...] parte is well, sees nobody, nor dºes he go out. iiis house will very shortly be finish– ed. The ships that compose, the squadron row at St. Helena are, viz. the Conqueror, bºaring the flag of Rear-Admiral, Plam [...]
[...] sition signed by about 140 householders of that borough. In conformily to the wishes express ed by those individuals, the High Bailiff had consented to hold a public meeting ou this oc casion, for the purpose of considering the re [...]
[...] and carried, the High Bailiff descended, and took his station in front of the hustings, form ed as we have already described. [...]
[...] in free states, but in those coumries where, although the will of the Monarch was supremne, that will was restrain ed by reason and bumanity. When Charles IX. of France, ifi pursuance of his intentions to massacre all his Protestaut **bjects, issued orders to his governors for carrying it [...]
[...] he had said, what had been the consequence of those pro ceedings? Mr. Hunt and several others had been detain ed for several days on a charge of high-treason, was re leased from that charge, and admitted to bail for an alleg ed offence which did not i. life or limb. Why, [...]
[...] untortunate transaction, his most serious consideration— after having weighed the whole of the details which reach ed the public eye, without prejudice to either party, he did think that there never was a more unjustifia le order given, than that which authorized the Yeomanry Cavalry [...]
[...] assert the rights of their fellow-countrymen. We were now brought to a state which render ed us the most distressed and degraded nation in Europe. (A cry of “No, no,” from a per son in the waggon). Sir Robert continued : [...]
[...] pared with what they formerly enjoyed ; and would any man say, that we were not distress ed and degraded, in comparison to what we once were 2 Let us look to the state of other nations, and to their progress in the same time. [...]
Galignani's messenger02.10.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 02. Oktober 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Recorder, nor the Common Serjeant presum ed to tell him that he had no right to do so: and, with the approbation of the Livery, he went at length into the tº ect of the griev [...]
[...] or Officer will dare, aſ the present day, to re vive a pretens.on so long ago solemnly explod ed.—Star. [...]
[...] which seeins to indicate that highly important negociations are on foot, but they are involv– ed in mystery, and we must wait with patience till time shali discover the secret.—Star. Saturday noon, the Prince Regent landed [...]
[...] has so often abused public credulity.—Sun. Drury-lane Theatre, it seems, is to be open ed on Thursday evening, that the friends of the new Manager may have a private view of the improvements which it has undergone [...]
[...] A Gentlethan in Preston received a few days ago a present of a hare, which, on being open ed, was found to contain five young ones, nearly ready to be kindled. The Birmingham meeting took place on [...]
[...] they should be attacked.”—Glºbe. 3. SEPT. 23.−The Cominittee appoint. ed to adopt such measures as are requisite to carry, the Resolutions adopted at the Aleeting on Monday, have since met, and ordered the [...]
[...] to nominate M . Alderman Wood and Alder: man Thoro, as the two persons to be return— ed to the Court of Aldermen, for choice of one of then to be Lord Mayor for the next year. A Committee was appointed to draw up the [...]
[...] • * -- ~~~ ----------- ~~of a character in unison with the sombe trapping of the terºporary forum of Newhat!-hili, app ºn ed tº p. rvade the listenting spectators, that upon a display of hands, sorne were b'aºkºd, some .." with soot, and others covered [...]
[...] mothºrs' brºasis, had fallen a promiscuous sacrifice to the •wor'. After a numb-r of other observations, Mr. Eim. **!ed, amlil the cheers and shoots of the opulace. Soune routine business of other Speakers '... gone through, Sir C. Wolseley addressed the meeting to the ſol [...]
[...] 'ºum at Curraghmoré, county Waterford. The present Lord Decies and company return ed to the same Hotel the next day to dinner. The Earl and Countess of Cancarly and suite arrived on the evening of Monday last, [...]
Galignani's messenger17.03.1820
  • Datum
    Freitag, 17. März 1820
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] The following, says the Dublin Evening Post, are the most recent accounts from the disturb ed districts:— • On Friday night, the house of Mr. O'Reilly, of Cole [...]
[...] Service at the Chapel Royal in the King's Pa lace, St. James's, where a Sermon was preach ed by the Bishop of Chester. The Duchess of Kent and Prince Leopold antended Divine Service yesterday, at the Cha [...]
[...] the Knyvetts, and Greatorex. The Selection was well chosen, and was admirably perform ed by a numerous and excellent Band, con ducted by Mr. F. Cramer. The Vocal Per formers were, Isartheman, Vaughan, Hawes, [...]
[...] Boohsa's father, his New Grand Military Con certo for the Harp was unavoidably postpon ed, and the substitute was a trio for two violins and a double bass, finely executed. Rartle ruan also, whose recovery is not ornplete, was [...]
[...] able to sing. INsolvest Debtors.-lt has been ment on ed that fears were entertained, in consequence of an ornission in the Act of Parliainent which was passed nearly at the conclusion of the last [...]
[...] application to the Court for their discharges. —Chronicle. The trial of Major Cartwright, Wooler, Ed monds, and the others indicted for the elec tion of Sir Charles Wolseley, as Legislatorial [...]
[...] ºverdict seemed to produce very general satisfac. tion, and immediately afterwards the prisoner was restor ed to the care of her friends: The Assizes tinished on Friday evening. Twenty-one prisoners received sentence of death. Two sheep-stealers [...]
[...] church has been torn away, and part of the building with it. A heavy fall of snow follow ed this awful scene. A Spaniard named Candide d'Almeida, who edited a French Journal at Bruges, has been [...]
[...] mode of arrest, requiring that prisoners ºrrº'º "er the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act should be lody ed in the most wholesoue and commodious "parºle." of prisons, and he allowed 6 francs per die" unlil libera ed or passed sentence on. [...]
[...] secret and unconstitutional arrests. - it was growing late, and “la Cloture” was loudly call ed for. - - The Chamber now d vided on the remaining Articles of the Projet, which have already been before us, and the [...]
Galignani's messenger14.05.1819
  • Datum
    Freitag, 14. Mai 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the power of Artigas, had for a time been given up, and the hostilities would not be recomment. ed against him until the military affairs in Chili and Peru took a decidedly favourable turn. In order to carry thern on with a better chance of [...]
[...] are therefore called in, and notice is given, that vessels sailing under them in future will be seiz ed and prosecuted according to the law. At the adjourned Court of Grand Sessions at An tigua, H. Renouard, found guilty of a breach of [...]
[...] tions of the House; but they deny that the Go vernor has any control over monies appropriat ed to particular purposes by Acts of the Legis lature; it does not yet appear how this dispute is likely to terminate.—Courier. [...]
[...] ed with the last :— [...]
[...] talion, which had two days before arrived from England, had been admitted to share also. If the care of the wound. ed of itself gave a claim to prize-money, the medical offi cers at Deal (whither many of the wounded were reinoved), would have a claim. - [...]
[...] is, we hear, nearly out of print, although this extraordinary production has not been publish ed a fortnight. There is a report of the death of Sandt, but we cºnsider its authenticity as more than ques [...]
[...] perfect sobriety. The Tribunal of Correctional Police pronounc ed on Wednesday last, its final decision in a case of Crim. Con. which has been some time before it, and on which it had previously pronounced [...]
[...] “praying on garbage” was far fron: equalling this). The irritated husband forth with institut ed an action before the Tribunal to avenge his injured honour. Legal measures in such a case generally ſorin at least part of an injured Eng [...]
[...] there. - To this, Marinet replied, that he had remain ed in the carriage during the interview between Lord Kinnaird and the Count; but insisted strongly on the Duke of Wellington having per [...]
[...] coumenced his elegant harangue by a bitter complaint against the imanner.he had been treat ed by M. Van Fosse, Procureur-General at Brus sels, by whose means he had, he said, been con fined au secret for thirty-five days; he then [...]
Galignani's messenger18.05.1819
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 18. Mai 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] last, at Dublin Castle by the tout, less of I albot, to which all the rank, fashion, and beauty of that city, were invu ed. I he supper tables, in St. Patrick's Hall, were laid for betweeu six and seven ſºundred persous, and every seat was oc [...]
[...] troºn resorting to a system so de' idedly at variane with the institutions of the old world. He concludi. ed with inoving an address to tue Prince Regent for copies of all communications between th: gº verminent of the United States and his Majesty's go [...]
[...] quess through all the particulars into which he bad intered regarding the cession of Florida to the Unit. ed States. He was certainly the less called upon to reply to the noble Marquis ºn that point, as the pa. pers for wºlch he had tuought fit to in ove contained [...]
[...] fail to recollect that the occasion . justiſed a demand of reparation ought to be one which render ed the right and the policy of such a course of pro ceeding unquestionable. If reparation were ºne. asked, it became necessary to enforce it at all hal [...]
[...] involve us in interminable warfare. With respect to Ambrister, it became a question on what appear ed in evidence, whether he was not a person engaged in foreign service without the consent of his govern ament—and whether, having thereby forfeited the [...]
[...] justifiable acts. He only begged leave to say, that in the proceedings for which these two British subjects were tri ed, there were discoverable such grounds of justifying the punishment by which they suffered, as exempted the Go yernment of this country from the necessity of embarking [...]
[...] in a demand of reparation, which must leave led to a war if persisted in, and from which we could not have retreat ed with honour. The Marquis of LANSDOWN replied at considerable length. He was happy to think that the public opinion in [...]
[...] buthnot stood on different grounds; he was not taken i arms, but he was proved equally to have aided and assistn ed the enemy. Would the no#le murquis contend, tha Political and civil servants should be exempted where mi litary agents were punished. The question conid only be." [...]
[...] Mr. C Haavey inoved that the witness do withdraw ; and said, that a the hand-bill was printed, it ought to be produ ed Sir C. Buhaelſ, said, tha this hand-bill ema nated from the w toess's own mind. [...]
[...] publication of Mr. Toy. The hand-bill was then handed to the Clerk, and enter ed on the Minutes. W. Reynolds was examined.—Had known the Borough of Penryn for 30 years, and believed the Elections to have [...]
Galignani's messenger10.11.1819
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 10. November 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] advantages derived by the English from their sellement at Singapore, British manufactur— ed goods of all kinds were in great abundance, and the price of course, proportionately low. Soine articles were selling even at a loss of 50 [...]
[...] -It is with much pleasure we lay before our readers the following extracts of letters, receiv. ed this morning, by respectable houses in the city, from their correspondents at Manchester and Liverpool. We hope they are the har— [...]
[...] Stock Exchange were both shut yesterday: a few private bargains in Consols were transact ed on the Royal Exchange, at 67 3/8–Times. , Thursday an experiment took place at the Royal Arsenal Woolwich, of a new method of [...]
[...] the “ Unrepresented Inhabitants of the Me tropolis,” by way of answer and refutation to Mr. Hunt's addres ed in the same manner. The I}octor goes over all the circumstances of their former intimacy, replies to every point of [...]
[...] ket, which may *. fixed upon a stick, and from each side of the hilt of j. proceeds a curv ed piece of iron, made sharp to cut a bridle or inflict a wound. With .. evidence before us, it would be disingenuous and base not to [...]
[...] Ridley, Bart. M. P., and Charles John Brand. ling, Esq. of Gosforth-house will, it is expect ed, accept the Colonelcy and Lieut.-Colonelcy of the corps, in case the numbers shall be suf ficient to entitle them to hold these commis [...]
[...] which give them sway and interest with the Prince, because it is wealth which is represent ed. Those of the rank spoken of, who are not so gifted with riches, being younger sons and brothers, are dazzled by the sight of a ribbon, [...]
[...] Addy, (who was lost, between, Scarbo' aud, this poſt), was washed upon the beach at Hornsea, in a very mutilat ed state. - - Whenever Garrick wished to ensure secrecy, he always solemnly pronounced - “ Swear ! ..will you [...]
[...] ral hº"...." º j, there were also seve given, the woº | as soon y *: } pon an alarm being inaudiº cil yu i. ol surroun, ed, but this desperat QI. ***4 his “cape, uor Las he since been heard [...]
[...] him, and he jumped ou of the window. The firemen now came to the house and extinguish ed the fire, but the poor woman was found burned to drath, and there are no hopes of the husband's recovery from the effects of his fall. [...]
Galignani's messenger27.05.1819
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 27. Mai 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] in the house, he would not be justified in reſu sing to coinmunicate the paper. They intimat ed that they had no objection to such a commu nication, and he was, therefore, ready to lay the paper on the table, if any noble lord made [...]
[...] always been experienced, and must always take place, when the value of silver coin is diminish ed, whether that diminution is effected by low ering its intrinsic or raising its denominative value. [...]
[...] - the co which the arts most flourished. untry in science of political ed, in which the .P.”!"º!economy was best und looked with indifference at the state of erstood, [...]
[...] ret ** as well as expedient to urn to our ancient system. It had b - ed, that engagements had been c a. *en urg der a particular standard of value, '...". º fulfilment of them would involve hardship j [...]
[...] 1792, the last year of the peace, the tine that they remain eſſ out respectively, and the amount of property which .. circulated in the day in the month, and as compa ed with the amount of Bank-notes now outstanding, the rapidity of their return, and the amount of property which they circu [...]
[...] *d in the luonth of March, 1817, the silvercoin was issued Coin was then thrown into circéiation. The Bank order ed gºld coin to be paid, but they could not persuade men to take it...Gold and silver were flowing in from eve quarter. The Bank collected more treasure than it ha [...]
[...] case ; but during the period in question, its variations were greater than at ...!. yeriod. Now, let it be recollect ed, that the silver had then been depreciated 6 in per cent. : but the exchanges were never more unfavourable than 6 112. Their lordships would at the same time call [...]
[...] must acquire the means of getting gold: even if a gold mine were discovered in the country, it could not be rais ed without manual exertion: If this principle were good for nothing ; if it were fit that the legislature should in terpose to prevent the purchase of gold, he wished to know [...]
[...] the issues of the Bank were diminished, it could not have the same effect of correcting the evil as when gold circulat ed in the shape of coin. This was an inevitable disad vantage attending the plan. How would the noble earl, or any boily else, like to carry about them 30 ounces of [...]
[...] ry if payments were to be resumed, in gold coin, and by : making a scarcity of silver coin. These didiculties induć ed the petitioners wbose remoustrauce he had laid before the house, to contemplate the subject with great dread: but | if he understood the plan at all, it was absolutely necessa [...]
Galignani's messenger10.07.1819
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. Juli 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] official document from the Treasury had been received, dated Whitehall, 22d April. It stat ed, that Government, after mature delibera tion, had thought proper to refuse the bounty prayed for in the Petitions; but that the ton [...]
[...] it ought to be rejected. He believed he stated the general sentinents of nearly all well-inform ed persons who had turned their attention to the poor laws, when he observed, that such per sons much lamented the effects of the systein of [...]
[...] Cessio Bortorum did not exist. In Scotland and Holland, where it was established, property in pub lic funds could be attal:ed. The debtor who became insolvent was generally without property of any In those conn:ries, too, debts were not so [...]
[...] will be recommitted. Several w, t., esses on the Barns' aple Election were exami, ed at the Bar, and others were ordered to attend on their Lordships to-morrow (this ſay.) The House then adjourned at halt-past nine [...]
[...] lieve them. James Harvey had stated that 6000l. would be necessary. In what way should the 600 ol. have inspir– ed confidence 2–Having most serious charges hanging over my head, I hope the house will not insit upon my answering that question. [...]
[...] stall be taken under the solemn guarantee of the Nation; and it has, at the same time, allot ed a valuable portion of Crown and National Domains, in aid of the Sinking Fund for its extinction. [...]
[...] Thermometer of Reaumur uarked 30 degrees. Deipsic, July 3. —Our University has fatten ed on the misfortunes of that at Jena. We now count more than a thousand students, while the latter has scarcely five hundred left. [...]
[...] the Environs. Amsterdam, July 2 –A Society is establish ed in this City, the object of which is the pur [...]
[...] municºtiug to his subjects the benefits of a free and well organized Constitution, he has direct ed the convocation of the States of his kingdom to take place the 13th of the present month. More than forty new Journals have been [...]
[...] house of M. ibling at Schwalback, and being admitted to his presence, he forthwith proceed ed to stabM. I. vith a poignard ; his intended victim, however, being a large and strong man, seized ſhe assassic round the waist, and in the [...]
Galignani's messenger29.06.1819
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 29. Juni 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] parations were made for the ceremony at Ken fington Palace : the royal gold font was reº", ed from the Tower of London, and it was filted up in the Grand Saloon, with crimson velvet cºverings from the Chapel Royal, St., 1**** [...]
[...] sat down to a sumptuous eutertaintnent, to which a large party of the first distinction were invit ed; and in the evening, the Countess had a se lect party, which his Royal Highness honored with his presence. [...]
[...] dren, and contended that the notion of their being injured by the uanufacture was unfound ed. The bill as amended limited the time of la Now the fact was, that the children were at present employed only during [...]
[...] iu the foreign and the home market. In this state of things, the bill was not only not oppos ed by the trade, but had the almost unanimous : son surrence both of masters and journeymen. He should now content himself with moving the [...]
[...] appeared from the evidence that 3000 journey men framework-knitters were now unemploy ed; but if this bill passed, he had no doubt that work would soon be found for them. Earl Grosvenon regretted the disposition [...]
[...] His lordship alluded to the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor, and said, it had been suppos ed that the creation of that office would be a breat relieſ to the Lord 4.hancellor, but such had not been the cas". I he result of the conversa [...]
[...] of Commons, oth of July (one month after parliament had been dissolved), franked by Mr. Freeling, and direct ed to the Rev. the Minister of —. This frank contained two letters; one of the 13th of April, signed a H. Brougham, Chairman jº and proposiug to the rev. gent. several ques [...]
[...] ing out of the French revolution, and the echo of Paine's Rights of Man, were read and adopt ed, and Universal †: and Annual Par liaments were declared as essential to save the country from ruin. The printer of The Leeds [...]
[...] of hands. Mr. Booth accordingly came for ward aud addressed the assembly. He appear ed to be evidently labouring under the pressure of that distress which is but too generally preva lent in this district, aud addressed those around [...]
[...] King Charles John arrived at the Camp of Scania on the 11th inst.; his Majesty was receiv ed with enthusiasm by the army. We read in the Journal de Gand that a ma lignant ſever has broke out in the neighbour [...]
Galignani's messenger21.09.1819
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 21. September 1819
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] - --- - - - - ºf -------- - scartºonsº raice of subscription (post rº) PUBLISHED EVERY Motºx ING (SUNDAYS EXCEPT ED) Are also re … b º, Bººkseller One Month . . . . . . . . . 9 fr ... AT and Directeur des sº throughout Three Months. - - - - - - - - - 23. - - - ---- - France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany [...]
[...] Manchester, against the two Barrets, father and son, for an excess of authority they claim ed the right to exercise, in consequence of the office they filled. The use of aut; ority was apt to grow into abuse, and men who were in the [...]
[...] be lawful, were not always sufficiently accuratº , whether the cause was law ful or not. It seem ed., that early in the present year, the plaintiff, had gone to Bolton to vend some papers. The Jury Inight have heard that the name of Mr. [...]
[...] hours, º brought him before a Magis trate, by whorn he was immediately discharg ed. Upon his discharge, he requested to have his paperspack; No, no, said the loyal con stable, you must not circulate this peccant [...]
[...] out molestation. At the meeting these initials were explained and commented on, and prov– ed to stand for “Rights and Liberty.” In consequence they were seized on the return of that party fron the meeting, and in conse— [...]
[...] hones. But the numbers increased, and between 9 and 10 o'clock the Radicals commenced hostilities. Thiſ special constables had retur ed to their stations in the Court house. The windows of it were broken with stones, some of which reached the table in the middle [...]
[...] expected to arrive frºm the different places in the country; and as the Magistrates had learn ed that several of these parties intended pa railing through the town with flags, others with music, both tending to stir up riot, as [...]
[...] was endeavouring to persuade some people to go quietly to their homes, but he was knock ed down twice, and on coming to himself found they had got away his gold watch and appendages. This happened so early as half [...]
[...] rida, but requires certain conditions and mo– Jifications; the Envoy, who goes to the Unit ed States on this important business, is M. Campozano, formerly Secretary of the Spa nish Embassy in England. [...]
[...] face of a ſnan, and partly that of a monkey. M. Nanu'a, anatomical professor, is now busi ed in making an analysis of this monster. - FIRENCH FUNDS. Shut the 4th September at 73f. 15c. [...]
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