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Suchbegriff: See

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Das Ausland08.10.1868
  • Datum
    Donnerstag, 08. Oktober 1868
  • Erschienen
    Stuttgart; München; Augsburg; Tübingen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Stuttgart; Tübingen; München; Augsburg
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] landküfte. Weit fchwieriger ift die Entftehung der Gebirge mit einfeitiger Hebung und fteilem Abfturz nach der See zu erklären. Glücklicherweife find fie felten. Auch darf an genommen werden daß bei ihnen ebenfalls eine gewölb [...]
[...] [Henaug Bei), welcher das Vrinileginm des Fifchfanges auf dem Menzale-See genießt, einen ungeheuren Vortheil daraus, denn Tauſende von Centnern trockener <.}iſche werden von hier aus in den ganzen Orient gefchicft. Mehr als hun, [...]
[...] Arbeit. Um nicht jeden beliebigen fifchen zu laffen, hält der Bafcha eine eigene kleine Flottille mit Voliziſten, welche Tag und Nacht auſ der See herum patrouilliren müffen. [...]
[...] Von zahlreichen kleinen flachen Jnſeln bedeckt, welche kaum einige Fuß aus dem Niveau des Waffers hervor ragen, von denen mehrere fogar bewohnt find, hat der See eine Länge von 10 Meilen auſ 3 Meilen Breite. [...]
[...] Wenn auch vor Damiette waren wir doch nicht in der Stadt, ein ſchmaler Canal führte vom Menzale-See zum Damm, der die fruchtbaren Niederungen desNils abtrennt, und hinter ihnen liegt erſt Damiette felbft am Nil. Un [...]
[...] menfchrift es kündete, er der unerfchöpflich fichfelbft erfchuf, keiner Ableitung achtend, jede Rinne, jeden Canal, jeden See von Menfchenhand füllend, und der durch fein räthfel haftes Steigen und Fallen, Schrecken oder Segen verbreitend, [...]
[...] aus den Tiefen erinnerte ihn an den ,,urſchleim" deutfcher Natnrforſcher, und jedenfalls ift es merkwürdig daß der Voden der See in großen Tiefen bedeckt iſt mit Stoffen die einer Belebung fähig find. [...]
[...] Jünglinge und Männer mittleren Alters fchrecken vor dem Wagniß zurück, doch trifft fie deßhalb keineswegs Gering fchäßung. (Die Kajaken find bekanntlich Boote aus See hundsfellen, für einen einzigen Ruderer eingerichtet, der in der Mitte eingefchnallt fißt und mit dem Doppelruder fich [...]
[...] bewegt. Er muß das Gleichgewicht halten, denn wenn das Kajak nmfchlägt, ift er rettungslos verloren. Das Befahren einer rauhen See mit diefen leichten Booten ift daher ein Seiltänzerkunftftück und erfordert das kältefte Blut und die höchfte Gefchicklichkeit.) [...]
[...] ,ſonderer Eharakterzug unfers Bluts, der Engländer und Amerikaner, ift, fo befchloß fie den Gipfel des Kegels zu erklimmen, um einen Blick auſ den See ſiedender Lava zu werfen. Das Unternehmen war unbefonnen genug, und jeder-Vernünftige follte von einem folchen Verfuch abftehen, [...]
All the year round29.11.1873
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. November 1873
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] stand making possets, and applying Poul tices, and every art that ºn makº, home, happy; don't you see, my darling ? [...]
[...] likely to happen to myself than to you, Judith. More than five months have to clapse before I am permitted to see him, even if I do see him; and our prospects may be no brighter then than they are [...]
[...] Mrs. Montagu expressed a desire to see the manuscript of Miss Burney's comedy, Crisp despatched an urgent letter of caution. [...]
[...] manuscript of Miss Burney's comedy, Crisp despatched an urgent letter of caution. “Now, Fanny, this same seeing it (in a professed female wit, authoress, and Maecenas into the bargain) I fear implies [...]
[...] still have had nothing to fear. For where could I go to meet friendship more sincere? And whom could I see to inspire a more deserved return ?” Assuredly the man of whom so excellent [...]
[...] and was now starting on probably her last. Attendant and expectant nephews and nieces were zealously “seeing her off;” the grumpy cook from below stairs nodded farewells from her area; the housemaid [...]
[...] look down the long line of the street, and on to the Piazza Barberini, all full of closely-packed human beings, and we see a swaying movement in the throng, and presently some red dots breaking the dark [...]
[...] changed hearty greetings with his friend Jobling, and welcomed us on his account. “Servant, young gentlemen, glad to see you,” he said; and he asked, in a neigh bourly way, after the health of my uncle. [...]
[...] poetic, accounts of all the great prize-fights. “And that man over there, that man in gold spectacles—you see? next to the gent with the green shade over his off eye —there, leaning over the rope at this [...]
[...] mashed face of the Mudlark had swollen so that he could no longer see? It was horrible—it was sickening; and yet it pos sessed, I’m bound to say, certain fascinat [...]
All the year round22.01.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 22. Januar 1876
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] ciency of money. “Recalling this little incident the next time Miss Lipscott came to see me, and labouring under the difficulty which I usually experienced in finding anything [...]
[...] but county people.’ “‘I am sure she looks at the Misses Mallison, for I see her carriage there con stantly, and they have only a little bit of a cottage; and people say they arevery poor.” [...]
[...] cottage; and people say they arevery poor.” “‘So they are. Pa knows all about them. But then, you see, they're “county;” their nephew, Sir Rupert Mallison, is a great personage in Leicestershire, and they [...]
[...] quadrille which was being formed, before one of my innocent wishes was gratified. I had an opportunity of seeing Captain Simcox and Lieutenant Larkin “near,’ as I was accustomed to say to myself. The [...]
[...] “‘What funny things to carry about ! Why do you?' “‘That's just it, you see. Either there's no salt and no corkscrew forthcoming, and I am suddenly recognised as the benefactor [...]
[...] actress and ballad singer, of sixty years since, was Romanzini, and she was in truth of Jewish origin. But seeing that she was a great favourite with the Liver. pool people, before whom her first appear [...]
[...] “AH ! Senor Inglez, I see you're deter. mined to defy our climate! After the march that my husband led you through [...]
[...] “When we first came here, senor, a good many years ago, the place was very different from what you see it. My husband had got a grant of land from the Government, which was glad to give away [...]
[...] with the alphabet in any shape. “Is it missus's writing P” she asked. * “Yes; see, she talks of being so wretched. Why, God knows | Her mind has been quite unhinged. That is the only [...]
[...] He was seized with violent fits of shivering, and the doctor whom Mrs. Thimbleby sent for to see him, on her own responsibility, [...]
All the year round13.05.1876
  • Datum
    Samstag, 13. Mai 1876
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] inquiry—“the-that is—the person to whom it has all been left.” “Mr. Allen would see you in the study, sir.” “Who's Mr. Allen? What have I to [...]
[...] “Oh yes, Lady Juliana; if you would be so kind.” “Let me see. Come here to-morrow, and I can bring you to see one or two. I suppose you have an open barouche? Very [...]
[...] body of members or subscribers; among whom the underwriters are interested in seeing that a vessel is not classed more favourably than it deserves; while the shipowners are equally alert to insist that [...]
[...] Brussels “point-gaze.” Venice, again, supplied the material prized in the sump tuous period referred to ; but the far-seeing Colbert established the lace manufacture in France, and had the satisfaction of be [...]
[...] delightful society. I could understand it if he had been invited to Beech Lawn. I suppose you are sure to see him P' “‘Of course. I should see him under any circumstances, as we live in the same [...]
[...] kissed me in a strange emotional sort of way, and, to my astonishment, I felt that her face, which I could but dimly see, was wet with tears. “‘Madeleine ! what?— I began, but [...]
[...] # , Ey: not see W matter 0. Nºlatives [...]
[...] “‘Even so,’ he said, “everyone does not see with your eyes, or hers; and, in a matter of this kind, her father, and her relatives in general, would not think about [...]
[...] we must take it very soberly. I have only a word more to say; it is that I am thankful that I shall see my son in the posi tion which my lack of wisdom forfeited for him.’ [...]
[...] Madeleine Kindersley to Audrey Dwarris. Written at noon on the following day:— “Do come to me. I must see you, I cannot explain, and I cannot go to the Dingle House to-day. Clement came to [...]
All the year round15.03.1873
  • Datum
    Samstag, 15. März 1873
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] you, before I met you here.” “Did you?” said he; “but I did not See you; where was that ?” “At Malory, near Cardyllion, after the wreck of the Conway Castle, when Mr. [...]
[...] “Yes, very well; I have been trying to do him a service,” answered Mr. Blount. “See, see, there; see—those can't be wild ducks? Blessed are the peace-makers. I wish I could, and I think I may. Now, I [...]
[...] a person will probably visit Golden Friars, who intends you a mischief. So soon as you see, you will recognise your enemy. Yours, - A FRIEND. [...]
[...] beyond laughter to the sons of men. Let us see, for example, what would most pro bably have resulted in the present case: [...]
[...] as soon as this change became known. “I presume, sir,” he said, haughtily, to the doctor, “you will not oppose my seeing my friend at this crisis.” “On the contrary,” said the doctor. “I [...]
[...] come, that is, “should the man recover”— a favourite phrase of his—and then he would see. - Greatly changed, and greatly wasted, the figure of the prostrate Mr. Doughty was [...]
[...] prevented at all risks.” “But how,” said the other, quietly; “you see there is the difficulty. An in decent brawl, not at his door, as we had the other day, but round his bed—that [...]
[...] day, would be fatal.” “It would not be so difficult to exclude these Nagles altogether; but then, you see, the agitation x “Not to be thought of,” she said; “they [...]
[...] Lady Duke reflected a moment. “This is very honourable and creditable on your part; but I do not see how you are to be recompensed for so great a service.” [...]
[...] merely to defeat the discreditable attempts of others.” “Oh, that I see perfectly,” said Lady Duke. “We are for the interests of the deceased—I mean,” she said, colouring, [...]
All the year round20.05.1871
  • Datum
    Samstag, 20. Mai 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] don’t care, but I do.” “I don't think that very likely. I should not wonder if I were never to see him again,” said the young lady. “I should very much,” laughed Miss [...]
[...] cool since then, in one sense only. will be there, as sure as I am here. see. Put on your things, and come out, and we'll have a comfortable talk, quite to ourselves.” [...]
[...] nomer, and mechanic on earth. He has lately discovered, among other things, an instrument by which you may see the re verse side of the moon, and, oh, look there; do you see that lady, in purple satin, sit [...]
[...] know who she is P” “I think so. That's Lady Mardykes. But come, or they'll see me. I will con [...]
[...] portrait over the chimney-piece. He raised his eyes to the repulsive monastic portrait; but he could not see it ! Had it melted into shadow P The canvas seemed to present one sur [...]
[...] Doctor Malkin went to the window and looked out. The flower-garden lay beneath. He could see the arabesque pattern of the beds, in which the flowers were now closed and drooping. He could see in the [...]
[...] manifold layers of red cord round his waist, give him such a sacerdotal look, that I more than half expect to see an interesting Hindoo religious ceremony per formed. Why not ? There would have [...]
[...] any other drawback pertaining to it. When our carriage crosses the populous thoroughfares of the native town, we see a troubled stream of red and pure white, from the turbans and robes of the dense [...]
[...] further employment. My misgivings about the case strength ened very much when I came to see the prisoner. As he stood in the dock—allow ing for the fact that the dock is very try [...]
[...] sudden frightened start, burst madly down a drive. Again, see him on a breezy, open, heather clad moorland, depicting the fleeting gleams of sunshine and cloud-shadow, as they chase [...]
All the year round29.04.1871
  • Datum
    Samstag, 29. April 1871
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] nothing to delay me a moment.” And relenting a little, she added: “Mr. Marston, would you mind seeing me across the street? Old Hall Inn, exactly opposite.” [...]
[...] “I am introducing only a name, you see. You have known the lady some time,” said Miss Max, smiling very cheerfully. [...]
[...] versation. Marston shifted his point of observation to see more distinctly how Mr. Tewkesbury fared. That gentleman had made his way by [...]
[...] struck off each head as it was thrust from the sack.” “I see,” exclaimed Adolphus, “there is the passage which connects your story with that of the Forty Thieves. Here, of course, [...]
[...] [April 29, 1871.] 521 deed, I could see that my rather sudden return had taken them by surprise. There was a young fellow called Tithebarn, who [...]
[...] to declare solemnly the truth of the matter, under my hand. Thus distracted, and seeing what enor mous difficulties were before me in what appeared a very simple matter, I looked [...]
[...] what you are talking about.” “Then where is it ** he said. “Let us see it.” “I’ll convince you in a second,” I re plied. And I hurried him down to the [...]
[...] about as probable as that the moon should fall.” “Well, then,” he replied, “see the re [...]
[...] months elapsed after Marie's arrival in her new home before she had any opportunity of seeing her old friend and playfellow, Jean Delaroche. There chanced to be some special examinations, or academical disci [...]
[...] coast of the department of the Côtes du Nord. Nor did he see Marie Morel again before departing to begin his new duties. It cost him one more struggle—what was that in [...]
All the year round12.11.1870
  • Datum
    Samstag, 12. November 1870
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    London; New York, NY
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] to present themselves ''' he left father and daughter—the for mer quite overwhelmed. “You see, my dear, you brought on all this. It is most foolish of you. I told you there would be [...]
[...] invalid in charge, being refused admittance through lack of room, and then asking to see the master of the house, in order to demand an explanation, made him almost shudder. [...]
[...] this was “a sore place.” In this fashion the enemy was routed, and retreated. The Doctor went to see his patient and report progress. Burning with fury and mortification, Mrs. Leader [...]
[...] s See ALL THE YEAR Round, First Series, vol. xviii., p. 83. [...]
[...] every ancient stone and every venerable nook on all its classic ground. We soon exhaust the Castle and its treasures; see the regalia of Scotland; the crown on its cushion of crimson velvet, fringed with [...]
[...] the siege till they lost nearly three thou sand men. In 1779, Spain seeing England embar rassed with a French and an American war, seized the opportunity to have another [...]
[...] so, and when this sort of wholesale flirta tion was growing fast and furious, Myrrha suddenly came to her more sober self, seeing Mr. Stewart, sitting by Daisy, watching her amusedly. [...]
[...] admiration of her character perplexes me. I have the feeling that some day you will know her better, and see her differently, and then x - “Miss Brown, pause in time. You are [...]
[...] it answered; but—I'm afraid you'll be so dreadfully angry ſ” “You take the choice, you see, between risking my dreadful anger and losing the chance of gratifying your curiosity.” [...]
[...] don't want to take him from Aunt Daisy, if she means to have him; but if she doesn't, I don't see why she should play dog-in-the-manger.” [...]
Allgemeine ZeitungBeilage vom 05.01.1897
  • Datum
    Dienstag, 05. Januar 1897
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
    Tübingen; Stuttgart; Ulm; Augsburg; München
Anzahl der Treffer: 10
[...] der Nios Tuyra und Aputi, eines von Ost nach West fließenden Zuflusses des Tuyra. Wo die westliche Schleuse und wo die Dämme zur Schaffung des künstlichen Sees erbaut werden sollten, war nicht zu ersehen. [...]
[...] Sees etwas deutlicher zu erkennen waren. Ich nahm nun einige gute Karten jenes Gebietes zur Hand und kam bald zu der Ueberzeugung, daß ein Canal mit Scheitelbecken und [...]
[...] emen längeren Fragebogen aus und sandte ihn an Hrn. Karwiese. Als neu und genial erschien mir das Project Karwiese durch die Schaffung des künstlichen Sees, der die Durchstechung der breiten und hohen Ost- oder Haupt- Cordillere erleichtert, und für unmöglich kann ich es nicht [...]
[...] in Verbindung gebracht werden soll und so einen Damm herstellen, welcher das Ablaufen des Wassers unter 33 F. Tiefe verhindert und emen künstlichen See herstellt, welcher 38 F. Normaltiefe hat, oder m anderen Worten, dessen Wasserspiegel 38 F. über dem Oceanwasserspiegel ist zur [...]
[...] zusammenhängende Gebirgskette im Westen des Chucuund zwischen den Flüssen Davisa und Aputi. naqua Beide Ketten reichen bis an den Tuyra im Westen der Mündung des Chucunaqua. Der künstliche See, der den Kernpunkt des Projects bildet, wird durch Aufstauen des Chucunaqua und seiner Zuflüsse hergestellt. Es ist ganz [...]
[...] Kernpunkt des Projects bildet, wird durch Aufstauen des Chucunaqua und seiner Zuflüsse hergestellt. Es ist ganz ausgeschlossen, auch den Tuyra und seine zahlreichen Nebenaus Süden mit in den künstlichen See aufzunehmen. flüsse Auf die verwickelte, sehr verschieden dargestellte Hydrojenes Gebietes gehe ich nicht ein. Der Schwer- graphie Punkt liegt in der Orographie. Das Project steht und [...]
[...] flüsse Auf die verwickelte, sehr verschieden dargestellte Hydrojenes Gebietes gehe ich nicht ein. Der Schwer- graphie Punkt liegt in der Orographie. Das Project steht und fällt mit der Frage: kann der künstliche See geschaffen werden, d. h. ist er von der Natur bis zu einem gewissen Grade gegeben, vorgezeichnet. Als eine der besten Karten [...]
[...] des Davisa und im Norden des mittleren Tuyra vorhanden (Ausläufer von der Hanptcordillere), so muß das Project aufgegeben werden. Es wird schon genug Dämme erum den künstlichen See gen Westen abzuschließen. fordern, Diese Dämme müssen mit Ueberfallwehren und Schleusen versehen sein, um den Wasserstand im Scheitelbecken zu [...]
[...] im Darien Harbor und im Tuyra durch Bagger stets die Canaltiefe von 9 m zu erhalten, sie auch im überschwemmten Davisabette, d. h. im künstlichen See, zu behalten. Die in der Cordillere und im Tunnel ausgebrochenen Felsmassen werden das Material zu den Dämmen im See und zum [...]
[...] schätzung nur eine leidlich eingehende Darstellung finden können und zwar auf der Karte zu S. 80 bei Sullivan 1. c. Danach sieht es um den künstlichen See sehr übel aus, da die Höhenzüge nahe an beide Ufer des Davisa reichen und dieser Fluß sich in Krümmungen hindurchwindet. [...]
  • Datum
    Samstag, 18. März 1865
  • Erschienen
  • Verbreitungsort(e)
Anzahl der Treffer: 6
[...] nung vom 8. d. M. wird das Geſetz vom 25. Februar d. J., betreffend die in den Häfen der öſterreichiſchen Seeküſte zu zahlen den Tonnen-, See-, Sanitäts- und Kontumaz-Gebühren, kundgemacht, und unter gleichem Datum die Verordnung des Marine-Miniſteriums vom 25. v. M. verlautbart, welche die von den einheimiſchen Seeſchiffen, deren [...]
[...] feſtgeſetzt: 1 Admiral (General der Infanterie), 1 Kontre-Admiral (General major), 5 Kapitäns zur See (Oberſte), 10 Korvetten-Kapitäns (Oberſtlieu tenants oder Majors), 27 Kapitän-Lieutenants (Hauptleute), 37 Lieutenants zur See (Premier-Lieutenants), 38 Unterleutenants zur See (Sekonde [...]
[...] tenants oder Majors), 27 Kapitän-Lieutenants (Hauptleute), 37 Lieutenants zur See (Premier-Lieutenants), 38 Unterleutenants zur See (Sekonde Lieutenants). Zuſammen 119 Offiziere zur See. – 60 See-Kadeten, 81 Deckoffiziere (20 1. und 61 2. Klaſſe), 181 Matroſen-Unteroffiziere (60 1. und 121 2. Klaſſe), 1200 Matroſen (je 300 1. bis 4. Klaſſ), 300 [...]
[...] zer (je 13 1. bis 3. und 40 4. Klaſſe). Von den See-Offizieren ſind ein Kapitän zur See und zwei Kor vetten-Kapitäns im Marine-Miniſterium, je ein Korvetten-Kapitän als Kom mandeur der Matroſen-Stamm-Diviſion, Ober-Werft-Direktor in Danzig [...]
[...] tant beim Ober-Kommando der Marine angeſtellt. Im Marine-Miniſterium ſind zwei der etatsmäßigen Stellen vorläufig noch von Offizieren à la suite des See-Balaillons beſetzt. Der Etat des See-Bataillons beträgt 22 Offiziere, 66 Unteroffiziere, 20 Spielleute und 508 Seeſoldaten; der der beiden See-Artillerie Kom [...]
[...] Obgleich durch die Eroberung des Forts Fiſher das Einlaufen der unioniſtiſchen Flotte in den Hafen von Wilmington möglich geworden, und ſomit die Sperrung der feindlichen Kommunikation zur See erreicht war, glaubten die Führer der Land- und Seemacht die Operationen gegen die Feſtung dennoch fortſetzen zu müſſen. Zu dieſem Ende war General Sho [...]
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