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120 Treffer
Suchbegriff: Valley

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Augspurgische Ordinari-Post-Zeitung (Augsburger Postzeitung)21.08.1766
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 21. August 1766
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] «er Zeit her die Versicherung hat, en, dem Herrn Land, Comman, zeurder Valley Alten, Biesen und Niederlande, Frepherrn von Stei, >
[...] eliebten,Se. ^xcellenz zum Statt, alter und Land-Commandeur vor, edachter Valley der Niederlank« bestätigen, auch zugleich von ?ochdemselben den in gleichen Jäi, [...]
[...] Commanbeurs und Rathgebiethie gers der Valley Elsaß, auch des hohen Ordens Ministers, Frey« Herrn von Reutner Excelienz, und [...]
The tatler21.01.1710
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 21. Januar 1710
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Anzahl der Treffer: 3
[...] sibly into a deep valley, in which they journied se veral days with great toil and uneasiness, and without the necessary refreshments of food and sleep. The [...]
[...] the necessary refreshments of food and sleep. The only relief they met with, was in a river that ran through the bottom of the valley on a bed of golden sand. They often drank of this stream, which had such a particular quality in it, that though it refreshed [...]
[...] into the bowels of these hills, or convert the treasures they contained to any use, under pain of starving. At the end of the valley stood the “Temple of Avarice,” made after the manner of a fortification, and surrounded with a thousand triple-headed [...]
The Idler23.02.1760
  • Datum
    Samstag, 23. Februar 1760
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] fomething to the right which looked at a diſtance like a caſtle with towers, but which he diſcovered afterwards to be a craggy rock; that he then entered a valley, in which he faw feveral trees tall and flouriſhing, watered by a rivulet not marked in the maps, of which he was [...]
[...] who viſit favage countries, and range through folitude and defolation; who país a defart, and tell that it is fandy; who croſs a valley, and find that it is green. There are others of more delicate fenfibility, that vifit only the realms of elegance and foftnefs ; that wander [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire17.07.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 17. Juli 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 5
[...] A ten minutes paft three o’clock we crosted the finall river Iworra, in the valley of Abola; it comes from the eaft, and runs weftward into that river. At a quarter after four we halted at a houfe in the middle [...]
[...] comes from the eaft, and runs weftward into that river. At a quarter after four we halted at a houfe in the middle of the plain, or valley. This valley is not above a mile broad, the river being diſtant about a quarter, and runs at the foot of the mountains. This village, as indeed [...]
[...] diftinguiſhed by his marks, and that on purpofe that he may be known. . - - - There were many villages in this valley which feemed to have efeaped the havock of war, nor had they that air of poverty and mifery fo apparent in all [...]
[...] nearly eaſt fouth-eaft, when we paffed the fmall river Googueri, which, like all the others on this fide of the mountain, falls into the Abola. We then left the valley of Abola on our right, and began to travel along the fides of the mountains on the weſt. At three quarters [...]
[...] after eight we paffed a violent torrent called Karnichiuli, which falls from north-eaſt into the Abola. At nine we again defcended into the valley, and, a few minutes after, came to the banks of the Caccino, which flows from the north juſt above, and joins the Abola. Here [...]
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire10.07.1790
  • Datum
    Samstag, 10. Juli 1790
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Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] Eastward still from this is the high mountain of Ada ma, one of the ridges of Amid Amid, which form the entrance of a narrow valley on the éaft fide, as the mountains of Lichambara do on the weſt. In this.val- ley runs the large river Jemma, rifing in the moun [...]
[...] the S. E. and began to enter into the plain of Abola, one of the divifions of the Agow. The plain, or rather valley, of Abola, is about half a mile broad for the moſt part, and no where exceeds a mile. The mountains that form it on the eaft and weft fide are at [...]
[...] Affoa, below Geeſh, and dire&ly at the fountains of the Nile. |- - . ' The river Abola eomes out of the valley between thefe two ridges of mountains of Litehamfara and Aformaſha, but does not rife there; it has two [...]
[...] them în a large curve in the ſhape of a erefeemt. Between Amid Amid and the ridge of Litchambara is the deep valley now known by the name of St. George; what was its ancient, or Pagan name, I · : & - could [...]
[...] —could not learn. Through the middle of this valley runs the Jemma, a river equal to the Nile, if not Jarger, but infinitely more rapid: after leaving the [...]
[...] valley, it croffes that part of Maitſha on the eaſt of [...]
Kurfürstlich gnädigst privilegirte Münchner-Zeitung (Süddeutsche Presse)17.09.1788
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 17. September 1788
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] geſchnittene Mähne hat, ſind vor Barthºloag auf der Waide der hochgräflich Tatenbachiſchen Valley verloren worden; wer dieſe Pferde einſt weil in Verwahr genommen, oder ſonſt hievon eine Auskunft zu geben wes, der beliebe es tu ge [...]
[...] weil in Verwahr genommen, oder ſonſt hievon eine Auskunft zu geben wes, der beliebe es tu ge dachter Valley gegen eine Belohnung anzuzeigen. [...]
The tatler16.08.1709
  • Datum
    Freitag, 16. August 1709
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] D'Albigni. Small parties arc left in several posts from thence to Little Si. Bernard, to preserve the communication with Piedmont by the valley of Aosta. Some forces are also posted at Taloir, and in the castle of Doitt, on each side of the lake of [...]
[...] in the castle of Doitt, on each side of the lake of Anneci. General Rhebinder is encamped in the! valley of Oulx with ten thousand foot, and some detachments of horse: his troops are extended from Exilles to mount Genevre, so that he may easily [...]
Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (Literarisches Zentralblatt für Deutschland)31.05.1791
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 31. Mai 1791
  • Erschienen
    Halle, S.; Leipzig
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Halle (Saale); Leipzig; Jena; Wien
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] vants Rivier, längſt den Commaſſe (in der Charte Kamnaſ. ſie), Bergen, wo ſie warme Bäder, und viele Lager von Eiſenminern fanden, endlich nach Bier Valley. Unterweges trafen ſie Hottentotten, die bloſs von Fleiſch und je lebten, und hier einen alten Deutſchen in Schaafspelzen [...]
[...] nes Hn. Seb. van Renan (vermuthlich van Rheenen) den 18.Jun. 1779 unternahm, führte ihn über Groene Cloo Ribecks Caſteel, Verlooren Valley, Heeren Logement Givants Rivier, Bock Veld, Doorn Rivier, Groene R vier, Camis Berg, bis an den Sand Rivier und Rhinº [...]
Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (Literarisches Zentralblatt für Deutschland)22.09.1785
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 22. September 1785
  • Erschienen
    Halle, S.; Leipzig
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Halle (Saale); Leipzig; Jena; Wien
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] werde der Bergfluſs genannt. Vermuthlich meint er den Fluſs, der auf Sparmanns Karte der Beare Valley R. oder auch der Camboursfluſs genannt wird, der aber nach der Sparmannſchen Karte zu urtheilen kleiner iſt, als der auf d'Anvillens Karte [...]
[...] 1751 befindliche (denn die Sparmannſche kennt er nicht). Im 5ten Kap. beſchreibt er beſonders die Tafel Valley und die daſelbſt befindlichen Berge, die Feſtung, die Kirche und andere öffentliche und Privat-Gebäude in 4 Abſchnitten, davon der erſte [...]
Münchner-Zeitungen, von denen Kriegs-, Friedens- und Staatsbegebenheiten, inn- und ausser Landes (Süddeutsche Presse)Ordentlich-Wochentliche Münchner Frag- und Anzeigungs-Nachrichten 08.08.1753
  • Datum
    Mittwoch, 08. August 1753
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Anzahl der Treffer: 1
[...] ſorten von Pfaffenhofen, logbey obigen. . . . . - Ein Wirth von der Valley, log. obigen. - Herr Schorff, Pulvermacher [...]
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