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Suchbegriff: Egg

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Deggendorfer Donaubote26.08.1873
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 26. August 1873
  • Erschienen
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Gegenwart eines zahlreichen Clerus die irdiſche Hülle des hochw. Hrn. Ignaz Beer, ſeit 30 Jahren Schloßbeneficiat in Egg, zur Erde be ſtattet. Der Verblichene erlag am vergangenen Freitag früh 7 Uhr einem plötzlich eingetretenen [...]
[...] Janaz Beer, Herrn Ignaz Beer, - Benefiziaten in Schloß Egg - [...]
Königlich Bayerisches Kreis-Amtsblatt von Schwaben und Neuburg08.05.1875
  • Datum
    Samstag, 08. Mai 1875
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Augsburg; Neuburg a.d. Donau
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Inhaltlich eines Berichtes des Stadtmagiſtrats Augs burg vom 26 v. Mts. iſt der verheiratheten Händlerin Viktoria Baur von Egg der ihr von dem genannten Stadtmagiſtrate unterm 25. Januar l. Js. Reg.-Nr. 64 ausgeſtellte Legitimationsſchein zum Handel mit Baum [...]
[...] Schwaben und Neuburg, in welchem ihr Ehemann der Maurer Willibald Baur von Egg als Begleiter einge tragen iſt, abhanden gekommen, und wurde derſelben ein Duplikat des fraglichen Legitimationsſcheines unterm [...]
Lindauer Tagblatt für Stadt und Land15.07.1865
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. Juli 1865
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Aeschach; Bodolz; Hoyren; Lindau (Bodensee); Mitten; Nonnenhorn; Oberreitnau; Reutin; Weißensberg
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Wirth wird zur Genehmigung begutachtet, jenes des Earl Wirth zur Abweiſung beantragt. Jakob Schelling erhält bis zu vollſtändiger Erwerbsfähigkeit täglich eine Portion Suppe. Temporäre Unterſtützungen erhielten: Regine Egg 3fl., Guſtav Kinkelin 2f, die Wittwe Eliſab. Köberlin erhält den Miethzinsbeitrag pro 186465 mit 24 fl. und wird deren Wochengeld von 48 kr. auf 1 fl. 24 kr. erhöht. Die Anſäſſigm.- und Verehel.-Geſuche des [...]
[...] V erſte i gerung. n der Erben der Franzisca Egg zu Bregenz werden die zur Verlaſſenſchaft [...]
Lindauer Tagblatt für Stadt und Land05.12.1863
  • Datum
    Samstag, 05. Dezember 1863
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Aeschach; Bodolz; Hoyren; Lindau (Bodensee); Mitten; Nonnenhorn; Oberreitnau; Reutin; Weißensberg
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] ausverkauft bei Friedrich Egg. [...]
[...] alten und neuen Wein aus. Freitag den 27. Nov. wurde vor dem Laden des Hutmachers Egg ein Handwä gelchen ſtehen gelaſſen und bis heute noch nicht abgeholt. Es wird daher diejenige [...]
Der Eilbote15.09.1873
  • Datum
    Montag, 15. September 1873
  • Erschienen
    Landau, Pfalz
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Landau in der Pfalz
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] Schweine; 1 zweiſpännigen und 1 ein ſpännigen Wagen, 2 Kaſtenkarren, 1 Pflug mit Egge, 1 Häckſelbank, Pferds geſchirr, Ketten, Repstuch, Malterſäcke; äſſer von verſchiedener Größe, Bütten, [...]
[...] einen Wandſchrank, 1 Ofen mit Rohr, 1 Mehlkaſten, 1 Windmühle, 1 Pferdsſchlitten, Pflug,.1 Egge und ſonſtiges Haus- und Feldgeräthe. Edenkoben, den 13. September 1873. [...]
Lindauer Tagblatt für Stadt und Land11.03.1865
  • Datum
    Samstag, 11. März 1865
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Aeschach; Bodolz; Hoyren; Lindau (Bodensee); Mitten; Nonnenhorn; Oberreitnau; Reutin; Weißensberg
Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] billige Preiſe das Vertrauen meiner verehrten Gönner auch fernerhin zu erhalten. Reparaturen werden nach Wunſch ſchnellſtens beſorgt. Achtungsvollſt Fried. Egg. [...]
[...] Es ſind circa 30–40 Centner fettes Heu zu verkaufen bei Franz Egg, Privatier in Aeſchach. [...]
Deggendorfer Donaubote25.09.1874
  • Datum
    Freitag, 25. September 1874
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] D EGG END OR FER [...]
[...] ſorgt. - Hiezu ladet freundlichſt ein Egg, den 25. Sept. 1874. Johanu Wanninger Gaſtgeber. [...]
Landwirthschaftliche Mittheilungen06.06.1875
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 06. Juni 1875
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Anzahl der Treffer: 2
[...] gewöhnlichen Pflugvorderkarren benützen will. Mit dieser Vorrichtung können bei einer Belastung von einer Egge auch noch 2 Pflüge transportiert werden. Der Preis hiefür stellt sich in der Geräthefabrik [...]
[...] eeignet gemacht werden kann. Der Grindel wird an seinem Ende bei c auf den gewöhnlichen Pflug karren aufgelegt, die Egge hat ihren Stützpunkt zur größeren Hälfte auf den beiden Balken der Pflugschleife, anderseits auf dem Querholze b, welches [...]
Saturday review25.02.1855
  • Datum
    Sonntag, 25. Februar 1855
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  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] IT appears from official figures that between five and six hundred millions of eggs, to say nothing of thousands of tons of poultry, are annually imported into this country from France; and this has naturally suggested an inquiry as to what [...]
[...] it happens that pullets, because not hatched at the time which is essential to their becoming early profitable, average ten months of unprofitable feeding before making any return in eggs, and then only half repay us, because ill and irregularly fed, and because they do not take to laying till the season when eggs are cheapest. [...]
[...] even more. They cannot lay in the moulting season, which goes on later, and is more severe every year; and they will give few, if any eggs, through the winter. Their flesh, too, is of little value—certainly of less value than that of younger birds. [...]
[...] cockerels Mr. Edwards's statistics are very fascinating. Though he cites, in common with Stephens and other most respectable authorities, Mr. De Sora's egg-producing establishment near Paris, which was said to produce an average of 3oo eggs per annum from each fowl—but which unfortunately was proved by Mr. [...]
[...] producing powers of a high order. But these gain size and strength of constitution for our climate if crossed with a Brahma cock. For quantity and quality, though not size, of eggs none can beat the Hamburgs. Though not inclined to sit, the Silver Hamburg has the name of being an “everlasting layer”; and it [...]
[...] Cochins are good layers, specially in winter. Polish and Spanish are good summer layers. On the whole, for aptness to live by fºraging, for hardihood, the production of eggs, and suitability for the table, Brahmas, Houdans, and Hamburgs are most to be [...]
[...] breeds at most, so as not to risk deterioration, or intermixture, through too many sorts. - For º: eggs for hatching to start with, it is best to apply where known good stock is kept, and Mr. Edwards suggests that there should be a guarantee that at least one half of the eggs [...]
[...] shall prove fertile. It is advisable to hatch more cockerels than ullets, because of the greater profit in fattening, through their ardiness and extra size; and the way to know the eggs which will produce this sex has been familiar as far back as Columella's day—to choose pointed-end eggs, not those which are roundish; [...]
[...] noticing also the position of the air cavities, which in the case of a cockerel will be at the apex of the blunt and larger end, and not towards the side. In hatching eggs for egg roducing, we must select eggs from proved good layers; egg ying being a ‘. of particular birds as of particular breeds. [...]
[...] roducing, we must select eggs from proved good layers; egg ying being a ‘. of particular birds as of particular breeds. For successful hatching of fowl and duck eggs Mr. Edwards recommends a few full-feathered Cochin hens, which at this work are in their chosen element. As to ducks, this is by far the best [...]
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 05. Juni 1873
  • Erschienen
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Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] the egg, as shown in Fig. 42, in the form of an oval body about ºn inch in length, something like a small, barrel, surrounded by four bands or hoops of long vibratile hairs [...]
[...] But while certain Starfishes thus go through metamor. phoses, similar in character to, and not less remarkable than, those of sea-eggs ; there are others, as, for instance, the genus Asteracanthium, in which the organs and appendages special to the Pseudembryo, are in abeyance, [...]
[...] in a great degree incompatible ; an insect occupied in the work of reproduction could not continue its voracious feeding. Its life, therefore, after leaving the egg, is divi ded into three stages.” But there are some insects, as, for instance, the Aphides, [...]
[...] well-marked metamorphoses, though in many cases they are passed through within the egg, and thus do not come within the popular ken. “La larve,” says Quatrefages, “n'est qu'un embryon a vie independante.” [...]
[...] /us major), which attains a height of seven feet, ten inches, does not when born exceed one inch and two lines in length ; the chick leaves the egg in a much more ad vanced condition than the thrush ; and so among insects the young cricket is much more advanced, when it leaves [...]
[...] one species. In oviparous animals the condition of the young at birth depends much on the size of the egg ; where the egg is large, the abundant supply of nourishment enables the embryo to attain a higher stage of development; [...]
[...] egg is large, the abundant supply of nourishment enables the embryo to attain a higher stage of development; where the egg is small, and the yolk consequently scanty, it is soon exhausted, and the embryo requires an addi [...]
[...] tional supply of food. In the former case the embryo is more likely to survive; but, on the other hand, when the eggs are large, they cannot be numerous, and a multi plicity of germs is, in some circumstances, a great ad vantage. Even in the same species the development of [...]
[...] plicity of germs is, in some circumstances, a great ad vantage. Even in the same species the development of the egg offers certain differences.* The metamorphoses of insects depend then primarily on the fact that they quit the egg in a very early condi [...]
[...] from the habit which some squirrels possess, possibly the one under consideration, of sucking the eggs of birds; the blood sucking habit he assumed to be an outgrowth from the other. This adoption of another's mode of lite by S. hudsonius, he [...]
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