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The general evening post29.01.1756/30.01.1756/31.01.1756
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 29. Januar 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] Half-Pay of Loudoun's) - - - Enfign Robert Bistett, (of Lord Murray's). Lieuterant. Enfign Alexander Hamilton, (from Half- ieut t. [...]
[...] Second Lieutenant Joſeph Randall, (from - | Half-Pay of Holmes’s) Lieutenant Cornet Walter Kerr, (frơm Half-Pay of [...]
[...] Lieutenant John Slow, em- Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant Robert Wright, (from? Lie Half-Pay of Poles) – rd } Lieutenant. Second Lieutenant William Edwards, | (from Half-Pay of Jorden") – } lie". [...]
[...] Lieutenant John Dalton, (rom Half-P - | of Boſcawen's) ( ***** # Lieutenant. [...]
[...] Lieutenant Abraham Hofkins, (from Half Pay of Cholmondeley’s Foot) Lieutenant. - Sullivan, [...]
[...] Lieutenant. - Sullivan, Seçọnd Lieutenant William Botteler, Half-Pay of : - * Second Lieutenant William Johnſon, ? 1 ; (from Half-Pay of Agnew’s) – Š Lieutenant. [...]
[...] Head Quarters, A4 A N C H E S T E R. Lieutenant Edward Dartequenave, (from Half-Pay of Cornwall’s) Lieutenant George Holliday, (from Half Pay of Sackville’s) [...]
[...] Pay of Pawlett's) , . Second Lieutenant Abraham Brocket, (from Half-Pay of Agnew’s) - Second Lieutenant William Pye, (from Half-Pay of Powlett's) - [...]
[...] celles's) · Second Lieutenant John Lloyd, (from Half-Pay of Battereau's), – Second Lieutenant Rowland Mitchell, Li (from Half Pay of Agnew’s) – } 1ćutenant, [...]
[...] -- the inhabitants of this town, half a crown tº each per [...]
The Englishman11.05.1713
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 11. Mai 1713
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Anzahl der Treffer: 8
[...] ſhould give him fo much Trouble, that fo great a Mo narch as he was ſhould not be able to reduce fo fmall a State with half the Power of his whole Dominions. To which Monfieur Colbert is faid to have made the fol lowing Anfwer. [...]
[...] your People; their common Drink the pure Element; they are drefied in Canvas and Woeden Shoes, I mean fuch of them as are not bare-foot and half naked. How very mean muſt be the eight Acres which will afford no better Subfifance to a fingle Perfon? Yet fo many [...]
[...] fied by their Rents ; Land Owners, as well as others, are chiefly fubíifted by Trade and Manufaćtures ; and * they can therefore with as much Eafe part with half of ‘ their whole Rents, as your Majesty's Subjećts can a * quarter. The States General may as well take four [...]
[...] :Millions and a half from their Rents, as your Ma jesty can five from thofe of your subjećts. “ IT remains now only to compare the Excifes of both [...]
[...] “ IT remains now only to compare the Excifes of both Countries. And what Excifes can your Majesty hope to receive by the Confumption of the half starved and half naked Beggars in your Streets ? How great a Part of the Price of all that is eat ordrunkor confumed by thoſe [...]
[...] much by Excifes upon the Dutch Subjeći as the French, thirty Shillings upon the fermer, as eaſily as ten upon the latter, and confequently four Millions and a half of L 3. : Pounds [...]
[...] a Revenue equal to two thirds of your Majesty's. “ YOUR Majefly will no longer wonder that ycu “ have not been able to reduce theſe Provinces with half * the Power of your whole Dominions, yet half is as * much as you will be ever able to employ againſt them. [...]
[...] “ Spain and Germany will be always ready to eſpouſe their * Quarrel, their Forces will be fufficient to cut out Work * for the other half; and I wiſh too you could be quiet “ on the fide of Italy and England. - “WHAT then is the Advice I would prefume to give [...]
The general evening post26.07.1755/27.07.1755/28.07.1755/29.07.1755
  • Datum
    Samstag, 26. Juli 1755
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the Breeders at the Time of Entraricc, and to run according 'to Articles. Each Horſe, &a. to ſtand at the Houſe oſ a Subfcriber of Half a Guinea at the leaſt, from the Day Of Entrance to the Day oi Running. [...]
[...] Hair, by 'l'radc a Cordwainor, born at Ncwington, Surry, and inliited at London. ' john blierer, aged zn Years, five Feet four Inches and a Half high, brown Hair, by 'lradc a VVhitUIIanll, born at Newcaſtlc upon Tyne. and inliltetl at Maidilone. [...]
[...] Hair, by 'I'radca Bricklayer, born at Stroud in Kent, and inliſted at Colcheſter. - ' Thomas bunn, aged 25 Years, five Feet four Inches and a Half lllgll, brown Hair, by I'rofclſiona Labourcr, born at Rul'dcn, Northamptcnihile, and inlilled at London. [...]
[...] inlitted there. ' Thomas Pctow, Serjeant, aged 30 Years. five Feet ſix Inches and a Half high, black Hair, by Trade a Slioemaker, born at Lewes, Suſſex, and inliſied at London. John Fullard, aged 22. Years, five Feet four Inches and a Half [...]
[...] Felverſham, Bedſordſhire, and inliſied at London. Zachary Ncwburn. aged no Years, five Feet five Inches and a' Half high, brown Hair, by I'rot'effion a Labourer, born at Up wcll, Norfolk, and inliſled at King's-Lynn. Richard Creon, aged 25 Years, five l-'eet five Inches and a Half [...]
[...] -- - James Burrell, aged 19 Years, five Feet five Inches and a Half high, [...]
[...] brown Complexion, byTrade a Weaver, born at NOlWiUll, and inliſted at Sudbury, Suffolk. 1 William Bruce, aged 20 Years, five Feet four Inches and a Half high, light Hziir, by Proſeſſion a Labourcr, born at Lowton in Eſſex, and inliſled ar Brentwood. [...]
[...] Bank-Stoek, 12: t-half. India Ditto, South Sca Stock, ſhut. Ditto Old _Annuiti:<, '1 Subxg; i-qr. Ditto 2 Sub. --. Ditto New, i Sub. 93 [...]
[...] i-qr. Ditto 2 Sub. --. Ditto New, i Sub. 93 7*8ths. Ditto a Sub. . Three I>halſ pet Cent. B-nk Annuitiea, ' Sub. 93 t-half. Ditto 2 Sub. 92 i-half, 393. Ditto India Annuities, 91 i-haif. 'I'hree per Cent. Bank Annuities, 92 t half, a 5-85hs. [...]
[...] TWclve Pcnce a Dozcn, or One Plum for a Penoy or Three Dozen for Half a Crown. L 1 K B W l S I. * N ODYNE NECKLACES [...]
The Englishman25.06.1713
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 25. Juni 1713
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] der a Man of a little So il exceptious, humourfome, and particularin all his Aćtions to a Subjećł of Raillery and Mirth. He is, you muſt know, but half as tall as an ordinary Man, but is contented to be ftill at his Friend’s Elbow, and has fet up a Club, by which he hopes to bring thofe of his [...]
[...] * have one Leg fhorter than the other, and whoever had * Difadvantage; for when he was mounted on the other * Leg he was at leaf five Foot two Inches and a half. “ THER E were fome who queſtioned the exaćtnefs [...]
[...] |took us for a Circle of Men that fate ready to be ſhaved, and fent in half a dozen Barbers. Another time one of the Club ſpoke contumeliouſly of the Preſident, ima gining he had been abſent, when he was only eclypſed [...]
[...] own Riding, above fourteen Hands and a half in height, that Horſe Thall forthwith be Sold, a Scotch, Galloway [...]
[...] “ IV. “ I F any Member, in direćł Contradistion to the Fundamental Laws of the Society, ſhall wear the Heels of his Shoes exceeding one Inch and half, it ſhall be in terpreted as an open Renunciation of Littleneſs, and the Criminal íhall inſtantly be expell’d. Note. The Forma [...]
The tatler20.08.1709
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 20. August 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] others he presented me with the picture of Harry Coppersmith, in little, who, he says, is at this day worth half a plumb *, by means much more indirect than by false dice. I must confess, there appeared some reason in what he asserted; and he met me [...]
[...] is nothing so pleasant as to be in the conversation of these wealthy proficients. I had lately the honour to drink half a pint with Sir Tristram, Harry Cop persmith, and Giles Twoshoes. These wags gave one another credit in discourse, according to their [...]
[...] by each other. Sir Tristram called for a pipe of tobacco; and telling us ' tobacco was a pot-herb,* bid the drawer bring him the other half pint. Twoshoes laughed at the knight's wit, without mo deration; I took the liberty to say, 'it was but a [...]
[...] out together. The queer curs maintained this style of dialogue until we had drunk our quart apiece by half-pints. All I could bring away with me is, that Twoshoes is not worth twenty thousand pounds: for his mirth, though he was as insipid as either of [...]
[...] which they prefer before their natural: with this they weave something to cover their heads, which descends down half way their bodies, hides their features, and hinders you from knowing men by their faces. This nation has, besides this, their [...]
The free thinker or essays of wit and humour(02.03.1718) 02.03.1719
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 02. März 1719
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Anzahl der Treffer: 4
[...] And now a gentle Slumber fofily fway’d Her gentler Thoughts, and triumph’d o’er the Maid. Halfnaked, cover’d half, fupine ſhe lay, In Sight of Acon, and the Face of Day. How ſhould th’ impatient Youth an Objest bear [...]
[...] Raviſh'd, with doubtful foy, a ha/y Kiſs. The Virgin /tarted; and back /prung the Swain, IWith Fear half dying; but, his Fear was van: For, 'twas not the kind Kiſs, that made her /tart; ’Twas not the Kifs, that trembled from her Heart. [...]
[...] Acon perceiv'd the Tumult of her Mind, And, what the Bream fugge/fed, half divin’d: JWhat could he do to /frengthen the Deceit, And to her waking Heart her Fears repeat ? [...]
[...] Andgive him Skill to plead a Lover’s Pain. The long perplex’d Deluſion first he clear’d, And freed her Mind from half the Ill: /he fear’d; Then, ſpoke his Paſſion with fuch tender Art, The melting Inſpiration touch'd her Heart : [...]
The general evening post04.09.1756/05.09.1756/06.09.1756/07.09.1756
  • Datum
    Samstag, 04. September 1756
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] N. B. There are in this Lottery but half the Number of Tickets that were in the lait ; and but fix Blanks to [...]
[...] l. s. d. SHARES of TICKETS. A whole Chance – 7 5 o l. s. An Half – – 3 13 6 | An Half – – 6 2 A Fourth · i 17 o A Fourth An Eighth – – o 19 o . An Eighth [...]
[...] Gallon, Quart, &c. Sundry Sorts of fine Lucca. Jar Oil, per Gallan, Quart, se Fine Florence Olls, pe, Half-Chefts, or per F Lík. Fil: ol, Right Gorgona Anchovies, fine Capers, in Quair Bottle, Fine French and Span.fh Olives, in Quart Bottles, - [...]
[...] Fine French and Span.fh Olives, in Quart Bottles, - India Soy, Ruffia Cavear, &c. Superfine Florence wine in Half-Chefts. [...]
[...] at the Stand. - - No Horfe, &c. to be plated but by a Smith that fubfcribes Half a Guinea. No Perſons will He allowed to fell any Liquor on the Down but fuch that have fubſcribed One Guinca. [...]
[...] Bank-tock i 17 5-8ths. India Stock –. South Sea Stock –—. Ditto Old Annuities, 1ſt Sub 9o 3-8ths. a 1-half. Ditto 2d Sub. Ditto New Annuities, 1ſt Sub. 89 1.-qr. a 3-8ths. Ditto 2d Sub. –. Three I -half Bank Arnuities, 1ſt Sub. [...]
[...] Annuities, 1ſt Sub. 89 1.-qr. a 3-8ths. Ditto 2d Sub. –. Three I -half Bank Arnuities, 1ſt Sub. 9o 1-8th. a 9o. Ditto 2d Sub. 89 3 3hs, a 1-half. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 89 3-8ths, a 1 -half. Ditto 1726, –. Ditto South-Sea Annuities 17 - 1, [...]
[...] Three per Cent. Bank Annuities, 89 3-8ths, a 1 -half. Ditto 1726, –. Ditto South-Sea Annuities 17 - 1, 89 3-8ths, a I-half. Ditto India At nuities 88 i half. Bank Circulation, 4 1. io s. Prein. India Donds, 2 l. 9 s. Prem. Navy and Y: Bills, – . [...]
[...] :::: Tickets, 1 1 1., 19 ». 6 d. , Three 1-half per Cent. Bau, Annuities 1756, 95 i-half, a 3 8:lls. [...]
[...] Twelve Pence a Dozen, of One Pium for a Penny or Three Dozen for Half a Crown. L I K E W I S E, N G G Y N E NECKLACES [...]
The tatler07.07.1709
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 07. Juli 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] Whate'er men do, or »ay, or think, or dream, Our motley paper seize, for its theme. P. By Mrs. Jennv Distaff Half-sister to Mr. BlCKEHSTAFF. From my own Apartment, July 6. [...]
[...] may cease with the war; but I dismally dread the multiplication of these mortals under the ease and luxuriousness of a settled peace, half the blessing o which may be destroyed by them. Their mistake lies certainly here, in a w retched belief, that their [...]
[...] 6hews that they are extremely in their own favour. Take one of your men of business, he shall keep you half an hour with your hat off, entertaining you with his consideration of that affair you spoke of to him last, until he has drawn a crowd that observes [...]
[...] fore he takes it; yet, after the first ceremonies, he is as familiar as my physician, and h\s insignificancy makes me half ready to complain to him of all I would to my doctor, he is so courteous, that he carries half the messages of ladies' ails in town to [...]
[...] from being offended with him, that I am really obliged to him; for though he will take you aside, and talk half an hour to you upon matters wholly insignificant with the most solemn air, yet I con sider, that these things are of weight in his imagir [...]
The general evening post30.09.1758/01.10.1758/02.10.1758/03.10.1758
  • Datum
    Samstag, 30. September 1758
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] I Mercers of the City of London, do hereby give Notice, That on Tag/day the 14th Day of November next they will pay the Half-7 car's Annuities that will become due to the /aid Company’s Annuitants upon the 1oth Day of Ostober next ; end alſo the Half-Fear's Interest that will become due on the [...]
[...] Uperfine New Florence Wine in Half Chests, of the fireft Growth. Superfine Lucca Jar Sa'ad Oil, per Callons, Quarts, &c. [...]
[...] Lands, called Swarthmore-Hall, lying about half a Mile frem verstone aforefaid, late the Eſtate of Mr. Thomas Abraham, con taining 28o Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Wood Ground, very [...]
[...] fhut. Ditto New Annunties. 9o 3-4ths. a 91. Thre per Cent. Bank reduced, Books fhut. Þitto cente 9o 5-8ths. a 1-half. Ditto 1726, 9ɔ. Ditro 17; I, 9 3-4ths, a 91: Ditto India Annuities, Books fhut. Thre [...]
[...] 1-half Bank Annúities 1756, 96 1-4th. Three per Ceri: [...]
[...] ditto 1757, 9o 1 gtb. a 1-4th. Three 1-half per Cen: 1753, 97 l-half. a 5-8ths. Bank Circalason, ; 1. i 5 s Prém. lndia Bonds, 1 !. 6 s. a 5 s. Prem. Navy ản, [...]
[...] S H A R E S. l. s. d. C H A N C E S. l. s. – d. Half a Ticket, – 6 2 6 A whole Chance, – 7 o o A Fourth, – 3 O An Half, , – 3 1o o An Eighth, – i 1 r. 6 A Fourth, – 1 1 5 o [...]
[...] and l reland. Where alfo may be had, The Twenty-two Volumes neatly bound and lettered, Price 4 l. 19 s. 6 d. or half-bound 41, 8 s. or any fingle Number from the Beginning, at 6 d. each. - [...]
[...] S H A R E S. C H A N C E S. An Half 6 2 6 A Whole Chante 7 o o A Quarter 3 3 o An Half 3 Io o An Eighth M I 1 6 A Qyarter . » I 5 o [...]
[...] - ^~Twelve Pence a Dozen, or One Plum for a Penay or Three Dozen for Half a Crown. L I K_F \N. I s s, # - N O D YN E NECKLACES [...]
The tatler10.05.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 10. Mai 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] “She half consents who silently denies”,” [...]
[...] The next, as I said, I went to, was a common swearer. Never was a creature so puzzled as my self, when I came first to view his brain ; half of it was worn out, and filled up with mere expletives, that had nothing to do with any other parts of the [...]
[...] dressing, and laying it before him on the toilet when he came to pick his teeth. The last recital I gave him of what he said for half an hour before was, ‘What, a pox rot me ! where is the wash ball 2 call the chairmen damn them, I warrant [...]
[...] sand; half an hour after, we were reduced to one thousand; at four of the clock, we were down to two hundred; at five, to fifty ; at six, to five ; at [...]
[...] two hundred; at five, to fifty ; at six, to five ; at seven, to one guinea: the next bet, to nothing. This morning he borrowed half a crown of the maid who cleans his shoes; and is now gaming in Lincoln’s-Inn Fields among the boys for far [...]
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